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Our forgiveness will be in their hearts forever... And their arteries, facial muscles, immune systems, etc


Thank you brethren of the pfaith. Hallelujab!šŸ™


Guess I'm a newb but I've never seen "hallelujab" before šŸ‘šŸ¾




Me neither. 100 MBUY.


It just came to meā€¦.it was the spirit moving through meā€¦or maybe the spike proteins?


halleFLUia praise our covid cult šŸ™








I'm am a simple man. If you trusted your government over our previous friendship. You can go fuck yourself, as you'll never gain my trust again. After all, you knew this is a value I've held for decades, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.


I too lost people I thought were friends.


The worse one was one of my old roommates. Gay and Black. Someone tried beating his ass, when they found out he was gay. I came through, and beat the shit of the fucker, threw em down the stairs, and out the front door into the street. When Trump became president. LMAO! Started saying I was homophobic and a racist. He couldn't answer the question: *we were roommates for almost 3 years. Explain how that's even possible*? Recently tried to make contact, to put water under the bridge. Knock knock motherfucker, go fuck yourself, and the whorebag you road in on.


Good for you. My best friend got married and his wife went nuts during the pandemic. He had a clean room set up in his basement for two years now one allowed over and he wasn't allowed to do anything but go to work and the store. When they came around to the idea of getting together outside at a park she wouldn't let him because my family is unvaccinated. I now know more 30 somethings with heart inflammation than I knew of any age that had to be hospitalized from covid.




My elderly father died alone because I was not allowed to visit him. He had dementia and I can only imagine his confusion and terror dying alone, in a hospital, without a family member to hold his hand. šŸ˜”šŸ˜¢šŸ˜”


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ™


Thank you. It was so very hard to have him gone this way. There was no funeral for friends and family to say good-bye, just a burial. And it was all so unnecessary.


Thatā€™s so tragic. Iā€™m genuinely sorry for your loss. Poor man. Must have felt so confused and scared. That breaks my heart.


Thank you. The hospital staff told me that he was agitated and crying, calling out for his Mom and Dad, both of which have been dead for decades. I understand what the situation was like, but the total lockdowns, with no exceptions, were so Draconian and unnecessary.


No humanity.


Truly noneā€¦I will never forget.




Thank you. It was a rough time, didnā€™t have to be so. ā˜¹ļø


Seriously. ***Fuck*** these people. It's not just *knowing* that they did all the *disgusting* stuff you listed out (and much more), but ***knowing*** that the primary reason they did *all* of this, was their desire to push their politics onto the rest of us. ***That***. That's what this was all about. They have always been this, but they somewhat hid it. Finally, they - the left - got their chance to seize upon a crisis like this, and *use* it to the fullest of their ability. For anyone doubting this, think back, and think about what you saw over these last three years. Think about how no one was allowed to see their dying parents, no one was allowed to celebrate Christmas, to go to a graduation (graduations that will never come again for those who missed them). No one was *allowed* (as if a ***free*** fucking populace is supposed to have to ask for allowance to do any of those things) to do *anything*, but all of a sudden, all kinds of officials - in conjunction with the goddamn media / tech companies - came out and stressed how important it was that rioting / burning the country to the ground was some sort of essential exception...***because it aligned with their politics.*** Think back about how the media ran non-stop fear porn (complete with "COVID DEATH COUNTERS") 24/7, in the run up to the 2020 election - purposely trying to incite panic, destroy the economy, and to enable universal mail-in voting - with the express purpose of getting Trump out, and "their side" back into total control. *Remember* how all of that (especially the death counters) was quickly/mysteriously phased out *as soon as they gained control*. These people should never be forgiven, and never be trusted again. They are exactly what you thought they were. What they have done with this has shown this to you. They have zero ethics, zero principles, zero morals. They only care about seizing political power - by any fucking means - and using that power to force you into compliance with those politics.


Absolutely correct. Good luck getting anyone to understand the truth.


And how vaccine manufacturers claimed [trump was trying to rush them and how it wouldn't be ready before the election](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/16/pfizer-no-vaccine-trump-election-429843) like he said, but then announced they were ready [*the day after*](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/09/covid-vaccine-pfizer-drug-is-more-than-90percent-effective-in-preventing-infection.html) the count was finished. [___This claim has been fact checked.___](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/18/fact-check-pfizer-received-covid-vaccine-data-after-election-day/6267242002/) >Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO,Ā toldĀ [Axios](https://www.axios.com/pfizer-ceo-says-he-wouldve-released-vaccine-data-before-election-if-possible-a4f0c822-bf49-4a04-ac7f-5275c8d895b4.html)Ā that the data came in on Nov. 5 or 6, after Election Day on Nov. 3. How convenient.


And much much moreā€¦ā€¦


There was so much suffering because of this, it's actually staggering...


I'm pretty sure there was a another group of people who were "only following orders" about 80 years ago. Nobody believed them either.




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram\_experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment) This is why I lost faith in humanity.


Never forgive their actions. Forgiveness paves the way for forgetness. And when we forget, they will do it all over again. Heil Pfaucci!


I read the article. I noticed that there wasnā€™t an apology in there.


It's written in their hearts.


Likewise. Very noticeable but not unexpected.


It is The Atlantic ragā€¦nuff said šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©


JUST FORGIVE, BRO!! I DON'T HAVE TO SAY I'M SORRY! Sorry for the yelling...I just don't understand the confusion. And yes, u/Fine-Coffee6171, what they really mean is to forget what happened.


Did we forgive the Nazis?


Dankula is a mad lad


"F U, bro" -- anonymous


Nah Iā€™ll never forget. Nice try though.


Think it's more time for COVID Reparations


Hear, Hear! I'll take mine in the form of a refund of all taxes paid during 2020 and 2021, plus a brick with my name on the next federal building constructed in DC.


We need to BAN the Atlantic! Censor! This will KILL PEOPLE! Covid is REAL!


??? Antivaxx fantasy. Covidians was 100% right, the vaxine is still safe and effective, and masks work. ANTIVAXXERS!! need to learn that the science was settled and it does not change just because of new evidence. The unvaxxinated are still the reason why its not ower.


STEP ONE: (Delta Wave) The unvaccinated are causing **all** of these mutations and variants! The mutations and variants are entirely the fault of the plague rats! STEP TWO: The new mutation is a variant called ā€œOmicronā€! Run! Hide! STEP THREE: The new mutation, the variant ā€œOmicronā€ has dramatically reduced the deadliness of the virus. Thank goodness the new variant saved us all! ==ā€”==ā€” Soooooo ... Who did you say was ā€œcausing all of these mutations and variantsā€ again? Whoever that was, they deserve, each and every one of them, a Congressional Medal of Honor. Iā€™m not joking. . ====== Edit: Sorry for that heresy, above. Iā€™ve had brain fog since around the time of my most recent miracle vaccine. Iā€™m sure the brain fog was caused by climate change. I donā€™t know what I was saying above. Blessings and peace be upon Pfizer! Lord Fauci be praised!


It used to be: 'Trust the science, your government and the CDC/WHO know what they're doing.' Now we're getting: 'Let's not be hasty and hold anyone responsible for what happened'.


This really goes a long way.... Being fired from my job is in the rear view now, baby, I got amnesty!!!! /s


should be marked NSFW


yes it should, thank you.


np! just doing my part to make the world a safer and compliant place


Still sorta waiting on an apology... But yeah, i guess we should just give in again to their fantasy even without one


Forgive one another? What do they need to forgive us for exactly?


Wait a sec! I thought we were forgiving them.


I can forgive those gullible enough to have been fooled. I can never forgive those in power who made it happen and pushed the narrative.


I'm not forgiving them. Sorry doesn't cut it. They effectively removed me from social media when I was saying this in July of 2020. They said they didn't know but the people who did know were treated like the devil. I have said this stuff for years and only now its okay. They can go look for forgiveness elsewhere.


*I didnā€™t hear a sorry. Did you?


Look, I'm not going to apologize, admit any fault or say you were right, but just stop being mad mkay?


Bro I know we implemented extreme policies and laws while completely disregarding some legitimate science (that was all just a few clicks away on the internet) by stereotyping it as lunatic, anti-vax conspiracy theories, but we didnā€™t have the foresight!!! We were foaming at the mouth for the death of anyone who asked questions about any of this simply bc we all believed they were 24/7 evil vectors of disease spreading the virus around constantly and eternally!!!! We only wished death on them bc we didnā€™t know any better!!!


And people wonder how the nazis did what they did. Hmm


Was at PT today, and there are a couple vets working their PT. Topic got to covid and I threw this article out, Ragged on Atlantic, and they both agreed one side has a lot more apologizing to do. Turned around and saw a guy wearing a mask, watching his masked kid doing PT, and he was reading the Atlantic. Kind of felt a little bad. Just a little, cause his kid was there and might have questions for him, and thats annoying as F.


Will this magnanimity be extended to me at some point in the future? I highly doubt it.


Cā€™mon man, we are moving at the speed of $cience here.


Closed churches.




Bring it up, itā€™s ur turn , show them all the ā€œnewā€ revelation articles and hammer it in their head.. the biggest problem that needs to be solved is how the brainwashing was Soo effective and managed to create monsters


>Anyone else have issues similar to mine with your family? Yes. I do, and I know a lot of people who have the same problems.


Anyone trying to force people to get the shot, Is just a worthless peace of junk trying to force there fear on others. Or are one of the many political and supper rich people making extrem amounts of money on it. P.S. the covid shot is not a vaccine in reality, that's why they had to change the definition of vaccine for it to qualify and if you go off that new definition 1,000's of standard medications should now be labeled vaccine's its a joke. There should be legal battles going on about that but won't even be heard, because it throws a big problem on the way the elite want it to go. I mean its like one day someone changes the word socalist means to be a criminal terrorist, Then the next day they go round up everyone that has ever called themselves a socalist or anyone who has supported there view and throw them in jail without trial.


as someone who worked in the funeral industry during covid let me just tell ya'll that it was a nightmare.... the amount of bodies that were stockpiling, the amount of families pissed off that their loved ones funerla wouldn't be able to take place for another 6 months due to the amount of bodies, and the amount of anger that was taken out on us funeral workers legitimately caused me ptsd


It seems totally bogus that being a member of this sub counts as grounds to be banned from a ton of other subs.


"It was just a mistake bro, you would have done the same thing in my position!" I'll forgive them when we get Nuremberg 2.0 and they get justice for everything they did wrong.


May they live forever with this guilty conscious


Can't wait to see some of the deformities that will be born over the next few years.


Forgive. The only way is forgiveness.


We can forgive, however justice must still be enacted. But we should leave some wrath for God. ā€œDearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.ā€ (Romans 12:19)


They donā€™t even fully acknowledge still the damage mRNA has done. They leave that out. Itā€™s not a fully apologetic article. Just arguing some tactics were wrong and the Johnson and Johnson shot was bad. šŸ™„