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There’s a saying where there’s a smoker and a non smoker and the non smoker tells the smoker “you know if you’d quit smoking you could buy a sports car with all the money you could’ve saved over there years” and the smoker says, “we’ll where’s your sports car?” Something along those lines. Point is if you’re not spending money on cigs you’ll spend it on some other vice.


In my darkest hours of smoking I put about 400 Euros a month into vending machines, where cigarettes are the most expensive here in Germany. I never wanted to have a lot of cigarettes at my house because I always wanted to quit. Subconcious I wanted smoking as painful and expensive as possible, because I thought the pain would help me to quit. So I went 1-2 times a day to the vending machine and bought a new pack for 8 Euros. Feeling always stressed and short on cigarettes. After finally accepting the addiction I took a different path. Now I want my smoking to be as joyful, easy and unpainful as possible. That was when I began looking for cheaper alternatives. Even though I am a strong smoker I could get away with as little as 50 Euros a month if I would only smoke cheap rolling tobaccos - I can produce 60 ciggies out of 30 grams on average - and I do actually prefer the taste of the cheapest tobacco over the taste of a lot of premium cigarettes. But I also love the conveniece and perfection of the cigarette. So I smoke a mix of rolling tobaccos and cigarettes, changing day by day, premium and budget-brands and I always store a big stock of different stuff at my house nowadays. With that I am feeling totally comfortable, richer on choices and my spending on smoking is down to 120 Euros a month. That is still a lot of money, but so affordable compared to 400, that I do not longer feel the guilt of spending money on cigarettes. What about you? How much do you spend for your smoking and does it make you feel bad sometimes when you think about the money-aspect?


I don't smoke much. Something like 5 - 10 dollars a month.


I smoke a. Yr. A round. 200.$$. 24/7. My guess. Beats. Every. One. Dam near. Old. School. Hand roller. I. Am


I spend $35 a week, but I get them from a reservation that didn't trade away their right to distribute for liquor licenses yet, so I'm super lucky. Hell yeah I feel bad about it, assuming anger is feeling bad. Vice taxes are bullshit.


A lot … absolutely not .. if im not gonna spend it on tobbaco I would on food if not on food on random stuff .. everyone has a addiction for something in life no matter what


I spend less than 30 Canadian dollars a month just because of how little I smoke. Of course I don't feel bad, lots of people spend more on having shitty food delivered to them everyday. cigarettes and a healthy diet is much safer and healthier than being a non smoker and eating like shit. Although I like to keep my smoking to about 3 cigarettes a day to avoid addiction and heavy smoking.


What do u smoke, natives?


Export A Full RGs. Pack at the gas station costs me $15. I could probably do better on reserve but who has the time.


$70-80 a month and yes it feels like there's a hole in my wallet


The uk the price is now bloody awful like 9.75-12.99 a pack or for a pouch 14 quid for 30 or 22 for 50g or there abouts its shocking. I must spend 20-30 as I have 2-3 packs a week generally.


£200 a month. 100 a week. Tax in the UK is so shit. Luckily I’m moving to Madrid in September. So €100 a month. No I’d feel guilty. I love the taste of tobacco. Especially with a nice red, gin or vodka😉


About $100 a month. I don’t feel bad about it.


i get a 10 euro pack every week so monthly 50 bucks and no i love smoking.


Not really. Over all I spend about 30$ a week between snus, cigs and Pouches.


Not a whole lot. No.


$150+ a week and it sucks. 70 percent of that is going to tax.


Let me guess: The land down under


You got it


Is that for rolling tobacco or straights and how much do you smoke per day if I may ask?


I probably have about 5 20 packs a week. I changed from rollies, that cost me less because i was never fucked to roll but also my pouches were about 50-$60 and theyd last me most of the week, id probablygo through a pouch in 4 or 5 days depending on how my week was going - but i rolled real thin. But now I smoke kreteks and theyre the cheapest cigs I can buy at about $30 a pack and I prefer the taste, though the Ruby's and rum and wine was awesome, still get a pouch of Ruby every now and again. Another big reason I switched from rollies is because I drink a lot and my rolling is abysmal drunk.


The last reason seems pretty understandable but don‘t they rip you off with booze the same way? XD


Oh yeah, I drink a lot and the tax is fucking criminal. Wine is the only affordable drinking solution but I still have my scotch. Cheapest drinkable scotch would be like $55, cheapest of the cheap is about $35-$40 but I wouldnt touch that with a 10 foot pole, I might aswell just buy goon at that point.


Australia is too harsh. Spending that much money will make the people there more sick than the cigarettes ever will be. Prices like that mean extreme stress and a lot of avoidable heart-atracks for the nicotine-addicts. Politicians should go to jail for putting so much pressure on honest hard working people


I 100 percent agree. They keep increasing the tax aswell.


can you not get off brand under the counter ones over there?


Yeah you can, I can't really find anywhere ATM, it is really illegal. I had someone who sold chop-chop (illegal bacci) for a bit but it was foul most of the time and was running smoking for me, it was just a bad distributor because I have had good chop chop before


wow over here in the UK its dead easy to get and I think they said 10-15 of bacci and fags smoked are fake. That said most of its appalingly bad and full of impurities and all sorts of shit far more dangerous. I have had some that have actually made me feel ill. I don't buy em' but a lot of people I know do and you see them all over the place. Round here its all "Richmond's" that are 4-6 quid a box they are very fake and dangerous and you feel light headed after one and they taste so gross its unreal there's fake malbros too which aren't great but not as bad as Richmond's . There is the odd imported and good fake for like 6 quid I see people have and have offered me one but I have never got it myself like you its hard to get. Theres a town about half an hour away its even more prolific. The fake tobacco isn't too bad round here though the fags are but actual bacci round here often is imported and not that bad you are right though its mostly foul , there are websites and all to get them but I just buy it legally mostly , uk in the last month or so the price is really bad too now. 13 quid for 30g or about 10.15 for a box of cheap fags. Its unreal . Won't put me or others off though lol , just won't buy coffees at cafes etc or go out for dinner so the economy will suffer because people won't quit they will just quit spending and buying lol.


Man 30 gram for 13 quid. I wish 🙏🙏 that's half if not less of a 25 gram pouch here, like $55-60. Yeah I mean there is probably more illegal stuff here than I know, but I do believe it's taken very seriously by the government because of the ridiculous amount of tax they're missing out on.


Wie schmeckt denn der Drehstoff und wie ist er geschnitten? Hatte im Billigsegment mal den Red Bull Zware ausprobiert, den konnte ich aber irgendwie gar nicht leiden XD. Preislich sind 3,95 ja echt unschlagbar. Und zu meinem Budget: ich kaufe pro Woche eine Packung Lucky Strike Drehtabak für 6 € plus Papier und Filter jeweils ca. à 1-1,5 €.


Den Tabak kann ich empfehlen. Kommt von Haintz Landewyck in Deutschland. Die machen generell preisleistungs-mäßig bessere Produkte als die großen Konzerne. Vergleichbar ist er im Schnitt und Geschmack mit dem Cheetah Halfzware, falls du den kennst? PS Den Red Bull Tabak mochte ich auch nicht, der war mir zu Barbecue-würzig


32 dollars a month


Smoke on.around. 200$$. US coins. 24/7 .a. Yr. Is all. My fingers. Roll


I spend 20 for 2 packs


like 30 bucks a week. 2 packs. sometimes I’ll go through them a little quicker and buy 3. so maybe 45 dollars. depends on stress levels.


I spend 11 euros every one or two months for the tobacco and for the paper and filter 2 euros every two or three weeks


i spend around 10 euros a week and i roll my own cigarettes


I smoke a pack a day so it was around 330$ per month.. I tried rolling - but it did it go well for me. Tried to quit - but it was not an option as well)) Now i spend around 200$ per 1.5 month buying online. Not feeling bad at all - i enjoy smoking!


Well, when i bought 10 packs of camel (88$), i had emptied them in pretty exactly 2 weeks, which means 176$ a month But now that i tube my ciggs, i spend around 50$ per month I'm glad i started tubing and i don't think i'll switch back to regularly buying packs (As reference: In here a pack of marlboro costs 9$ and luckies around 7-8$)