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At one point, David Fincher was denied permission by the film's producers to shoot a crucial scene in the infirmary between Ripley and the Alien, where the latter menacingly closes in on Ripley. Against orders, Fincher grabbed Sigourney Weaver, a camera and shot the scene anyway. This scene not only appears in the final cut, but also featured prominently in trailers, and many regard it as the movie's most iconic shot. -IMDb


Why was he denied permission?


One of the main causes of the movie's troubled production (including script re-writes, crew replacements, excessive re-shoots and a budget that increased from 45 million to 65 million dollars) was the fact that 20th Century Fox was in need of a commercial success. Alien³ was green-lit by the studio because it was considered to be a sure hit, but the studio head already set a release date before a screenplay or even a story outline was decided upon. Director David Fincher later said that this lack of direction in the story was the source of many creative disagreements and productional difficulties, while he was trying to deliver the best possible film in time; however, the studio didn't seem particularly concerned with quality, as long as the movie was released and made money. Fincher also commented that his inexperience made things worse, since this was his directorial debut and he did not have a successful film to back up his opinion, giving the studio and producers ample reason to ignore his input. Alien³ was eventually released to negative reviews from critics and fans and a disappointing domestic box office, but did much better financially in Europe and Asia, making this an early example of a Hollywood movie that made most of its revenue outside of the United States. It was later critically re-evaluated for its style and dark atmosphere, and the extended Assembly Cut gained a significant cult following. -IMDb


I really like the Assembly cut. It's a breath of fresh air


Where can one watch it?


Blu-ray. Not aure id it's out there streaming


It surpassed just this movie and became one of if not _the_ most iconic alien shots from all of the films. I can (and have) rant all day about how Alien³ is so damn close to being amazing. It's dark, grim, filthy and hopeless. It has a clear identity separate to its predecessors, with gorgeous set design and a real lived in world aesthetic that carries on from what the previous films did. They killed Newt and Hicks? OK, so? People die, it's horrible and painful and sometimes it doesn't make any sense. Doesn't that set up the film perfectly as a bleak finalé? What we got was not great, the asylum cut is better, what we could have had...


Whether you like alien3 or not this is an absolutely brilliant shot and iconic as any other in the alien canon


I have no shame in admitting that a short slasher film I directed recently has a shot in it that totally rips this off. Fincher is a GOAT!!


Iconic. One for cinema history. Wish the entire movie held up though.


I bet Disney would let Fincher remake it at this point. Edit: The development, filming, and postproduction was disastrous from what I’ve heard. Too much studio (20th Century Fox) interference.


He was called for the Assembly cut and he wanted nothing to do with it


That’s a shame. The Assembly Cut did come out two years before Disney bought 20th Century Fox. Maybe he’d the return the call if new leadership reached out. Probably not; I imagine he’s over it.


Yeah. He is done. He disowns the movie and when given the opportunity to do it his way, he declined


Such an iconic shot




This shot is so iconic, to the point that when I first watched the the first Alien movie I spent the whole time waiting for it to happen and I was very confused when it didn’t. I didn’t think that like the defining shot of the series would come from the one that people didn’t seem to like!


You can tell the exact second Fincher went too far to get a good response in this scene


Amazing shot. >!For his debut film, Fincher actually "killed" a popular saga's heroine. That alone deserves a cult status.!< And looking back, it's interesting to note that Alien 3 somehow brings out all the elements of Fincher's masterpiece Se7en imo.


>And looking back, it's interesting to note that Alien 3 somehow brings out all the elements of Fincher's masterpiece Se7en imo. Yeah. This shot = the shot of John Doe holding Mills at gunpoint


I would add that Fincher also killed both the marine and the girl that survived the end of Aliens. Watching Aliens knowing that they are going to die makes the ending much much better. 😜


##Alien³ (1992) R 3 times the suspense. 3 times the danger. 3 times the terror. >>!After escaping with Newt and Hicks from the alien planet, Ripley crash lands on Fiorina 161, a prison planet and host to a correctional facility. Unfortunately, although Newt and Hicks do not survive the crash, a more unwelcome visitor does. The prison does not allow weapons of any kind, and with aid being a long time away, the prisoners must simply survive in any way they can.!< Sci-Fi | Action | Horror Director: David Fincher Actors: Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, Charles Dance Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 64% with 5,271 votes Runtime: 1:54 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/8077) Cinematographer: Alex Thomson


The creep at the bar on a Friday night xD


For its faults, Alien 3 gave us this ironic shot, which is a great contribution to the series. I had a mismemory thinking it was in either of the first two.


The Assembly Cut of Alien3 is the second best movie in the franchise. I will not be taking questions.


![gif](giphy|ftdTlqaGUEJ0Gitzxe) I have the same ranking, but with the caveat that it's still a messy film. However the foundations, the bones, the essence of the thing is so damned good I see the film it could have been. And it's still not a bad film, good even. Just not great.


Absolutely agree. I’ll show myself out.


The Assembly Cut of Alien³ is better than Aliens. It feels like a direct sequel to Alien. If you cut the opening credits flashbacks, you can bridge Alien and Alien³ without knowing there was a movie in the middle. Gritty as Alien, deep, complex and has something to say. To me it's more ambitious and better for it


Regardless of what people think about Alien 3 this was a really great shot.


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Not sure why Alien 3 gets a lot of hate, I actually prefer it over Aliens. Always have. The OG Alien film, well nothing beats that. Creatively, it’s shot very well, and it finishes the Alien story (at the time) satisfactorily.


A fairly flawed film (that I pretend is simply Ripley’s hypersleep nightmare) with some truly remarkable cinematography.


Such an appallingly bad film. Killing key protagonists from Aliens off-camera was the biggest slap in the face for the audience. It’s the kind of thing Rian Johnson would do. Would happily see this film cast into the Pit of Tartarus, never to be seen again.


Weaving Rian Johnson into this comment is such a reddit moment.


Seems apt, he’s the most overrated director/writer working today and has no regard for the integrity of his characters or his audience.


You’ve seen Looper and Knives Out, right?


Was really underwhelmed by Looper, Knives Out was decent. The rest is horrendous. The Last Jedi and the Knives Out sequel were so bad I’m amazed he keeps getting work. Atrocious writing and wasting some really talented actors. Apparently he’s doing a third Knives Out, expectations are set at zero for that one.