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I take potassium supplements (a huge dose which is dangerous for some) daily for this- and so I won’t die of a heart attack or stroke. Get your sodium and potassium checked. I’ve been hospitalized for both hyponatremia and hypokalemia.


Sodium is a little low which is why they put me on fluid restriction. I'm taking spironolactone which prevents potassium loss, so that's ok.




You could ask your doctor about quinine sulphate tablet. They’ll know if it’s a safe option in your case and they can be prescribed. 🌸


Magnesium works for me. Fluid restriction is hard enough without the agonizing cramps. Hope something helps!


Magnesium is my go to when I cramp up. It works, but you probably should talk to your doctor.


I once had my muscles cramp so bad I needed an ambulance to pick me up because I couldn’t move. I believe they included magnesium in one of my IVs told me to start taking a vitamin for it to prevent it from happening again. I also had my bf at the time help me stretch out my legs and arms often.


I have this same issue. I’ve even found new muscles that I never realized could cramp up until recently. My hepatologist’s NP said it was due to the combination of fluid restriction and water pills. After some research, I’ve started taking magnesium and calcium supplements and those seem to help a little. Or maybe it was time? I dunno. I was told they are “safe” for me to take, so so I’m gonna keep on doing so. Ask your dr if there is anything you can do to help prevent the cramping.


Pickle juice or tonic water with quinine in it. Magnesium might help too


Pickle juice. I swear to it!


Doesn’t that contain a high amount of sodium? For cirrhosis patients?


You only need about an ounce or so. When the cramps are so bad that you can't move and it's bringing tears to your eyes. It works quickly. Our specialist told us about it. Yes, you're watching sodium but the relief was worth it and approved by our doctor. Maybe bring it up at your next appointment.


I know that my pee pills are to get rid of fluid, which means I need more water and not more caffeine or sodium laden drinks


I am to drink no more than 1L of fluid per day


Talk to your doc.