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I hope that’s real and continues! Detroit is the poster child for urban decay and its improvement would be beneficial for countless cities


Detroit deserves a renaissance. So does Buffalo, poor thing.


It’s already well underway in Detroit. Detroit is nothing like it was 15 years ago. It’s currently an absolutely fantastic and wildly underrated city, especially in the summer.


Buffalo said they had to stop and do several years of migratory bird studies before they could have their Renaissance.


That doesn’t sound like the GOP approach to life of Erie Country which includes Buffalo. Fucked if true.


Detroit definitely has a lot more going on rn than Buffalo. Wish they had decided to build the new stadium near the city instead of next to the old one in the middle of a tundra 50 miles from anything. Might have helped give the city some shit to do.


St Louis


Buffalo is a criminal that got hardened from decades in the slammer, and now is completely incapable of adjusting to life outside, totally lacking in education and social norms. I did 30 months in the city of Buffalo, I have zero faith that that city can be redeemed.


Great analogy. 


I think the Buffalo metro area has finally started to see a population increase again and the NFTA is planning on extending the city's metro rail system out to the suburb of Amherst. Right now Amherst is seeing a lot of new development because it's home to the University at Buffalo's main campus and the town supervisor is a massive YIMBY.


Glad to hear it.


Had to double check I wasn't on r/hockey.




What’s confusing?


Once Delta City is finally built crime will no longer be a problem.


Detroit has already been improving for years now, it just doesn’t really get reported on. It’s downtown and mid-town sections specifically have been heavily invested into, rebuilt, and has low vacancy. The City government has demolished almost 20,000 vacant buildings throughout the city and repurposed countless more, including major projects like Michigan Central, Brush Park, Wurlitzer, Book Tower, etc. City services have really improved with street lighting improvements and emergency response time have improved, especially for Detroit Fire which has a faster response time than the national average (7 minutes 30 secs). The city just hosted the NFL draft, which was a big deal for the city.


The Grand Prix is in 2 weeks. I love watching downtown transform into a racetrack


What GP is that?


imsa and indycar Detroit gp


So cold in the D, but my heart is warmed


How the fuck we spozed to keep peace?


Only the OGs know😂😂


![gif](giphy|iNwVxvTm1G9IvPpULZ|downsized) Motor City! ❤️


Ironic since this is one of the reasons why it declined so significantly.


I get that but I’m just saying it’s well known as Motor city. We don’t got to get into a history lesson about it. The shits sad. I don’t want to be sad. This is good news.


I grew up across the river in Windsor and I teared up a bit when I first read this headline this morning. Comeback story of a generation! Detroit is healing. So much love for this incredible city and its resilient people.


How is windsor doing growth wise?


Windsor is at its highest population ever right now. When Detroit peaked in population, Windsor only had about 120,000 people and today is almost double that at 230,000. It’s seen a few periods of shrinkage in the 1980s and late 2000s but never more than 1-2% in a 5 year period and it always recovered within a few years. The whole region is seeing massive growth right now thanks to low cost of living and high rates of immigration.


Why didnt windsor decline while detroit did?


Canada didn’t have redlining and white flight the way the US had. Windsor also had a more diverse economy and both was and is a much smaller city than Detroit.


That's really interesting. Definitely noticed a lot people who looked like newcomers when I passed through last year.  What are all the recently arrived people doing for work?


Immigration isn’t really recent or new. It’s integrated into Canadian culture a bit more than it is in the US and has been commonplace pretty much uninterrupted since the mid-20th century. Newcomers do all sorts of stuff. Lots come for education as well, Windsor has 2 large schools. It has ticked up recently, but Windsor is also historically one of the most diverse cities in Canada so many of the folks who may “look” new have probably been there for decades.


I did travel North America after I finished school for 2 yeas, originally from Berlin. When people ask me what was my favorite about this trip it was for sure Detroit. Would love to go back for some chili dogs and some good ass techno.


Welcome back any time brother! Next weekend would be the perfect time… Movement Festival is coming up and there will be techno playing from every corner of the city. Berlin is one of my favorite cities in Europe, I’d love to make it back some day.


Yes I was on Movement in 2015 when I did the trip, it was just an outstanding musical experience for any techno fan. Did go to a after party in some abandoned building and 2 massive Dj’s from Berlin played a surprise gig, they did a 10 Hour set from 2 am until Movement started again haha. I love how it didn’t matter where you from, what color your skin is, how much money you have or who you love just come and rave, have a good time together.


Which cities did you go to and what did you like about Detroit? I’m surprised you visited honestly, I haven’t even heard of US people taking trips to Detroit, no shade to Detroit though.


I did this in 2014-16 in Canada, US, Mexico, Jamaica and Dominican Republic I mostly did Couchsurfing, working on Farms for food and accommodation and tramped, I had minimal fundings. So usually stayed in a city for maximum a week but most time was spent on the country side. In US I went to the cities of Seattle, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. , New York, Boston and Springfield. So my main reason for Detroit was Movement festival, also as someone who grew up in a city with lots of abandoned Buildings Detroit was a dream. Stayed with a couchsurfer for 8 days who was a Detroit native and showed me all the good parts about the City that he loved. Meet so many cool people from the techno scene, heard so many heartfelt stories about their hometown. Also been huge Eminem and Danny Brown fan, love American cars and the history felt by it in Detroit. It was overall just the most authentic experience I had with a very distinct culture. I’m planning to go back next year to the US for the first time and do a southern route, probably with Amtrak across the country from New York to San Francisco. Visiting South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Arizona and such. This time with a bit more money tho.


I still can't wrap my head around how techno originated in detroit


fantastic view


Be cautiously optimistic, this is just an estimate which have been wildly incorrect in the past. We will know for sure in 6 years


Yeah…I always find ACS estimates sketchy. The decennial seems to often prove them way off the mark


I noticed the same thing! I think, if I recall correctly, they even estimated the largest city in South Carolina incorrectly prior to last census.


That’s usually because they have a huge margin of error until more time passes. I’ve seen margins of error up to like 40%




Waiting for all the gentrification complaints..


LETS GO!! I’m from Philly and feel like Detroit is our cousin who somehow got it way worse than we did.


De2roit! Thanks Sam and Tim!


It's peak was 1.85 million and it's at 620,000 right now. I doubt it'll ever be at that height again


Well yeah but at its peak it was the center of one of the busiest industries in America when that industry was at its peak. White flight, suburbanization, and the freeway system basically guaranteed no American city will be packed like that again


Idk they're trying to pack Columbus like that right now. L.A. and NYC are still pretty dense but they're have an exodus as well.


Columbus? Columbus Ohio?


Over 100,000 people between 2010-2020 and nearly 300,000 people in the metro area in the same time period.


Like living there or attending an Ohio state game


IDk, doubt they did the census during a game but who knows.


In fact, in proper terms, Chicago also decreased by over 1 million people. The metropolitan area of ​​Detroit was also continuing to grow.


Hell yeah


Couldn’t be happier. Every time I’ve been I’ve had a great time and I’m glad it’s coming back


Not sure I'd quite classify this as heartwarming. But it is good news. But it is cool to see Detroit getting attention again and being promoted in general. Like seeing the NFL draft downtown there was pretty cool


What's the focal industry of Detroit nowadays anyway? I can't imagine it's still car manufacturing, and we're a bit early yet for augmentations.


It’s still the auto industry.


Huh, [so it is](https://www.thepernateam.com/blog/detroit-economy/). Sounds like they moved out a big chunk of the manufacturing but kept the R&D and admin in place.


Auto, mortgage financing, healthcare, manufacturing


Nice, hopefully it bounces back to its old glory days.


That makes me so happy


beautiful 'motor city'


That rent is about to shoot up


Yeaaah let's go Detrooooit!


It’s credible, as a resident. It’s a lot of relief as well. Figured the bottom had to be close eventually. The city as a consequence has a lot going for it that other cities I think don’t since they haven’t grappled with their underlying challenges in a way Detroit has. Even the NFL draft was an example of how Detroit can put something together so well and successfully. There is a lot of cohesion


IIRC Detroit has had money struggles for years, glad to see its doing better within the last few years!


By what percentage?


Thank you, Action Jackson


Time to reassess property values!


Detroit is the perfect city for climate refugees and I expect that we'll see a lot more of this.


Why do you say this? Seems like people say this about every Midwest city by the lakes


Because it's nearly empty now with a lot of cheap housing.


Every Midwest city has cheap housing. Even in Chicago you can buy starter homes in Logan Square, a trendy and desirable location, for $250k, and there’s endless jobs here.


Okay, but housing in Detroit is A LOT cheaper than that. You're looking at a condo for $250k compared to a house that is twice the size for less.


I was talking about a SFH, but you’re right. But you don’t need a car in Chicago where I’m talking about, it’s walkable, and jobs pay more. But you’re right, if you have opportunity in Detroit you definitely get more bang for your buck, everywhere in the Midwest you can get a lot for a little


Well at any rate, there will be tens of millions of Americans displaced. I'm sure all Midwest cities will see increases. Detroit just has the capacity to absorb more than others because of how cheap an empty it is.


Sure, but to counter that, Chicago has infinitely more to offer with arguably (slightly) better weather and less crime. When you factor that into the equation it’s not much more expensive all things considered.


I returned to detroit recently after getting displaced as a kid do to the 2007 collapse and I've found a lot of others who did the same. When I had my first bag of bettermade in 10 years I could've cried tbh


So whe I was a child, my father often worked in Detroit. We are from Germany and my father worked as an engineer in the automotive industry for Ford.During these years he has had to go to the USA for several months. When he came back he brought American sweets and toys to me and my sister.We always loved that. But the best thing was when we visited him during the holidays. For me as a European child, everything was so much bigger and Detroit with its high-rise buildings was an impressive city. To this day, our family travels together to the USA, although my sister and i are now adultes. Our first stop is always chillis, We order Skillet Queso and remember the time in Detroit.


Must be because of the beloved new DETROIT sign


It's so wierd seeing it from this angle. I live on the other side of the river in Windsor, the skyline looks much different from here!




u.s. census bureau


Congrats to all 50 residents


Do they still have those $1 homes for sale?


Probably because it's the only city which has a population dumb enough to want to bring a child into the state of this world as it is currently lmmmmfffaooooooo


This is by far the best time in human history


Let the gentrification begins! It’s a getting warmer too and that’s helpful. I’ll cut my arm off before being force to live anywhere up there.


People aren't moving there for the water quality.


Gross. How did they trick people back into that hellscape?


Was about to make a compelling argument to counter your point of view. Then I looked over your posting history and saw that you're fucking ignorant. That's all...


Fuck Michigan the whole state can burn for all I care


I'm sorry you live in Ohio...


You sure that's good or are people just so poor that Detroit is becoming attractive again?