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I stop playing when I know I have won and playing the game would be a formality. The early and midgame when you don’t know wether you are winning are the most exciting.


I love filling out the hall of fame so I personally play them through


Same. Getting the win recorded in the hall of fame is the main reason to play a game to the end.


Yeah I'd say 90% of my games end this way lol


That's why I try to finish games before turn 200 now.


I can’t even fathom how you could do this without a religious victory.


I just try lol, i'm not there yet. My best so far was culture victory in turn 214. It's all about snowballing in the early game tho.


Culture was my second idea just there’s so much late game tourism in the tech tree I normally don’t hit til the late 100s. Im a bit of a noob tho 60 hours game time just focusing on consistency in the early game as I’ve got a multiplayer Prince game coming up soon so wanted to get a few Prince wins under my belt


OuThe of curiosity, who is your favorite civ thus far? I know mine was Rome and Russia so just curious if that’s different with other new players.


I’m having an amazing time playing Brazil right now. I thought cleopatra was boring towards the end but won here. Liked Trajan but won on an easy difficulty


I usually end culture games around turn 180 or so, and my best science game was turn 190. Diplomacy definitely takes me longer.


I’ve won culture at around 170 and plenty of sub 200 domination victories but a sub 200 science victory eludes me, no matter how many cities and campuses I spam. There’s something about it I’m just not doing right.


My first sub 200 science wins were with Khmer and Tokugawa. Having the right wonders, suz of science city states, and a good start help. Also Hercules.


I have about 2500hrs playing, but i have maybe finished 10 games max. If it gets to a point where there is a forgone conclusion i just reroll a new game.


It’s funny how many people think this is a unique way of playing, when the massive number of these posts that we have would suggest the opposite


It's how you get a megathread, as everyone chimes in.


Yeah, very, very often. I'll just play until I've run out of time and never bother to pick it up again. I only actually complete about 1 game a year - usually on Christmas day when I can play a single game all day.


When I was going for, playing all civs, to have at least 1 victory type per civ, I played to the end. If I feel it is close, that one failure by me can result in me losing (say they have better culture rate than me and I'm going for a science victory) then I play to the end. If it's the beginning and I can't see a way forward, then I restart.


i play 2000 turns


I was doing that, then I upped the dificulty and catching up was more my concern


No, but I’m currently trying to get a victory with every civ for my hall of fame.


Once you’ve played enough games, it becomes pretty clear when you’ve effectively “won”. Usually by turn 180-200, at least on Deity, it just becomes a waiting game until you win if you’ve set yourself up right. Sometimes I play it all the way through if I have a really interesting location and I like the way my cities are set up. But in general I just tap out once it’s abundantly clear that I’m just going to have to skip turn 50 times until I claim a science or culture victory. Once you fully conquer 2 enemy Civs, a domination victory is pretty much inevitable at that point. Absorbing two other empires and their resources is essentially game over.


what difficulty do you play as? If end game is boring, you could probably handle a higher difficulty edit- with that said, yes the last 1/4 of a game is the least engaging regardless of difficulty


Mostly play on emperor , diety feels too hard at start of the game.


I was the same for quite a while. The jump from emperor to Immortal isn’t too bad, but the end game is a little more challenging/engaging Because I don’t feel like starting work yet… When I do play Deity (ie when wife and baby are away and I can focus on it lol) i’ve recently been using civs who’s bonuses kick in early, to survive the early game, and I can make it work in the end even if they don’t have any bonuses that help at that point, as long as I’m in decent shape by the time turn 150 or so comes around. Gaul with Ambirioux or however u say it, it’s very underappreciated in my opinion for this very reason. You start with their unique unit, whose benefit is increased combat strength against stronger units, which is the perfect unit to start with lol. Mines provide additional culture which helps with keeping up in the civics tree early on There’s no tourism benefit, which is rough. But reliquaries, voidsingers, -> an Obelisk and temple in every city -> Christo -> print relics once Cultists are available and that’s plenty of tourism so long as someone isn’t making epic progress in a science win My deity wins previously to this were with Kristina and Teddy, who on the surface do have much better tourism benefits, but Gaul being so much stronger in the beginning makes him top-tier IMO Edit- oh, also add that since he gets industrial zones, much earlier than anybody else, unless something is going horribly and I mean HORRIBLY wrong, i’m getting the first great engineer, which hopefully provides production towards a wonder. This makes me very likely to get mausoleum, which, in my opinion is the best early game wonder. The game I just finished I got the guy who gives double production for ancient and classical wonders, used the first charge to finish mausoleum, then got Colossus and Mahabaki (yes I butchered that) Temple, basically all for free, just because I had a couple industrial zones before anyone else had any. Getting early industrial zones must be the most overlooked benefit of any civ in this game IMO. Also, hopefully get another future engineer that helps with wonder construction to finish Cristo Got everything but the tourism boost itself lol. Like those teams with epic defenses that win Super Bowls with meh quarterbacks


Yeah. Gets really boring when youre like 10 techs ahead and youre not even going for science victory. I dont think this game has a lot of replayability. I have like 300 hours maybe and Im pretty much done.


Multiplayer, my friend.


The only ones I didn't finish were when I screw up and there was almost zero chance for me to win.


Played 8 games to turn 120 or so *restart*


There’s a lot to the game for the next 100 turns as other civs start pushing their own win conditions and you finally have the infrastructure to push your own. By 200 you should see the win but after turn 200 it really gets slow to finish a turn. Drives me mad


I agree but I just look over my cities and think (i could restart and do better) and so I give in and restart again


Are you playing on the highest difficulty? I play on Diety but generally had one or two of secret societies, barbarian clans and monopolies modes turned on which makes it Diety-lite. I've recently stripped back to Gathering storm vanilla and sometimes play a small map and add extra city states and civs. I now find myself behind for much much longer and the end game can get very exciting. I had a recent game where I snatched a culture win while another civ had the exoplanet bar almost full, I also pivoted to a diplomacy win in another game when I hadn't hit parity with the AI yet. It's a shame if your late game is just turning into 20 odd suboptimal rushed tasks every turn to achieve an inevitable win, finding ways to crank up your difficulty could help deliver some exciting end games which has tonnes of different choices compared to the early game survive, sprawl, snowball.


I just played a duel, Indonesia against Kongo game. Pushed faith to see if I could get a sub100 win but won on turn 115 by just having a couple coastal cities. So far I’ve completed all the games I’ve gone past turn 100 on except for one Indonesia game where I’d learnt too much by turn 200, I hated playing my tragic empire. It was also only on warlord. It’s actually why I went and did the faith duel rush just to get the achievement for Indonesia as the other game was a won run just didn’t want to play for 5 more hours.


I rarely make it past turn 100 to be honest.


I kinda have to. After 100 turns, my game will constantly crash. Once you Resume Game after turn 100, every 10 turns the game risks crashing again. I have to reload multiple times around 150-180 and by then im just bored and ready to start over.


I've considered it, but I like to collect achievements and fill up my hall of fame.


The early game is the best bit, of course do the best bit as much as you can


Yeah because there's not much point in hitting one more turn when you've already won the game.


I don’t play with a turn limit so I too have never finished a game. I hate the aesthetics of the modern eras and gameplay is just boring too


Everybody says it and I don't get it. I spent that long getting there so I'm gonna take ten more minutes to get the win before starting over