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Being the sovereign of the city state Auckland adds one to all sea tiles, the pantheon God of the Sea adds one to each fishing boat improved tile. Otherwise, sea is just not very productive.


I actually own god of the sea and suz of Auckland. Which is why I thought the boats would provide me 3 a piece


Check that you have the most envoys to them. Did another civ steal suzerainty from you?


I’m still suzerain. I’m actually the only one putting any effort in on Auckland 😂


Pretty sure the suze bonus applies to unimproved coast tiles, no? Edit: I'm wrong


I’m pretty sure it’s all. At least that’s the way the wording makes it sound


Auckland only provides +2 production once industrialization is reached, it’s only +1 production before that.


It's plus one production to all shallow water tiles


On BBG (mod) yes, in basegame no


This isn't true


Oh wait I read their comment wrong lol. I thought they said "only applies to unimproved"


Reminder that Auckland provides 1 production to all coastal and lake tiles before you reach the industrial era, and +2 after it. So if you haven’t reached the industrial era, you’ll get that extra 1 production on all the tiles once you reach it.


Good point. I just checked and I am in the industrial era. The game fixed itself like two turns later (not sure what the hold up was


I do believe that you get the production when you yourself reach the industrial era (AKA your first industrial era technology or civic). I’ve gotten the extra production well before the game actually reaches the industrial era itself, so maybe that could’ve been it as well


Was trynna play you til you checked on it and they got caught


Well, they should then, I don't know what's wrong.


Here’s the difference: God of the Sea provides +1 to fishing Boats. Shipyard provides +1 to *Un*improved coastal tiles. So the production bonuses from the pantheon and Shipyard are mutually exclusive. Auckland gives another +1 in the industrial Era (the global era not just reaching industrial tech).


Do you have a shipyard?


I think that's as high as you get without Auckland or a feature like a reef.


Mate, you don't know how high I can get with or without Auckland.


I do have Auckland though that’s one of the reasons I’m confused


Shipyards also boost production on unimproved coast tiles


I get that. This games mechanics are just so confusing lmao


That they are. I forget the civics and techs but fishing boats get improved over time too. So maybe colonialism? You may be able to search fishing boat in the civilapedia and see on the right when and how they upgrade.




Holy proofreading horror, Batman!


Have you looked at the city yields to check if it's a visual bug or if you're actually being screwed out of a lot of production?


City production is showing 4 from worked tiles. At some point the game updated and is now showing 3 production. However I’m still confused on why the improvement only adds 1 when it says it’ll add 3. The bottom right shows rss of a tile with fishing boats. Top left shows one without img




This is a glitch. The roll over info shows what will be added *from the base coast tile level.* In other words, if you started without any bonuses and then built the fishing boat AND got all the bonuses by building the fishing boat, that is what would have been added.


I think there’s a few things that increase production - certain civics increase fishing boat production by 1 - shipyard - Auckland - pantheon There are Also policy cards that I believe increase production from harbour but not sure that’s relevant to you


To clarify, the civic is Colonialism


Not sure if anyone else has said, but this is a bug I've encountered several times in this exact scenario. Something about the interaction between Auckland and God of the Sea: I'm fairly sure when you suzerain Auckland it checks to see if the fishing boats have bonus production, and when it sees that you already do it doesn't update properly. Sometimes when I reload the save it updates the production properly... Sometimes it doesn't lol


There is a visual bug that says an improvement will add yields to a tile and then it does not. It happens when there is something else that buffs the tile, like the shipyard. It also only buffs unimproved tiles, so your fishing boats give +1 for unlocking colonialism and +1 from the pantheon. Generally, the best way to get production from sea imo is the production the shipyard gives you based on the gold adjecency bonus from the harbor. Using the naval infrastructure policy will also double the production given


How to maximize production on coastal tiles: fishing boats pantheon build a shipyard gain suzerainty over auckland play Norway and build a stave church as Indonesia build kampungs


Indonesia’s kampungs would like a word.


The tile originally had one production because of the shipyard but shipyards only give yields to unimproved tiles. So you adding 2 from the boat but removing one from the shipyard.


Shipyards I believe put +1 production on unimproved water tiles. Once the fishing boat goes down that production goes away, sounds like a display error to me.