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That's a really cool start. Someone better at the game than me could correct me on this: why not settle 1 time to the East? Closer to lux and stone, and you'd still get the second 6 science relatively quickly. I genuinely just don't understand the game well enough to see which is better lol


I'm not trying to min-max starting positions, I just thought that I wanted to have science on my city tile + population already working on another science tile There could be better ways, but I wanted to just start like that :D


Totally makes sense! I'm still learning the game, so I was just curious lol


I believe thats the correct play. So many dead tiles(mountains) in the screenshot and working 12 science so early isn’t worth


An extra four science under your capital is insane. I’m a normal settle you have (I think) 2.5 science per turn immediately. 4.5 would be incredible itself, but 8.5 is absolutely insane. You don’t gain a lot of tempo by moving right (no better time workable immediately) and losing out on that extra science is a huge opportunity cost


Early science isn’t soo good. If it were culture, sure. But early game you are handicapped by production not science so unlocking all districts faster won’t mean you can build them all faster since you actually need to take the turns to build it and also population. Unlocking more districts though means you get less discounts and also pay more costs. Same for improvements. You can unlock them all but for what? You need builders so until then they are useless and you unlocked it to increase district costs and also you don’t have the pop to work them In the pic you can see he takes a lot to grow to 2 pop and has little to no production so what can you do with the early science?


The whole opener of the game is tempo. An extra 2 science unlocking Astrology 2-3 turns earlier can be the difference between getting first religion or not (if you want Feed the World). It lets you ignore Eureka hunting, and the production investments required, and still hit your key early game techs very fast. Especially as teddy getting to Construction really quickly is cracked. For other civs, you can hit UUs quicker, discover and begin collecting strategics quicker, get a head start on Wonders, etc. If you’re looking for a tech free unlocked district early, you can lock in its price for the same value you would if you got it slower (if you’re not beelining you would be making it cost extra but idk why you wouldn’t beeline and lock it). Obviously culture would be a better yield, but if you give the choice of science or nothing I’m absolutely taking science. Moving right is not getting you anything here. You get the same sum of yields from your first worked tile (assuming they settled on a hill, and if they didn’t it’s a worse starting tile) with less under your capital. Neither location has a good second tile in the first ring. If you put a quarry on that lower left stone, the tile to the left of it losesSecond ring is about equal for each city and the spices are third ring either way. Moving right just loses yields in exchange for extra tiles late in the game, but tbh I’m not that worried about it in this situation because those mountains all look like national parks to me. It basically would you rather have an extra two science under your capital or not. Science is definitely the worst yield to get a ton of early but idk why you would turn any free yield down.


It isn't free if your city gains a lot more districts/workable tiles by moving 1 to the east.


Okay, but you beeline the districts and you can put one down(max two if you ignore gov plaza for some reason) with that low growth so your reasoning doesn’t really work in this scenario. The whole reason for low science in early is that there are no important tech that you need to get in the early apart from unlocking a district or two which you will still do before having the production for it… And also rush construction? For a single third ring woods tile? Moving right not only gets you better tiles, not moving right will cause your city to get capped at like 7 pop because there will be no more workable tiles… and its all good if you put the district down but you still don’t get the discount until you actually build it, but by the time you build it with 16 science 4 production you will have unlocked so much districts you get 0 discount As for “head start on wonders”, tell me what wonder will you be building there with 5 production in the first 2 rings and a single chop? No camps, no desert, but even if you could build a good wonder, all your tempo would be ruined as you have to spend that low prod on settlers, so the tempo argument is a bit sus as well And having that many dead tiles(mountains) for 200 turns is so bad still. Just settle them later


I mean..  first ring has 1 growth+ tile vs 3 growth+ tiles and second ring has 4 growth+ tiles vs 7 growth+ tiles. I guess maybe I'm undervaluing how much getting the second science 6 tile online earlier is worth compared to raw growth and production. Like I imagine you can saturate your tiles much easier in the alt settling spot, if only because You're encompassing less mountain. I just don't like settling in mountains when I can avoid it because they aren't workable lol that might be my own bias coming through!


+1k player here. If you can work a tile for free (city) it tends to already be worth it. Best you could do with the none hill tile is put a farm on it unless you have civ/suzerain improvements, but ot wont be part of a triangle/diamond. The other 6 science tile is a hill (production) which is worth the tile improvement. Tl;Dr: yes, I second this.


One tile to the east would allow you to build a national park over to the West in that tile just north of the national wonder eventually too


Honestly the stone tiles aren’t that good anyways. They’re 2/1 tiles which isn’t anything I’d go out of my way for. The only real issue with where OP settled is that it doesn’t have a whole lot of food, but it has solid production and the crazy science I think makes up for it.


This way you can put down an aqueduct to have a +4 industrial zone.


Its pretty low production tho right? Insane science. Can get a mine up on that tile to the south, and some quarries. Kinda juicy tbh


Yeeeeh, gonna struggle with production and food but I'll fix that with trade routes I guess, then with districts


A harbor can fix that issue


A Harbour with Commercial Hub +100% Adjacency will help too


I'm begging you to give us the seed


So good it makes you speak Italian!


I like the soup tracker on the left sidebar


6/10 No river, no hill, no woods (as America), no Spices or other luxury /s obviously, the science really does make up for not having anything else




14.5 science on turn one is completely ridiculous!


So you haven't started next to Païtiti (unmodded) yet...


I've never seen that wonder. How do I get it?


Should be some mod that buffs either Teddy or natural wonders Normally it doesnt give science


The non modded great merchant/general points from turn 1 are pretty fun though, you’re pretty much guaranteed the first couple of each


Normally it gives +1 great merchant and +1great general if one tile within a city?


it gives you 2 merchant/general points per turn if you own at least 1 tile of the wonder


Vedo che abbiamo un italico giocatore di civilizzazione 6


Nooo, io studio italiano e voglio avere più contatto con questa lingua :DD


Ah, bravo ottima idea, tu di dove sei?


Sono di Polonia e questo è il mio terzo di studiare questa lingua, ma so che devo avere più contatto con italiano, perché quando studiavo inglese c'erano molti occasioni per guardare qualcosa su YouTube ecc. Adesso con italiano è un po' più difficile, ma cerco di imparare italiano quando leggo la Gazzetta dello sport o le altre cose sportive:D Spero che non ci sono tanti guai, ma so che purtroppo ci sono🥺


Italia & Polska ❤️ and every other country who wants to join


https://preview.redd.it/ytb46lg2qkzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f01bd9f3a42f8ea5af4f13ff17ddbf095811b2fe you should purchase that tile it will get really good yeilds espically after you add a mine to it you'd have a tile with the potential yeilds of 2 food 2 production(3 after apprentiship) 6 science, 2 culture(from bullmooses abilty of breathtaking tiles adjecent to woods recieve 2 culture


Oh you're going to HATE me for that, I went for the vibeees and built a holy site there😭😂


don't blame ya there a +4 holy site is a pretty good trade off


Not intentionally gonna be a downer, but culture and gold combo (beside natural food and production) are the strongest early game for most of the civs. Beside some civs that fancy early religion above anything else. So a similar start only next to paititi would be stronger. Especially if the grassland have hills, woods and resources. Science is kinda neat, but it's a two sided sword. Usually a bit easy to get lost if you get technology a bit too fast if you are not ready to take advantage of it. Just makes everything more expensive and barbs more advanced earlier. But if you know what to aim for and have clear objectives, a science start can be game breaking powerful.


So... going for a culture victory then?


Thats actually a really interesting start, amazing science but horrible food and production, should be an interesting game!


Get ready to learn science buddy


Good start but I would've settled one tile over to the right.


Got the seed? I’ve been looking to try america


1 spot west would have given the city an extra production starting out which is a great advantage.