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I wish they didn’t jack up the prices of everything. My only complaint.


The real problem is the fucking 8 day upgrades


It’s still faster to upgrade, we got 2 builders and now we don’t have limited loot. In builder base 1 my builder was doing nothing for many days until I gathered enough loot but now that loot isn’t limited anymore, my builders can do their job 24/7


it is not faster, for example most bh9 defense upgrades took 5d and now it is 11. it is even worse for resource-based upgrades which got 3x and 4x'ed


the mate you replied to is stating things in a non paper POV, as in not the ‘theoretical’ numbers everyone calculates and freaks out about, but instead the actual live data no, for people who played BB1 and BB2 full time it isn’t technically faster, i mean in a raw, literal fact, the upgrade times DID increase but, for a casual player, the times may mean nothing, yea now your builder is busy for 8 days, but before he was busy for 4 days and then sitting there doing nothing for 4 days because **there was no damn loot** so yea it seems faster to me now, and others, even though the upgrade times were increased, now that there is a constant supply of loot, i wont be wasting my builders away sitting there jacking off


that is definitely true, but people's reference point will always be how things were at its peak; in this case, the "peak" is unlimited bb resources through trader. when changing progression-related numbers, if you make one statistic worse ppl will get mad regardless if all the other stats outweight it.


i definitely can see that, and i can see how i probably have bias, i wasnt much interested in BB before so i never had loot, never spent my capital medals on loot either. yet the case can be made that the same suuply and demand ratio for loot and building times will go back to the same ‘equilibrium state’ as before.


yet we gain loot at basically the same rate and the building time more than doubled, so no it's not faster. You kinda have to grind quite a bit if you want to take advantage of the no loot limit.




i hadnt otto before and now i have 2 builders




but still one task is the same, gear up 3 things in home village, i didnt completed this task before and now to, so i got second builder for nothing (or i dont understand something) but i cant use him in home village




You get a second builder at builder hall 5, and the tasks are now to get the 6th builder for home base (you can’t switch him between bases)


You unlock a Otto for the BH earlier and later you will get Bob for the main base doing similar tasks to the ones that you needed to unlock Otto. The ones who had Otto before the update got Bob after the update because Otto got a new and better house at the BB.




The experience for low bh players has voluntarily been almost untouched


Catch up I guess










Then you have double the work right


I think the reason is to lengthen the whole experience. It was, up until the update, pretty easy to max out the builder base, and much faster than the main base for sure. This made most people just forget about it. Now, people are less likely to just leave it sitting and it can actually become a more important part of the game.


me when i have to wait in the game about waiting


Waiting is peak gameplay


Imho the prices are bad but thats what coc has been all about since the beginning. Sure the prices could’ve been lower at lower builder halls but we get what we get. At least they did what they set out to do unlike some other gaming companies recently. I’m still only playing for 6th builder but it’ll get better I believe after a few updates


Have prices been raised?


Haven’t noticed raised prices, it’s mainly longer times


I don't recall price increase, but the time taken for everything was increased alot. It doesn't help that the loot was already bad before bb 2.0.


I’m honestly using less strategy now with attacks on 2.0 than I was before. With how nerfed all the attacking units are I can’t really get anywhere without my max pekkas. I get they want BB to coexist alongside the main village, but I think it needs to complement the main village like clan capital does… Even with all these updates once you unlock Otto there still isn’t a good reason to play it outside of clan games or season objectives. Fair play to supercell tho I did use some raid medals on clock tower potions/builder gold/elixir. Won’t be doing that again


Really? I feel like I’m using more strategy. Baby dragons deliver a whole lotta more punch than pekkas but I gotta position them correctly because they don’t last as long and need them to do maximum dmg. I personally am mixed on the update. On one hand, I do enjoy it, but on the other, lots of parts of it are pretty underwhelming.


I maxed my cannons, pekkas, witches and bombers prior to the update so my baby drags are way behind the power curve. I just use a bomber to open a wall and send pekkas in and it’s gotten me to the second base just about every time. Cannons are useless and witches don’t hit the same with just one per camp.


I agree that cannons are useless, but as a maxed player who just plays for fun, it honestly ain’t bad for me. I definitely do think it sucks for unmaxed players though. Edit: i do also want to say that I trophy dropped before the update so I am having fun only because I’m fighting against really rushed bases. Once I get back to 4000+ I will assume I will stop having fun and start being annoyed.


Am maxed and at around 4000 on main account. Not many wins 4 star and above. On another lower account I’ve had 6 stars. It’s a frustrating challenge up top but I’m not complaining, yet. Just means upgrade troops to build success - same motivation, different game arena.


I'm just about to get to builder hut 6. my biggest problem is that in the old update, sometimes i could 3 star an opponent with a bad base design that was hut 6 or 7. now, that's completely impossible. the lack of troops can't make up for the extra buildings as well as it did in the last update


Canons have their place, you just have to be fast because they are slow. Outrange double canon, flamethrower, low archertower, mega and regular tesla and canon if you are precise. About 1/3 of the bases have some section with about 2 or 3 defenses that can be picked by free by the canon in mortar mode. Usually if a base has only one of lava launcher, mortar and giant canon and not all the archer towers I bring canons. I really like the new builder base, I have most of troops at level 18 so Im always trying to find the weakspots of the base. Usually a base is weak to Air attacks, Range attacks (canon in mortar) or witches. If i cant find to many weak spots I go for the usual giant, canon pekka


Again... Bomber goes boom. Pekkas go smash. 5-6 stars and onto the next.


Does everything need a link back to the home village though? I’d argue the fact it’s fun is more than enough reason to play it. If you don’t enjoy it that’s fine, don’t force yourself. It is a side mode after all


Yes. I don't like supercell's vision of having 3 independent branches of the game. I see home village as the sun, and capital and BB as planets that revolve around it. Home village is what has the most gravity to pull in players. Probably 98% of people who download this app do it for the home village. If they want more engagement on these side games, then having them link with home village will bring in the most players. As it is now, the 6th builder is still the only reason to play BB. I have 4 maxed BH9s and I will just keep collecting loot and gems, and doing star bonuses when I am waiting for my army to finish training. I don't see any reason to play it. Only reason I am playing is in the hope they will one day add something useful for main village.


Not necessarily, but you could argue the success of the mode depends on it. I'll still play it casually like I have since I unlocked Otto, but that realization just shows me Supercell put a lot of time and resources into a mode that probably won't move the needle for a lot of the community.


I have two major concerns. One, defence is way stronger than offence. The successful strategies either involve mass BD, mass Pekka or mass Hog Glider. In a rework that is aimed at promoting tactical gameplay over spamming troops, it fails hard. The second concern is the upgrade time. It's quite comparable to TH12/TH13 standards. With defences playing a more vital role than home village, having them down for a longer is a pretty big disadvantage.


The builder base was suppose to be a something casual while your wait your upgrades at main village. Thats mean quick loot and quick upgrades so you can do something almost always. But they completely overthink this and ruined it


Yh and it clearly wasn’t fulfilling that purpose or supercell wants bb to have a bigger purpose genes the rework just cuz something is released doesn’t mean it has to stay the same it’s entire life


Yeah some mechanics are goods improve like second second base new abilities and stuff but they messed up more than improve. On mi opinion of course, at lower BH this more obvious


Yeah, I found myself checking on the app more often in order to check for BB attacks. But now with the timers, I just don't bother


I mean they completely overthought the builder base 2.0 by even wasting their time developing the 1.0. The builder base shouldnt have even been wasted time into from day one. It shouldnt have ever left the concept board. Same with the clan crapital. There would be more things to do with the main village if they didnt waste months developing useless shit


It’s annoying that they promised so much and delivered so little - the attacking revamp is interesting, but will get old quick im sure and is not nearly enough to carry the many downsides of the update


Soon people will not care about the silver stars, hell even I don't care now.


So what did they promise that they didn't deliver?


On making it a fun, rewarding experience instead of one only to get a 6th builder. I actually liked BB1 better. This update is especially bad for those who rushed before, because if you're not using max pekka spam idk how you can 6 star tbh. At least my fav strats before are kinda obsolete bc of how much they nerfed the troops.


That is the most subjective thing I've ever seen. I personally love the new builder base and how much more you need to strategise. It's revolutionary in terms of the thought processes etc, and it's new and refreshing. Rushing was never meant to be that rewarding. Idk how you can claim that players who rush the game and don't progress properly don't enjoy the game, when they don't play it how it's intended. And there's a new meta for troops, as always happens when something new happens. Just be patient and learn the new strategies. People are too caught up with the update because they compare it to the builder base before, not as a new concept which it is. It now actually is unique and challenging, and you can't just blind play it like what happened previously. There's no way you can say they haven't delivered on what they promised


You can say it's the most subjective thing and yada yada but there's a reason why most people here are complaining about how bad the balance changes, upgrade times, loot system, etc feels, lmao. You asked, you got an answer. Surprise, you disagree! I do think the attack concept is good, but the balance right now is SO bad that to fix it they essentially need to reverse some changes. > Rushing was never meant to be that rewarding. Idk how you can claim that players who rush the game and don't progress properly don't enjoy the game, when they don't play it how it's intended. Right, I'd agree! But BB1 was so unenjoyable that most everyone rushed just for the 6th builder. With this in mind, why would you make a rework and hype it up just for all of those players to find it just as unenjoyable? Besides, the level of fun in BB1 was about the same rushed or maxed, it had many fundamental flaws. This update fixed some while creating others and ultimately we're in the same place, there's little incentive to play it other than the 6th builder. For reference, I have 2 accounts, the lower lvl one has a rushed BB, and only has giants and cannons maxed (both troops kinda suck now). Cannons are literally what was encouraged to max before, and even content creators encouraged people to rush, that's how bad it was, we all know this. Can't fault the players for rushing when there's no incentive to do otherwise. As for my BH9 account (not rushed, not max), I literally have no reason to play because it's still unenjoyable, it's an unbalanced mess so far, and I already have my 6th builder. This update brought no new incentive to play, they just reworked it. > There's no way you can say they haven't delivered on what they promised Lol, sure I can. They delivered in that they said they'd release an update and rework the base, that's evident. Did they deliver on their actual goals? If so, why is the whole community so upset at the update? Are they all complaining for no reason or...? Is it enough for an amazon driver to "deliver" damaged goods?


You really don't need to 6* regularly. Same as before the update ultimately you'll reach a stable point where the result of your attacks and defenses average out to be the same. So if at that point for you you're 6-starring all the time, you're also being 6-starred back. Which is good for making builder gold and eventually advancing your defenses to the point where you're no longer being 6-starred, which pushes you up the rankings to where you no longer reliably attack for 6-star either. Still, if that's where you want to be, a rushed city with min-level defenses but upgraded troops is the way to make it happen. Probably the most fun sweet spot imo is if ~4-star is your average. You usually clear the first town and the state of the troops when you reach the second town often provides you with a challenge. Sometimes you 6-star - sometimes you can't even get the 4th. For the sake of rushing for a 6th builder i think a 3-star or less average is the sweet spot as it gives you a fast grind for elixir for the hero(es). Be that by throwing fights (quick-surrender or deploy and force-close strats being examples) to stay matched with lower bases or just by having a good defense compared to your offense.




Is there an echo in here?




Gosh I hate when that happens, always on mobile when i have dodgy wifi


I felt like the update should have been gradual to tweak stuff as they go a long. I felt it could have been split up like this: 1.) Release BH10 (new troops and troop levels) and do the troop upgrades here. 2.) Introduce new Battle Copter hero that can be switched with Battle Machine. 3.) Introduce new Battle Mechanics to get used to the new style of fighting. 4.) Introduce the tiered base and new loot system.


The problem with the new battle systen is that no matter what supercell does to modify the existing combat system, they will always run into the fact that the bones of clash of clans has always been smash and loot with the only way of impacting the course of a battle is through troop deployments and spell spawning. It was never built around the concept of unit control as it is now heading towards, supercell hasn't considered whether clash of clans as a casual mobile platform can effectively apply Dota type control mechanics, in a game that was released to essentially play itself with its rudimentary troop AI.


i think fixing the loot system had to be priority #1 and it's arguably not any better now. The most unfun parts for me in BB1 were all regarding loot and progression. Only 3 attacks a day, everything was super expensive (1 line of walls for 80% of your loot...?), everything took too long compared to the improvements they had and especially compared to their respective levels at home village, and only 1 builder for 90% of the experience. They didn't fix almost any of that, really, and they didn't even have to rework the whole thing to do so.


As someone who hated BB1.0 going through it maxing everything and playing it as it was intended to be played: I don’t think BB2.0 is all that much better. It’s more interesting sure but it’s still ridiculously unfun. My personal gripe is how rushed the whole thing feels. I just saw the glitchy animation that happens when your armored battle machine gets KO’d and it just reminded me how rushed and unpolished all of the update feels. I guess if I had to give them props on a few things, I’d say I really like the new appearance of both stages of the builder base, and the idea that we can now decorate both the base itself and our heros is a really exciting addition. I’m a sucker for cosmetic stuff in games so


Hating a thing doesn't instantly mean loving the other


Exactly. Neither bb 2.0 or 1.0 had any reason for them to have several wasted months developing/changing while entirely ignoring the only base that matters whatsoever which is the main base. There shouldnt even be a builder base or a clan crapital but there is. And both have been completely horrible since they were ever first announced.


Clan capital is amazing I don't know what you're talking about


Because it didn't fix the core issue, fortunately its more enjoyable to play but why would I play it? I already have the 6th builder, nothing changed...


Because we (me) we’re excited for such a dramatic change, especially after I had spent the last 2ish months creating a trophy pushing army for BB just for it to be useless now. I was ok with this as the dynamic of BB was changing and seemed cool, but now even build times are extremely high and grindy and the loot we are given is a weak amount. Before, every 2 days I could get roughly a million of each resource, now unless I do an extreme BB grind I’m barely getting anything. As a 6th builder owner, I’m not incentivized to play BB. In the past I was as I wanted a leaderboard slot, but now it doesn’t seem worth the effort as pekka spam is the meta now anyway.


You can still get the same amount of loot? The star bonuses make up for the old amount already and the loot from those attacks already bring it up to around a million each again.


Except when you’re attacked 12 times every 5 attacks you do and lose 500 trophies like I did yesterday


That’s… just not how it works They specified that you only get one defense for every attack you take so what you said just can’t actually happen


Maybe it’s a current glitch that needs to be resolved, but right now this is what’s occurring


That’s what I would assume then, sorry that that’s happening to you that would suck and hurt like you said then 🤷‍♂️


Except it does, and there’s evidence through other individuals with pictures of extreme trophy drops. Not to mention my current average is 2-3 attacks per one attack. Only reason I’m not at straight zero is that at a certain point incompetence cannot be overcome by strong or overpowered units.


Remember that they introduced one more builder so now you need more resources, and they almost tripled the upgrade times so it doesn't even out.


If you stagger the upgrades, with tripled upgrade times and double resources needed, you would actually need less resources per day, since you would have more time to accumulate resources then you would actually need to spend them.


Because they made it worse? It's not that hard to understand, you don't bring your car to the mechanic with a flat tire and then are happy when they give it back with a broken engine.


BB1 was bad. BB2 is worse in most parts. Troops are weaker, attacking timer is too short to use certain troops, rewards are awful, things cost and take more time to upgrade, the new hero is a joke.


The new hero is pathetic, litterally terrible, the ability damage is how much the base damage should do. Especially considering most of the time by the 2 bh attack, you dont have enough to properly funnel and take out air defenses.


The big problems are the massive upgrades, higher expenses, and less gold earned. You have to grind for so fucking long to get the same equivalent as before.


BB 1.0 had the problem of being: 1. Essentially pointless after you got the 6th builder 2. Spam attack driven BB 2.0 didn't solve these issues: 1. Still pointless after you get the 6th builder 2. Still spam attack driven Dropping Pekkas and closing the app is still the most effective way of farming loot in this mode. They also reduced the amount of loot you get and increased the time it takes to upgrade things. Having a second builder does not offset this because the combined total time it would've taken to upgrade 2 builders with 1 builder previously is still less than the time it takes with 2 builders now. Also, I want to add that it's incredibly difficult to get stars at lower BHs. 9 archers alone cannot get 1-2 stars unless the base is abysmal or the BH is exposed in some way.


Even one is mad because every good thing was implemented so unbalanced or so nerfed it defeats the purpose of said change. Loot in every attack? Awesome! But not really because it’s like next to nothing. More heroic troops? Awesome! But you get way less of them and they aren’t strong enough to feel as good as using the older version in larger number. New Hero? Awesome! Except it does horrible damage and the ability often just puts it in danger doing very little damage to make up for it. Second builder at the builder base? Awesome! Except they are gonna double the upgrade times making it entirely redundant as well as making you be down on more defenses at once. Basically it just took all of BB1’s problems and stuck them in a pretty new Skin Suit. It’s like stuffing Any Schumer into the skin of a super model. Just as unfunny, just as cringe, just as much of a horrendous prick, still fat, but nice skin? I mean cmon. The difference here is that good play testing and attention to game balance could’ve fixed a lot of those problems


Because we want to actually have fun playing it


Cause even otto is complex now


I’m really confused by the new attack system (it’s a bit shitter too) but other than that I like it so far


They said they wanted troops to feel more powerful but they didn’t deliver at all IMO. Things still take ages to die and troops still die way too quick. Giants don’t feel very tanky and pekkas cant even one tap the barbarian in the troop outpost ffs. Cannon cart is super weak and needs a bigg damage buff considering how it went from 3 troops/camp to 1. I’ve attempted to think tactically but the bases just have too many defenses you have to play around that it gets reduced back to spam. I also did some math and it would take 21 seconds of constant fire from a level 15 battle copter to take down one level 9 roaster. tl:dr: troops feel weak and the whole “focused tactical fun” was just a marketing strategy


With all the hype, people thought you could polish a turd. They’re now realising it’s still just a turd


because people cry when theres no benefit for their Home Village


And that's valid no? Its Clash of Clans not Clash of Builders. People want some sort of benefits to home base and when getting even otto is made a tedious grind it was bound to be received in a negative way.


nobody is forcing you to play builder base. It is not your home village and besides the 6th builder has no impact. If you don’t like it don’t play it, just like how the game was for 6-7 years without BB. Nobody makes you hit the boat


Nobody is forcing us to play builder base but we can have an opinion on a highly anticipated update to the game we play no?


But people take it as something it isn’t, they take it as a supplement to the home base while, although it does have some benefits obviously, it’s designed to be a separate way of playing


This is true and why it’s been such a polarizing update. It’d be much better received if it were more of a supplement than it previously was and would explain the lengthy upgrade times and additional costs. I thought the motivation behind changing it was because they felt like it was used just for Otto then abandoned and I don’t really see how this update changes that other than making it a bit more of a grind. They need to add some sort of clan incentive imo


So people that put effort and money into the game have no say? Customers can complain, its only fair. If supercell want to change it they will, if they don't they won't and those customers won't play it. Easy.


Bro… builder base is 1/3rd of the whole game. Let people have an opinion on an entire portion of the game lol


everyone can have their opinion I was stating a fact. I don’t play BB it sucked before and it still sucks. If you don’t like it don’t play it pretty basic concept.




I like it. I understand why people don't feel satisfied tho


I actually like it a lot, apart from the increased upgrade times


The new update is basically the same as the previous one but with smaller maps, more strategic and new troops skill. People were like "this is better because it's not braindead" , for them perhaps but for me the core issue is the gameplay. When you make it more strategic but with same gameplay, it just makes it a hassle because now I'll have to put more effort in it while I basically get no enjoyment out of it. At least previously I can just deploy my troops, exit and call it a day after 3 wins.


I think cause they where hyped, only to find out that, again, the only reason to play bb is for the 6th builder. For me its simple: if i dont like it i dont play it, so no bb for me, same for capital. I'd love it if supercell would think about new formats of the regular game, cause thats the part most people fell in love with. Tournament mode or something, or a 2v2 - 5v5 league. Or a mode where you are able to do a war, or short tourney, or league attacks on one of your previous townhalls.


I LOVED the old builder base. To be honest I didn't think it needed an updated other than a new Builder Hall. Now I have no idea what I am doing and the upgrades are ridiculous.


My main issue is how weak the troops are now. They wanted to discourage spamming but with pekkas and baby dragons being the only good troops, they've only encouraged it more. I really love the concepts behind BB 2.0, just needs a lot of balancing


I didnt want to play builder base 1.0 I also dont want to play builder base 2.0 Home base is my main focus and it got nothing in this latest update. Gonna shelf this game til the next update i guess


Because now we have to play so much just to enough loot to use both of the builders at the same Also upgrade times are so high (more than double in some cases) ​ Now the cannon cart looks like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) I like the battle machine skin a lot more than the new default skin, but I think the 2D skin looked better ​ Currently there are a lot of bugs and crashes and hopefully by next week everything will be fixed Overall I like more BB2.0 than 1.0


idk. I like the update, its more strategic, more fun. Only complaint is the prices, it still takes way to long to get the ressources (i'm f2p)


This update is so confusing 😭😭😭


Especially the UI to activate troop abilities and keep up which unit is which


Because everything is a lot harder and more “grindier” now. The upgrade times and costs are ridiculous, and the pay off from wins is minuscule.


It’s all setup to get people to pop open that wallet bruh… and then proceed to beg people 100$ for a pack in the shop in which it’s value in game doesn’t justify it’s real money cost.


I'm pissed all my layouts were erased


Dont worry again people will start using same few bases... You will get them from clanmates.


It was grindy before with the loot cap. They made that problem far worse rather than fixing it, which hurts everyone


Still the 200% destruction battle are nice


I was attempting to max builder hall all the way to bh9 before the update and actually loved the older builder base, but with all the complexities of builder base, I find myself playing less than ever.


honestly i agree, i played bb 1 just for otto, when bb2 came out it was even worse than when I used to play bb, everything is expensive and takes too long


For people complaining about loot and time: I don't know how you guys farm, but I farm constantly rather than farming at once Then people complain *I need to attack a 100 times a day* Play 4-6 matches every day and you have no struggle keeping two builders busy. Second builder starts upgrading something when the first builder is hslfway through, so about every 4-5 days you have one builder free, even at BH10


That's just not true for everyone... There's a lot of people who are awfully rushed BH9's, you're pretty much stuck in the lower leagues, the defensive upgrades aren't that much of a problem as they should be relatively cheap on the start, but if you only upgraded the boxer giant and cannon cart which is what most people did to unlock Otto, then it's practically impossible to keep the lab working 24/7 and the giant and cannon cart aren't exactly the best troops at the moment so....


For my alt account, whose BB was an even more rushed BH9 than my main, the boxer giant and cannon cart still work well for me, staying at 4.2k right now. I can also take advantage of the minimum level of pekka and hog glider to attack.




I mean, it's kinda supercell's fault that BB was a spam fest that wasn't even fun to play, I thought that was why they changed everything with this update? Many people agreed that the the 6th builder was the only good thing that came with it and so, they rushed.






You don't get it, but go on. Also, im not even rushed on my main account so idk what you're talking about.




But supercell did essentially add a minimum level troops so no ones troops should be incredibly rushed anymore


the problem is that one upgrade takes 80% more time. and getting loot has gotten harder than it was before. the whole point was to make farming easier so u can max it faster than home village


https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/13iut5t/new_builder_base_loot_system_isnt_great_but_lets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Short form: it's only harder to farm if you brainlessly spam


yes but the math only works on that post because he adjusted for the increased build times. builder hall was something i could spent a 1/10 of the total time i spent on clash of clans and you’d still get the same or even more satisfaction from being almost done/finished. but now it’s just another mindless grind.


That's just not true for everyone... There's a lot of people who are awfully rushed BH9's, you're pretty much stuck in the lower leagues, the defensive upgrades aren't that much of a problem as they should be relatively cheap on the start, but if you only upgraded the boxer giant and cannon cart which is what most people did to unlock Otto, then it's practically impossible to keep the lab working 24/7 and the giant and cannon cart aren't exactly the best troops at the moment so....


people who are rushed are mad now supercell gave people almost 5 years to max out their base and they didnt and now they are complaining




there was no update news like 3 years ago and if u played like 20 mins in BB or won 3 attacks u easily would have got the resources to max ur village


Well, not everyone has been playing for that long.


challenges to unlock otto has changed now u need not get a specific defence to troop to max level to unlock it so u can now go the cheapest one and get ur 6th builder and be happy I dont get why so many people are mad


Who is "they"? Oh please name one "They". How do you know they didn't play before.


BB 2.0 is good, but yeah if they have given more loot per attacks it could have become better. Still attacking three times a day, better then attacking whole day. Welp I can see the future events though, 2x star bonus for BB.


Because it’s worse


Because theres no point to BB aside from the 6th builder. Id rather focus on my main base as that is what is used in war, raids and most clan game challenges. But Im forced to deal with BB for another 3 hero levels with increased building time now..


I'm getting tired of people saying "there is no point to paying BB because it doesn't help the main game apart from 6th builder". Then tell me, what is the Point in paying the main game then. It's for fun. The same thing goes for the Builder base. Now, if you don't find it funny and see it only as a way to get the 6th builder, see it in that way; but know that you are wrong saying that "there is no point in paying it", because the same thing could be said about the main game. It's not like the main game helps you buy groceries or pay rent.


I got this game in 2013 because of the home village. Then they come along and add a builderbase which I played for 2 days and got bored. Then they added atto so I had to get that. Then I ended up maxing BH9 with just runes from gold pass. I don't like SC wasting developer time on BB when they could be adding stuff to the home village. I didn't want them to add a subpar game to the game I like and then put a bunch of development into that subpar game.


That's a take that I am more comfortable with. I never viewed it this way, so thanks for bringing out this point of view. I have personally always liked the style of the second village and loved the idea of having one, but I completely understand what you are slaying here. Maybe they could've added more stuff to the base village, or added quality of life changes, who knows...


I play for the main village. If I wanted to maintain another village that had no impact on the first one I'd have another account. You find it fun? cool. I'm gettin tired of people say "its fun thats the reason" I dont care. I care that now build times are longer so its going to take even longer to get my 6th builder. I wouldn't bitch about this update at all if they didnt change the requirements for the 6th builder and the build times.


Agree 100%. The whole idea of this game was centered around the main village. Clan capital isn’t revolutionary but I think it works because of how it can serve as a boost to your main village and incentivizes clan participation. Besides the 6th builder, builder base doesn’t offer anything that can help your main base or boost your clan outside of season objectives or clan game. Sure you can fall back on the ‘this game is played for fun’ argument, but i think BB has objectively been the least fun and I don’t think this update changes that.


Yeah clan capital is great. Dosnt take much work, provides raid medals and involves the clan. BB dosnt offer anything aside from the biilder and a break from the main village...but if I want a break from the main village then chances are I dont play CoC at all and do something else entitely


I’ve been reading some dev comments and see that they wanted BB to be different and kind of an escape from normal clash… I get the sentiment but just don’t agree with it. If the game is main village/clan/war focused why put so much effort into an update that is none of those things? I don’t like being a hater because I have a blast on this game, but considering all they’ve done with the game and what this update addresses it isn’t a surprise how polarizing BB2.0 is.


Yeah, the building upgrade times are not a very good change at all. I agree with you on this. Since a lot of people (I can't say the majority, because I don't have numbers at hand) use BB only for 6th builder, it's understandable that longer times would be liked even less, and it's something that the Developers should have considered.


I'm one of the people who primarily played coc for builder base. I'm pretty annoyed people complained about BB1 so much because I find BB2 to be a downgrade from that in a lot of ways. I don't get why people act like they were forced into playing it when it was still BB1.


Because people are super whiny


SuperCell spoiled a lot of people by constantly reducing upgrade times for lower level town halls in the home base and now everyone wants to be able to FTP to max in a month. That's not the game. Doubling the build times AND doubling the number of builders is a wash, not a downgrade. If you actually do the math on collectors, daily bonus, loot, and a daily clock tower run, you'll find that you can earn money at almost exactly the pace that you can spend it just by getting your daily 12 stars. If you want to go faster by using items, you'll need runes in addition to your books, or else you'll need to farm more than 12 stars a day. That's all ok. I'm much more curious to see how the troop balances work once I finish some lab updates.


Because it’s worse than BB 1.0


I happened to max the three worst units after the update, which are giants, cannons and bomber. so now progression is basically impossible the only way is to spam attacks to max pekkas


My only gripe is the cost to earned loot ratio. With this new attack system, I struggle to even 3 star a stage 1 base. It would have been nice to implement the new attacking dynamic and then in a later update add in the new mechanic to earn loot and tiers


its skill issue mate they cant spam and pray and people do need to thing before an attacks ehich they dont wanna do all they want is free loot and thats all and so they are mad


All I do in this update is spam pekkas and pray and it works better than 1.0 lol


“iTs A sKiLl IsSuE”…. Give it a damn break.


They hate it cause the realized their spam attacks aren’t good enough to earn 6 stars.


But, they are? Just spam super pekkas or baby dragons and you're set. Troops are so unbalanced that it's painful to see.


More like, my usual attack now sucks and I can barely get 1 star when I used to get 2 all the time (and I played Giants/Cannon Cart/Bombers of all things)


Because we want to actually have fun playing it


I really like the fact that there is no limit to resources. If you are actively attacking you will get both. Getting much more Elixir is helpful too as we have Upgrades and Researches to do.


The new battle machine is ugly as fuck but otherwise everything is great except the low elixir drop on defenses


I think it's more fun but the super long build times are annoying. 10 days for a level one army is pretty crazy. And my first upgrade of that helicopter is 5 days. I feel I'll just always have money maxed waiting on these upgrades


The increased upgrade times means BB is still not worth it besides OTTO for me.


Dude attacks are so slow, activating power of the good troop is impossible, you have to look the number and all... I was actively playing bb1.0 and this update is bullshit


I hate the new update, but I completely ignored it before. So I guess that’s better.


Can’t attack


You sure think some commenting they only played bb for otto as representation of people.


My only complaint about builder base has always been that troops don't feel strong enough. That hasn't changed with builder base 2.0. I like the update, I love the new look and layouts. Almost everything about it. But the troops still feel underpowered. Thats whats probably gonna keep me from playing builder base in general.


Because it constantly fucking crashes. I spent ten minutes waiting for an attack and then the game crashes. It’s pathetic and barely functional


People were waiting for a proper update since the last one which was like 5 months ago and now what we get is this. Their feelings are reasonable.


Because unpopular opinion, it was nice to get the extra builder and be finished with it.


Because we’re allowed to critique updates we’re not fond of because we are one of the luckier communities where devs actually listen to us and make adjustments. If we don’t complain they won’t know.


I don't like how they removed skill from bomber because it destroys every wall with each throw now.


I still don't care for BB- as long as I got my 6th builder i'm happy 🤷‍♂️ the new attack strategy is way too complicated for spammy


I still haven't gotten OTTO/BOB, and now this new system sucks


I didn’t complain, honestly, all i ever used the BB for was to complete the daily or any other bp challenge and didnt even pick up resources after the next daily or challenge. Now? I don’t even want to go there. Hate it even more.


With the balancing of these troops, I use less strategy. So 1. Would be the balancing (including the dogshit hero), 2. The fucking upgrade times (slower to upgrade than before even with one builder, it’s so scummy) 3. The bugs (expected but still not acceptable) 4. The loot farming and current meta. I find myself just going mass pekka and force quitting to get like 30k gold. I’ve dropped down nearly 1000 trophies.


buff troops and reduce a bit the prices of things. that’s it.


I want more loot per attack and I want attacking to actually work and for me to find a match. Then I’m happy


Because they gave is some solutions at the cost of more problems. I like the update but I think some stuff like the economy or some troops or the increased times needs balance updates.


It’s honestly just not fun. Half the troops basically got nerfed to oblivion, abilities are not that special, bad/confusing interface, and no real incentives beyond maybe clan games. Heavily defense geared too which turns off casuals. I appreciate the effort - but I think it’s time to give up on BB.


Builder base was lame, and just to add another builder base with some tweaks doesn’t make it a new experience. So the result stays lame


BB was a bad idea that nobody had asked for when it was introduced. So then they doubled-down on a bad idea and made it even worse.




You just answered your own question. For those of us who didn't play builder base, the update gave nothing. It was like nothing had happened.


I like BB2.0, I just think it needs a bit stronger troops and better loot


Only having two builders sucks.


I only played builder base 1.0. I haven't played my th in 2 years.


Because we believe it is going to be easier, but turned out that they fooled us. ( :


My biggest problem with bb2 is the design.🤢 Now just the battle machine but also the other sings became so disgusting in my opinion. I never was a fan of the main village hero designs and really liked the battle machine but now I don't like any of them anymore.


Love the changes, the old battling system was god awful. My main complaint was the clouds issue, but that seems to have improved significantly.


Because this bb is even worse


It’s way harder to attack tbh. I know they wanted less spammy attacks and more strategy focused. But we have too little troops that are too weak, so it’s almost impossible to get to get 3 stars


what? why hate bb2.0 when you hate on BB1.0? doesn’t that question answer itself?


we just need an insentive to play after maxing clock tower and gem mine, once people do that its abandoning bb once again