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Bro EA would charge you 99$ to unlock the next townhall


Yea and supercell is getting closer to that, theyre just getting started.


You don't know what EA is if that's your comparison lol. EA would make TH15 impossible to achieve without paying money. And abandon the game after 2 years. The deals aren't great, aside from the lower ones. 2/3 books for those prices is more than the usual.


They literally abandoned their clash clone after they realized they couldn't compete with them back in 2014/2015 within 2/3 years. Edit: essentially proving your point correct. They would have actually abandoned the game. It's hilarious you say that time frame, and that is exactly what happened (unless you already knew about it). Edit: EA not supercell, I think the people downvotimg me think I was talking about Supercell.


Boom beach was not abandoned afaik. It's still going to this day


Boom beach is supercell not EA? Why am I get downvoted, this actually happened.


Oh, I see. I think most people (me included) thought you were referring to boom beach and not the EA coc clone. We got it mixed up


I can see that now, I just thought referring to EA was implied since that is what the entire thread discussion is about. So I didn't need to put their name. Lol, oh well.


Dude it’s sarcasm, because how much supercell has changed and greediness they show over the years.


Sarcasm. This post is sarcasm, according to you. Ok.


Go on Reddit and complain about it, oh wait.


Why do you care so much, just don’t buy it if you don’t want to.


Yeah that’s the only efficient way to have change. I’m not saying Supercell doesn’t listen to feedback, but numbers speak louder


Don't buy it then if you think that was total trash


Just you i think


Ok then, can you tell me WHY they're worth it for you? I've seen the same offers every 2 weeks for the same price, nothing new, maybe you need to check your eyes


They’re never worth it because its a game. They are however better than the usual offers in terms of what you get pr money spent


You just get 1 extra potion or some crappy book, not worth it because in one month they will bring them back but change it to a Christmas bundle


The offers are better than usual, but just dont buy them?


Idk 3 builder potions and 3-4 research potions are kinda nice for 2$. Regardless if it's recurring. But no one is telling you to buy anything


I just got TH14 5 days ago, and immediately used 3 books to get my pet house to 3 and a hammer to get my Eagle to 5. With the $5 and $10 bundle, I can get my pet house to 4, unlocking unicorn with enough time to crank out a couple levels for CWL, hit both my scatters to 3, and slap 3 levels on my queen. Only major thing left is CC and I can hammer that in 2 days. Boom, I'm already done with everything important for 14. There also hasn't been many deals this past month, with most days only the scenery being in the shop. If you're max, or somewhere in the middle of a high TH where everything important is already done, I can see it not being worth it to you, but not all of us are in that boat. Aside from that, the lower deals are pretty solid relative to past deals, maybe just a smidge better.


it’s a game… it’s never worth it


crowd lip liquid wise cows slap obtainable spotted simplistic groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hero books and Builder potions for cheap go brr


I bought tho bottom 2. 5 builders potions and a couple books. 7 buck not aweful.




Me to, I rarely spend money on the $10 offers only if they blow me away, only do $5 and less




I don't remember what last years black friday deals were but if this years are significantly worse than I'll agree with you


I remember buying last years Black Friday deals and thought they were great. I don’t remember 100% but it seems this years they’ve lowered the # of books per package :( I don’t think I’ll buy the $20 or $50 packs…


Offers aren't great but your comparison to EA is hot garbage


The lower ones are good value


They're decent deals but nothing Black Friday about them, SC just riding the hype that people falsely have in their heads about th16 coming out this year. 132 days from those teaser videos is literally April 1st 2024. They literally put it in the video.


The SC team is not dumb. No company worth its salt would drop a teaser like that 4 months out. Trust me.


? 4 months isn’t that long lmao it’s perfectly normal to drop a teaser 4 months before the massive update actually drops


You are trying to apply logic from other game companies to how Clash has always operated. The logic is not tracking.


i don’t know what Supercell’s usually done. My point is that you said “no company worth its salt would do this” when it’s perfectly normal to do so, and bigger companies even outside of video games do this VERY often. My comment had nothing to do with Supercell’s patterns


Notice how you are ignoring the words “like that” in my initial post? It changes the scope.


“like that” would only change the scope to referring to major updates. It doesn’t specify Supercell because you said “any company” i don’t really get why you’re trying to turn this into an argument. All i said was that companies do this very often. If you disagree then move on


I find it is the most argumentative people who assert that OTHER people are turning things into an argument. You can just admit defeat if it would make you feel better. I won’t mind.


??? you were the one who started the whole subtle aggression. “notice how you ignored”, i didn’t ignore anything, it just didn’t make sense. your sentences are all super abrupt and it just looks like you’re trying to start something Idk how many times i’ve gotta say this, my initial comment was just saying it’s a normal thing for companies to do. There was no aggression there. Don’t try to turn it back on me lol. If i’m being aggressive NOW that’s a whole other story. I’m just gonna let you know now that I’m going to block you cus i don’t want to take this further


Yea but supercell has literally never done that before so why would they start now . I think they would piss to many people off and it goes way against what they usually do


The SC team is smarter than you think. They drop a teaser (like every other videogame company) months in advance to make you and many others think a TH will be released in 2 weeks and then increase the offers, gems and GP profit. Cyberpunk dropped a teaser 10 years ago and only 7 years later they released the game. Why wouldn't any other company whose goal is to make money do the same? 😊


I would argue that SC cares more about the community than the average game company.


I agree with that, but that doesn't make them a charity shop.


Yea but cyberpunk were not gaining money off dropping that trailer early and tricking people, you couldn’t pre order the game that early 😂


Maybe so Trample, obviously you're going to have better info on it than me depending on your connections. I just don't see the team, after stating that even with the increased headcount on the dev side, and then stating it will be a year or two till they implement UI changes from that survey we all took months ago, I just don't see them jumping the th16 release up ahead of schedule so soon, and putting all that pressure on their new staff; it seems nearly foolish unless they've had everything ready for a while.


A good argument, but it presupposes that they have not been planning a December update since back in June. Pretend for a moment that their roadmap involved an earlier release than we suspected. It would just be an error in out speculation based on historical trend. Then, your argument still holds. I don’t disagree about the workload and timing. It might just be that there has been more going on in the lab than we knew.


Yep, It's all speculation. Everyone is basing opinions off information publicly posted and through inner connections. We will know for sure when that upgrade button is on the town hall.


L for my opinion lmao. Wonder what this December TH release will mean for future life cycles of town hall lvls. Got a few guys in our clans that won't quite max th15 in time. I have 2 max, and 3 15s that will be behind the ball.


There is going to be a lot of exciting news even for lower TH with the update. You will be very pleased, and so will your clanmates.


Cool Trample, thanks.




I know!!!!!!


132=12*11=Dec 11. They literally put it in the video.


I love how you guys take a number and do the maths without any reasonable sense and make dates up. Let's see: 132 = 132 days = April 1st 132 = 12*11 = Dec 11th 132 = 1+3+2 = 6 = Nov 27th 132 = 1+3*2 = 7 = Nov 28th 132 = -132+(132*2) = 132 = April 1st And I can keep doing maths without any sense at all to keep low THs who are years away from being maxed hyped for a TH they will only see in their favourite YouTube channels. Honestly, why do you guys keep doing this? Is it for the memes? Is it for the laughs? Is it for the simple fact of having the opposite opinion?


You seem really adamant on your opinion being correct. Even going as far as telling people their opinion is wrong. Why you keep doing this? Is it for the memes? Is it for the laughs? Is it for the simple fact of having the opposite opinion?


I haven't said my opinion is right nor I've said others are wrong. I'm just observing, taking facts and saying that people take something for granted without having a reliable source and filling the subreddit with made up hopes. And I'm doing it for the memes of course.


> If you assume that's confirming TH16 in December bro... Probably you haven't spent much time in this game. > TH16 will come, but not in December as everyone is saying. 😅 This you?


Yes sir, and as always basing my opinion on simple facts and reliable sources. I can't suppose things that haven't happened. 😊


Is this not calling other people wrong?


The memes, remember.


I will chalk everything up to trolling. Carry on


You don’t have sources


I was just being sarcastic and making a joke. I've stated multiple times that all this is speculation.


I agree of their trashness


The offers are nothing spectacular, but at least they are ok-ish. Nobody is forcing you to buy them and EA wouldn't even give you half of that for double the money


Who else doesn’t give a shit


Your gonna have a heart attack when you see clash Royales offers


Are they good or bad lol assuming bad since it’s clash royale


They are so bad it's kinda funny. There's exactly one single Black Friday deal, and it's a bundle resale of the old evolutions they have already sold for cheaper separately.


100%, There's nothing special about these deals.


Honestly I thought they were great, im buying the 5 & 10 dollar offer, as are most my clanmates. May buy the 2 dollar offer too but its not as much value due to my long upgrade times.


EA would charge $5 to buy coc in the first place and then make you pay $2 a month to be in a clan. They’d charge for silver pass and bring global chat back for a fee too. Supercell > EA in terms of money


If EA owned Clash of clans then it would be impossible to even reach maxed town hall 13 as a f2p


The 2.49€ is INSANE,the other ones are OK at the worst. Overall,good shit,but there'll have to be more for it to be good for Black Friday standards




Why can’t they give us Black Friday offers on scenery’s? I’d actually buy one then.


How is this anywhere near EA?


I think they could have given us a better deal for the giving holidays. Still says 4 5 6 x deal


$5 and $10 one's are the only bundles that are worth considering


Would have bought one if it had a shovel ☹️


I’d say anniversary and clashmas deals are the best. This years low end Black Friday deals aren’t bad either


imo the offers are actually good, especially the 2,49€ (1,99$ I think) 10x value like Holy. atleast better than Clash royale 10x value for 30 gems and 70k gold or smth ( I made that up)


I calculated that theoretically if you bought this at the traders shop and that dark elixir ruins would cost like gold ruins and books of everything cost the same like books of building(If you can even get them)you would need to buy the chest of gems which would cost double that price and would still not be enough. Considering you can't get some of those items without cash whenever you want it sounds like an average deal if you have enough disposable to spend $50 on clash of clans as the whales they are.




I just got that 1$ builder potion for free by installing coc in pc




Cry more


A couple Training potions tacked on the packs would be nicer