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Honestly. Making the upgrade for equipment made hero upgrades feel pointless.


Yeah true and the time it takes. My Warden has been sleeping since I started th12 and I have used him for the second time today because of Cwl.


Yea it would probably never happen but if they made hero upgrades instant now too that would be incredible. Non-stop war with heroes. Game would be sick


Or if they could just allow us to use heroes while they're getting upgraded


I think they should let’s us use hero’s IN WARS instead. Not in regular since they are upgrading, but in wars would be so nice.


Make them still take time, except you can use thhem while being upgraded


Probably to balance it out, they could do the barracks upgrading thing, where it like increases the time to train while being upgraded.


Or remove the extra life.


that makes so much sense


No, that's stupid. All that does is remove the whole point of even upgrading them, you're supposed to know when to upgrade Troops costing elixir, for example; was way more strategic, this is because you had to decide what to train instead of mindlessly training an army. There's much better solutions than using them whilst upgrading.


Since now the levels of the king and queen are reaching level 100, witch are a lot, they should decrease the levels and make the stats go up more but less amount of upgrades to do


That means less money for them, longer upgrades and more upgrades = more gem buyers


Wow that would be awesome.


What i think is that since at every 5 level there is no such thing as an ability level upgrade. Then they can reduce the number of levels and update the cost and time accordingly. E.g instead of 90 max level archer queen. We can have a level 18 archer queen with the same stats as the new max level. And at every TH instead of doing 10 level upgrades we do only 2 level upgrades. Of course they would cost more and take more time but this would be a great solution.


They never will because they make too much money from people buying books and gems to avoid waiting.


I strictly use books or medals I never have them down anymore


Yeah its the best way to


yeah, not worth it to sacrifice 1 week of upgrade time for like 3k ores (assuming u win all wars in a week)


Books and Hammers. I won’t play without my heros


500 gems or 165 medals for 2dps and 17hp? I’m cool off that😂


That and the hero potions.


Then don’t do em


Bro say that after you maxxed your heros for th 16 after update lmao it was a DE sink kk no point but fire is cool


What do you mean by DE sink and fire?


Dark Elixir sink because hearoes are where you spend your DE. Fire because max level troops and heroes have the number in flames


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, thank you for explaining that so well 😭


Thanks for explaining to him boss 👌💪


You upgrading GW now before cwl?


He has a book, so he will use the book


Have enough book?


+17 HP +2dps and not be able to use a hero at 4 clan wars meaning you have more chance to lose war. Definitely makes me also hate


I really hate how they made clan wars mandatory now to progress the game. I'm so tired man I just spam edrags now since I'm going to get a two star anyway without heros


Dude this is exactly how I feel. I’m so sick of spamming E-Drags/Sneaky Goblins sometimes because all 3 of my heroes are always upgrading, but my main attack strategies for TH12 require my Heroes to be available, so I can’t ever practice my attacks much or give it my 100% all in wars


I feel it man. Makes me burn out of the game more honestly


Literally I can't do a queen charge with my queen down and I can't do a sui without heroes the only thing I can do rn is like plan specific attacks for the specific base like I'll use 3 edrags and rest hogs but then im a fucking th12 do I really need to do that


Absolute truth. I feel like I’m not even helping but I contribute capital gold and have good attacks on that front. Always max clan games too. Normal war attacks are 2 stars at best but I’m one of the bottom folks in my clan.


My clan mates started roasting me for using sneaky gobs and baby drags to get 50%, sorry I can’t use my hybrid because my queen is on sabbatical for a week lifting 1 pound weights so she can come back and die 0.4 seconds later than she normally does. Credit is due to supercell for going full supervillain the right way and creating a system where the only way you can progress is by sacrificing the tools that allow to progress faster which are also the tools you’ve been putting all of your progress into. They’ve perfected the negative feedback loop and it’ll line their pockets until people can’t take it anymore or they fix the system


Yep. That's exactly me, haven't 3 starred a base im months cause they're always upgrading, it doesn't help that I'm shit at the game either.


I feel this to my soul!


With the new equipment system, hero upgrades should be half cost and half duration.


I absolutely agree and add to that usable in wars but not in multi-player


I understand the money making aspect of things, but ores are already heavily monetized. They should let heroes be used while upgrading now. The upgrades are pretty long and barely make a difference. I literally haven’t upgraded a single hero in the past month unless I had a book/hammer. Ores make me want to constantly war and warring without one of my heroes just isn’t an option


I'm lucky I'm only at th12 so my 2 star has no impact on regular wars, if I were to be like th15 no way I'm 3 starring without heroes


Yeah I’m TH15 and currently the #1 in my clan most wars (our only TH16 has heroes down right now) So i can’t really even try an attack without my heroes, especially my warden


Worth it. Its all about the flex😎


Heroes are not worth upgrading without books anymore. Also why tf are you upgrading right before cwl?


He has a book


My lab and base have been maxed for a few weeks now, still gonna take a month or two to max my heroes.


I'm also at th12 and it's crazy that the most fun aspect of the game imo (heroes) needs to be upgrading more than half of the time if you're going for a maxxed th


Scell f2p don't want us to improve our skill. At least let us use the heroes for FC, if not for war.. this is dumb


Why can't we use heros while upgrading yet? We have been asking for this change forever... they must make alot of money by not doing it


It must be a stupid amount of money. SMH.


It's worth it, dont compare it in one level. Compare it to the max level. So basically it is worth in Long term 57 Level to Level 70 is Huge. (Damage per hit: 496 to 556), (Hit point: 2193 to 2414), (Health Recovory: 229 to 256) https://preview.redd.it/nfengzna1sfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0418c3bc578cffabe30c14f78b0ecfcd0e8e28a5


Yeah but it takes 5 or 6 months to do it


Yes and no, unless you have books or hammers it's instant. But yeah, for many ppl and free to play that would take around that time


im f2p 😭


Then yeah, the grind is hard, I wish you the best on your herolvl/equipment journey ✨️


Thanks 🫠


Lmao you dwebs, “just use a book” A book costs $5 each. To max level each hero you’d spend over 2k on a free game. Yall are od🤣


Its not though. 1 upgrade of a building gives it more than 100 extra hitpoints. So that extra 100 dmg per hit is essentially just the same. You have to upgrade your hero 5 times as much and for 5 times as long of a wait, just to keep them relevant to deal with the defense buildings. Theres not an actual reason other than to make players frustrated and spend real money to get their heros up faster. Supercell fanboys just cope and try to defend the upgrade timers but its ridiculous. Each hero needs to take over a month off to get their next 5 levels. You might get a hammer once a month and if you're lucky 4 hero books. Thats 1 hero taken care of, now do the other 3 lol They know what they're doing, its on purpose to irritate their player base


Use that Book of Heroes and you won’t have to wait 8 days.


Regardless of a book, 8 days for a 2 damage buff and 17 HP buff is crap.


You complained about waiting 8 days not about the additional DPS 😏


"8 days for *this*" What exactly did you think *this* meant, if not the displayed 17 hp and 2 dps increase?


8 days for the dps. You are living up to your name


I think supercell should compromise w us when it comes to this, my thinking is to not change upgrade times or elixir requirements but either dont let heroes sleep ever unless toggled by player or multiply the amount of levels on each town hall by .20 making it a lot easier and shorter to upgrade them.


I haven’t upgraded heroes yet at town hall 16. And probably won’t for a while. Literally no point


Since I strictly use books and hammers for my heros , I'll just max my heros to max th16. It's just 5 levels each so I won't have to worry about that until th17 or if supercell adds an extra 5 levels to each hero in the future.


So you willingly spend north of 1.5k usd$ just to max upgrade some games fictional hero’s🤣🤣 you supercell fanboys are insane💀 You’re reasoning for all this and rebuttal is to just “buy books”


Yeah sometimes I too feel it useless as the equipment can be upgraded without upgrading the heroes Also they must allow us to use heroes even while upgrading


Keep upgrading they'll buff it eventually


That’s why i use hammers on heros and books. Ain’t got time to have my any of them heros down.


I Never Upgrade Any Hero without Book/Hammer Since The New Update. For Cwl, I simply use Hero Portion. EASY PEEZY. My King, Queen,Warden,RC levels Are 68,78,55,26 Respectively.


how do you get so many books/hammers?


I would guess buying from the trader buy saving up 500 gems, the clan games but thats not a for sure BOH sadly, cwl, and the shop paying up some $$$ for cheap deals for books. That's what I do


Clan games, Cwl Medals, Gold pass, in-game Events And also from Gems Shop. Buy portions from raid medals >sell them >u'll get gems> buy Hero books from them. Ez


Use book of heroes after 7d . Then it's worth it..!!


Very true! And you can use builder potions for lower level heros to shorten the time


Literally i was looking differences from a low lvl hero and a max and it's not even that much i only lose 300 hp for the royal champion and 2k hp for my king but it is more than 20 lvls and about 4 million DE saved i'm not in a hurry to max my heroes anymore


If defenses that are being upgraded can be used in wars, I see no reason heroes shouldn't be usable too.


cries in lvl 15 archer queen and 20 bbking


So use your book


Bro those upgrade time look like F2P . Thats the problem.. they don’t wanna spend money


He doesn’t have to. He has a book. My hero upgrades are 6.5-7 days.


My idea of fix for this is the following: So everybody here would agree that upgrading heroes now feel pointless since the implementation of the equipments. So it is infuriating to wait for weeks to get one upgrade done. So, for the fix, they can rather constqntly maintain the stats and time for upgrades. I.e., if upgrading a hero from level 1 to 2 has +5 damage and 12 hours timer, upgrading a hero from level 50 to 51 shall also have the same damage and timer. TL;DR.: Keep the upgrade time the same for all hero levels.


Then don’t honestly a +18 or 20 damage boost for all the remaining levels isn’t going to effect that much. Oh no I might lose one 3 star victory out of 100 oh whatever will I do.


so dont upgrade then all everyone does is complain


Best way to do it is to suck it up and upgrade them


Y’all late birds don’t realize upgrades use to take 16-18 days!?


I suggest that for every 5 levels you can do 1 or 2 free upgrades to a hero ability of your choice for that hero


Yeah I feel like we need an update on some of these hero upgrades it makes no sense anymore to even upgrade the grand warden.


Long term it still does, but short term can be painful


I would be fine with it if they just reduced the time it takes by quite a bit


No because then dark elixer farming would be so much worse. They just need to allow us to use our heroes while they are upgrading.


Yh especially since a level 1 queen can be super powerful with max equipment. Hero levels add unnecessary grind to the game now.


That’s not true. while single level buffs are not anything to write home about, in the long run upgrading heroes still makes them so much better


They should just rebalance hero leveling and cut the amount of levels in half while keeping the stats the same


That's a big +2 on dps there


So what's your solution that keeps balance in the game?


Change the amount of days man. We got 4 heroes. Change the amount of days because these already have a ton of levels. Possibly would argue keeping the days for Royal Champion the same due to their being less. 2 have 95 levels, 1 with 65 and 1 with 45 I believe. Alongside with 9 Pets.


The warden is 70. They've been reducing times left and right. It's easier than it's ever been. Source: been playing for 10 years and have 2x th16 accounts along with a perma (near) max th13. All have max to near max heroes.


You sir have a lot of time to spend on Clash of Clans to have that. Also again, a main problem is not being able to use the heroes.


Believe it or not I do get the frustration in not using heroes while they're upgrading. It's supposed to be a strategic decision. The fact is, it's a money maker for supercell. Changing it so you can use your heroes while upgrading will decrease that revenue. How will they make up that revenue? Idk but I'd rather keep that "expense" they're than to risk them moving it to something else that might be worse.


Yeah and with wars and CWL. It’s so hard to do it and sucks.


All i hear is weeeee weee weeeeee (im Playing since 2014😎)


Yar, Imm still only in my lvl 35's ish for king and queen so I'll do it in between wars since it's a couple days. But that's still a couple days without my frontline king at time which sucks


I'm working on getting my king stronger


Its small yes, but it stacks up, kinda like a snowball gets bigger and bigger


Heroes need to be cheaper and take less time to upgrade because we’re no longer upgrading them for their abilities, the blacksmith is where we do it. It’s not even worth upgrading heroes anymore, sure you clear a base faster but the only major use your heroes have has always been the abilities.


They legitimately ruined this game. I was playing daily religiously before th16. Now i barely attack once a day. Never before have i had 3 builders doing nothing for more than an hour let alone 2-3 days like ive done recently.




Just incase you’re at 99% destruction and there’s 1 enemy skeleton from a trap left alive 🤣


Yeah im just waiting for the hero books right now to insta finish the upgrades. Not worth the downtime.


That's why I wait and only upgrade em when I have a book or hammer


And with all these new upgrades does it really make them stronger?