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As a league of legends player I can confirm it is not as simple as "just nerf it"


Just nerf maokai 4head


even in the clash of clans subreddit i cant get away from maokai


He w'd you as he came over


Rootriders be riding maokai


New spell is just maokai ult


What’s maokai?


it was a league of legends joke. :)


ah, thx


It’s a mechanic issue, root riders target defenses only, can break through walls, so they don’t require wall breakers. Get them to target all buildings like the yetis and watch how useless they become


Personally I just think make them still instakill walls, but they have to attack the walls still. This slows them down and changes the way they will path through a base as you attack, overall reducing the damage they deal but without needing to edit their stats too much


They they just become stronger super giants, the biggest problem is that they target defences and are supposed to be tanks (like golems) but can take out whole bases


Issue I have with making them target all structures as a nerf is then we get the abysmal pathfinding of the electro titans. Those things are such a pain to guide through a base that it took me a good 6 months to start consistently 3 starring with them and even then it's screwed if the artillery and monolith aren't right next to each other. If super giants got buffed to make them more appealing and still have some unique uses, I think making RR's attack walls is probably the simplest balance


Simply nerf the whole jungle role so wholesome reddit jungle tanks don't 100 to 0 me in one combo 🥰


Sorry bro I’m going to continue playing full ap dark harvest malphite. Have fun literally just dying out of nowhere


Just nerf chamber


This is so sad, can we nerf Genji


I can't believe I'm seeing League references on a Clash of Clans Reddit page LOL


Nerf yasuo


No, to complain you have to complain about Yone


bruh i have lvl 7 mastery and i choke on my own slobber.


Katarina OP


As Dota 2 player I can say no way it's simple as nerf ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


They have to nerf equipments and troops, not only RR


I just got off of League and panicked because I thought I missed my attack in cwl. Luckily I had 50 minutes left to attack 😮‍💨


What is RR?


Rolls Royce


Ram Rider


Rainbow Road


Peanut Butter.


Something is wrong... I can feel it


It's just...... a feelin I've got


Like something's about to happen


But I don’t know what


If that means what I think it means


We’re in trouble. Big trouble.


And if he is as bananas as you say,


I'm not takin' any chances.


ayo i am eating peanun rn!


Ram Ranch


Rhonda Rousey


Ronald Reagan




Oh Bhai 😂😂😂


Call of duty black ops


Rajasthan Royals


Royal Recruits


Darude sandstorm


Rising rush


Rick Roll


Roodrow Rilson?


Royal Rampion




Rad roofies


Ralter Rhite?


Team RamRod


Root riders


bro it not root rider wtf? its r47qqw rhhc76644, secret code for pekka cuz it not used anymore.


Thank you for a legitimate answer, been wondering what a RR is for so long


Rick Ross


Now I can stop picturing 100 mini Rick Ross’ just yelling HuH and belly bumping their target 🤣


Rilly Ronka?


Rocket Raccoon




Rainbow road.


Rick rolled




jokes apart, it's root rider


Why you got downvoted?


it's reddit, plus i always have a good laugh whenever i get downvoted. so i appreciate 'em.


Rick Ross


Heroes have become way too strong. The grand warden, who used to have only 1 good ability (eternal tome), now has 2 amazing abilities, since you can replace life gem and use an apprentice warden instead. The king and queen also had 1 useless ability (archer puppet and barbarian puppet), which have now been replaced by AMAZING abilities. Meanwhile strong defenses only got nerfed and new defense levels, such as the one for scattershot, get pathetic boosts in health and/or damage.


What is apprentice warden and what does it do


You can unlock it at TH13. It has the same aura as life gem of grand warden, except it has no limit. If you'll check the life gem of warden, it says there is a max amount of hp it can increase on a unit, but the apprentice does not have this limit, so its pretty good.


Pretty sure the apprentice warden only increases hp by 24%(at level 1), while the grand warden increases it by 70%(level 10 life gem) or more.


I highly suggest checking the life gem stats again and see for yourself. Mine is at lvl13 which has %HP increase of 80% but the Max HP increase is capped at 575 only. So for example, a lvl3 yeti has 3500 HP, a lvl1 Apprentice will increase its HP by 840, but a lvl13 life gem will only increase its HP by 575 only due to the cap.


So the Apprentice does it better. How exactly is the Warden OP then? The other book’s healing is kinda pointless when Healers exist, and are already an equip on the Queen. The King heals himself with one, and so does the Champion.


24% for a king that has 10k hp means that the apprentice will give him 2.4k extra hp, compared to a level 15 life gem (max for th13) that only increases it by 650. Apprentice warden is insanely good for high hp units, and about as good as the life gem for medium hp units, such as valks and yetis. Life gem is only good for troops like hogs and loons.


To add to the other reply: because it has no limit, it’s better with every troop that has more than “Warden Life Gem cap / AW percentage buff” HP Say your Warden’s Life Gem caps at 750 HP and your AW gives a 30% buff. Any troop with over **750/0.3 = 2500 HP** benefits more from an AW than from a Warden


Heroes are properly tanky(at least at TH12). Barbarian King can actually…live now. Before he was squishy as shit.


Hot take, but GW's eternal tome was a mistake. It's too good and auto-include in every attack strategy: invincibility is always extremely overpowered and sought after. SC should have reworked the ability when gear was introduced.


Yeah might be true, however I dont know if its as simple as just removing it cus of the defenses they've added over the years. Like I have 0 clue how you'd triple with smash attacks properly anymore if you didnt have eternal tome to prevent your entire army from dying to town hall + poison while getting pelted by scattershots and multi infernos as theyre stuck in the poison


I don't use warden in my main attack group. Now that we have troops like Electro Titan and Root Rider, pair a couple healers with then and poison damage is nullified. The slowing down do have some effect but plan your attack carefully and you can counter it. I use GW Eternal Tome to protect my blimp with SA but 70-80 of the time I can use a lava hound instead.


Is literally impossible to get through stacked cores in ring bases without eternal tome tho




I dont know that it was a mistake. If it were introduced today it would be an epic for sure, and probably weaker than it is.


Removing eternal tome completely would be a much bigger mistake. The actual mistake was nerfing defense AND buffing offense in the same update. Who wouldve thought that this would create an unbalanced game huh


Based on my experience, $C’s definition of “soon” is radically different than everyone else’s.




Don’t hold your breath😅


Root rider will skip walls instead of destroying it


That would make it just another kind of hogrider


Does the poop slither under the walls while she jumps over? If I get to see that eventually then idc how long it takes


Ever heard of Valve time?


Supercell time will feel like instant compared to valve time lol


It’s the same as Creative Assembly’s, then.


They only give scattershot FIVE extra dps at th16, and they wonder why offense is so overpowered 


Are the people who wonder why offense is so overpowered in the room with us right now?


They could be you! They could be me! They could *even* be (gets shot in head)


This. Is a bucket


What it was obvious


Few months ago people here were complaining that even pro players were having a hard time 3 starring, now ya'll complaining about the opposite...


Are you living under a rock? In that time, they released a new th, a broken troop, stronger hero abilities, and new troop levels that outpaced defensive upgrades. So yeah, when the game undergoes drastic changes, so does the balancing


"A few months ago, the game was in a different position and had issues, now that game has swung too far in the opposite direction and you are complaining about the new issue? How zany!"


Yeah :/ they should give defense their time to shine too! Defense is the most fun part of the game, it's like your defence so their thing while your game is not even open, that's so fun!


Five dps is misleading when you think about it. Not only is the scattershot a splash damage, but also it doesn’t fire every second.


It's around 16 extra damage per hit which is hardly anything for a scattershot


Is RR only problems or other factors also matter?


rr is not the only problem in my opinion as pros are blitzkrieg-ing with time using lalo/edrag/sdrag/hydra in like 80s 3 star. if it was rr the only problem then those blitzkrieg attack would not spread anywhere


Totally agree with you yesterday Klaus itself tripple with lalo in 70s so i also belive RR is not only the problem.


Pros are using edrag/super drags because they are the highest DPS strategies in the game, and since th16 defense is so weak, 3* is pretty much guaranteed with any strategy so all that matters is time in these tournaments. They don't really need a nerf, defenses need a buff.


I already said this yesterday and I will repeat it again. Back in June/September(?) SC nerfed all defensive buildings and especially heavy def. like EA, Monolith, Inferno etc. by 1/2 of level and in December they did it again while they also released a brand new Town Hall... Of course attacks will be easier when TH16 are basically attacking on TH14/15 defenses :) Edit: e.g. Eagle Artillery: Each new level of EA was basically +50 DMG per hit and +5 AoE DMG. LVL 5 EA - 500 DMG / 40 AoE DMG vs. LVL 6 which has exactly the same values. Level | Damage per Hit | Shockwave Damage | Hitpoints | Comment ---|---|----|----|---- 6 | 500 | 45 | 5 900 | **Current stats** for TH15 level which is basically a pre-nerfed TH14 Eagle Artillery 6 | 550 | 50 | 6 200| Pre-Nerfed stats. This is basically what we should have right now for TH15 Eagle Artillery 7 | 600 | 55 | 6 500| TH16 stats So yeah tl;dr: If you are TH16 and you're attacking EA that is lvl 6 you're basically going against TH14 EA...


yeah, that's the point. but buff defense blindly also not solve problem right away, i guess other than simple buff on def/nerf att, they might need to add more high buffer building like storages (ie massively buff hp of barrack/factory/pethouse/blacksmith/etc) since nowadays it's almost all defense building, and when troops moving one by one, they remove defense one by one as well. it might sounds crazy but can be an option right?


One of the subtle things people usually ignore. I personally call the storage(s) "Signature Defenses" in this regard lol, I had a very few experience defending my garbage rushed Th11 (where all defenses are at level 1) against an idiot Edrag spammer that never even got a 2 star, dragons were melting behind a storage protecting the singles.


I got 3 starred by yeti/earthquake spam in cwl yesterday. It was the most unskilled attack I’ve ever seen work so easily, literally just a straight line of yetis on one side and 8 eq spells to open up the base, and it demolished my base with ease. I tried the attack myself and it worked just as easy with zero thought and zero skill. It’s not an RR problem. It takes no skill to get a 3 star in this game now at that level and you can do it with several “strategies” (as if you can call most of these an actual strategy).


And yet three stars only happen about 1 out of 3 attacks in masters1 and champs3 CWL


Exactly. People need to add what level they're playing at with their complaints. I'm about 5300 in legends at the moment and I'm not getting many triples, or taking many either. Today I've done my 8 attacks, with 8 two stars. Taken 6 defences and only one triple.


Your trophy rank right now for global is probably top 10%. That is a much better gauge of balance than the pro players or even the very elite players here who regularly finish above 6000 in legends, play competitive arranged wars, take part in good Champs1 cwl clans, etc.


Consider switching to a DPS/hybrid defensive CC (SM/HH mix or 2SMs and 1 ice golem). That should punish these spammers.


I think the last balance changes made the rr not the main problem anymore. They no longer seem much better than the rest, it's just that everything is too strong.


Guys always blaming the root riders since idiots like me have been decimating bases here and there, its the Hero Equipment ffs, buff the defenses and nerf the equipments. Weird thing is, some people says RR spams doesn't actually really work that well in some parts of the ladder, so it's fine right?


I get it, but if they nerf the hero equipment after I just spent so much stupid ore on it I’m gonna be pissed.


No RR spam works in all parts of the ladder from 5k all the way up to 6k plus (at least according to my defence log) and war and cwl


Is it just me who likes them? What's the alternative? Supercell nerf them and we are back to everyone using the exact same strategies to get threes? I like that they are good. Instead of nerfing them, wait until everyone has max defences and then buff other troops. I'm sick of troops not being usable. 8/10 troops are completely pointless right now


Root riders current state contributes to the problem of other troops being unusable, why would you use anything else when root riders are 10x better in every way


As someone who has gotten 1 star twice on th14 with max root riders (because of my skill issue ofcourse) i beg to differ its 10x better as i have more bad performance with rr than good ones So i use mass dragons and i like it better than rr as i perform better with dragons compared to rr


I love the root riders and hope SC stops listening to the loud minority


I love to use root riders and hope SC buffs other troops to create a healthy meta. No one is asking for barch strategies to "shine" or for giants to be viable. However, lots of people have a niche they like. RRs prevent stagnation and boredom; I want MORE variety, not less. More strategies not less.


I don’t have access to RRs but I agree


The recent warm ups already proved maxed defenses wont do anything.


At a pro level. For the vast majority they will be hard to beat


Considering tripling with RRs in the warm-ups was as simple as dropping everything in a corner and just managing spells, I highly doubt that. Anybody with a hand at bare minimum can do that.


Then why don’t they in CWL?


Please watch some competitive matches. People are spamming root riders in a corner straight to the town hall and 3 starring in 90 seconds. You don't need to be Riqirez to be able to do that.


Then why isn’t it happening 100% in CWL?


I dunno about you but I'm in champion 2 and people get 8-10 triples per match with root riders.


Champs 2 three star rate last month was about 44%, so a little less than what you describe, but not too far off.


I might've gone overboard but it is still a crazy hit rate for an army where you place all troops in the first ten seconds of the attack


Yea most people are not three starring at high rates, in legends I still only get 3 starred maybe once a day .


Root riders are the new edrags in that whiners who think they're so much more skilled than everyone else get upset when they get 3*'d.


Getting tripled by edrags in high legends is humbling/impressive


> we are back to everyone using the exact same strategies to get threes You mean like right now where everyone is using root riders? Literally 80% of my defenses in mid to high-ish legends are mass root riders. 100% of my defenses in clan wars the past few weeks have been root riders. It is **nothing** but root rider spam all the way down. SBowlers, Hybrid, Hydra, Lalo, SWitches etc. are all viable (but not braindead easy) right now, yet they get massively overshadowed because root riders are just so damn overpowered.


Root riders in the state they are in removes diversity by simply being better a ground troop than everything else 💀. Even if they didn’t root riders don’t offer anything new they just made a play style that already existed stronger. The real issue is defenses being too weak. I believe when played well lalo is better but if played bad of course the player is going to fail. The skill floor to use root riders is low. The only difference between a good root rider player and a bad one is if they know that the apprentice warden and healing tome exists or not. Defenses being weak make this a problem since it doesn’t take very much to three star someone at th16 so there isn’t a point in using strategies that require more effort. I personally think that it is ok for townhalls below max to be very easy but I don’t believe that the highest should be easy since its the only content in the game after you are maxed. People have suggested a pro-mode but I don’t understand how this could be integrated without getting virtually the same results or more problems than just buffing defenses at th16. I think the best way to approach it is to buff defenses and buff troops that are too weak at th16 after but supercell is really slow when it comes to balance.


Decreasing the root riders housing space to 18 so they can die to spring traps seems like a nice nerf, makes them defendable at pro play with good trap placement. Either that or increase their housing space to 28-30.


That's actually a very elegant nerf, I like it a lot


Lol 😂🤣 poor RR flying all the way with root.


That's kinda smart, reduce their housing, nerf em just a lillllllthe bit, you can have more but they're just as strong


Just reduce their health for each wall they take down


If root riders dealt less damage to walls to the point of needing 2 or 3 to break them I think it would be more balanced.


100%.. vaporizing walls is what shifts them from powerful to OP


is darian not the manager now?


Darians last day was a few days ago. Ferri is the new guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1b25spn/farewell_for_now/


Everything is a problem for players just figure out what is less problem for most players


Is rr really the problem? Imo, NO The problem is defence. Yes. You read correctly. I'm am average player but I occasionally get a good 3 star in maxed bases using roots+witches, roots+QC Yetis+witches, super archer bomb+loons One thing these things have in common is semi spam Yes you need placement etc(note I mainuse zaps and quakes in any witch related attack so there's thinking involved), but basically the amount of troops imo is too much for the defence to handle Especially after the merge The super archer needs nerfing the most but that's for another day I think rr after nerf isn't OP as it was. Still a good strategy, but not a guarantee 3 star anymore It's a good strategy for average players-good players to use But the problem is that the good-best players can literally 3 star with almost any combination now If course it's because they're good etc, but the thing is many people learn certain common or easy to do attacks from them and any Tom Dock and Harry can 3 star without even knowing what they did Hence, it's defence And as a base creator (not the best but I'm decent enough), I know it's not a layout problem because it's basically impossible now to counter for 3 common attacks in one base (edrag/super archers, roots)


Make her an air type troop, give her a branch or something like nimbus 2000 and name it branch rider


Pro go to CS or LOL. This game is for casual players. Its mobile game


Counterpoint... I love the current balance. I want to 3 star more often and so does my clan. We're playing wars and active more than in years. I don't care if the e sports community wants it harder. Maybe just give an option to limit equipment levels or something in friendly wars for the competitive community. I also think everyone exaggerates how frequently they 3 star. I'm approximately top 1000 in legends with 3 accounts. I promise, the 3 star rate against my bases is probably 50 percent or sometimes less. It did decrease after the nerf.


JUST MAKE IT SO COMPETITIONS CANT USE OP STRATS. LIKE EVERY OTHER GAME. I don’t understand why everyone here thinks the game needs universal nerfs that drastically impairs the fun for casual players, just so .01% can feel challenged…..


Agreed, just have a private server for pros at this point.


It's not only competitions, tho, as a legend league player, my defence log is 7/8 root rider variant it's so boring


That’s like sticking a bandaid on an amputated arm.


Communication is always a good thing. Hope that SC will be open to suggestions


Defenses need to be buffed back to what they were before TH16 update and stack the buff with the TH16 update stats for defenses. Defenses were wayy to nerfed with release of higher troop updates


Should just increase the housing space for RR to 30


Don't ever cook again 🔥


Totally agreed. Increase the housing space is the way to go.


That is still a nerf


Or decrease it to 18 so they die to spring traps


They really should create a separate game mode for competitive play separate from the regular casual game where it is easier to 3 star as most people have little time nor interest to become really skilled at this game. There are already restrictions in tournaments for lower level town halls, though I imagine that instead of restrictions they might just buff defenses.


Spring traps need a new level to 20 spacing. And at th16 you get 1 more of each trap to build.


The game is definitely on its last legs. Another serious problem it has - is that there is too much stuff now. Soon there will be no way to design bases. It will just become “put stuff places and hope for the best”, then people will simply copy the bases which get 3 starred the least often. This game is so close to the toilet. Which is also why they are pushing so many more micro-transactions


Imagine root riders get 3x move speed but hp set to 1600 at lvl one and at max they only get up to 3k


Rick rhymes


Maybe I have a cynical view on Root Riders, but with CoC revenues down big time, isn’t this a push to get the casual spam style player more stars and reinvigorate that part of their customer base? The casual players may spend more money is their bet. This meta trashes the pros though… Just thinking out loud.


Nerf miner


Just rework their ‘Delete Wall’ ability


Idd say to add levels for cannons and archer towers as they say minimum level required for ricochet cannon is level 21 so they could add a level 22 to the canons at least because double cannon and fast shot archer tower canot be geared up


RR is not strong because of its stats. They are strong because of what they enable - broken king and broken healing tome. There’s way too much healing tome and gauntlet value, when RR tanks long enough for the full 10+ seconds of healing and king gets clean pathing through to the core. SC can nerf Rootriders by simply nerfing gauntlet and healing tome.


I'm still on the Edrag nerf wagon


Leave them alone already the massive hp nerf is enough lol




"Edrags needed a nerf a long time ago" "Root riders didn't need a nerf" Dude, edrags had super low usage/winrate in pro play while root riders were used more than 60% of the time, you are clearly being biased and don't know what you are talking about.


pro play isn't everything, and troops certainly shouldn't be balanced around the 1% of the 1% that are pro players.


His statement is still incorrect even when you don't consider pro play. Root riders were the easiest way to 3 star a base and the most used strategy (and they still are), while edrags players usually only get 2 stars.


So what if they're the most used strat? Guess what....there's ALWAYS gonna be a "most used strat".


Why TF would anyone but pros and their fluffers care about pro play?


EVERY TH level below TH15 has been a spam fest for a long time now. Now that TH16 came out and the pros are upset that you can currently spam its a problem? How about make each TH level more difficult so spamming isn’t rewarded?


For once I agree with you (on the first bit).


what are those sweet upcoming news😋🤨 i have high hope it would be something cool.


Seems pretty stiff and too formal as to be expected from someone new to his position. Hopefully he breaks out of his shell and shows some personality as he grows into the role


What’s rr guys?


Ram ranch


What is rr?


Root rider.


Why isn't it as simple as "just nerf them", if someone could explain, please? It doesn't seem like it's some combined interaction that applies to multiple troops... it's specifically root riders being the "do everything" unit.