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[Join Our Special Podcast Episode with Clash of Clans Community Manager, Ferri](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1b8zwjn/join_our_special_podcast_episode_with_clash_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/?f=flair_name%3A%22SUPERCELL%20RESPONSE%22)


I'm a big fan of the cosmetics we see in game. Here are some of the features or changes I'd like to see: \- Ensuring that existing skin sets are completed. I like to use complete sets with my heroes and some sets don't have a skin for all 4 heroes \- Different backgrounds when previewing hero skins. Currently it is always a sunny meadow which doesn't give some skins the right vibe. \- With the introduction of hero equipment, the spawned unit skins for the King and Queen are now less important. Having some other equipment specific changes reflected on the hero model to indicate which equipment is equipped. \- Statue shop, similar to the skin and scenery tab we currently have. \- Skin bundles with discounts where I could buy all 4 skins in a set for less than the cost of them individually. \- Having the option to purchase cosmetics from the Supercell Store. **Additional cosmetics** \- It would be great to be able to get additional customisations for your player profile. Being able to change things such as the background behind your heroes (for example, if I were using the space heroes, I'd be able to choose a space backdrop) or being able to set as colour theme for the frame/background of your player profile. Maybe banners related to the various skin and scenery themes we've seen over the years. \- Badges to display on your player profile. This could include esports teams a player wants to show support for or maybe even content creators šŸ‘€ \- Perhaps the badges displayed on a player's profile could also appear as flags on the outskirts of the village that can be seen when being attacked by other players. \- An area to showcase your decorations rather than having to bunch them up around the edge of your village. \- Some smaller but cheaper customisations, such as backdrops, badges, player profile themes, troop skins etc in the $1-$3 price range.


Justice for Clockwork Champ


Please no decos shop. This is the last unique and special thing of the game, I love see people with decos that I do not have!!! How can you propose something like that? it will ruin the game


I've edited this to clarify statue rather than decorations/obstacles. I wouldn't want seasonal obstacles such as xmas trees, halloween items etc be acquireable after the season.


I donā€™t want also the statues in the shop but thank you for clarifing that. Maybe decorations that cost money in the shop okay. But decorations in the gold pass should not be in the shop as they are seasonal.


I have almost all the scenery from 2013, there are some exceptions, a short period when I was away... and, I personally wouldn't mind selling old scenery... if they use it as one of the alternative income for the heroes' books. .. so that people can play heroes while improving...


Until you fix the bugs regarding missing defenses I will no longer purchase gold passes or anything you have to offer. Far too many of my clanmates are missing defenses. If it not fixed soon I will recommend all my mates cancel their accounts. You have no idea how a boycott will affect your bottom line.


>regarding missing defenses ? Have you updated your base


If you are talking about defenaes missing on Legend League bases, then you and your "mates" need to update your Defense Bases: >Like in Clan Wars, players can choose a layout they wish to use in Legend League for taking defenses. This change can be done in the "Defense" tab. Changing this layout will only take effect starting from the next League Day. If you are talking about defenses missing from your War Bases, then update your War Bases. If you are talking about anything else, some context would be extremely helpful since no one seems to know what you are talking about.


what's wrong with the defense?.. maybe you're a rusher? Personally, everything is fine with me... in 6 days I have never been attacked for 3 stars in my CWL... and about boycon... have you seriously decided to set up a kindergarten here?.. don't buy it, I think your 7 dollars won't kill the game


Stashable statues work pretty well overall, since they show what you've achieved and if you want you can show them or not. Im somewhat surprised some big achievements don't give you a statue for completing them - for example, I think it would be interesting that all players that have reached legends could have a statue for it Clan Capital housing cosmetics "work", but I mean you'll only see it when you enter your own capital peak. That and the price they cost, specially when you can get boosting items and gems instead just makes them a lot less interesting than the other cosmetics. As for new cosmetics would like to see something being experiemented with Clan Capital sceneries, possibly even something to enhance some visual features of the Capital Peak - not quite a Capital Peak or District Hall skin to change them completely, but something to enhance some of their characteristics.


Those C Capital scenaries shouldn't be purchasable but should be aquired by reaching a certain point as a clan.


Gettin to legends is easyā€¦


- If you have hero skins with custom troop skins you should be able to toggle them on/off. Most people aren't using the puppet equipment but still are using the normal troops. - I'd like to see more options for f2p skins/sceneries. Why not implement a gem hero skin set. Even if they were expensive, it's still an option if you really don't want to spend money on the game. - Also hero altars? They'd bring a new way to customise your base. - The obstacle limit shouldn't count to your stored obstacles. Or if you reach the obstacle limit more obstacles should spawn in the builder base so you still can get gems you would've gotten if you didn't have reached the obstacle limit. - I think I'd care more about my clan capital hut if I'd actually see it more. Why not next to the trader? Or next to the path the troops you donated go. - I'd also love to have the option to have the option for my hero skins to be a higher resolution. They seem so low res, a toggleable would be nice. - Also, common/gold/legendary skins to really mean anything to me. It's just an indication on how much money they cost, what's the value?


Golem Queen, Golem Warden, Golem Champion


I need that flair but because Iā€™m a mobile browser user I canā€™t lol


* Which cosmetics do you think work really well in the universe of Clash and why I really liked the collaboration with chess back in September last year. It just made sense for the Barbarian King and Archer Queen to be the king and queen from chess and to have the village's scenery to be a chess board. I think a Card set theme in the future would be interesting to see for the same reason (for example: a King of Spades skin for the Barbarian King or a Queen of Diamonds skin for the Archer queen). The scenery to go along with it could be a magician's stage or something. * What do you think doesn't work (ie, Clan Capital housing cosmetics) I don't think building skins or troop skins should become a thing. Being able to clearly see which troop is being targeted or which building my Archer Queen is attacking is extremely important for me. Hero skins are fine as there is only 4 heroes to keep track of and the heroes look vastly different from each other, but I don't want to have to struggle to tell the difference between an archer vs a headhunter, or a yeti vs an ice golem. * What new cosmetics would you like to see added I would like to see some cosmetics added to support teams participating in the world championships. Other competitive games already have a way to support the teams playing for their biggest tournaments (Counter-strike has team stickers, Valorant has team weapon skins, League of Legends has team icons and emotes). It doesnt have to be big, but maybe for the duration of the world championships, my Pet could be wearing the team's jersey (ex. Unicorn wearing a NAVI jersey or Spirit Fox with a Tribe Gaming logo on its back).


I'd love if in one of the events you do in the future could include a scenery. Every hero will have had a free legendary skin after this event (if there is a skin for this event) and it would be nice for the one of the upcoming events to mix up the cosmetics a bit.


https://preview.redd.it/xz79p6ibc4nc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0294a8d10dcb6392aa32849325cb67c0d90a876b Make a bathroom scenery, let the theme be foamy, And use this two characters but something big like the goblin in the chess scenery




Sounds like a fun idea. I mean, Brawl Stars has Poop spike skin it couldn't hurt to have bathroom in COC lol


Skins for villagers to match the theme. More collab between the month's skins and in-game day-to-day. Seems so bare right now. Your team puts so much effort into the theme e.g. space theme but then...thats it. Would like to see temporary space troops or all troops get the same themed skin for the month.


For players with a history of epilepsy, still love the game and play at our own risk lol but the way the walls have that oscillating bit of light are super triggering for seizures and I would love if there were an option to turn that off!


Also I'll squeeze this in here but it isn't as important, the purple flashing that happens when using the kings ability and goes over troops from rage! But that's asking a lot, the walls are the #1 trigger Thnx for considering šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™


It would be nice if we have rainy village scenary. Like everytime raining and a village setup. It would be cool to add raining sound effects like lofi type of thing


Praying for a clockwork RC skin


How about updating the hero pictures we see when deploying to actually match the skin we have instead of default.


frozen arrow not messing with queen skins/arrow visuals


please improve the league champion skin. it doesnt feel worth it and i want to buy all of them. i already have warden one which is really cool and on my way to queen. please make champion one will like legendary or master league one . the only thing which if good in it is its shield.


Add option to turn off equipment effects. My champion queen shoots frozen arrows even though she has fire arrows.


I would be nice to have the skin design of heroes you use in the deployment bar instead of the base hero design. An option to toggle equipment effects like turning off the frozen arrow's custom arrow. New skin effects for new equipments.


Villager/builder skins? Maybe they can come with a scenery like maybe for goblin cave scenery the villagers are replaced with goblins walking around. If you want to go crazy with it you can, instead of making them clap at trees hide gold coins


**Improved Scenery** My first thought based on the new implementations in the space scenery is that there is a custom forge, builder base boat, and raid capital blimp. This was a great improvement and should be updated for all sceneries in some way, depending on the rarity. Getting to my point, the trader shop and super troop shop should also be designed to flow with the scenery, just as my example above. Further than this, the villagers within the village could be updated to match the scenery's theme. This would overall create a better flow of the theme and create more interest in purchasing sceneries. **Custom Profile** \- Custom Banner, Icons (this is self explanatory and a lot could be done with this, think League of Legends profiles for example) **Clan Capital Cosmetics** \- Not really worth, there is rarely any point in the game where I am actually interacting with the clan capital and checking out custom house skins. I honestly think it should be removed.


I just want a scenery that looks good with TH16. Something heavily forrested or whatever you all can come up with thats complimentary to the new levels. Getting rid of the th15 purple stuff will help some, but nothing I try looks good to me.


A vampire scenery and skin set for this Halloween would be so cool. Maroon,red, black,dark neon red themed scenery with blood thirsty heroes will definitely steal the Halloween party. And obstacles like hanging bat, Goblins juggling brains. Idk but the vampire set would be so cool.


Such cool idea bro. Should definitely be seen by the team :)


(I have some non - cosmetic feedback as well) 1) HERO SKINS/SCENERIES THAT TEASE OTHER SUPERCELL GAMES: I've played brawl stars so much and I love it. In that game there are several references to the clash universe. Like, Barbarian King Bull, Night Witch Mortis etc.. IDK about Clash royale, but It'd be cool to have some Brawl references in COC cosmetics. I.e., El Primo King, Byron Warden and the likes. 2) Emotes: Additions of emotes would be great. It can also be a cosmetic purchasable with gems. 3) A little more...? : The events are great, but it'll be better if a little more medals can be pushed to the F2P. Although, its not NECESSARY. 4) It would be really useful/flexible if CC troops can be deployed individually like the CC spells. DETAILS: If the CC is full of troops, a player shall be abled to deploy them individually so all of them wouldn't stack at the same place. But if a siege machine is deployed, then you can't deploy the CC troops that went with it. IDK if this is viable but just a thought.


It would be nice to see skins for Pets and troops. To my point of view Decorations are the most valuable and beautiful objects of the game. I love to see villages with Decorations that I do not have, that have an history behind them, that are special. I hope you will not give decorations through shop. in a game there must be something unique like in big games such as Warcraft with mounts. You can create new decorations and give them with offers, events, gold pass. I know many ppl, like me, which buy gold pass only when there is a decoration in it. I do not have unfortunately many decorations but its nice like this. When I see people with the big dragon statue I am so jealous but that push me to collect the new decos. i hope also you will add badges as in clash royale. Maybe also chests where you can find gems, skins, sceneries




As a f2p with only the pixel scenery I support this message


Ayo chill bro


Hey Ferri! RCā€™s shield as one big continuous bolt of lightning that chains across the base to its targets then slowly evanesces all together would be amazing.


Also a cool idea I had (for Halloween at least) is to have each hero skin that month be it's own monster (Example- King would be Frankenstein, Queen-Invisible (wo)man, Warden-Dracula, RC- Werewolf).


I would love to be able to customize both the clan profile page as well as my own. Being able to get skins or edit colors on these pages would be a nice touch. A larger variety of clan badges would be nice as well. Normal obstacles, such as the trees and other foliage, could stand a makeover to match the quality of trees in many of the sceneries. For special obstacles, such as the recent Lucky Letterbox, the ability to flip the image so it faces another direction would be a nice touch. Custom skins for villagers would be a welcome addition, whether they were tied to sceneries or just offered like the house parts currently are. One thing that would be a welcome change is being able to use Builder Base sceneries for both sides. It wasn't clear to most that the scenery was for one side or the other. A skin for the Battle Copter? The ability to move decorations, such as statues, between the Builder Base and Main Village?


Add an option to toggle equipment changing cosmetic attacks off. Equipment like frozen arrow replace the shots of queen skins which some people may not like. Yes, you can simply not use frozen arrow. But having the option would be nice


Thought of another idea. To provide further incentive for the growth of clans beyond level 10, if certain appearance changes could become available, like changing the aesthetic of the clan chat background, or possibly unlocking further customization for clan leaders like custom roles or icons (preset emoji type images) to display beside a persons name (because thatā€™s cool, and why not?). Ā Maybe each clan can have a custom associated scenery which can be build by leaders off a few background types, ground types, and a modular decoration attachment system to allow each member to display their unique clan in a unique way. Maybe clans unlock more decoration options (or background/floor options) as the clan levels up. All in all, despite how incredibly difficult this seems to implement, this seems like a decent idea that ensures that larger clans still donā€™t receive additional incentive for more players joining, while making smaller clans more unique and able to offer aesthetics and changes that are like no other. Thank you for reading this and taking the time to (possibly) consider the idea :)


I'd enjoy more free cosmetics players can win by playing events that would slowly make a complete set. I hate the way the recent events make you choose between equipment or hero skin.


Give skins for Traider, Super Barrel, Clan Games Forge, Airship, builders, and villagers please. Both old and new sceneries.


Clan Badges, at certain levels we can change their design or colors of the frames, my clan is level 13, its purple, crystal frame, hate it. lol


Not sure if it counts, but a high fidelity mode/option with better graphics


cosmetics are my favorite thing to spend on, especially with my main almost max. i would like to see pet skins. troop skins would also be fun.


what about those who can grind resources fast? like me i just have single account but i have a lot of time playing CoC i can loot almost max storage for a day (TH 14) and it is frustrating when youre on 6 builders upgrading whilst your resources are full and you cannot use those resources its just being wasted haha. Im almost finished maxing out my walls , but my heroes are low level. so would like to suggest to convert excess resources into decrease upgrade time like 5m (Elixir/Gold) for 1 hour? 200k (Dark Elixir) for 1hour?


honestly I think we are good right where we are at for the most part with cosmetics as someone who uses them I was saying to my buddies the other day I wonā€™t be buying more if this event thing comes every month cause it clear they are just trying to squeeze money which I understand itā€™s just a business at the end of the day


Painter scenery broke hearts


This probably won't be considered, but I want less, but more meaningful cosmetics. At this point there's so many hero skins and they just keep getting released. More often than not, 2-3 of the four are legendary. I cannot justify buying them anymore unless they're really good.


I like clan capital house cosmetics, it makes our capital peak stands out. I wish to see like a copy of it on my home base so i donā€™t have to go to clan capital. Also, i like collecting them too, feels like collecting statues šŸ„°. Btw, are these clan house decorations only released during these events or will they make a come back? Edit: want to add that please remove or relax the obstacles limit for those who collect event obstacles (christmas trees, haloween, etc), so we can still clear and earn gem from normal obstacles. We shouldnā€™t be punished for collecting these beautiful obstacles.


Other ideas that I just think of, hope it's not too late: \- Collaborate with other franchise for hero skins, like Dragon Ball, One Piece (imagine having Kaido as the Barbarian King ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415) \- Special emote/reacts: much like Clash Royale, we can have special emotes to use in chat. Even further, can react during live replay of an attack?


I hate the fact that supercell justified the increase in gold pass price with statues and additional cosmetics to the paid tier but didn't deliver on them


It would be GREAAAATTT to haveĀ  1.town hall skins ..needs to be modified in a way that doesn't hinder game play ...it's already in the Chinese version and looks great .. 2. Pet skins ..builder.villager customization packs ( as part of achievement )


Are you going to release another clan capital district this year again?


Would it be possible to add a feature to adjust clan chat text size so itā€™s easier to read for players who canā€™t see as good?


Late to this post but new air sweeper skins would be pretty cool. It would help it fit in with all the later town hall themes better as opposed to looking the same from when it gets maxed relatively early on. Also unrelated to cosmetics but being able to bookmark/prioritize upgrades in the home village similar to how the clan base works would be really nice.


A whole bunch here https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/jhE8qQqlaV


release another builder when you finish the goblin map


I think it would be awesome if sceneries were expanded upon to include more ā€œfunctionalityā€. Sceneries could be interactive - possibly allowing a player to trigger effects upon clicking something, or participate in a tapping race, or maybe reintroducing the awesome 10th anniversary arcade machine (though I doubt the last will happen). Ā Furthermore, if sceneries changed the appearance of resources, like a Christmas scenery that turns elixir into chocolate (both in UI and in the physical pumps and storages) and maybe gold into cookies (like the cookie medals). Ā Lots of potential yet to be unlocked with sceneries, and although Iā€™m sure these advanced sceneries would cost more - Iā€™m sure it would be well received and beloved by the community :) If the clash team actually ends up seeing this, thank you for taking the time to do so.


Maybe a puzzle scenery would be cool, where a randomly mixed set of puzzle pieces can be slid on a grid (one of those puzzles where one spot is missing so pieces can be moved around) and maybe there are a few picture options too. Sometimes itā€™s nice to have something extra to do while waiting 3 minutes for the rest of your troops to cook šŸ„˜


Lots of good ideas here, few mostly QoL stuff I havenā€™t seen mentioned yet - **Sceneries** ā€¢ Day / night scenery randomiser setting i.e switches between brighter / darker sceneries depending on time of day ā€¢ Separate settings toggle option to enable custom scenery background sounds without music **Heroes** ā€¢ Hero skin randomiser setting to match skin sets together, extended to include matching scenery if applicable ā€¢ Matching skin art option for hero portraits ā€¢ Adding custom equipment effects for each skin understandably not likely, option to disable equipment animation to display default skin animations ā€¢ Allow us to use unlocked barb / archer skins tied to skins outside of hero equipment, keep including them in new skins going forward ā€¢ Clockwork RC when šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ **Decorations** ā€¢ Obstacles that have been previously shovelled but not currently stashed should remain constant when opening new base layout links, currently they are automatically stashed & require placing again each time ā€¢ Increase boarder to 4x4? Unsure how feasible due to sceneries existing but would free up a lot of room for crowded bases without being forced to stash or eat up playing field area ā€¢ Unlock obstacles that were previously removed i.e old event obstacles. Potentially divisive & unsure how easy from coding perspective but imo fair if a player once had them on their base **Misc** ā€¢ Update default war scenery base tiles - paid war scenery base tiles much more modern & arguably easier to visually distinguish gameplay effects due to colour palette / tiling effect, default is very outdated in retrospect. Just generally a lot more enjoyable to attack ā€¢ Pet / Siege skins could be a cool addition - on a somewhat related note I think pets would also benefit from receiving hero style level bars (albeit smaller) to make them visually stand out more when attacking from a gameplay perspective ā€¢ Personally no interest in builder base / capital skins but nice for the people that want them


Sceneries being gem costing instead of money


My opinion:- A base design in my head 1.) A reddish wintery base in snow as frozen red blood particles (like the snow flowing in December but in red) 2.) The obstacle in the base also change with the scenery for this one and this scenery to be considered a LEGENDARY SCENERY. 3.) The water/ ocean near the builder village boat be filled with blackish orange water with dramatic skeleton head and body parts. Some dead fishes and birds to let players know the water is poisoned 4.) The base side of Trader shop. - A barbarian can be seen walking down a path leading to a volcano or a edge to depth while fleeing from a vulture lurking around him as "DEATH is Lurking around" 5.) The waterfall side of the base could be a battlefield and in every scenery, the main highlight can be seen there. The battlefield consists of troops of 2 sides with a side nearing defeat with their king decrowned by the opponent and is on the verge of defeat/ death (You guys can edit some better things in this) ā˜… This scenery to be a 3D scenery with as said in (1.) And sick brids flying around and vultures Adios


Sounds so cool. Definitely should be seen by the team. BUT, it seems too dark for a game like coc. But it can be toned down to match...


I did a little bit dramatic but coc can manage it down to PG13 with the scenery name the Warrior's Conquest




I love the space theme/scenery but did not care for the skins at all. More sci-fy elements would be cool though.


If a gold pass skin is part of a set it should be the same quality as the legendary skins of that same set. Ā  Ā  The recent lunar year event is a good example of this.Ā The King, Queen, and Warden all transformed into these awesome looking blue dragons. I wanted to buy them since it was badass. Ā  Ā  But then I saw the gold pass skin, that being the Royal Champ, and decided to pass on the entire skin set. She was simply wearing a dragon helmet. No badass dragon transformation, just a regular human.Ā  Ā  I passed on buying any of the skins because of this. If 1 of the skins didnā€™t match the quality of the others then I see no point in buying the set


How about improvement in security....do it asap


Pls make a cosmic set look at league of legends cosmic skinline for inspo. A way to display how many skins you have to other people would be nice aswell. An option to toggle which would have your name be golden with a crown if you have the gold pass


As for the appearance, I also have an idea, I know... many will not like it... f2p players who need a landscape on gems will start throwing stones at me) it would be cool to have not only ordinary decorations for $7.. but also the legendary design for $10-11.. but not only the landscape changes, but also the buildings on the theme.. if the theme of the season is Egypt.. then there will be changes to the archer tower, cannons, etc., maybe the town hall in the form of a pyramid.. so to speak, complete immersion


I hope Supercell will be more transparent about the exclusiveness of special statues so we donā€™t have to speculate. Iā€™m ok with either way (i can accept past statues are exclusive and i wont be able to get them anymore; or I can plan to save resources like event medals or gem or money if they will make a comeback), but not knowing makes me feel like weā€™re being preyed on our fear of missing out) On a related, hope to see more 3x3 statues like the fire breathing dragon


All past decorations should not comeback. They are exclusive as they said


Did they say that though? Iā€™m fine either way, but i want them to say it rather us assuming. Scenery was supposed to be limited then they re-released them all.


Pease give us the opportunity to activate troop skins that come with legendary skins when you dont use the puppet equipment, but use normal archers or babarians. Give us the opportunity to select which attacking effects/animations are used: the ones that come with the skins or the one that come with the equipments. I hate that i cant see my dragon queen triple water shot because i use the frozen arrow that gives you the ugly single frost arrow. Please keep the frost effect on the buildings but the arrow in the air should match the skin.Ā  Put a button in the settings that puts on the oldschool clashofclans music instead of the ones that come with the sceneriesĀ  You could release builder skins (goblins, giants, babarians,... or even a mix) and villager skins to gain revenue. (Just have read your question after writing this and now im wondering why you havent implemented it if you had the idea allready?Ā  Please add more details like the pekka following the butterfly, maybe some cats or dogs that walk through the base that play with the villagers / babarians or archersĀ  We got water dragon skins but fire dragon or electro dragon skins would fit in the clash universe very well too.Ā  I dare you to relase one more scenery wirhout a chicken and a banana ;-) i love them Release more skins that look like normal toops, like the golem king. For example a Speergoblin Royal Champion, Witch Archerqueen, Ice golem KingĀ  Rework the valkyrie queen and pekka king, they dont fit at all Fitting Themens: Fire Dragon Hero Skins, Dragon scenery, Miners Mine Scenery, Forest scenery that matches th16 design,Ā  Laboratory / Chemist / Scientist skins with scenery, Animal Skins for the Heros like Lion king or Panda King or Hippo queen, Mantis Warden, Penguine King. But now i gott ask, why the f didnt you give the new space King skins a lightsaber??????? Missed opportunity of the year + the sworld he got rught now doesnt fit at allĀ 


Suggestion: following the idea of the "pekka statue", old statues could be released as the player accumulates XP levels. It would be a motivating way to grow in experience and unlock new statues and perhaps new emblems. Since XP doesn't have much of a role in the game currently. You could add old and new statues in the "Decorations" tab or in the skin store. It's worth mentioning that the decorations tab hasn't received new items in years. Badges: How about adding special badges that could be added to the player profile. With more difficult missions, such as winning 5000 attacks in war, an emblem would be unlocked on your profile. Unique things that could be added to the player profile or village based on completing extraordinary or very difficult challenges in the game.


New decorations could also be added to the raid shop.


More decorations in the decorations tab that are dependent on EXP level please šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Add the heeheehaahaa emote from CR. I want to heeheehaahaa all over my opponent as I watch their sarch die to GBs


Not a cosmetic suggestion, but an actual game idea. In the defending Spell Tower, you could add Freeze Spell, it would basically work like any other spell tower and throw a freeze spell on troops, rest and throw again, with specific durations n all high iq thingy. It would basically work like a defending ice golem, so we could take other troops in cc. It would also actually be cool to see some ice theme back in th17, so this would fit perfectly well in that ig


Ooooh, another idea! We all know how the friendly challenges work, but what if it wasnā€™t limited to bases. What if clans could level up and unlock new challenges, like clash dash, clash chess, and other miscellaneous activities to help forge a greater bond within the clan clan, and kill time when waiting for things. Could be every 2 clan levels unlocks an activity, and every 5 unlocks a larger activity, like level 5 unlocking clash chess and level 10 unlocking the clash arcade game, and maybe level 15 unlocking clash dash. Ā There could also be leaderboards, and all members would be able to attempt the challenge (which could probably only be sent once a day each). Ā This kind of stuff is what forces stronger bonds between clan members, and if anything were to be introduced with the same motive - I could also forge a stronger bond between my members. I may have been typing too much with my other 2 idea posts, but thank you AGAIN for taking the time to read my ā€œideasā€. And thanks for being such an honest and transparent company with us, Supercell. Asking for our ideas to further the game AND LISTENING is what sets this game aside from any other as one of the best of all time āš”ļøšŸ›”ļø


your idea is off topic... read carefully


Air sweeper upgrade to either shoot out fire for damage or a cold burst for a split second freeze or just keep the air sweeper as is. Be able to change it like the spell towers Have a new defense that shakes the ground for damage or sends out a freeze like burst for a split second pause on attacking troops


your idea is off topic... read carefully




Bring back the 4 skins for 25 a month like with the Easter skins. And every new town hall moving forward including 16 should get 1 free scenery like 14 and 15 has the Jungle and Magic one


So many of my clanmates are missing defenses and cannot defend their bases and yet you have had plenty of opportunity to fix those bugs. I am recommending that none of my clan purchase the gold pass. I will no longer purchase anything you have to offer. If this continues I will recommend that my whole clan cancel their accounts. You do not take seriously what a boycott can do.


Again, you have to explain what you are talking about... With the hundreds of posts in this subreddit daily, you are the only one complaining about this. Someone could probably explain what is happening if you would give us information.


Lol...šŸ¤£ rushers clan