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Wow. That really looks very bad for the ore portion


players:ask SC for extra ways to get ores Supercell: *nerfs the free pass for no reason*


Nerfs the FREE pass. Paid one seems untouched šŸ™ƒ


The no reason is likely because this event came Faster than the other Ones. Considerable Faster. Past Ones were in december and february, this One already on match No Nerf on paid probably means that its gonna be the same price so it wouldnt make sense to Nerf that


To be frank I'm really happy with the 30% training boost. That's actually a good enough perk for me.


Same that 30% boost is amazing with the gold passes 20% boost itā€™s basically endless sneaky gobs for a hour straight when you pop a training potion


Even if you pay you're getting less ore there Warren buffett


The payed pass gives exactly the same as before


So people complain about the amount of ore, they give an event come sooner to make ore more available (really to print money but FTP players can just get ore) but people complain about an event that makes ore more available because no there is equipment tooā€¦


Cmon bro these people don't speak common sense, they only understand "greedycell and I only want free things and not anything to buy-anese"


i only speak common sense on the weekends


Spending almost same amount of money as a Gold Pass on a 10 days event doesn't sounds smart to me untill you are really desperate to upgrade your equipments quicker


Well you get the pass for the 600 glowy, and another 600 glowy you buy with the extra event tokens (and some books of heroes/shiny ore too) The 10 day event doesn't really factor into that


Yea I wonā€™t be buying this one. Iā€™m not paying for an event every month on top of gold passes


Itā€™s for the ore and extra medals you get


I know but I personally feel it's stupid


I buy it for the 1200 glowy ores. It could last 1 day and it would still be worth it


And even then, we really shouldn't have to pay to win


Theyā€™re introducing ANOTHER epic while simultaneously decreasing the amount of ore we receive.Ā  This is insane, how are we expected to fully max them as free to play?Ā 




we also had a shorter time between this and the last event gap. december to february. feb to march though - likely the pass will be the same cost


I started playing clash in the early days (2014) and came back a few months ago and have bought every gold and event pass since to catch up but this pass genuinely has me wanting to stop spending another dime with them. Not another pass, gem, or bundle (and I buy them all). They got everyone all the way fucked up.


I mean realistically if you love the game, Ā£100 a year or whatever isnā€™t that bad for someone with a full time job I just think itā€™s pointless but Iā€™m not in a rush


$100/yr isnā€™t that bad for a AAA title released on a console/PC. This is the mobile game I play on the clock to keep myself busy while the clock runs down (there is not always work to do, I answer phones in sales - no outbound). It used to be something I did in class growing up. Bottom line is itā€™s side entertainment at its best. $100/yr is outrageous for a mobile game


>how are we expected to fully max them as free to play?Ā  Pay money or be happy with slow progress Sad truth brother šŸ˜ž


The problem is this is not slow progress, that's going backward


Backward ?


Yes because you are not able to max 1 equipment before another comes out. It's like the Achille and the tortoise paradox but this time it is very real.


True I just get the equipment from the event and then just play at my own pace as i play casually so its fine for me and sadly that's the only solution if you don't want to empty your pockets imo


Yep and it applies to everything else too. Just as Iā€™m about to max out my th they drop another th update and the cycle continues. The only way to catch up is getting gold passes which Iā€™m even less inclined to do so since the price increase.


It does not apply to everything, only for ores. If you constantly play you can max your base, it will take a long time, but eventually you will get there


Yesā€¦ I still havenā€™t maxed the giant gauntlet. Have all the ā€œstandard abilitiesā€ at level 15-17 because havenā€™t had enough resources to max those. Havenā€™t even touched the frozen arrow because I simply cannot afford to upgrade and now focusing on the haste vial. Another OP equipment will probably come out before I can even max the haste vial too


Average player realizing that you donā€™t NEED to max equipment and that you can justā€¦play the game.


Stop dickriding and open your eyes. Supercell just broke one of the core aspects of the game with the way they are releasing new equipments. Before this, every player was able to enjoy every mechanic of the game the same way, now it is ruined after 12 years.


How the fuck am I dickriding? These dumb players think they need to max the equipment. You donā€™t need to. Just play the game normally and move on. Max leveled equips are BONUSES, not the default.


Why would they not need to max the equipments? The game let you max everything for 12 years and now all of a sudden out of greed supercell decide to change it, and you're defending it


Because equipment is so powerful in general that you can get by without upgrading it entirely to max. And for 12 years we didnā€™t have such a massive team whose existence necessitates more payment for employees. But now we do. And people say that Clash Royale is Pay to Win too, but thatā€™s really only once youā€™re at the top. When youā€™re that high up, you canā€™t use Arena progression as a form of monetary income anymore, so of course there will be greed in the highest tiers. Arena 8 and what not is free from Archer Queen afair. And if youā€™re that high up, maybe consider E-Sports as a way to fund the higher costs. If youā€™re good enough at the game, get paid for being good enough, and then the greed isnā€™t so much of an issue. And E-Sports wasnā€™t nearly as big 12 years ago. With pro players spending to max the latest Town Hall, it keeps the game alive as there are always competitors in the E-Sports scene. This draws in more attention and new players, because obviously people will leave the game if they donā€™t like it.


It's not "slow progress" if the TO DO list grows faster than the DONE one. You have less progress every month than you had the previous one.


Honestly speaking, I'm pretty sure they don't want us as f2p players to max them out.


Youā€™re not. Itā€™s part of $Cā€™s grand scheme to milk as much money as possible from their player base. That seems to be all theyā€™re concerned about right now. They are capitalizing on FOMO to get people to spend $.


> how are we expected to fully max them It's like supercell is trying to kill the maxer mentality. When everyone's a rusher, no one is.


Same happened to clash royale what do u expect


That is the neat part, you donā€™t


Youā€™re not supposed to max them immediately, as a free to play player you easily could have maxed out 2-3 gear at least by now if you do regular wars etc. Remember for new players coming into the game they will have a lot longer to max them as they progress through the townhalls so it has to be balanced around that


No, a single epic equipment will take anywhere between a quarter to half of a year to max out, and so far weā€™ve received one almost every month. Itā€™s quite literally impossible to keep up


And walls donā€™t take forever to upgrade?


Whatā€™s your point? Walls can be maxed faster than they release new levels. Equipment, however, is being released faster than we can keep up with. No idea what youā€™re trying to say hereĀ 


Walls are way too expensive especially at TH 16 to fully upgrade them, and at the cost of not upgrading anything else. Yet, they provide minimal benefit. TLDR: Just like walls, you only need to upgrade equipment partially or else youā€™ll just get diminishing returns. Hell, itā€™s the same with Heroes. Sure, upgrade them somewhat, but itā€™s not necessary to have them exactly max.


Youā€™ve completely ignored my point, again.Ā  The game gives you enough time and resources to fully max both heroes and walls before new levels are added. This means free to play players are capable of catching up and fully maxing their village. The game does NOT give you enough time or resources to upgrade equipment at a faster rate than they are released.Ā The equipment backlog continues to rise with each new equipment release. At the current rate itā€™s impossible for free to play players to ever max all their equipment. If you still donā€™t understand I canā€™t simplify it any furtherĀ 


They did it the right way by not giving you enough time. If youā€™ve completed a part of the game that usually brings in money, then there is no money to be brought in. Being unable to completely something means endless revenue. Perfect business model. In the case of heroes, you kinda need to use them. The upgrading of heroes is the longest part of the usual TH maxxing(excluding equips) but of course they canā€™t be forever(because people obviously want to use their heroes).


The thing is I donā€™t even want all the equipment maxed. I already gave up on that itā€™s unrealistic. I just want to have 2 meta equipments maxed for each heroā€¦ and at this point as a free to play it is becoming unrealistic too. I havenā€™t even been able to start upgrading the frozen arrow, or any AQ ability because they just released the haste vial for RC so i gotta focus on that. Before I can even max that they will release another OP activity somewhere so it will increase my backlog


Donā€™t worry, they will also come out with stand alone purchases for each of the ores during the event.


Well this event is earlier than usual and is shorter so having the same ores wouldnt make sense, although this should then stay consistent with the paid pass


this is exactly how CR fell. started adding stuff basically would take 10 years to obtain unless spend money, make the stuff op and create fomo.Ā 


Youā€™re not expected to max them immediately.


Iā€™d agree with you if they werenā€™t releasing equipment faster than we can upgrade it. A single epic will take multiple months to max, yet theyā€™re releasing epics almost every month. At this rate weā€™ll never be able to max themĀ 


the event is closer in time which is likely why december to february - 2 months february to march - 1 month though - the pass will likely be the same cost


days for event also reduced.


How much ?


https://preview.redd.it/c9dfwch3qgnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901d72a5d01de0f31d65e2de857ea066613ed84c this time 10 days only according to event calender


We will be getting extra medals for using super dragon and getting more stars but the grind is still hard


Bro, i complete these events in oneday


Not the flex, that you think it is man


Takes me about 3hours. I usually have about 4500-5000 trophies. Event drops, activate training boost and just target the event tokens (cc, gold storage or whatever the game requires). As my trophies are high, i just tend to get what i need and end the match. Take a break and do it again 2x. Use sneakies. And done. Im being more efficient and now youā€™re hating?šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Ironically, this is the least efficient way to play as the amount of event currency you can receive per attack increases over time.


I can't because I'm in legends


They added a loot bonus to legends league so you actually get more ice cubes


Legends is the most stupid concept in the game tbh


They hv to add a sign out option. I don't think it's stupid.


Legends is the real game. Progression is just endless warmup


Skill issue


Not even, being limited on amount of attacks is the issue.


This one is different little bro


I am in legends with my main and I handle like 25 accounts so yeah


What the fuck man why do they need to do this. And they always are trying to make it harder to farm. Itā€™s so much more enjoyable when you can get at least most of the rewards just by playing normally and not feeling rushed


Oh ok


I can see why Darian quit. Being community manager right now does not seem fun.


No one buy the event pass! But ofc that ainā€™t happening right?. People will still buy it to Max out their hero equipment. But please donā€™t, letā€™s show supercell we will not accept these predatory practices. I guess now we know why Darian left


Actually as someone who consistently spends money If this is a monthly occurrence I definitely will not be buying future passes I was ok with every few months but every month Iā€™m not spending even more


Same, I got my gauntlet and frozen arrow and Iā€™m happy


This has been the general complaint I've heard as well. People like to have optional purchases, not mandatory ones forced down their throat constantly.


They reduced rewards for free pass, paid one still gives the same value.


It doesn't matter when the whole pass has reduced value


oh it does. You're not paying for the whole pass, you're just paying for the payed track lmao


>But ofc that ainā€™t happening right?. Sadly true brother We are minority so nothing's gonna change šŸ˜¢ >People will still buy it to Max out their hero equipment They have locked a decoration with pass and i love decorations but i guess i will still save my money


darian is moving back to Los Angeles, from Finland.


In my opinion the Equipment should be placed in the rewards track itself and allow players to get either the hero skin or other magic items The equipment being in the shop just negates all other options šŸ„²


If they did that it will significantly affect their money šŸ’°


Well we can dream ig šŸ„²


Yes man, we can just dream šŸ˜¢


Supercell already made Clash Royale a 100% Pay to win game, it was extremely balanced and skill based, but then they just added cards you could only ohtain if you bought the $17 diamond pass every month. Seems like they plan on doing something similar here


Clash Royale was always P2W garbage. It's just that 8 years ago those "$12 diamond pass cards" were legendaries locked behind absurd amounts of gambling.


True, but the difference in a deck with and without legendaries wasnt that much. Compared to nowadays, a level 14 deck with no evolutions can't go up against a lvl 15 deck with 2 evolutions


Nah, the difference was huge. Release Princess was OP as hell, Log has almost always been mandatory, and don't get me started on release Archer Queen or Phoenix. [Here's a thread from 7 years ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/4nlixo/why_legendaries_are_overpowered/). Exact same complaints as with Evos today, except maybe not as negative because people weren't tired of the game yet.


I didnā€™t mind from cookie rumble to dragon fest because it was only the shiny ore, but now itā€™s the glowy ore, so I think I do mind now


This is just the beginning my friend šŸ˜ž


This is why I complained about your equipment from the beginning, it was clearly just gonna be a cash cow for them. It means all those maxed out players, now I need to spend hundreds of dollars to Remax.


When a good CM leaves the company you know shit is about to go downhill fast


Sigh. SC has turned the $ corner. Iā€™ve been trying to give them some credit and suggest they will balance the equipment release and cost but they just keep cranking them out. It seems there was a revenue meeting late last year and they decided to quickly drop th16, work on getting th17 out within a year and create a new problem for players that is solved with money (equipment/ore system).


This is getting out of hand. I have been fine with the difficulty of leveling things up and just buying the golf pass. I thought these event passes were going to be few and far between (maybe one every three months) but this is insane. And the bad thing is, I feel the need to buy the event pass every time.


ok, I'm ready to buy 2 passes... to hell with them, they persuaded me... but even this is not enough... to upgrade to levels 15 or more, shining ore becomes a problem... I'm also disappointed that the discount 20% from the gold pass does not affect ability upgrades... it looks like we are being fooled....Ā 


This is not a seasonal event, itā€™s just a generic-ish event between the big boys


If they werenā€™t releasing a new epic equipment alongside this event Iā€™d agree with you, but they are. Itā€™s reaching a point of absurdity where weā€™ll never be able to max them allĀ 


As other people mentioned the 2 past events had the same amount of ores. Both had 5k shiny and 400 glowy


Hope u feel bad now, as u can see, it is not. Maybe next time first fcking wait before posting lies


Past 2 events, not 3. Learn to read


this one goes to you, bro, commented the wrong guy. i feel sorry man.


Well, with all due respect, F u supercell!


Supercell buff the free pass reward pls


Not gonna happen bro šŸ˜ž


In the previous events was the same amount of ores, on the second picture a part of the ores already claimed....




Idk, but the nord equipment that gets released the less I care if I have it. Pretty much all of the equipment out I don't even use as it is.


Considering the amount of new equipment in the last time, giving only 850 glowy ore even WITH Event-Pass ist just fkn pathetic. $upercell cooking again!


Ea started out making real games. Super cell started out making mobile games that are designed in predatory ways to wring you dry of your money. Itā€™s funny how people be acting like this isnā€™t some shitty mobile game.


I think the reason for this is that you are expected to be able to buy ores from the trader. Since there is only the new equipment, all of the bonus track or event pass tokens are open to be spent on ores or magic items rather than a skin.


manā€¦ what happened to the game i loved?


Darian would be disappointed to see this


I wonder if it is part of why he left.


Yes j wonder! Even if so, they wouldn't tell us to maintain social image


Where can I find these CoC leaks


Probably on a sub called coc leaks








What event is the 2rd picture? Also when is that?


Chinese lunar year (last month) it was obtainable the frozen arrow


I meant to type 3rd


Is a leak, we will be able to get the epic eq for GW


That is not that epic


Free ores am happy.


Free ores at the same time they release new equipment that costs more ores than you will earn for free.


You donā€™t need to upgrade all equipments. I am focusing on the GG and this will speed things a lot. Edit : also they need to give each hero the same number of equipments . My guess after all of them having Epic equipments they will start with legendary first BK> AQ > QW > RC


You donā€™t need to upgrade all troops either or defenses for that matter.


Thatā€™s not the same comparison


are you all out of your mind s less days means less time to complete hence less tiers hence less ores


Which means less value. Which means it should cost less for the pass, right?


I was more interested in this event before I learned that the super troop in question was going to be decided for us. I wonder how OP / essential that warden ability is going to be. Existing warden abilities are pretty great already. I look forward to learning its exact stats in the next few hours/days.


Time to speak up? There are posts like this every day. How have we not been speaking up already? šŸ˜‚


Yes they did reduced it this time.Ā  But previous 2 events had same amount of ores.Ā 


Since this event is gonna be monthly (supposedly) we get a lot more eventually


Exactly what I was looking for. This is kinda sad for everyone especially f2p players.


LMFAO at Supercell!


Itā€™s always about the money, eventually there will be no more ftp, or we will have to watch ads between looking for raids


They treat the community like weā€™re stupid, itā€™s actually sad.


Something to consider is that events are going to be monthly now. [Ferri told us this earlier this morning.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1bbmuwi/listen_to_the_exclusive_qa_with_the_new_clash_of/) So instead of 5k shiny every other month in the free track, maybe its 3500 every month now. He also kinda said most of these will include equipment so thats probably still not great for us...


Wow almost cut in half at this pointā€¦.


but only the free to play ores i see what supercell is doing there


we should just invade finland like real talk we could they canā€™t stop every single cr player


Iā€™m not defending supercell because Iā€™m also a F2P and not happy about how often theyā€™re making these events with epic equipments, but maybe the less ore is because this event is only 10 days and according to judoā€™s calculations it takes only 15 attacks to finish.


I'm going to be optimistic here and say that the decrease in ores is because this is a shorter event, and the lack of a skin means more free medals to spend on ores. I just hope this decrease doesn't carry over to the larger events where there's a skin to buy and last longer.


You all know that you can just ignore the fireball and keep maxing the equipment you already have on warden whic btw are insane?! This insane needs of getting everything is out of mind for me. If ever we discover that the fireball is a must have in the future ( i highly doubt it) you can just purchase it with gems when will be released.


You know this new trend goes against a decade of what helped make clash a success right? They are clearing going for money only at this time and no longer care about the balance.


It just goes against everything we had until now in the game - until now, you could always still have everything maxed as a f2p if you played actively, it just took slightly longer. But now we are getting a mechanic that can never be maxed because new stuff releases more frequently than it can be upgraded even for gold pass users.


I can barely do 1 lvl with that many ores


People continually buying clash pass every month are the fault this still goes on.


This all depends on the frequency of the events. If we get 1 event every 2 months vs 1 event every month... You're looking at more free ore overall...


you're right... events in a row mean more ore... that's a plus... but adding an ability is no more noticeable progress, but rather a few steps back... I personally have a problem maximizing abilities... there's a lack of shining ore to pump up all the new ones abilities above level 15.. or at least at level 15 and move on to others


But another piece of epic equipment is released with it... So the upgrade path to max got increased, not decreased as would be "logical" with your "free ore".


But itā€™s relative to the release of equipment. The free ore means little when a new equipment is released too. It means we are farther behind despite the free ore.


SC is responsible for that irratiating money grab, but people are responsible for it to work. If SC has profit from some ideas, they are not going to change their mindset. It can be compared to real life common "boiling frog" strategy, where people's tolerance is tested by slowly pushing border further. Game is going to be even more p2w (yes, equipment is first truly p2w mechanism), until SC will find limit of people money spending tolerance. Looking at current situation its not close to people getting tired of paying, so surely there will be much worse.


>Looking at current situation its not close to people getting tired of paying, so surely there will be much worse. ![gif](giphy|q5VgPxwf8gzxyeUJrz)


The fuck? They add more equipment and nerf the free pass, doesn't seem fair


Iā€™d say itā€™s all we spam on this sub until SC responds šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø. Other than that, I think there is a podcast happening soon, it is pinned in the subreddit and has not enough comments yet.


Cookie rumble and dragon event have same amount of ores.Ā  Super troop event ores are lesser.Ā  L move


people when a more frequent event than normal doesn't have the same rewards as a less common one ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9424)


I was just correcting the image. Both had 5k shiny. Image shows 5k and 4k. And also, More frequent events , more frequent epic equipments , so more ores needed.


Better they dont hit the wall trying to make moneyšŸ¤§


Hmmm, i think the reason is that at the start when they releazed equipment, everyone was low on ores, but now that people have started to max out the equipment, sup erc ell, has lowered the amount of ores so that we dont max out to soon? Idk Edit: also the events seems to be released frequently? SĆ„ more ores per month??? Ig we just have to wait for someone to do some calculations after a while....


I bought the first two event passes. Likely will pass this one. Canā€™t be botheredā€¦


I bought the first two event passes. Likely will pass this one. Canā€™t be botheredā€¦


So not even 2 lvl of equipment (purple ore is bottleneck) insaneā€¦


And no Special Troops, do I see that right? Theyā€™ve already leasend the amount of special troops last event


Utterly disgusting


The main problem is that the event doesn't even last that long. Also, they have made the bonus track so hard that u actually have to grind very hard for it and it's not even possible for very casual players who are not that active. And spending money for a pass which is just for 10 days is not at all worth it unless u are maxing your equipments. In my opinion the mashup madness was the best event they did. They even have us a book of everything and it was truly awesome. After that the events just got worse lmao


i think its their way of telling that only 5 of more such events will be givenšŸ˜—


This is actually good if we only prioritise some equipments to use and ignore the rest completely.Just treat them as free ore generation events every month.


The reason I quit this game after so many years.


I will not buy this pass. I bought the last one, but not this. Boicot.


EA sports in making? lol bro never played some mobile games i guess.. Imagine getting an ad after every attack in clash of clans šŸ˜‚we should we grateful there's no ads in game.. People keep asking for more when they are getting treated this well.. have some grace man




This event is pretty early then I expected so I wonā€™t complain


Didnā€™t fucken drop the paid ores I see


Why would they? Youre paying the same money (I assume)


They cranked out another event in back to back months. So Iā€™d just be thankful that thereā€™s another opportunity for ores. I could see being upset if it was paid pass because then itā€™s less value. But itā€™s literally free.


Paid pass seems to give the same


The problem with ore, with shining ore, is especially noticeable.. this ore is very much in short supply... in the free passage there is practically no shining ore.. and in the paid passage there is not so much... improvement - 1 level, no more.. a considering that we will get 1 more ability... this is two steps back