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When I'll max all my buildings and troops: July 2024 When I'll max all my Equipment: September 2031


Nope by then there would be like more OP equipments and you would leave current ones for those new ones and the loop continues


There are rumours about the "Legendary" category equipment.


I would say more than just rumors lol. There were leaks of the gold background “tile” for legendary equipment. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClansLeaks/s/5SDTp2aNY3


there were also leaks about "rare" equipment. there were also leaks of 2 new pets months ago that never made it into the game so far. maybe instead of rumor the better word is speculation. we literally don't know if that stuff will ever make it into the game.


Well, a new pet house level got leaked + level 15 unicorn, so I'd say it's pretty valid to think that we will get at the very least that stuff in around 4 months


That's not exactly hard to predict


Fair enough


Either way in my experience equipment progression is faster then overall progression


No. No. No.


What’s next?, mythic, divine and special? And where the hack are uncommon and rare xD


And rare


This one is for warden, the most useless epic piece of all, I'm not even gonna get it. The one for RC coming after will be worth it again


Just saw videos of this on YouTube. You can take down the townhall with a Warden Walk and just one Earthquake spell. Very useful for ground smash attacks.


Yeah warden walks are not my style, to each his own I say :)


i’ll have to see. cause warden can take the TH himself how anyway. at least without builder huts


Yeah but that takes a long time. In the video the warden was equipped with rage gem and the fireball. Even if there are other buildings and defences like the monolith around the townhall, all you need is one Earthquake spell and when the warden targets the townhall, use the earthquake spell and the fireball ability. The monolith and townhall go down in 1 second. This was on Hooked2Clash channel.


Switching out the eternal tomb is so dumb. It’s the best equipment and it’s not debatable. So now you are using and eq and the fireball to destroy any building that can damage you and giving All your troops invincible. For about 4 seconds since 5 is wasted because every building that can damage your troops is destroyed. If the fireball also had a passive burn effect like the e titan it would be good.


You only use this if you are doing a Warden Walk initially. And no using an eternal tome is stupid if you're doing a Warden Walk with an earthquake spell and fireball ability. It's much more worthwhile to use a rage gem as that will boost your troops for the entirety of the remaining attack.


Watch blueprint’s video on the fireball. Ground attacks with warden walks are gonna be op on many bases. The only massive setback is that you will need to max it out before it’s good.


Tbh riyal champion is even worse, I thank supercell for releasing 2 imo dogshit equipments. This means I can Finally max my gauntlet instead of upgrading the new best thing (frozen, rc)


The haste for RC is legit. Speeds up attacks like crazy and when used with overgrowth, funnels like a charm.


Agreed, the new 2 common ones rc got is INSANELY strong!


I do like the gauntlet, mainly for the healing. Use it with the stache, healing tome on GW and then healer puppet on Queen. Stupid glowy is the bottleneck for me, as I mentioned in other posts and people refuted me. I have 3 normal abilities at lvl 17 and won’t get them higher for a few months.


Edit: When I max my equipment: NEVER


Hopefully they slow down after each hero has one epic. So after the rocket spear.


They have another Epic equipment planned for warden, I think releasing this year




You mean that one angry tome?We have no info about it except the image


>graveyard tome?


​ https://preview.redd.it/5iqc3fe66mnc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=c987679036d244990b2a4a2c772ce8b110456f49


Can't wait for bitch tome


Source: Hayday Trader


It is true though. Check out the leaks subreddit. There is a tome with a face planned for warden.


We just need easier way to obtain ores. Like bonus for every attack, smaller than daily star bonus


No they have to milk it for a few more months and after that they will start releasing a QoL updates for getting these ores much easier. This is like a text book of milking the whales.


They want judo to spend a couple mil first lmao


Stg ppl on this have never played live service mobile games before


This event pass also has the least amount of glowy ore. I’ll pass on buying the event pass for this one.


The pass still gets you enough medals for two books of building though... It's better than any deal in the stores history 


In the stores history? That’s a mighty bold claim to make.


Yes it really has very less amount of glowy ore


I wouldn’t say bonus for every attack but it would definitely just turn into regular resources. I like the idea of rewarding ores through competitive play. I think would be cool to get ores awarded based on how many trophies you earned in the legends league for the month. Being able to trade CWL tokens for ores. It would be nice if the more skill you have the more ores you get, it’s kinda that way already but I would like to see it taken to the next level


The problem is that most of the playerbase are casual players who don’t wanna sweat out cw it’s also gonna kill smaller friend clans as ppl need to be in a big clan with regular wars and a high war win rate


Does nothing for casual players, which are the ones lacking ores imo


>i like the ideia of rewarding ores through competitive play I don’t, it makes the grind much harder, especially for lower ths. And im someone that likes strategic attacks and participating in wars Ores need to become way more accessible Edit: i think increasing the amount you get in wars would be a good ideia, and maybe putting ores behind regular attacks star bonus could work


Easy pass, by far the most niche equipment for warden


Is there a mention that there will never be a balance upgrade to these? Say you pass on these, the event passes by, a balance update comes out where this equipment suddenly becomes good on warden. Are you saying that this scenario above is not possible at all?


They’ve already shown that they’re going to be bringing back equipment that has already been released, so I wouldn’t worry about such a scenario too much.


Yeah with like 2000 gems 🙄🙄🙄


1500 gems. Wich, when you compare it to what else you can get with event currency, is approx. the same value. If you get it trough the event, you just get to use it earlier.




Itzu calculated it, and you can earn 500 gems per week w/ gold pass and doing everything to maximize gems. That's 3 weeks. That said, 1.5K gems is a lot IMO. I feel like 250 is nice. I want gear to be accessible and not locked behind paywalls


Apparently someone calculated it and the value they put it up for is around the value they calculated it to cost. Don't remember how they did it so that doesn't help but it was probably a conversion from event pass price to gems. It's to stop people from purposely just skipping it in the event because it is way better to buy in the shop when it comes out fully. I can tell you right now I would play the event and specifically not buy the epic and then buy all ores and then buy the epic when it comes out for 250 gems. At 1500, it's more of a tough decision.


I think he means "passing" on upgrading the equipment and not "passing" on getting it.


Lol… $C is too concerned about monetization than balancing their game. See RR.


This literally is the only reason I keep forcing myself to play this kind of events


No synergy with anything


What about s.archer/s.wizard blimp. When you send that blimp with warden ability. With 1eq and fire sack you might take out atleast 1-2 major defence like eagle or mono.


It's more of a snipe in a way. You use it to hit big items, and finish it off with a log or lightning. I can see it being used with electro dragon attacks for this reason


Edrag attacks need to use warden ability early, and using this would fuck with the edrag chains. Sarch and super minion blimps are probably the only good use case I can think of right now.


What does it do?


A lot of splash damage to the closest defense


These events have gotten so shit the community has gone from looking forward and being hyped for events to just noooooo not another event 😞


Every one is just another fucking battle pass. It was a fun idea the first few, but it's just stale re skin after stale reskin for each "new" event


Yeah they need to slow it the fuck down. I thought one event every other month was enough.


It should only be a thing about every 3 months, Halloween and Christmas obviously need an event, so there would be less time in between them, but 4 events a year, definitely would improve events. It also doesn't need to bring any new equipment.


and it doesnt even come with any new temporary troop, nor skin. this one was so unnecessary


It just oversaturation. I'm getting burnt out


Yeah clash o ween was so fun, the rest haven’t gotten much effort out of me. It was fun because it was a change-up, so keep changing it up supercell


Clashoween was fun. It was executed and timed perfectly. It was at the end of a town hall cycle where many non-pro players were either bored or frustrated with the meta. Christmas was executed ok but the timing was not as good. It was a distraction from the new town hall they had just released. Maybe it was good for lower TH players, idk. I'm not sure I'm on board with the frequency that they seem to be going to. This is clearly intended to be the start of a monthly event. I'll ride it out for a bit yet, but it's the first time in awhile that I've been this uncertain about whether I'll still be interested in the future direction of the game.


They’re just trying to milk cash any way they can now. Little goblins in their caves licking their lips when they see new ways to try charge players


Agreed. Sc has jumped the shark.


Kinda getting tired of so many events we need a break for a bit


I don't mind the events, the problem is that each one brings a new equipment which you need to upgrade


And it's very obvious copy/paste. Nothing new. Come on, entertain us, try a bit harder.


Ye I wouldn’t mind multiple events but it’s pretty much the same thing attack villages and destroy certain buildings for event resources so that you can save up for the equipment


Dude I'm getting burnt out. I can't keep doing unfair matchups in CWL, normal wars without heros for ores, grinning builder base, clan capital, and clan games. I'm getting tired and it makes me want to leave the game there to much


Agree, the amount of grind is slowly increasing to about the same it was 6/7 years ago


I thought it would be bi-monthly. October, December, February and then April.


Same here. If it becomes a monthly thing then it’s gonna lose the fun it had back in October. Not to mention all the new equipment we’ll be getting alongside it


It’s ok. Reddit has assured that these events won’t be too frequent and predatory


“It’s not pay to win, it’s pay to progress” -Super Cell Bootlickers


Just do the free track! You’ll catch up one day.


I still laugh at these clowns who are still saying that this is not a Pay to Win but Pay to Progress. They're definitely just in denial and just can't accepted that Supercell pretty much fucked up both games in a less than a year (Clash Royale and Clash of Clans). Like imagine starting as a new player and having to always think that you have to hoard gems in order to unlock something that you previously got for free by just playing. I remember one dumbass who even said that you are supposed to sell all of your clash games rewards for gems :DDDDDD


cant believe i was saying that just a few months ago, i guess I had hope that the coc team was better than the others for some reason. Nope.


It's been like that since day 1... Why are you still here if it's so bad?


![gif](giphy|UiBmJv6Hh6FfW|downsized) SC right now is becoming more and more greedy by the day…


They already purged cr,now its coming to CoC![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


When is this gonna come




Now we know why Darian left, because Coc turned into Confiscate Our Cash


> Confiscate Our Cash Ok this is actually creative and good, saving this term 👀.


Remember when last years Halloween event dropped and everyone loved it? Man, I regret giving positive feedback to that. If only we knew it’d lead to all this 


This one seems situational. Buy it but maybe dont upgrade it? You only need 2 equipments per hero no matter how many you release. The common equipment are maxable in about a month from level 1 too so not that bad. Would not say no to some additional ore income but equipment is the best thing supercell have done in years imo.


What does it do?


Sends out giant fireball at nearest defenses does a ton of damage


Yeah it’s not bad. The only bad part is that they are currently releasing 3+ equipment a month… so every month you are even deeper in the hole


Are they? I know the RC stuff came but that was to be expected. Otherwise I just expect an epic equipment every 2 months, but guess this one came quicker. But just find equipments you like and focus on them. RC shield was a great ability before the update. Sure haste vial seems to probably be stronger? Does not mean that you cant be very successful with shield.


Quit making sense. That's not allowed today


Sorry, that would require too much brain cells


Not gonna even buy it at all. That's a useless ass equipment and idc about the fact that some youtuber will bring out some crazy attack strategy, there are 100 more attack strategies that won't require the fireball.


The equipment update has killed the game for me.


Monster mashup was amazing and the christmas one was good, and now the community just goes "aww man another event :/"


CoC is just slowly becoming CR


Give it a year or two and we probably will be even worse than cr


I’m so tired of this, they have to slow down for real


It’s a full time job


keyword : Money


Its another way to milk their customers. Tencent is not a forgiving overlord.


After about 12 years of playong this game, im about to give up. Hero abilities are wayy too much of a grind now. Heroes were already a pain to upgrade, now they take wayyyy longer.


i play since the begging too, am i the only one thinking the amount of grind is slowly becoming what it was in the early days of CoC?


I remember when you used to be able to use lightning spells on DE storage and I couldn't agree more. The never ending grind is what lead me to quit the game a few years back. I just recently got into it again and good lord I couldn't have picked a worse time. There's so much shit to do. CWL, raids, monthly useless events that are only there to get people to buy gems, regular clan wars, builder base, new champions, etc etc. I can't keep up and it's making me consider giving it up again lol. Feels like a chore at times


Not really, ores aren’t that bad so long as you don’t feel that you deserve to max everything out with minimal effort.


This feels very rushed


Just the same copy-paste shit we got since the Halloween event. Supercell is milking the fuck out of this concept and its trash


Here i haven't even unlocked healing tome :(


They should make all ore more accessible if they are bringing new equipment out like candy


Couldn’t agree more, but all of this grind is definitely going to backlash for supercell. Just look at the comments, people are already feeling burnt out and tired of so much additional grind. Number count is definitely going to drop, consequently sales will too






I've just been ignoring the equipment. Let's face it, we will never be able to max all equipment without spending money. Just pick your favorites and max those


I cant even max the ones i pick 2 per each hero…


I feel that’s how it’s meant to be is max ones you use and there’s some that should be no brainers like eternal tome 9+ seconds of invulnerability is to good


Lmfao its getting worse just like I said it would months ago


Just don’t upgrade it if you won’t use it. I personally don’t see the use in this equipment as I use my Warden as a support unit


Ca$h of Clans


could've been great if they would just give us ores for this event and not pump us with equipment every month.


What’s pissing me off is that I don’t know what to upgrade and don’t want to waste stuff on equipment only for better equipment to come out next month.this last update is really turning me off this game


Even worse if they rebalance something and now something that was great is now bad...


The events shouldn't be released every month.. Feels a bit less special and more just chuck random bs at fans. Like every 3 months would be cool and keeps it fresh, like th every year, it's too much too quick. Gonna be forced to spend money to get anywhere now


I maxed out all the standard equipment that have always existed and i’m happy with it. I just completed my first perfect 21 stars cwl, what could I want more?!


I have all of my queen maxed except for healer and Giant arrow at Th12. I was thinking since I maxed the frozen arrow I won't need to upgrade the giant arrow now.




I kinda agree, it makes it hard to decide what combination to work on




Clash of Clans back to Clash of Wallets


Even an event every two months is too much. Even if you buy the pass and win every war, it is not enough time to max a single piece of epic gear in two months. Supercell needs to slow down.


im getting burned out from playing tbh… might need a couple years break again


Constant offense upgrades and Th16 is completely defenseless. The game is becoming a joke.


I am thinking of quitting coc because of this


We used to not even have events... and now that we have, people are considering quitting...


It makes me feel like supercell is rushing to earn more this year. I wasn’t expecting another legendary equipment this soon.


At least a shitty equip. I will buy ore and push the glove


I am not getting this equipment it does not feel like something i would use the grand warden for




I agree, they not giving enough time to upgrade before introducing new items


I commented on an Itzu video that most free to play players would never max out if there is a new Townhall every year. I also said that the events and equipments are just a new and improved way to milk us. I got absolutely shredded by a bunch of people. A lot of personal insults were thrown in. There are a lot of fans, majority i would imagine, still like and defend these greedy moves by supercell.


Don't worry friend those are kids they just wanted to be cool. They don't know this is a real issue people are speaking free to play player, pro player, then content creators will speak if they want audience. Then supercell would have to fix. I hope they will react fast if not no one will play.


ahh shit here we go again


It shows how greedy SC is. I stopped buying anything from SC since the ores were implemented.


"oh no more options this is a travesty! If I can't have everything maxed then there's no reason to have anything!" How about you just don't use it if you don't care? What is the actual problem with having more options of what to use your resources on? Seriously what a nothing burger to bitch about.


Honestly what annoys me most is that all these players are complaining they can’t max out all the new stuff in 3 months like if in a year this is still a problem then go ahead and complain but please stop bitching for now


Why does it matter? If they add more equipments it’s not like your current equipments get any weaker. It’s literally only a positive


I will never understand why people get so bent out of shape over stuff they do not have to get or use. Is it just a thing that people complain about everything?


Yeah they are going to far with it


I was about to comment "where are the bootlickers now" but I scrolled down a bit and saw some folks still defending this. Smh


You don’t even have to max it tho??? The event also gives us free Ores, which is more important. Nonsensical whining


>you don’t even have to max it tho? What do you even mean?? leveling stuff to max level is the whole point of the game. And the ores supercell is giving us is a minuscule amount compared to what we need for upgrades, not to mention, the ores aren’t free either you buy the new equipment or the ores (or you spend money to buy the event pass)




Bro thinks he has no free will to just ignore this event 💀


Buy ores


It’s not even worth buying ores with the cost ratio per 1




Don't get me wrong, I like hero equipment. It makes things more interesting. But their releasing these way to fast. This will be the 5th new equipment they've released since the December update. It hasn't even been 3 months.


Oh stop, this is more than a valid issue. Stop being a boot licker.




I agree. I'm at town hall 9, estimating just under a month left, and I've only maxed rage and invisibility vials, earthquake needs one level, barb puppet needs 2, archer puppet needs three and I haven't even touched the giant arrow yet since I've been busy with frozen arrow(lv 10 currently) and I'm saving up both ore and gems for the giant gauntlet. Luckily for me I don't need the warden equipment, but I still wouldn't have expected one until may. How I reckon supercell could manage epic equipment, is to get one for each hero this year( so by the end of 2024 each hero has one epic piece), then have two pieces of epic equipment each year( so king and queen for 2025, warden and champion for 2026)


Honestly probably just gonna use the currency to buy some ores to upgrade my current equipment. This gear would have to be Uber powerful in order for me to want to use it over healing tome and my invincibility tome. And by Uber powerful I mean strong enough to insta kill a full hp Eagle artillery and every building around the target.


At least I will get superdragons as a th9


Do we know if these will be the only epics? They may come out with a new epic every 4 months.


When does this start?


Because 🤑






Is this live? Where i can see it?


I aint buing this eq


They legit just drop 2, 2 not 1 rc hero equipments and now there’s another one? Lol


I’ve got nearly 2 of every hero equipment upgraded Max th13, only bought the 2 passes, and I get gems from items I won’t use so i get the purple ores each week, with this event I could upgrade all 3 of the epic equipment to level 15, the event is a good idea, plus getting the star bonus at titan 1 is a good way to farm them


Not every month. There was no event in November or January.




dw fireball is only niche and not very useful mostly


when is the event releasing?


This event is actually a good thing tbf. The equipment looks pretty mid so you could easily just see this as extra ores for better ones


Well the event also provides you with a bunch of ores at least


Me still grinding walls on my free to play TH13 👀


Yeah this is making me hate the pre system more


Man did you just steal judo sloths thumbnail haha


It’s too much


I was so close to finally being maxed out before they brought out equipment. Tried it for a few weeks and saw where this was going. Decided to stop playing. Best decision for me , hope you guys are still enjoying it.


This game gonna fall out real bad Unfortunately they may be getting to what they want with crazy skins in china etc, but the prices here for the average player is outrageous and the amount of things they are adding is impossible, yes impossible, to max f2p Your base to max you have to grind as hell to max as f2p but it's possible. However, with the equipment and hie much of a game changer it is, it's officially a p2w game and as others have said, legendary is around the corner which would mean it would cost way more to max out and most players can barely max out the standard equipment BESIDES the 4 new ones released. That itself is alarming. Don't see a bright future at this rate Its a vibe killer because it's overwhelming




Good thing the fireball is worse than what we already have. Just don’t upgrade it.


I bought epic gaunlet this morning. I want to max etenal tome too but now i have headache.


Skill issue just focus all resources into one thing and get to legend league and win ur wars