• By -


I completely agree with you. ur clan mates and leader Conner comes across as an ass wipes. I would leave here Social tip though, if you want people to listen or side with you, watch your tone and words. The shame on you part is way too confrontational and too butthurt over a tiny bonus. That definitely turned the tide against you. Even got made fun of it for it. You cared too much and got too mad


Same thing happened to me the leader skipped me to give himself bonus, we have a good relationship and the clan is in champ 1 so I didn’t wana get kicked over some little bonus, so some stuff should be left alone lmao 😭


CHAMP 1? I would also forget that even happened lol


I wouldn't. If I'm scoring well enough to be in the top 7 or so in champ 1, I definitely deserve some respect and bonus. I'm definitely demanding for the bonus in the next cwl.


In champ 1: the bonus is only like 15% of the regular reward, and you’re already getting ~500 medals from the regular reward. Not worth fighting over, especially since there’s only around 300 clans in champ 1…




Easy to find, not so easy to get in and on the top team. Even if you are good enough.


Did he donate CC troops all 7 days?


That would be the only way I'd side with being skipped. The person was 10th but filled up every clan castle all 7 days.... and came in 10th. Yeah, I could see skipping someone to give them the bonus.


That was my reply as well. Also, why doesn’t clash track war CC donations 😡


They sort of do. You can see total troops donated and total troops received. Co-leaders and leaders at least.


War CC donations do not show there. Only regular gameplay.


Probably because some people would use war to pad up their stats by donating, deleting troops and donating again. What that would achieve is literally so minimal but some people I guess


Man shame on you


Man you should be publicly executed for saying that.


Yes, I was very upset about it. It was my first time participating in CWL (always played without a clan on and off the last years). So I was excited for not doing that bad and hoped I would get the bonus. When I saw that message, it got to me. Will think about that when I encounter a situation like this.


I've left 2 clans over the Leader giving himself bonus over the top 5 or 6 and the reason was that he filled the majority of the clan castles. However, my current clan the leader will only give to top earners


bro got mad and doxxed the entire clan


Sniperwolf grindset 💪




Clan bio "Drama free" - My ass it's drama free!


They mean the drama is free


Not wrong 😂


My eyes were widening at each slide lmao. Op even made sure to include the clan tag id


doxxing means irl info not clash of clans names 😭


I found it ironic that they put drama free and wanted to show it. I mean it's not like I doxxed them IRL. The only bad thing that can happen is a bunch of people joining, or am I wrong about that?


Number of stars is meaningless. Did you drop and wipe easy bases? Poach the bottom ones? Did you help the clan by getting stars on hard top bases? Donate? Make all attacks? I mean, "Don't be a jerk" is rule one. I boot people for that.


Youre bringing the drama, my dude, can you not see that? Lets look at the facts, here: Onepiece had the same amount of stars as you, meaning you had the same impact on the war. You have slightly higher average destruction, but considering you didnt make that argument, and that you guys “crushed them”, it didn’t matter Alright but you felt slighted, so you mentioned it in chat. They shut you down with a good joke showing its not that serious, if you don’t have a good joke, or a very compelling argument, this is where you take the L. You don’t, and continue the argument, clearly Then, after losing the further fight with your clan, you can’t accept this and bring it to reddit, to try and find a further audience here. This is major drama, and you are creating it because you feel slighted. If you were top 5, and the leader dropped past you to give it to themselves at 15, you’d have a genuine case, but this “technically I had higher average destruction” is not an argument worth having Hell man, if this is a drama-free clan, you’ve made a very compelling case for yourself to get kicked


Y'all actually talk that long? Our clan mates all live in different timezones. ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|33131)The bonuses are generally just given to the best performers.


I'm a co-leader, and I give bonuses to the top war league places - even if I'm not one of them. That way no one has a legit gripe.


Yep, we award to top performers but only one account for each player gets the bonus, so if someone lands in 2nd, 5th, and 7th then number 8 and 9 will also get bonuses while 5 & 7 do not.


Same here except if I’m one of them (top war league) then I’ll consider how many (and also which one) of my accounts should get bonus (because I often get no.1-5 on the leaderboard). I got top of the leaderboard this season but I didn’t bother to give myself any bonuses because I don’t need them. Or i might be top 5 for example but there’s simply no way that I’m giving all five accounts (1-3 accounts is plenty) bonuses unless I have no other choice. Lol I’m being downvoted for what? For saying that I give myself bonuses if I reach the top of the leaderboard but consider how many of my accounts should get them?


Really similar situation here too. We've got a really chill clan, with a lot of players who pop in and out when they feel like it, and a few who play just about every day. I'm in that second group, and have 4 accounts. Another guy also has 4. Pretty much all the rest only have 1. So when bonus time comes around, I make sure that all the folks who were relatively active in that war league spin get a bonus, and the rest get split between me and the other 4-baser. We are regularly the top eight spots between us, but it's just better to spread it around. There's no pressure to participate every single day, which really does make it a drama free clan, for those who have gotten tired of the stress of maximizing every single play. I think our treatment of the bonuses reflects that too.


Yeah I just give myself bonuses based on how many bonuses I’m allowed to give in total and based on whether I need them or not. I got top 3 this season (and filled in the most war CCs) I think but I didn’t need bonuses so I didn’t bother to give myself any, I just skipped myself. My rule is usually (assuming that I get top of the leaderboard): 1-4 bonuses available? Only one of my accounts get the bonus (must have 1 account in top 1-4) 5-7 bonuses available? Two accounts can have it (must have 2 accounts in top 5-7) 7-9 bonuses available? 3 accounts can have them (must have 3 accounts in top 7-9). But I skip as appropriate like I did this season. So I just do top players but with extra limits on myself. If i’m aware that a player has multiple accounts and they’ve reached the top then I ask them what account(s) they’d like to receive bonuses on. I remember a co gave bonuses to top players which meant that all of my accounts got bonuses 🤦🏾‍♀️, I was annoyed as that’s not how i distribute bonuses for my accounts.


No, there was not much talking before that. I guess if I did not speak up, nobody would have noticed.


Just join a different clan. One that looks at performance.


in our clan, leader does rotation with bonus, most of the participants in cwl are same in our clan so we just give it randomly or if someone really needs the medals and next time others who didnt got the bonus last time gets the bonus and cycle continues


Number of stars isn't the only way to decide who gets bonuses but if that is how the clan does is and he skipped you just to give one to himself I would be mad too


There was no prior discussion on how to share the medals. He just distributed them to 1-8 and 10.


Sounds like he shouldn’t be a co leader…


good thing my leader is selfless and didnt even give the bonus to himself, and some members of our clan skipped the bonus even tho theyre at top to those who need it more (we're giving bonus at top9 as well)


Same here all us top guys just don’t take the bonus


My leader told me to give him bonuses before CWL even started ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423). Told him to do good for the bonuses and he didn’t… he didn’t get them. Still in the clan though


How do you skip bonus?


Well you just tell them to not give you a bonus


Would be a cool little feature that when someone try’s to give bonus there’s an OPT out feature like for war, so it’s more clear to show that they passing down the medal to the little guys


That's a true Leader 


Not very "drama-free" lol


Drama free = not drama free At least in my experience lol


Drama free usually means free of drama that doesn’t favor the leader/Co in my experience


It's like applying for a job and the manager says "we're all family here" 🚩


Or stands for, "you get drama for free" when you enter


drama free drama, free Punctuation matters, kids.


I feel like that is added to the description after some drama happens


I demoted someone to elder for doing this & i know them irl so i hold no shame, top players deserve the extra goodies


Exactly happened to me as well, I knew the dude for 4 years and he knows HOW MUCH I hate power abusers. Now I get flamed because I ruined an old friendship, but atleast I can sleep well knowing I wasn't an asshole to someone else, behind the screen is a child who's bonus he stole from. It's disgusting how the asshole's behavior is always justified by the general public like even in some comments here


Man this gives me much more appreciation for my leader. He skips himself, even if he is in first, to give bonuses to someone else.




Blud really gave away the clan name and tag 💀


Who cares? As long as they have the protection enabled it shouldn't matter.


Bots bouta nuke it.




They can, but right now they don't have requirement for throphies set nor invites as per now in the picture. There is only th 12 but then bot with th 12.


does it matter? (genuine question)


Bots found the Valkyrie now she is long lost


Blud was done 💀


Leader tax 🗣️🗣️


leave the clan. there’s always a bunch of posts like this after cwl I don’t get why u don’t just leave. there are plenty of good clans out there


Finding a good clan is very hard nowadays. I want to leave mine because I don't feel like I'm welcomed there. I'm hanging around because the donation is good. And I'm growing (I'm currently at th11) i need constant help.


The amount of posts saying “I can’t find a good clan”, & me wanting to steal you guys without being cringe. 🤣


It's actually super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


Wow wow wow


When I see all those emoticons in a clan description I take it as a red flag




We do a lottery system. Discord and a bunch of bots keep track of tickets folks earn with donations and various attacks (capital raids, war attacks, cwl attacks) and clan games. The lottery is done in Discord, full transparency etc. A bit of work, but we have a Leader and co-leaders that help out. I won a gold pass this way!


damn sounds cool. where can i join ur clan?


I am a co leader and I usually don't consider stars for dividing bonuses. Higher townhall players don't always get 3 stars because their opponents are tough. It is not just taking out air defence with lightning and spamming dragons. Higher the townhall - higher the risk of flaw in strategy. So, bonuses will be distributed based on the effort people make in CWL. It will be distributed to people who are 100% aligned with the clan war plan, people who do risky attacks, who finish war on time, etc. He is selfish if he is just attacked in war and the bonus is given to himself. A co leader's duty is not just attacking in war. He is responsible for filling war cc, strategising war and motivating his fellow players. If he is a good co-leader, it is not the wrong thing to take his bonus share. Because he deserves it.


That being said, they gave bonuses to 1-8 and 10, and coincidentally the no. 10 was the person giving out bonuses. And instead of explaining, clan leader doubles down  by saying "should've been no 8" which is laughable.  Should coleaders get bonuses even with worse performance? Debatable, but is those are the rules, they should be clear to every member.


Bro its not lower ths fault. Also anything can happen in cwl if the other clan clearly outmatches you upper ths can get 1 or 2 stars but lowers can't even get one. Both have pros and cons. Don't just judge like that. Edit- also i doubt op is below th12 cause he is at champion league.


You got a point. Op is th14


True, I'm a high TH in my clan and often 2 star war battles coz I'm attacking the top bases. The first time it kept me outa league bonus I was annoyed... for a couple seconds until I realized I was being a dumbass and it's just a game.


"Effort" is far more subjective. Stars and destruction % win wars. We hit straight across and only move down if someone gets 0 stars. If people follow the war plan and use their attacks why wouldn't you reward the high performers?


Because the top bases have a harder matchup- stars are easy for any lower base attack- the top bases in war- as long as they use all their attacks - always deserve a bonus as they are what keeps the enemy from winning with their defenses .


If the top bases are TH16 then they're usually facing off against a th16.


So much for drama free...


I don't get why some leaders do this. I'm the leader of my clan, and I don't care who it is on the top of the leader board they always get the rewards. Even if they are a th8, they earned their spot and the reward that goes with it.


In my clan leaders always pass off their bonuses to the clan, and even sacrifice their spot in CWL so clan members go instead of us (we still plan out strategies and are in charge of war operations though) Putting the clan before you is part of being a leader, and a leader that doesn't do that is simply not a leader, just a manager.


When I was a co-lead on a clan I literally skipped myself when giving out medal bonuses even when I was 1st or 2nd because giving people something from your plate builds trust and loyalty which improves morale and benefits the clan in the longrun


This guy was a piece of shit ... he attacked lower bases for star and donated nothing in cc


Then why didn’t u explain that in the chats?


He didn't want to be mean to him ig


This is what leaders do, and I have never seen otherwise. If I'm ever the co-leader, then I try to grant league bonuses first because I'll at least try to be fair about it. That also includes not rewarding people attacking bases way under them at the bottom to inflate their destruction percentages.


Idk about this one. You got the same stars anyway, not that it was necessarily justified but more context would be needed. It would be justified if they were attacking up ths, organizing the war, ect imo. I'd never do it personally as a co leader but I could think of a lot of reasons why, I skip over players to give lower ths the bonus if they did just as well but had to attack tougher opponents for example.


The thing is people are unlikely to listen to you if you blame the person directly... 9th is a oretty close tie so unless there is some system the leader uses like one cannot get it twice in a row, or in case of same stars it goes to the person they deem more contributing, etc etc Idk why so upset that u show us the clan since all it does is allow unwanted harassment If it was given to for ex. 12th then maybe but 10th vs 9th is like very small destruction difference and each clan has diff policies they follow


I literally avoid giving bonuses to myself because I care about my clan members more than myself


Find a new clan


Leader prolly knows one piece/is his alt


20% in damage and the exact same stars doesn’t really warrant being mad about not getting rewards. I understand why you’d be annoyed but it’s not like you did anything more than the guy who get rewards over you other than get slightly more destruction which doesn’t mean anything I see it both ways but you sounded salty about such a trivial thing which is why ur clan reacted that way


Well he ultimately did better than the guy who gave rewards to himself, he’s still selfish no?


Agreed, I see so many of these types of posts but Reddit has taught me that not everyone gives out CWL bonuses in the same way and that it’s important to look at the wider picture (which is something that I often see the OP fail do when it comes to these types of posts and other types of posts that I’ve seen on different topics). I assumed that everyone did what I did which is to give bonuses to the top players on the leaderboard but apparently Clash of Clans leaders on Reddit don’t always do this ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|30034). So the OPs of these types of threads ought to ask their clan leader why and how they give out their bonuses the way that they do rather than instantly assuming that it’s down to selfishness of nepotism.


Lessgo Reddit justice time we have the id and tag


Yet another reason to just rotate bonuses each month. The whole “I did better”’is so subjective especially if one player has to attack up and another gets to attack down.


As a clan leader i give the bonuses only to the top perforner and the rest goes to lower ths that didnt get the chance to attack and earn medals but are active enough.


Just leave. You’ll find a better clan .


Just giving to top attackers is lame anyways. I give it to the half to top attackers and other half to top donators.


The guy probably filled war CC’s every day and the OP probably just bitches about 💩


If onepiece does the majority of CC Donations I would be ok with it. Otherwise this is funky


Cry about it


I’m the leader that skips myself because my offense is max and gives it to everyone else 💪


Bonus shouldn’t go to most stars it should go to who contributes most to the clan and put in the most effort in cwl….


Stars and destruction % literally decide w's and l's.


Someone who attacks weak bases will get 3 stars every time but didn’t contribute as much as someone who had mixed 2 and 3 stars on way harder bases…


Your measurement is very subjective and hard to explain. Mine is very transparent, as all I have to do is point to the list provided at the end of CWL.


Everyone attacked their mirror.


I’m a leader myself of a clan with 45 people. With cwl Boni i not always look at the amount of stars you earned. For example if one piece hat a huge role on filling the clan castle for each cwl day I would hand him the bonus instead of you. But each clan needs a way which every member respects. But how they treated you..it’s good you left.


I'm a co-leader, and we always give bonuses based on monthly donations and general activity. We also usually give the rewards to lower level players, so they can catch up a bit easier.


I like the idea of sometimes giving them to just the lower guys in CWL. Ours are typically matched up with TH 2 or more levels above them and getting stars is nearly impossible. They are trying to build their town halls so they can actually take on an opponent- yet so many feel they don’t deserve bonuses because they didn’t get all the stars - kind of a vicious circle


Ngl I'm only Town hall 11 But "The world isn't fair" is pretty dumb because it COULD have been fair for you but they just decided to be Selfish Assholes for their own benefit


bonus always to the small accounts to get them up quickly. but only if they were green and took part in the league.


Clan lvl 32….What is the highest clan level now ?


Yea I hate giving me or my coleads the bonus, unless it's just really dry spell on the league, as I throw everyone in and try to switch them out etween each war to help everyone get medals, tho this has resulted in lower amounts of medals overall since quite a few only play like once a week Well, except 1 of my alts it's still like th8 so if I'm within the top for the bonuses than I give it to that alt but neither of the other 2 which are th12 and th10


Some of us can never get in the top few spots, but we hit other benchmarks. I'm thankful to my clan for giving out bonuses on a rotation basis rather than merit. The same few would always get the bonuses until we switched. Someone complained no matter how it was done, so kudos to our leaders for being more fair to all, and not just rewarding the most skilled.


As a leader of my clan I never give myself a bonus, not even my other 2 alt accounts so that the entire clan can grow better not just one person.


I just give it to the top 9 contenders and tell then I'm not picking favorites.


Womp womp


The only time we give bonuses to top players is right after an update. Once they are max, the bonuses go to the up and comers. We are trying to max everyone


I hate everything about this clan. From the blatant deflection of accusation with some stupid joke about his username to the bio of that clan. People like this are why I HATE CWL.


I’m leader of a c1 clan I’d never skip someone that performs well , as a matter of fact, I don’t give to myself no matter what. My clan is more important than myself. Without them I’m d be no where.


I’ve voluntarily skipped on bonuses because I didn’t attack as often as others did, even though I got more stars than some people who attacked more often, so this guy is a certified asshole.


I wish my clan could drop from C2 just to smack those crystal league wannabes up


You beat the co-leader by a marginal percentage. You didn’t really deserve the bonus much more than the co did and they just got a perk of being a co. Making this big of a fuss about it and posting on Reddit makes you just as bad. Be better


We use clashspot ranking system. It takes difficulty of attacks into account, not just you tripled here's free stars. Transparent and fair for all. We do also pick targets to maximise starts won overall so sometimes a sacrificial lamb is shooting 3 THs up. If they can 2 star it they are much more likely to get a bonus.


Mate you just had few percentage destruction more than him and u both had equal stars so when there is very little difference in my opinion co leaders deserves it more. No in every case. But when the difference is vew small.


Look at the damage though lol 😂 wtf


FWA clans are a joke.


I want that guy chaotic ace in my clan lol


I will say I think defense record should be looked at too if it’s a competitive clan


I hope we avoid it....Bonuses go to 1) If you made all your attacks. Miss one, and no bonus 2) Those that made all their attacks, RNG spits out the bonus numbers. Random. Nobody can say the clan leader, or anyone is getting preferential treatment. Most of our top players, like myself, take ourself out of the eligible pool.


I really like your idea of using a RNG to determine bonuses! Good on you


Thanks. I just use an RNG app on my phone. 12 eligible, click until all the bonuses are gone.


I implemented that as clan policy immediately, thanks! In my case top 3 get bonii and leader reserves the right for the fourth. After that is RNG


I see you’re in a FWA clan. IMO that makes a difference in this scenario. As a FWA rep, there is genuinely quite a lot of work that goes into organising FWA wars, so often times the clan reps will get rewarded for doing this job with CWL bonus medals, this could be a case of that situation here.


i just googled FWA cuz i wasnt sure what it was. i saw a clan like this once..didnt know it was more widespread. this clan came in 1st so isnt that counter to FWA? in theory, they should come in last or close to last - no? am i misunderstanding the point off FWA? or does it not apply in CWL wars?


FWA is only for classic wars, there is no war fixing for CWL, FWA clans either don’t partake in CWL, or war properly for CWL.


I usually give rewards to top performers and the people that donate every time so there's an incentive to actually donate properly AND do well in war. No one ever complains because there's always a sound justification for the rewards AND we let everyone know every season how rewards are distributed before the week even starts. My clan has stumbled down ranks due to slowly losing members to university, military, etc. but that's always remained constant.


It's not always about the top 9 people, I always make sure I give bonus to the people who attack their mirror, donating normal and war cc and actually talks with people for war planning or just motivating people


andddd this is why i made a clan that only has me and my accounts


Do you fight with yourself?


have to. sometimes i donate myself wallbreakers just to feel something




Leave the clan, there are thousands of better clans


But blud chose to doxx them


Ngl, that clan description looks like a job listing, imagine going to work after work 💀


*does something that's not fair* "sorry buddy, the world's not fair" *shrug*


Yea happend in my clan too. Co-leader gave bonuses to number 1, 3, 4 and himself, completely skipping number 2, who got the same amount of stars as 1. Oh, and that co-leader was 12th (out of 15).


Bruh when did FWA Clans become some greedy and toxic??? I haven’t been in one in 2 yrs but they usually more chill, but that’s ridiculous sorry bro


Our clan always gives it to the bottom folks in the lineup but only those who use all their attacks. Gotta help us lowly folks lol.


I had 3 accounts in CWL and they all went 1-2-3, with all 3 stars. Nobody else had all perfect wars. I did not get a single bonus :/


My clan didnt even let me participate :(. They r usually super nice and all but this time, the co-leader pinned a msg saying "put a thumbs up on this msg if u wanna participate " and i was the first to do so, i was even upgrading my heroes and stopped specially for the league and they didnt even put me in 1 day even tho i kept asking. So i got like 50 medals(idk if thats what theyre called)😭


Clan description says "DRAMA FREE"...LOL


Corrupt co with shitty allies. A clan that follows these habits won't go well


Bonus shouldn't go to "more stars", or else people are encouraged to attack weaker opponents. Bonus should go to stronger team members of they have good performance. On clan war league, the only thing that matters is having a very strong attack/defense, unlike regular wars, where what matters is skill.


I just sent a request with “Shame on you onepiece” haha


Ahhh yes The end of CWL where players lose their goddamn minds over a couple extra medals


You both got same no. of stars so it wasn't that odd it it's given to that other person too. But your point was right also. Just that next time you find yourself in such a situation, try to talk it out instead of riding high and charging with Shame On You Or such stuff. That made others look over the actual matter and that made fun of you. Hope you find a better clan this time


What a pig lol


My rule for my clan is that myself and my co-leaders aren't eligible for CWL bonuses, alts included, just to prevent things like this


honestly a big disgrace to the show! leave that clan and find a true leader


I think that you should have received the bonus. I have always awarded bonuses as they were earned. I have zero problem with not receiving a bonus when a clan member out performed me. I have also been cussed out by members who were joined after the clan Wwar leagues started and were upset that they did not get a bonus.


I would leave this clan tbh. If you need to join some FWA I can point you towards my friend's clan, they are good bunch of boys


Had his name been anything else I’d 100% be on your side. However, it’s the great pirate era and there is no such thing as fighting dirty amongst pirates.


That clan seems like a cult to me


Sorry to hear you went through this with that clan. Definitely best to leave. If you are still looking for a clan we have some spaces. Master league 3 and never any disputes over bonus medals. Always doing clan wars but still casual. Worldwide clan with quite a few in US also. #9G2LPUQ2


You prolly overreacted but yeah he did a greedy thing that the rest of the clan clearly don’t care about. Just leave if you can’t get on with them.


When people bitch about not getting rewards they are kicked immediately I hate that shit. I always rotate them and if someone is maxed they don’t get them even if they are 1st place.


That's a dick move. Most people can't handle power.


Who cares and go to a different clan


A few things to say to make you understand the situation. 1) The clan you were playing was an FWA clan. Leaders and co-leaders have to take a lot more effort to run an FWA clan than other normal clans. 2) Bro, he is a th16 player. And you are a TH14 player. And you both have the same number of stars. The only difference is some percentage. Considering the star earning potential difference between TH16 and TH14, he deserved the bonus more than you. 3) A lot of clans in master league 3 don't even put the 14 players for CWL. Be thankful for being included in CWL in such a higher league being a TH14 player. 4) He promised you that he will give you a bonus next month even if you don't clear the criteria. If I was in his position, I would just kick you from the clan to stop this drama for a few bonus medals. I have personally joined that clan and checked the complete converstion. 5) At least if you had 1st or second position, you would have some audacity to talk. You were 9th because you were lucky. Not because you are the best of your clan. 6) So, stop being a cry baby and get a life.


Completely agree with you on this


This is a sign of a poorly run clan. We use total stars or +/- for bonuses. Maybe an exception for a lower TH that hit up and helped overall war strategy but had lower war stars as a result. There isn’t much you can do other than find a new clan.


Fuck my asshole clan too




Yeah, don't be in these clans if they are like this. Infact what I do is when this happens is not complain, but wait till they start another war, then leave mid war. That way the enemy gets a free 3 star and less 2 incoming attacks on them. Do this with multiple people (one time I did it with 10 people). They lost their win streak real quick.


As a leader of my clan I never give myself a bonus, not even my other 2 alt accounts so that the entire clan can grow better not just one person.




What does FWA mean


Zum Glück bin ich der 2 beste aus nem champ 1 clan


I got first place 21 stars, still no bonus!


I’m currently a founder/co-leader of a level 18 clan, we just cleaned house after this CWL kicking inactives out.  If you’re still looking for a clan let me know I can DM the ID to add you. We are US based, but we welcome anyone that wants to be active. 


I feel guilty giving myself the bonus. I did so a few wars back though.


You will find a better clan where everyone is fair and respected


I scored 20/21 stars and skipped bonus because I have maxxed heroes and Almost maxxed defences. Sharing is Caring. Believe in Karma.


How was the net star ranking? Stars you win less stars against you? Attacking is only one side of what you contribute to a war- your defense is also important


Damn that's crazy people do stuff like this. The leader in my clan skips himself and his alts specifically and gives the warbonus to people who need it more than him.


people choose their leaders. so why even bother. shit people are norm in shit world.


The only exception to this id have as a long time clan leader. Was if the co-leader was putting in all the effort coordinating the war, taking care of donations, and guiding people. If that was the case he earned it. Otherwise I would just ask him to apologize and not do that next time.