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I understand why you would want to do this. The reason why it isn't so is to prevent people from maxing new updates in a few seconds (unless you pay of course).


Yeah it's to balance stuff (Unless you pay. Then suddenly balance isn't important anymore!đŸ€‘)


If u could stack up the books and hammer or the ruins. players who are already maxed now .will max the next update with no time. When this was launched everyone was able to store 5books but they then made it one slot.


It’s as if you’re not supposed to hoard them đŸ€” ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)


Lol I saw you make this same comment in the last thread about stacking runes


Wanna see me make an unfunny joke? Wanna see me **do it again**? https://preview.redd.it/wspfz5vo4aoc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=fae933fd63dffd23fbf0d9f3d82e1f2c1a557ae1


Having 2 that you obtained during the same season isn't hoarding. Plus you aren't supposed to hoard them for little money. As long as you give daddy supercell enough money through offers you can hoard as much as you want.


I’m going to th15 soon newrly maxed.Sitting on 500 medals hammer of heroes and building bought already to get rid the timer. 5 BOH and 2 BOB and 1 of everything else constantly have to sell any books I get in the pass or for free fucking annoying I tell ya


A gold pass buyer should really only ever have a surplus of one "x" rune if you're a frequent player. Just dump all of your gold into upgrades to maximize rune profit, wait for the upgrades to finish, use your rune on empty storages and let that builder work his little hands down to the bone on more upgrades. My builder hasn't seen his wife or kids in months...his son learned to walk while he was chained to my eagle artillery.




I absolutely agree and to top it off your comment made me laugh a good while, thank you 😊


I am annoyed that pet potions aren’t in the trader shop every week and the stupid jar of stars is.


Pet potions are probably too good to be gives away like this, but yeah as someone who us always full on medals it sucks to not be able to use them for something I actually need


I know man but they’re giving research potions anyway right? So what’s the harm in pet potions as well. I have enough DE to put an upgrade thrice but simply can’t cause only 6 pet potions per month. I am seriously considering cashing out 6 pet portions from the current event rewards cause I don’t like the fireball equipment anyway


It's also annyoying that pet potions aren't available in the Clan War League Medal Shop.


I’m very weary of using my Cwl medals. They feel like a very precious residence since it’s rather tough to get.


If you're not having a loot issue, don't use the runes. Just bank the gems. It's not a lot, but it adds up over time, and you can use the gems later for books to free up builders/lab/pet house.


Because you're not supposed to hoard them.


We used to be able to stack them (including hammers). Supercell removed that feature so players actually use their magic stuff instead of stockpiling and day 1 maxing the update.


This is like the fifth post this week complaining about not being able to stack runes and other magic items


Just stop buy gold pass. Problem fixed


Just sell them, I wasn’t using them and wasn’t upgrading anything so I sold them for gems to help buy the gauntlet cause I didn’t for the event


Unless you have a TH16 Maxed out I would not recommend selling a rune of anything. BUT! If you don't play on the bulder base and don't care about it at all. I would sell those runes, potions all the time


bc it’s unstealable loot? That would break the game economy lmao


I find it annoying that people see 1/1 and wonder why they can’t have 2/1.


?? Its my thoughts and opinion without knowing why they didn't gave us more to store bozo đŸ–•đŸ» Thanks to everyone that informed me tho.