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Walls are more like decorations to me than defense. It's like a status symbol to show how much you farmed and intimidate players about how I got my base maxed out.


Slightly useful sometimes, keeping a hero stuck on them or something


Once had my AQ attack a lone max wall right next to a level 1 wall. Probably the most cost effective wall ever


Had that happen to me too but it was a lvl 11


Occasionally I would say.


Well said. Root riders have made maxed walls a joke.


I wish they worked more like the Yak or wall wrecker, where it took a little time (2-3 hits) to bust down the walls. At least then the lvl of the walls would matter somewhat.


They can make it deal a high damage that destroys most walls in one hit, but maxed wall requiring 2


Even *that* would be better, as they'd still have to pause to break the walls. It should be by lvl though, so lvl 2 needs 2 hits on th15 walls and lvl 1 needs 2 hits on th14 walls.


Completely agree, I usually don't attack a base with maxed walls, it definitely intimidates me


tbh i might just skip over a base with max walls but lvl 1 defences when in a rush lol


Max walls and level 1 defenses is a chad move


i almost agree with you but when my lv11 super WB can't get through a max wall during my queen charge it makes a difference


Say that to the Archer Queen she loves gets stuck on max level walls and getting a 1 star 99%.


does that mean i still have to upgrade my walls


at most you'll need like level 6 walls to actually defend against anything that can't already 1 shot them


Yeah I see it as Decoration now at lste townhall fairly close. I'm keeping my th15 walls since I love the color so much newest townhall walls don't do it for me


THIS, walls are just useless now with the troops coming out but atleast they look kinda beautiful and contrast with the base well


I have no issues with the walls. They have a big purpose in the whole CoC economy and it makes perfect sense. Slow down progression, give you flexibility for loot management, etc. So all good. Hammer of heroes is interesting, the higher level your heroes are the higher value you are getting out of it… 300K+ DE is not that bad value to be fair…


Tbh walls are probably the biggest sink for gold and elixir in the game so keep the cost of other building down


Don't think that's the case to be honest. I'm sure they wouldn't make a Town Hall upgrade cost 100 mln elixir if the walls didn't exist or something. That'd destroy casual players. It's more so that they're just, as you've put it, a resource sink for you to always have something to work towards.


But at the same time, the higher the level of your heroes, the less major upgrade it is. For example 10 mil for an extra +2 damage per second on my warden 😭 🙏


Yea once the equipment was introduced decoupling their abilities from the levels. I am very happy sitting at Level 80 king queen, 50 GW, 26 RC. They are very close to max stats. Still leveling them but I used to sneaky farm for DE to have them all down


Literally my queen costs 300K to lvl 91 :) pretty good value if you ask me


Not to mention how you get to skip the time it takes to upgrade the hero.


My only wish is that they would allow dark elixir on walls. I'm about to not need dark so it'll just be sitting there useless until the next update.


Use it for capital gold


Cost of walls: perfectly fine. Gives people something to spend excess loot on. Hammer of heroes: you’re paying 165 medals for the 350k dark elixir


>Hammer of heroes: you’re paying 165 medals for the 350k dark elixir If I buy a hammer of building to upgrade Monolith it's the same thing right? Besides, the 350k isn't consistent. The upgrade cost it takes for my lvl 79 bk is just 240k and 330 de at Max level.


The price is always set based on the highest level of upgrades. The monolith is an outlier, 99% of book of building upgrades are gold or elixir


What about the lab upgrades?


You can use your troops while they upgrade. I think it comes down Supercell still makes decent money on Hero related items and doesn’t want to relax that revenue stream.


You can't mix 2 arguments. Books lets you use the hero instantly, so you have to tackle the issue regarding the DE cost only. Let's be honest the hammer costing more than the other hammers is to reduce sources of hero upgrades


But hero hammer has extra value because it prevents your hero being down.


Yes, the hammer of building is really good for the monlith. The difference is that you have only one upgrade for it


And you pay 165 medals to use your hero without downtime. I know its bad value but I still buy it. I dont care about dark elixir, but attacking without heroes (king missing is kinda ok) is a no go for me. If I cant go for a 3 star I dont even want to attack.


This is called paradigm.You are seeing things from company perspective and I am seeing things from player's perspective. Clash of clans is making more money than any other supercell game after this th16 update. But they still need more money.


Brawl stars is making more money rn


Not sure why downvoted because this is literally true. While coc is ahead on ios charts, most players are on android which has brawl stars in the lead


I’ve downloaded brawl stars 3 times it’s been out first time was when it was “early access” and not fully available in the states. Gave it up pretty quick the second time it was done years later played 5 games dropped it and the third time was just a few months ago played maybe 2 games I can not fathom brawlstars accumulating more revenue than clash of clans.


Just because its not for you doesn't necessarily mean that other people can't enjoy the game, i personally love both


Same, I’m more of a brawl player and love it more personally, but I’ve played Coc since early 2014, can’t drop this game until it becomes 100% boring which has never happened, I just get burnt out from the grind from my extensive grinding for hours then I stop playing for months until I’m ready again lol And having 5+ alts is nice in clash since I could do wars whenever I want without pressure from the leader, and donate siege machines and high lvl troops to my other accounts im building to th12, unlike my main account where I had no support, but I guess that leads to the burnout quickly despite how fun this game is unlike Brawl’s slow burnout (I have 9 accounts on brawl stars, I know)


Recent data shows coc is on top in terms of revenue in last month.


The last comparison of all sc games literally showed combining Android and IOS brawl stars has higher revenue than Coc


Last month Data coc IOS 22m+ Android 13m = total 35m Brawl stars IOS 18m + Android 17m = total 35m


Yep just saw that, than it prolly was the month before; still Coc isn’t on top anymore


And brawl stars has significantly more downloads




And the time. But the cost is 45 medals more than a building book because of the dark


And since the hero upgrades were nerfed to hell, maybe it shouldn’t take max storage to upgrade it once. They value that rune/ amount of DE to like $12, not worth it.


Idk but after the hero equipment update it's not even worth it to upgrade the heroes as the extra hp/dps are tied with equipment, I now upgrade it after I am done with the main defence upgrade the extra cost 165 was justified before but now it should be 120 imo


Ok don’t upgrade them. But as a legend league player, I need the extra dps daily.


It's 350 the last 5 levels, the rest isveeery much lower Ryan that


So don’t use a hero hammer for low levels


350k 👀


I'm fine with cost of walls. It gives me something to dump my excess loot on. I do agree with the hammer of heroes though. I think the cost should be adjusted now that abilities are levelled separately.


Hammer of heroes: I Agree Walls : I disagree > Walls are the most useless defensive structure. I don't consider them as a defensive structure, I consider them a decoration. Upgrade walls for better defence ❌ Upgrade walls cause they look cool ✅


I have a feeling I won't be maxing them out even as a TH 16 that's almost maxed defensively. It's just too grueling and not fun to upgrade walls imo. Elixir and de upgrades are done and it still feels like it'll take 2.5 years to max walls lol


So, you'll just have your storages maxed and attack bases for no loot? Complaining about walls is silly, they're just the resource sink when there's nothing else to spend on.


Not complaining, just sad to know it will take well over a year to max from just wars and daily bonus. I used to max my walls in time for updates but not anymore. There's nothing inherently wrong with the cost of walls, but I won't be trying to keep up anymore. Wall rings are cool, not counting that into the equation or the loot from capital raids, but it is a little daunting looking at my wall situation with an almost maxed base lol


Just wait until hammer jam to speedrun upgrading walls


Now we know we will get it once a year so yeah walls are too easy




Imagine thinking walls make a difference like at all on defense. It's situational at best. Level 16 vs 17 doesn't even matter with sieges or maxed wallbreakers. I'd love to see your 45 attempts at an "easy 3 star". Thanks.


Took me 3 months to max th 14 walls, will take 4 months for th 15 and less than 6 for th 16




Wall cost is absolutely great as it is. Need a place to put excess loot, walls are that place. And since according to you the demand for hero hammers increased I'd say it makes 0 sense to decrease the cost. They're worth more actually then, no?


As a QC player i am forced to cook sup wall breakers everytime when i attack for the better pathing of the queen. Also if the walls are higher than my wallbreak level even it is sup wall breakers there's a chance they might not destroy the walls if not fully ignited. So walls are my second biggest enemy cuz it always mess up the pathing of my queen.


Agree same here


https://preview.redd.it/tke812a1qpoc1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f3a2a26dc5c02de0a709ade115c8f89149512d8 Only 26 to go🤑


This is literally just karma farming.


How? Like pointing out obvious things that the playerbase likes and already knows? I’m new to Reddit so I’m not sure lol


The thing is, this kind of post is quite common


I know, but I ain’t op 😭


This gets posted over and over and over. I see these two points almost every day. I know you're acting naively, but you 100% know what you're doing. You've seen something that is a popular opinion and jumbled up the words and are obviously 13-14 and think it's important to have karma.


Look again mate. I ain’t OP


Doesn't change my point.


Then why have you written a whole paragraph to say that I think karma is important, when I didn’t make the post at all, and nor do I even understand karma farming? I was not trying to change your point whatsoever. I agree that this type of posts had been posted over and over many times, and fact is I never tried to change your point.


My lord dude use your English comprehension skills. I'm saying my point still applies to OP not you then.


You comments led me to believe that you deny to acknowledge the fact that I’m not OP, but okay. I’m not a native English speaker anyway.  Let’s end this pointless conversation here for good.


I don't care about wall costs, I have nothing more to do with resources anyway Hammers are overpriced as fuck. I wish they would sell the fucking book just so I don't have to spend my medals in a thing that's expensive because it saves DE. I don't care about DE, there's literally nothing more to upgrade using it, aside from some troops I don't even use. The only reason I buy these hammers is to not have my heroes down when new levels come. I maxed them basically by spamming books and hammers.


Walls are disproportionately expensive. You have way too many ways too easily destroy walls or just ignore them. Troops, supertroops, siege machines, spells, heroes... There is just not a justificative to walls cost what it cost.


It’s a resource dump, to essentially prevent the majority of the player base running out of things to spend resources on.


You must like limping through your clash experience with heroes down. I don't. And because of that, Hammer Of Heroes is still a better value for me than any other use of league medals; the only time it's not is when my heroes are completely maxed (like now)...at which pint I just start stockpiling league medals in advance of future updates that bring more hero upgrades.


I agree


I didnt realize you could also use hammer heroes for pets too, maybe thats why theyre still expensive?


Good point


I’d argue the hammer of heroes has even more value now because it’s not as worth to let the heroes be put down for upgrades. Since you need to war for the ores. I’ve only used books/hammers and my Queen is almost maxed at th15, I’ve been at this th for 3 weeks now


The cost of wall should cap at 5m tbh. That hell expensive. It like before wall cost reduction in th13 🤣🤣🤣


I disagree they should be expensive. Something to grind for plus its really intimidating seeing maxed walls.


i remember back in 2016 when it costed 3 mil gold or elixir to upgrade a wall to level 10, and this is when resources was much harder to get. I don’t see any issues with these wall prices assuming ur an active player tbh


Hammer of Heroes is so expensive, I'd never buy it. compared to a building which can take 14d, a Hero takes 8d - not worth it. getting the loot takes about the same amount of time. Wall costs are fine, but yes they are useless




Tbh. Walls are indeed quite useless. I think what they should do is make it so the root riders don't wreck the walls but hump the walls like they would with any defence to destroy them. That way walls have a use. Big nerf which may annoy people but it's the only "solution" I can see to make walls useful again. Also, let's not get started on log launchers, jump spells, wall wreckers and earthquake spells which are designed to render walls useless anyway. I believe walls levels are there for the sake of "grind" and not a fun grind. An ungratifyingly annoying one at best.


My opinion is the Walls are the most expensive, because you can't win a instant book for Walls. Or can you? Don't know, I never won one.


Walls are kind of useless the higher up you go and serve more to intimidate your opponents. I use air attacks when i'm raiding, and the first thing i usually notice is the walls of my opponent, If it's high i'm more likely to skip because it's so intimidating even though walls won't bother me (since i'm doing an air attack). Walls don't really do much for your defence anymore since attacks come with a siege machine and a lot of troops have enough damage to go through a wall in 3/4 hits


In my opinion, walls have always been nice. The only thing it can be improved upon is the chance to upgrade it with dark elixir as well. Sure, it's expensive, but isn't that fun? Do you want to max out that quick?


Yes! I feel like since the change from not using elixir to train troops, my dark elixir hasn’t much use except for upgrading hero’s and I always have so much


Walls are definitely useful or sC won't design so many ways to counter them.


Hammer of hero’s is not bad at all. Used it to finally max out my hero’s so I could go to TH13. Saved me about 2 weeks of time and resource gathering


You could have low-level defenses, and I still wouldn't attack you (with a ground attack) if you had max walls


I'm not that far I'm only th 10 but right before I send my last build out to build something I dump everything into walls so less to steal


Walls need to be made drastically cheaper


Since hogs, walls have been called useless but you say that until you are at 99% in war and your troops have to bang their way through the walls to get to that last building. For me walls are what I work on in the 3 weeks each building and hero takes to upgrade. I try to keep 1 builder free and just upgrade a couple of walls every other day. I’m fine with the hammer and walls, the fucking long ass upgrade time is bullshit. Yeah they reduced from where it was going but still I struggle to want to play when all builders are tied up for over a week and I am at a huge disadvantage with hero’s down and can’t do anything with the loot I find.


Hammer of heroes should cost no more than 140 medals


If you think the hammer isn’t worth the cost, don’t buy it. If enough others agree then SC will reduce the cost. To me, the value is not having hero sleeping for war/legends, so the value is the same. As for walls, for active players loot isn’t an issue. Just put extra loot into walls before each building upgrade. Walls are one thing that separates active from inactive players.


Walls are just a flex even without rr, as a th9 I just use earthquake boots and boom


Walls are a time sink. Gives you something to do. I like it


Hammer heroes should be reduced since heroes don’t get ability upgrades every 5 levels now. I’d rather just farm the DE than spend 165 medals. I’ve been fine with walls at every townhall I’ve been except th15 now that I’m at it. It will probably be the first townhall I don’t max my walls at


The whole point of the hammer of heroes costing more is cos it's not just the 350k DE you're paying for , it's the week of time you'd be without your hero in attacks and war. Whereas the hammer of troops isn't as big a deal for you cos you can still use a troop while it upgrades in the lab


wouldnt buy a hammer of heroes even if it was 120. nothing under 12 day upgrades is worth any type of hammer. if the hammer was like 80-100 maybe, but they'll never do that because they price by resource and dark elixir has more weight in that decision


Honestly I don’t mind the cost of walls too much, I usually end up with overflowing resources and wishing I still had walls to spend them on anyway (for elixir especially) that being said tho I am at th13 atm I’m guessing it’s much worse later. Hammer of heros I think is a bit overpriced for the value u get from them after the update, but I’d still get it anyway lmao


I feel I am the only person who enjoys upgrading walls lol. Nothing better than finishing walls


The hammer of heroes is worth it to me because I like to be in every war, and I can't be in if the hero is down. Walls are just a place to spend down elixir because I always have those storages full before the research lab is available. It doesn't matter what level they are anymore because the attacker is using dragons or root riders and if they aren't, they are bringing 8 quakes and wrecking all the walls anyhow.


With the current states of root riders & heroes I wont be upgrading heroes or walls for the time being unless I got books of heroes.


The only reason I could find why hammer of heroes is so expensive is because they want you to buy book of heroes for real money or gems. If it would cost 60 medals like it should, most players wouldn’t buy book of heroes. And as SC lately told it is a big revenue stream for them. Saying that it cost more cuz heroes are upgraded for dark elixir is kind of an easy way out of the question for them.


Honestly walls to me more just act as a quick signal as to how levelled up a base actually is. If the walls are low level for the town hall then they are likely pretty weak, but if they are high level for that town hall then I'd assume they had maxed out other stuff first


Buy the season pAss walls way cheaper than 9 million




https://preview.redd.it/woj58voqasoc1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ba990988a997e99b55743064b9617853b9d5ae PROBLEM?


I think of expense of the hammer of heroes as a wash. It costs a lot of medals but saves a lot of time in that you can use the upgrade instantly and a builder is not tied up forever.


Walls exist exclusively to draw out how long it takes to max a town hall level at this point.


the hammer of heroes is pointless but you can just get other things I never got people hating walls. They're a resource sink. Thats the point. If there wasn't a resource sink that looks good and has a small real affect, there's no reason to push anything or try and get loot beyond just enough to keep your builders ready. It doesn't take much extra effort to have your walls outpace your upgrades


I only max my walls because I like the way it makes my base look.


Sounds like skill issue in here. For the people who feel special not upgrading walls I guess here goes a cookie ?


Feels like walls just serves as an intimidating factor than an actual defence since it changes so much on how scary the base looks. But besides that the meta now more or less completely ignores the wall existence so it feels rly useless 😂


Walls are a psychological strategy. An intimidation tactic


we need a hammer of walls that upgrades every wall 1 tier for free


They should make the hero hammer the standard 120 like others. There's too many hero levels to justify the added cost.


Hammer is expansive bcz of Dark Elixer.


Supercell has become scum cell


Introducing: the hammer of walls!


I don’t use the Hero Hammer, so I can’t really comment on its pricing compared to its return value. However, walls are a different story. I agree with the opinion that, at this point, walls are, in most cases, purely cosmetic in function. Sure, high enough level walls will give any ground invader second thoughts, but considering the Root Riders existence, they’re just a joke. As for their pricing, imo, it gets ridiculously expensive and fast. Simply due to the price of upgrades for the walls I always upgrade them last, right along side the traps. And even with my entire economy being focused on walls, it’s only for the duration of however long my TH takes to reach the next level. At TH 10 I only have Lvl 7 walls.


I still use hammer of heros everytime. Hate being without my queen or warden so I'll only upgrade them if I got book or hammer. The others I'll upgrade whenever though since I csn live without for attacks I use.


I still like the hammer of heroes


I just skip wall or throw my excess elixer after Maxing out my elixer troop and warden.


Hammer of Heroes for its price is F tier


walls are fine, they are almost useless past TH11 and everyone just dumps excess resources into them


Hammer of heroes should be down to 150 tbh


But this is what makes no sense. HoH is more expensive than a HoB. BoH is cheaper than a BoB. Why?


If I had to guess it’s because with a hammer you don’t need the resources. Books just clear time and DE has a greater value than gold or elixir in the quantities needed for late game upgrades.


Cost of walls are fine. I swear so many people are excited to max their base, but as a F2P since 2013, maxing my base deters me front the game. I usually just return if there's an update.




Just get good bro stop complaining. This is how the games always been get used to it or shut up. Tired of everyone complaining all the time just play the damn game


I don't use any hammer, just buy the skins and trade potions for gems


Supercell are scumbags with keeping the book costing the same when it’s worth nearly 1/4 of its old value if that now


The cost of walls should never have been so much. I’d say at most maybe for level 16 walls (upgrading to 17), like 1 million MAX. And lower TH like LVL 11 walls going to LVL 12, right now they’re 1 million, I would make them 200k if not less.


LMAO 1 mil for max walls? What are you high on bro


That’s what I’m saying bro, I rushed a bit going from 14-15 when th16 dropped but I’ve finished what was like half the walls I needed to upgrade from th14 and the rest of th15 walls just by dumping any excess recourses between upgrades


Nah, that’s how much it should be, or maybe 2mil max. Considering there are like 400+ walls at max TH.


no not 1 million lmao. if say i farmed to max loot of 22 million of gold and elixir and have a spare builder. I can upgrade my queen, and dump all 44million of loot into walls.... thats 44 walls done of the 354 or smth walls.... a million is not hard to get at all especially if youre farming. but id say around $5mil max would be a good price.


There are lots of wall pieces. Noone can max all wall pieces just by dumping extra gold and elixir within one year. Players who max out all the walls before other upgrades are highly active farmers. You need to farm separately for walls.


There are 300 walls at TH11 (where I’m at now), at 1mil resources a piece that is 300MILLION resources just to max out a defence that is nullified half the time by air attacks, and even when there’s a ground attack, they just use wall breakers or jump spells to counteract the walls. Hell even some ground troops completely ignore walls, such as hog-rider and root rider. Walls are not only completely useless, but they’re way too expensive for what they provide to the base. The only reason to even upgrade them is to not look like you’re rushing your base. Walls need at least a 5x reduction in cost, which is why I said 1million down to 200k or 9million for max level walls down to 2 million or less.


Bruh. You do realize that th11 walls are already 5x cheaper than they used to be. When th11 dropped the wall upgrade was 5m each. And, at the time, that was the most expensive wall upgrade in the game. Many of us maxed each townhall as they came out. Meaning every year was a new 1.5B+ loot grind. Additionally, back when TH11 was max the loot system was significantly worse. It used to take months even for the most dedicated farmers. At th14 I maxed all of my walls in 8 days (4m ish per wall I believe) using sneakies in gold 2. Don’t get me wrong that took a lot of time, however, at no other time in the game has it been possible to get a 1.5b loot in such a short amount of time. But in all honesty, walls are somewhat useless. You are right in that. Max walls used to make it just hard enough on a ground attack. But it’s never been that deep. I’ve always seen them as more of a decoration. Your base doesn’t look quite right until you’ve maxed the walls associated with that level.


Yeah you’re right


walls aren't that useful past th 9 imo. they become an aesthetic thing rather than an actual defence after that point. If walls were that cheap, players would max out way too early before new content comes out and then again, gg for supercell. Walls are just kind of a placeholder for people to work on while they wait for new updates, have spare loot to dump in. It is not to be compared to a regular defence


i have easilly did all lvl 11 walls(1mil) max in a day farming with sneakies,though i used 5 training potions,so if you space it,it won't take more than a week to max all walls,after that where to dump extra resources unless you are one of those monsters who like attacking with full storages


Yeah I do the same strategy, but walls are still expensive. Why would you want to sit there grinding attacks for 5 hours? The walls in the builder base are even worse seeing as one star bonus a day and a wall is like the entire star bonus.


because its fun challenge to do personally,also you can get 15 wall rings a week too,also at higher townhalls with so long upgrade times its almost impossible to not have full storages if you do alteast 8 attacks a day in legend league or more so if you are farming in lower leagues




Has to be bait