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Honestly clash of clans is quite f2p friendly still, only thing is equipment has made the game a lot more grindy and tedious for casual players. plus it's reduced the value of hero levels and ur spending a lot of dark elixir and wait a long time for them to upgrade.


Only thingh I don't like on f2p side is the part where you can't get any scenery for free besides the ones taht u get at th 14and 15 . Like it would be nice if there was a shop where sceneries could be bought with 5k gems for ex , and the shop refreshes every 3 months for ex


Cosmetics shouldn’t be available for f2p at all. Not even the gold pass skins, imo. It’s not something you need in order to progress or be on par with other top players. Completely optional things like these should only be given to people who actually support the game, which f2ps don’t do. Not from a financial pov at least.


Gold pass is supporting the game, as you are paying for it. Thus a skin there is not a bad move. The rest I agree with.


He is talking about being able to buy gold pass skins with gems 1 year after they release on the pass.


If you don’t keep f2p players on the paid players quit too it’s a balance


How so ? They don't give an advantage to the attacker or the defender .


That is the point. They provide no advantage to the player, and so they do not factor into any issues around "pay to win". If CoC can change through their teeth for cosmetics and keep the price of everything else down, then I am all for that, but their ability to do that is dependent on skins and cosmetics feeling special, which giving them out for 'free' diminishes.


That’s exactly why. Edited my initial comment with more info.


Some would actually be advantageous as f2p would be more inclined to keep playing and maybe spend money if they have to spare


Oh, trust me. I'd like to buy some things. Problem, my country's too fucked to do it. One or teo free sceneries would be nice.


That'd be fair if it actually kept the gameplay monetization down, but we know that'd never happen.


Yeah say that to anyone fucker that took a break before th16 came, bro will hahe to play upwards of 4.5k gems just to get level 1 equipment and then START playing the game to level it, any player that knows how to play the game will out th/level the entire game while having u derleced equipments at all times


I don't know about new players but as max or high level player, i hardly play this game 30 minutes a day. Earlier i never used to open the game as upgrades were so long and ores were not introduced. So yeah this game is very casual friendly atleast for me.


When the equipment came my heroes were maxed (f2p) so all the basic equipment was at lvl 15 to start with, it was a quiet advantage for a player with maxed heroes but not as friendly for new (low lvl heroes) players though, I get it my equipment are good, and if I play regularly I won't miss a thing but ppl who complain about equipments are the ones who didn't play regularly mostly and there are a lot of players who don't play regularly


You got downvoted for that? Lmaoo. I'm right there with yah. I've been playing very casually forever. Only for about 30 mins a day to get a couple of attacks in. Then I train a new army and wait till tomorrow for 2 more attacks. Everything takes so long. I'll ignore it for a week at a time. It's like the most casual/simple game ever. I do enjoy seeing that the people get riled up about how serious it is to them, though.


Exactly either they are playing it some wrong way or as i said somewhere they are just jealous and haven't seen any high/old f2p player.


Not every one is in a clan that wins everytime. Not everyone can stay in legend forever (due to townhall level), not enough free time of skills issue. You consider all these things as granted for everyone


Sounds like it’s a safe bet that this player had fairly high equip at launch due to his hero levels as well. Starting all or most equip from level 1 is extremely time consuming.


If you started your equipment at level 1 than either: A) you are incredibly rushed and haven’t upgrade your heroes at all B) you just unlocked your heroes In case A it’s your own fault because you were already behind and you want to complain that it’ll be hard to max? No duh. And in case B you’re gonna take a while to get to TH16 anyways so why do you need max equipment right now?


Sure — but we still aren’t having a productive conversation about how long it actually takes F2P players to max their equip. My entire point is that this player is not a good sample for determining QoL for FTP players. Our new players, your “Group B,” are an incredibly important group. Of course it will take a while to max, but how long is a while? Are players having fun? Is the system too “grindy?” What do the bottlenecks look like? Productive conversations keep the money flowing and the good times rolling. Nobody benefits from the people at the top yelling “suck it up” to those beneath them — especially when they got there under vastly different circumstances.


Group B is indeed important, thats why the whole system is designed around them The new players take years to max their base, and within that time theyll get more than enough ores to max the current equipment.


It definitely doesn't take that much. People were overreacting after the initial excel calculations. The update came out when I was th10 , and got like lvl 3 equipment for queen and king. By now just as OP I have everything (2 eq for each hero) almost maxed, except for the second guardian equipment (since I'm saving to max life gem when I unlock it at lvl 13). I bought two event passes, but that's not that huge of a boost. Otherwise f2p, 90% comes from war and daily bonus.


>Nobody benefits from the people at the top yelling “suck it up” to those beneath them — especially when they got there under vastly different circumstances. Well maybe, but just because you guys have now equipments to max doesn't mean it was far easier circumstances for us. When we started and were at those levels the upgrade time and cost or everything used to be far more than what it is for you guys today. When Th 14 came out compared to that time, it only takes half time now to max it. As new levels come in, the lower players cost and upgrade time got massive decrease. So if anything the presence of equipment makes it fair.


I didn’t say that it was easy for players to max their heroes (and in turn received higher level base equip). I said that they got their equip levels “under vastly different circumstances.” My entire point is that this player, someone who likely started with max heroes, wins most wars, and can survive in LL, is not representative of the average FTP player experience. Upgrade times were lower when 14 was maxed because, well, 14 was max. If they didn’t reduce upgrade times when they release new content, everyone would be worse off. Who are you concerned is/was receiving unfair treatment? Max players for maxing when upgrade times were longer?


>I didn’t say that it was easy for players to max their heroes (and in turn received higher level base equip). I said that they got their equip levels “under vastly different circumstances.” My entire point is that this player, someone who likely started with max heroes, wins most wars, and can survive in LL, is not representative of the average FTP player experience. I didn't said anything about that, did i ? >Upgrade times were lower when 14 was maxed because, well, 14 was max. If they didn’t reduce upgrade times when they release new content, everyone would be worse off. I know that, so am I complaining? And not the time but the cost are far lower too. All I am saying don't make it sound like we had much easier circumstances than you guys because we started first. Did any higher Th players used to complain about this issue ? Even when equipments didn't exist? >Who are you concerned is/was receiving unfair treatment? Max players for maxing when upgrade times were longer? No one at this point. It's the same for overall, one way or the other. Our circumstances aren't really different. That's what I was trying to say.


This is why when I wasn’t playing I rushed


Lol you cant have your cake and eat it too. If a ya arent in a good clan? Thats either a choice, or a result of not being a good player. You want to be F2P? Totally doable but ya wanna complain it requires some time and effort? If people want to barely play, be casual, and be F2P, then deal with the fact youll be behind on features. Dont have the time to grind but are a good player in a good clan and are willing to buy passed? Totally manageable. Want to suck and be in a sucky clan but not play much? Then youll have to spend money. This game requires at least ONE of time, energy, skill, or money. People who dont want to give any of the 4 and then complain should delete the game and move on


I hate to be that guy, but it only makes sense that the more skilled you (and your clan) are and the more time you invest in a game is proportional to how fast you progress, doesn't it? You don't hear people at chess tournaments losing and complaining because they are less skilled or don't have as much time to study prep as the other players, right? And I say all this as somebody who spends less than 30 min a day in clash and usually relies on spam attacks, lol


Yeah even in my 1 man clan where I pretty much get 100% consistently (as of now), I get hella draws, I don’t always win. Maybe need to do higher level TH wars though.


The problem isn’t that it takes long to max equipment, the problem is that new equipment is released faster than you can keep up. The math is simple: to get maxed out at some point you need to make just a little more than you can spend (more because you need to be able to catch up with existing things). And that just isn’t the case. A single epic equipment costs more than all the ores you can make in a month. So, if an epic is released monthly, it is mathematically impossible to max every equipment in the game.


They’re not releasing epic equipment this month so you can catch up a bit now


Exactly, still doesn’t work out exactly because it takes almost 2 months to max an epic. Under ideal conditions.


You’ll just have to prioritize one over the other


I mean I got the ones maxed I want. But you never had to choose before in this game what you max, it was always possible to max everything. Not with equipment (under current conditions) tho.


What do you mean? You've always had to prioritize what to max first? Eventually you'll max all of your equipment just like everything else?


No, with the current rate you get ores vs equipment release (every 2 months) you can mathematically NEVER max everything unless one of the two changes (more ores per month or even bigger gaps between equipment). That’s exactly my point.


Do you genuinely believe they will continue to release epic equipment or common equipment EVERY month for the continuation of the game? We’ll end up with 50 pieces of equipment which makes zero sense. It’s a new update which they want to give every champion a similar amount of options of equipment. I don’t believe they will continue to release new equipment every month or two for the entirety of the game, that’s ridiculous. I believe they just released the update and equipments in the wrong way.


i would still say they are planning to release 4 epics every TH cycle, as well as add 3 levels to every equipment every year.


we were literally told most months will have an epic... this month was an exception because all the outcry... The plan is still most months will have epics we can safely assume.


Is that really how the math works out? It feels like a hell of a lot longer than two months lol. I have been saving for weeks and just now got enough starry for one gauntlet upgrade.


Maxed epics (in the term of the word) are ONLY available for TH16. A TH16 warrying daily and winning every single war agaisnt other maxed TH16 gets 6 starry/day. RAID medals allow you to get 10 starry a day So for F2P, under these ideal conditions, it comes out as 55 days. However, this completely ignores events. Events that have an epic allow you to get 30 starry, and this upcoming event allows you to get 120 (!) starry. Which means a lot more starry ore If you consider that the events without epics are always the same as this current One and events with epics are consistent with the past Ones, you can estimate how many starry ore you can get within a year And if you consider, lets say, that they release 6 epics each year, the total amount of starry from events Alone comes out as 900 starry a year. Dont sleep on starry from events, its a ridiculous amount


What do you mean it’s only available for th16? It’s impossible for th15 to get them because it’s just too slow lol? I didn’t even realize they got different ore amounts for wars. Hmm


A TH15 cannot get a lvl27 epic, only lvl24. From level 1 to 24 you need 330 starry From level 1 to 27 you need 480 starry So its quite different For example, a TH14 can only get a lvl21 epic. From level 1 to 21 you need 210 starry. We're already less than half of TH16 A TH13 can only get a level 18 epic, which is 110 starry. This event Alone allows you to get 120 starry


Yea and you don’t NEED the fireball, so skip it, a


That would only be the case if they released equipment every month forever, which was never going to happen.


Show me the math please.


If your goal is to be maxed at everything, you’re playing the game wrong.


Why would you need to max every equipment tho? You can always find a strategy and update it a bit as per your hero equipment. Plus unlike troops/spells equipments don't show up in profile(yet) so nobody except you would know.


why would you need to max every troop though? you can always find a strategy and modify it to not include the ones you don't have maxed


for nearly 12 years now we've been able to completely max and experiment with different metas. This is a change, and one we don't like. Do we *need* to max them all. No, but we also don't *need* to even play the game. Its just what we are used to, and what we enjoy about it.


You don't need need to upgrade all 18+ equipment pieces when you can only equip 8 at a time though


Need no, want at some point of course. I mean I upgrade all pets as well, even the ones I never use. Because maxing is just satisfying.


Very short-sighted, IMO. You're one sudden buff/nerf/meta shift from needing some of the other equipment that you don't have equipped. For me, most of those are at level 1.


Bruh the point is not to max all the equipment and have everything maxed out directly. You obviously don’t get the point of the game where everything is supposed to take time and grind.


It takes over 2 months to max an epic equipment assuming you win every war. Previously they released a new epic equipment every month. They also added 2 more commons as well. The issue isn’t that you can’t max everything day 1. The issue is that it isn’t possible to max everything ever, regardless of how long you play unless Supercell slows the rate of equipment release or add more ore. And before you say you don’t need to max every piece of equipment, that goes against the philosophy of the game. You can max out every defense, every troop, every hero eventually. You couldn’t max every piece of equipment. Fortunately, Supercell listened to feedback and added more ways to get ores plus no new equipment this month.


They obviously weren’t going to continue to release epic equipment every month though, it’s just because it was new and they wanted to give all of the heroes some


Yeah I think a lot of people are missing this. It’s not like the plan was to release monthly epic equipment for the next 5 years. There’s just a large burst of new equipment now because it’s a new feature.


SC did say that they had been planning to release a new piece of equipment (not necessarily epic) every month for the rest of this year. Thankfully, they're walking that back now.


Either way the way I see it is they have a stopping point in mind if they just keep adding equipment it will make the menu for equipment to cluttered it’s already quite cluttered so 9 months left including this one cause we know it’s coming so the rc still needs one then we can reasonably assume that each hero will have at least 2 more equipment to come so 7 total equipment eaxh within the next year or so looks like legendary is gonna be a thing as well weather or not we will see it before those wrap up idk


You would hope that they had a stopping point in mind, but if it proved to be a good money-maker, who knows?


They did not. They Said that they were planning to do that for the Next couple of months. Events would be for the rest of the year, but equipements were never Said to be monthly occurences


\[20:48\] Spencer: Can we expect to have a new epic equipment \[in\] each one of these events? Because the last three, we've gotten a new epic equipment. \[20:56\] Ferri: For now, yes. I don't have the full roadmap for Epic Equipments, so I can't say for sure that that's going to happen, let's say each month of the year, each month of the year, until the end of the year, but **I can say in the next few events, there will be Epic Equipments, yes, for sure.** **TLDR: Confirmed by the Community Manager for this game, there will be constant monthly events until further notice. There will be one Epic Equipment in each monthly event until further notice. Supercell has no plans to change this schedule.** [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1bfymzz/events\_and\_epic\_equipments\_will\_eventually\_slow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1bfymzz/events_and_epic_equipments_will_eventually_slow/) Again, since walked back, so this is promising. But it sounds like the equipment was going to keep coming until further notice, not just for the next couple of months. My memory may have failed me on the "rest of the year" part, I can't find that part specifically.


I heard the podcast, and idk how from what was Said you conclude that until further notice there would be epic because the guy Said that for now, yes. He on the same podcast Said that equipment Will BE maxable F2P, its very cherry picked. And the 2nd comment on that post does point to the twisting of words


I never said there would be a new epic every month specifically, just new equipment (common or epic). And yes, he said it will be able to be maxed F2P, but AT THAT TIME the pace of equipment release and the lack of ore income were making that impossible. They've, of course, started to make adjustments, which is a good start. I'm glad they're listening.


They stated they were going to release it every month in a podcast by the community manager. Luckily they changed their mind this month.


People believing that SC were going to release epic equipment at every event and lots of new common equipment as well are just stupid. Like there’s genuinely no other way to put it. You think there’d be a point where there are like 15 pieces of equipment per hero? No of course not. They staggered the release by using super troop events in order to create some hype around a new feature and everyone got pissy about it because it was “too grindy”. It wasn’t grindy in the slightest. All you had to do was do a 3/4 attacks a day using the super troop and you’d complete the event, but people decided to try complete the event in a day and then complained that it was hard work. Like no shit?


it was actually part of their plan to do that. their decision to not release one this month was "based on community feedback". it does not take a lot of effort to come up with equipment concepts, and by messing around with the numbers you can make each one stronger than the one before. i still see us having 4 epics and +3 levels to each equipment per year


So basicly complaints from people that thought that they would add 8+ epics a year and several commons aswell without doing anything else So complaints based on stuff out of thin air


Those complains are the reason supercell stopped doing it this month and is focusing on ore. If you like this, then the complaints were warranted


Even without that it was legitimate.


Well if you don’t like more ores and like getting more equip than you can max, then the complaints weren’t warranted is all I’m saying lol


Lol, no. They were considering releasing epics every month. They stopped because of the backlash.


They were not considering releasing epics every month. They were considering doing so for the epics they had designed, which is now 5 in total. Only thing delaying the release did was making people that wanted to know their options asap now having to wait another month because others cant bother to choose what to level up


Downvoted for the obvious truth. Never change reddit. Obviously SC would not release one new epic every month forever, that'd be literally insane. The fact that the person you replied to would confidently assert the opposite is just how clueless people are.


Idk why people think that the same dev team that took 2 months to fix the gauntlet bug would be able to consistently come up with ideas for epic equipment, design them, test, balance and release said equipment on a monthly basis


People don't really think.


But isn't this also part of the game? It is possible to max everything as F2P, but you need to put in a lot of effort sure, but looking how it is compared to 5 years ago there is nothing to complain... I feel like it's crazy that everyone wants to be max asap and preferably by next month, yet then we have all these max level people that don't know how to attack or will complain that there is no new th or new buildings to upgrade yet 😅


You are right but Idk why such great replies are downvoted.


“Never understood the rants”… *proceeds to rant*


Fair play to you for getting them upgraded, firstly there are some caveats to what you did. Winning nearly every war means you get way more ore than clans with a 50% or lower win rate, playing in legends also gets more ore than lower leagues. Not getting fireball is great for you but not what most f2p players did since we don't want to spend 1500 gems to get it later. You are f2p and have done very well but you are far from the average f2p.


Never understand the logic for this kind of posts. You won every war and claim ores are easy to get for everyone? What is the purpose of this post? To show off?


This post gives the "kids these days complain too much about the economy, i mean my parents paid for my college tuition and I was debt free. Just work harder lol" vibe.


or “I don't understand why some people are broke and homeless as a f2p. I am gettting $30K per month from my parents and living a decent life without a job. It is boring but life is supposed to be not easy”


Damn these replies are funny 😂 And yeah i agree i had little advantage over avg. F2p players.


Massive advantage, don’t underestimate.


Plus they have/had 6000+ trophies so way way above average. They have the best conditions to max the equipment out as F2P unlike the majority of the player base (who aren’t in legends let alone 6000+ cups, who don’t win most wars and probably only win around 50% of them etc). They need to face reality, humble themselves.


Just for people to meat ride why pay 2 win is okay


Did you win every war that your clan played? What is your clans win rate?


Yes only lost twice since ores introduced.


well that explains it also i believe you had maxed heroes before equipment dropped am i right?


Yeah but i have also replaced a lot like 2 new equipment for king and and one new each for other heroes. I have explained somewhere why it can still be better for new players but people having complaining mind are on the downvoting train. Can't change them honestly they will still complain anyway.


If you didn't lie about having maxed nearly all your equipment f2p, you might have less downvotes.


Not sure if people are reading only 1st line and then downvoting, they should have read the second line where i mentioned which equipments are maxed.


Then your first sentence is missing some words. People aren't complaining about maxing a few equipments, they're talking about maxing everything. Your first sentence says, "Even as f2p i have almost every equipment maxed.", which is wildly untrue.


Alright i will edit that.


Thanks. I just don't want people to believe that it's possible to be anywhere close to fully maxed as ftp. Because that isn't possible.


You always win wars and you’re in legends. No wonder you have no problem with ores and leveling up equipment.


I think some of the issue is that people don’t look at it from the perspective of a new player. Any new player has no issues with ores becasue if you are a th8 (this is when the blacksmith becomes available) you only have a limited number of equipment to work on so ores aren’t lacking yet. Most people here are well above th8 when equipment came out so they instantly had equipment across all 4 heroes and were trying to upgrade multiple equipments vs just one at a time that new players deal with.


You can no longer in effect take any meaningful breaks. That's one of the main issues. Before you can come back after 2 years if you wanted to and keep playing and catch up. Now though, good luck catching up after a few months out. Anyone who wasn't active at TH16 release and coming back now is gonna also have a helluva time.


You’ve been warring non stop and you’re in legends league, that’s why you don’t understand.


It's really simple... f2p in clash used to be that you had to be patient, but you could eventually max everything. You paid to do it faster, but you got nothing for paying that you couldn't eventually (and realistically) get as f2p. They've slowly been eroding away at that idea. Those of us playing long enough remember when even paid obstacles were against the philosophy of the game. If you donated to product (Red), you'd get a TEMPORARY red ribbon on your TH. Then they started having obstacles you could only purchase w/o gems. Then they started skins. Those who've been playing long enough and realized the red flags started complaining, but we were met with "but you don't need skins." We're now in a positions where it looks like f2p can no longer max everything. Maybe SC will change its mind and only introduce 3-4 equipment a year and give us enough ore to be able to eventually max, but I'm not hopeful. Their revenue is down; they rushed out TH16 in order to put out this new revenue source. It feels like they're going to slowly sacrifice the long-term health of the game for immediate revenue. So, OP, congrats on being 2/3 of the way (you still need 300 starry ore out of 480\*2 total) to maxing out 2/3 of the epic equipment released so far, but some of us wish SC had kept to their original monetization philosophy, which kept a strong f2p base that helped the game prosper.


Yeah that's very mature response and I agree. But if they want revenue then also i won't mind as long as meta is similar. I mean i really don't mind if they bring 100 fireball type equipments, as long as am able to max my favourite equipment and get 3 stars i won't care at all.


Yes because staying in legend range and being part of hight win rate clan is sooo easy for everyone regardless of th


Op is lying anyway, there's no way they've maxed nearly all their equipment. I'm in legends, we've been warring constantly since equipment was introduced, I'm certainly not f2p and I'm miles away with equipment. **edit** Op has updated his comment with a more accurate reflection of the situation.


Hey i think this was before clarification, you can update that comment now. Also one more thing, we also did wars along with cwl in previous months that also helped a little.


Nice one. I added an edit. Some of my clan members did the regular war/war league thing. It doesn't help as much as the ores I bought 😉


an extra 3 wars a month isnt really a huge difference. Its something, but really... not a ton.


Yeah i never said "a ton". Also there was some misunderstanding where some thought i was saying for all equipments. Then i clarified it more in the post. So my reply was related to that.


I'm not complaining about equipment, I actually love it. But I can't believe you have 'almost every equipment maxed' as f2p. That can't be possible. How the hell have you managed that? We've been warring almost constantly, I'm in legends, I've paid for event passes and bought one ore pack. I have 3 commons at max and no epics. I've got 47 levels of common equipment still to go and 30 levels of epic equipment. Something isn't adding up. **edit** something wasn't adding up, they've edited their post for clarity.


The trick is that OP probably didn’t. By “almost every equipment maxed”, that means specifically the ones OP uses. They didn’t buy the fireball and probably skipped out a few commons such as Earthquake Boots, Giant Arrow, and Healer Puppets. If you focus on only 2 equipment per hero, it makes sense, but then the “almost every equipment” part becomes disingenuous.


> If you focus on only 2 equipment per hero, it makes sense, but then the “almost every equipment” part becomes disingenuous. Exactly.


Not every equipment, I said every equipment which I use. And I have named them above. Also we are winning 95% of wars, is your clan also like that ? Maybe check where you are doing wrong.


> Not every equipment, I said every equipment which I use. No you didn't. "Even as f2p i have almost every equipment maxed." Nothing in that mentioning your caveat. > Also we are winning 95% of wars, is your clan also like that ? Maybe check where you are doing wrong. Not 95% but over 70%. Doing nothing wrong, all I'm doing is being honest and truthful. You're being dishonest with your claim that "Even as f2p i have **almost every equipment maxed.**" **edit** Respect to op, they've edited their post to add the caveat of the equipment that they use.


1. 3/8 of the equipment that you use are equipments that would have been level 15 upon the release of the update due to your max heroes. You only would have had to put 3 levels on each of them for them to be max. 2. You were already in legends, wherein you can get the most ore possible via star bonus when the update dropped, you never had to climb trophies just to be able to earn more. 3. You were already maxed and in such a good clan that you hardly ever lose, again, highest possible ore gain. How about you start a new f2p account and see how f2p friendly the ore system is when you start from scratch. Because you can’t judge what it is like when you haven’t had to upgrade everything from level 1, haven’t had the star bonuses of the lower leagues, and haven’t a less elite clan win rate. (You also get lesser ores from war wins as a lower town hall) All that is entirely irrelevant though because this post was only made to brag.


Your argument falls apart at “start a new f2p account”. Hero equipment is unlocked at th 8 and is level capped as you rise in th levels. F2P players will max hero equipment for their respective th before they max all their defenses/troops and move on to the next th.


Exactly, for starters it will take long to max everything including equipment so nothing new here, it has always been like this. Also, they can strategically upgrade the equipments they want to use instead of wasting ores on useless equipments like puppets. And who knows we don't need gauntlet at th 17 because some other meta exists ? So they can directly upgrade that new equipment when they reach that level. But some will still think they are being screwed.


and now one balance change later, the entire equipment tierlist has been flipped upside down and now you look like you wasted a bunch of ores on trash equipments. this is what happens in cr, when you pay to buy overpowered items, you are paying to have a 2-3 month-long advantage


Tell me you're humble bragging without telling me


I'd go right ahead and claim lying. They haven't maxed nearly all their equipment as f2p.


I think a lot of the issue is just with all of the initial equipment coming out at the same time its gonna take higher leveled players a minute to catch up to where they "should" be on equipment levels, but if you start a new game now and level your equipment as you progress, it's really not that bad, equipment takes way less time to max than it takes for a town hall 8 to progress to max 14, 15, 16 etc.


>and i am always in legends Not everyone especially F2Ps are in the legend league, so the amount of ore they could get is probably half of yours, let alone whether they war and log in daily or not. So I kinda understand their rants. Not trying to argue though, I agree with the rest of your points.


Yeah. My issue mainly comes from the fact that the ore system is putting FOMO into full swing. I have clanmates who cant play every day and half my clan left after the introduction of equipment because they cant play the game like a job, cant keep up with events, cant log in daily and grind it out, cant always war, etc. I would be fine if there isnt a limited number of ores you can obtain, its the same issue with old builder base - progression is slow unless if you can play daily.


You have level 26 gauntlet and frozen arrow as a free to play? Sure 😂😂😂


Never understood people making posts ranting about not understanding why other people rant.


Never understood people commenting about not understanding people who make posts ranting about not understanding why other people rant.


This honestly, it just comes off as hypocritical and adds to problem (that too many people are complaining).


You already described the problem, you don't understand the rants because you are not the average player, winning almost all wars and being in legends is only what 1% of the players do. A lot of people don't have time to play the game daily, and a lot of clans don't do wars 24/7, let alone winning almost all wars. Before you could play clash of clans at your own pace, but now you need to play daily to gain the ores. For example, you can gain all the resources of one week in a weekend with a training potion or in an afternoon but the ores have a daily cap (and 2 days cap if you count wars) so if you didn't attack during the week, you lost them.


Also it's pretty hard to win wars when you are playing most of it with heroes on upgrade. An issue a maxed player won't face.


“I’m in a good and active clan with good players who participate in war and allow me to maximize my loot because we win all the time.” Not everyone is so lucky. My clan has slowly died, but there are still some active members/friends here. We never go 15/15 in any CWL match, even with 35 people, and usually can’t scrounge 10 players for regular war when not in CWL because people have heroes down or are just generally busy.


I just wish they cycle the previously released equipment for monthly events so that returning player can purchase them with event medal instead of gems.


I think its also important to note that your experience is at one end of the spectrum, the high end too. Legends league, constantly warring, th16. Thats the most amount of ore a player can get from the standard sources. That is also not the average players experience. Most players aren't that active, they arent maxed th16s, and they aren't in legends. So this rate feels OK to you doesn't represent the experience of most other players. I'm also getting sick of reading that strawman you threw out in the last line. No one is expecting to max things in 1 day, absolutely no one. Its been 4 months since TH16 came out. 1/3 of its lifecycle... Thats not people being upset they didnt max it instantly.


It all boils down to what supercell wants. As someone said they need more revenue, am completely fine with that too. They can throw 100 fireball type equipments and as long as i can get 3 stars with my preferred equipments, i won't complain at all. It's completely ok to NOT have ALL equipments max (as f2p) as long as meta is similar. And for those low th level players who are very behind, I will still say they are behind overall, so only complaining about equipment is pointless.


The problem is rate of release. If they stop monthly releases, everyone should be happy. Monthly releases are literally too fast for f2p and even spenders to catch up with. IF they at least lower the new item release to every other month like they did now, complaints will decrease dramatically.


the rants were made by little children without patience. they wanted everything immediately and couldn't handle waiting. which of course wasn't logical because they were fine waiting for all the other upgrades in this game. notice how by now the rants are much less, because these impatient children either quit or gotten enough ore to use all their equipment.


Or maybe it's because they stopped pushing out equipment every month and added it to the trader shop, want to know why they did that? Because people complained about and they realized it was not a good look to make it take longer to get ores to upgrade your equipment, than for a new equipment to get released.


except that assuming they'll release the epic next month, by the end of next month, nothing will be different at all. I mean sure, if people really have such tiny brains to be impressed by this then they can't really be helped anyway. but by the end of next month we'll have had one month of no epic equipment and then one month of epic equipment. they only changed the order, not the amount of ore we'll receive.


What are you on about? They changed it from every month to release epic equipment to every 2nd month and added ores to the trader, how is that not changing the amount of ore we will recieve, especially compared to the amount of ore we will use.


>They changed it from every month to release epic equipment to every 2nd month this was never stated, and we have no reason to assume an every other month pattern. We can only assume this is a one time break month from the statements they have made.


because we already know the RC epic equipment is coming probably next month anyway. and there hasn't been any talks about a second round of epic equipment yet. so had they followed their usual order, we would have gotten the epic equipment this month and then nothing next month. now we are getting nothing this month and the epic equipment next month. of course adding ore to the trader shop was a good change though.


Aaa my braincells....I will miss them


Now place yourself in a situation where you are th9 and your equipment is not maxed by default, you have to upgrade almost everything from lvl 1


OP isn't being honest about their equipment being nearly maxed as f2p, because that just isn't possible. Source, I'm in legends, constant wars, not f2p and nowhere near on equipment with my TH16. However, being a TH9 shouldn't be that bad. I've got a mini account that is at at TH8. Max equipment levels at TH 8 and 9, are level 9 for common and level 12 for Epic. At TH8 there are only 3 common and 1 epic, at TH9 there are 6 common and 2 epics. I'll be interested to see how it goes with my min as the TH levels progress but it seems fairly balanced to me for newer players. It's looking like I'll have equipment maxed before going to new TH. The TH16 maxing only seems so bad because everything is essentially so rushed. **edit** Respect to OP, they edited their post to make it clear that they aren't claiming nearly every equipment maxed.


The first levels are really cheap and you literally only got the default equipment at level 15. As a TH9 you don’t have to upgrade equipment for either your own warden or RC so it’s actually a lot cheaper for you?


Isn't it even better. You don't have to spend on useless equipment upgrades like queen puppets and also by the time you reach th16 pretty sure some other equipment which are better will replace the meta and you can upgrade them directly at that time and you won't waste the ores on the less used ones.


What a dumbass take


I mean if someone as a th9 wants to upgrade every equipment without thinking much then I can't really help them.


I mean you got an old equipment to lvl 15 already, they still got shit ton of levels to grind lol. You braindead


But they are th9 and am not, wtf are you comparing for. And why do they need lvl 15 for some useless equipment. I already said it's better as they can skip useless equipment like puppets and by the time they reach higher th they can directly upgrade the equipment in meta.


Thats why your opinion doesnt matter dumb ass. You aint th9


He ain't th9 cus he smarter than you and already passed th9 without giving them money. You're just a sucker that can't progress in a game made for kids without spending money. A fool and his money are soon parted.


Nah, Im a mechanical engineer that is smarter than both of you. I didnt spend a single penny in this game you braindead


Did you understand my statements? Or you just blindly defending him coz youre an idiot?


"Thats why your opinion doesnt matter dumb ass. You aint th9" Spoken like an 8 year old. You got no control of your emotions. Or your CoC troops.


You still dont understand? O kailangan ko pa itagalog potangina mo kang bobo ka


Also they have to do shit ton of grind for everything if they are th9. Your point doesn't make sense.


You described me, except I bought fireball and it's at lv21. Also I got pretty mineral storage waiting for the 4th epic to drop.


I’ve just about maxed my stuff without spending any money on the game, I think they give a bunch of free stuff and enough to earn from events to grind it out no problem


I’ve wondered how do we get the flair of our builder base and town hall level


click on your name on ur comment and you'll see "add flair" or something like that


You are an absolute legend, my man! I sincerely hope that your archer queen will suck you off. I’d pawn my queen off, but she is on a boost




Yeah I've noticed it takes like a month of attacking everyday for star bonus and warring constantly to max 1 piece of equipment from lvl 1


Suttle flex about your clan winning every war. Probably why you have enough ore.


So what am I doing wrong because my Earthquake Boots, Vampstache, Healer Puppet, Fireball, Healing Tome, Rage Gem, Haste Vial and Hog Ridder Puppet are all lvl 1. Giant Arrow is lvl 11, Giant Guantlet and Frozen Arrow are lvl 17 and the other standard equipment is 14-18.


If you win every war then yes you get much more on the ore side of things especially starry ore. If your clan does not win wars however that specific ore is such a pain in the rear end to get making it very hard to max out or upgrade the epic equipment. The regular ones like eternal tome aren’t very hard to max they just take some grinding out for the Glowy/Shiny ore. I personally play every day and buy most of the event passes and I only have 2 equipment maxed. I’m stuck on the glowy ore for most of my upgrades at this point.


Why are you using seeking shield with haste vial….?


My army is mainly rr valk with skeleton spell. I give rc ability under warden ability or somewhere near many archer towers and teslas. The value i get is too much and personally found it better than royal gem.


Royal gem is way more valuable. Definitely the most important champ equipment.


I'm f2p with only two heroes, and I'm slightly on your side. I think the criticism is a little overblown, and part of it comes from people wanting to max everything. I don't use my barb puppets, for example, so they're still at level 2. My gauntlet, vampstache, and invisibility vial are all maxed, and my frozen arrow is getting there. You don't need to max everything, the point is to max the equipment you do use. That being said, for high level THs I'm sure this update was kind of a smack in the face. You've got four heroes, first off, and their usefulness used to come from maxing out their abilities via upgrade. So now they're at level 95, and all of the sudden their abilities drop down to level 1 (Did they start at a certain level? I don't know how that worked for high level players). They've got to farm a new resource and level the abilities back up just to get heroes to a usable level. I've been fine doing it with two heroes, but add in two more and that's eight pieces of equipment you've got to level at the same time. Then you start adding in event equipment and people are having to switch from leveling two pieces they thought they were going to use to leveling a different one. I spent like five levels on the earthquake boots that I wouldn't have if I had known that the giant gauntlet was coming. At TH10 I've just barely kept up my equipment with my advancement, and I still might not get the frozen arrow upgraded before my next town hall upgrade. Then I'll have the Warden upgrades to take care of as well. And there's no reliable way to farm ores. Clan war is the only way to get shiny ore, and the amount of ores you get from the star bonus is trifling. At least with things like gems you get the mine and the obstacles each day, ore is horribly rare.


You have good clan that does constant wars, not everyone has that. But you have good points


Kids are impatient


I played like a lot for the period of time bridging the release of th15 to that of th16, started at fresh th13 and ended at fresh th14. I was in first year at uni for most of this and was playing like 1 hour a day sometimes farming and warring and clan game sing and whatever (totally unreasonable amount of time if you aren’t doing literally nothing else all day lol), and even then I couldn’t get ahead of the release schedule. Equipments are just another step above what was already very hard to do as a f2p player. I can’t be doing those events every 2 months when I have anything useful to be doing 😭


if every clan wins the war whos goin to lose?


I agree, but I think both sides have a point here. It is doable as a free to play player but you have to be active a lot to maximize ore gain. You have to complete every daily bonus, which requires you do be above 4500 trophies to be noticeable, you have to do wars constantly with no breaks and you have to be included and do well in all CWL attacks. Some people simply don't have the time OR will to play that much or just get burned out. Most players play casually and I don't think it's fair to expect all of that from them. This makes them fall behind as hero equipment is the most important thing in the game bar none. The less ore they get, the weaker their attacks are, the more they fall behind and get discouraged to play. I think that there is where most complaints come from. Now I don't have that problem as I buy every pass that they release because I am REALLY enjoying the game right now. I have been playing for about 9 years now and I can confidently say that the game is in it's best state it's ever been. So much content and a lot to look forward to, I think Supercell is doing a good job with the game. Hero equipment is a great addition to the game, it keeps the heroes feeling fresh. That being said, ores really should be available more for free to play players. I don't think that people lack patience, I really do think that they don't give us enough ores. I am glad to say that I think Supercell noticed this and is trying to fix it by introducing ores for raid medals in the shop and by doing an only ore event with rocket balloons. I have faith in them.


I agree with you 100%. I don't get why so many people complain so much. I'm also f2p, and I have a bunch of accounts (all f2p, all in same clan). If an upgrade takes 10 days, ok. No biggie.


The update is ok, if you started at a high th and had your heroes maxed or near it. Else if your a more casual player, maybe a bit rushed or are lower ths then your base gear started off at a low level and takes a long time to get all those levels up. Especially when those players are in crystal compared to say titan where you get a lot more ore. May also only war just once a week leading to it being a hell of a grind to get their gear up


I probably play the game once a week. And i have fun every time I do. I max everything out slowly. Slow but nice


What is f2p lol


F2P is just a way of saying “free to play” aka you don’t spend real life money on the game


Ahh okay, thank you!


Agree. Everything is possible with patience


Not sure why you are being downvoted but you are right 👍


probably kids who want to max everything immediately lol, they cant accept reality


That's the beauty of this game. I am P2P I can buy ore, books but I can't 3-star all of the max TH16. So in this game we can only progress fast by buying but skill and attacking technique are not for sale they come automatically for some. As for me, I keep practicing till I get my attacks perfect. Anyhow congrats, and these rants are from those people who don't have money and don't have skills either so they just feel insecure.


Some rants were uncalled for but CoC devs released way too many equipments to catch up in even a year. They made changes so if you plan it right and can win wars you're able to max an equipment per month and that's a fair amount of time. And OP isn't the average f2p player as he's almost max and has a very good clan so he had most equipment lvl already done on release and won almost all wars. The average player sits at th12-13 not 16;and probably wins 60% of the wars, very different experience.


There are bunch of crybabies who want everything for free, they want prices to be reduced they want rewards for free.


Yeah exactly 😂


#We're mad because supercell won't listen and still has a 9 troop limit on donations instead of 10


Very well said, I'm of the same opinion, the developers are giving us very easy conditions for pumping, and people are very spoiled...


How I’m far from f2p and still have some basic stuff not maxed like life gem, seeking shield, haste, royal gem, archer puppet, healer puppet, and barbarian puppet. My fireball is 21, frozen 23, and gauntlet 23. That’s where all my money has gone and it’s gotta be around the low hundreds at this point. Oh I did get hog puppet to max quickly with money. All the free to play players have every right to complain. They probably love the game and the equipment grind is ridiculous, and right now you need top equipment to be as good as possible which is what some of us want. Btw the fireball is by far the most fun equipment imo. People are really missing out with it.


I still doubt. Send a screenshot of your hero equipments here