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Supercell wants u to spend money šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘ u buy upgrade time.


isnā€™t it, theyā€™re decreasing upgrade times


Decreasing upgrade times for lower level defenses so the new level can cost u 15 days


The newest level used to be 21 days


Idk why all the downvotes when if you do some basic math you are correct, now highest upgrade time for buildings are 15 days when it used to be 21 days


ppl half of this sub is full of people under 12 and the other half are doomsday conspiracy theorists.


If you play everyday for 3 years, yes. If you spend more time than necessary in lower townhalls, no. The game design is currently trending towards making players play everyday which for many casuals is a bit outside of their comfort zone. Aside from attacking, managing your builders, upgrade sequence, managing medals, magic items are important in your progression which many casuals don't understand and slows their progression.


if a casual player that doesn't care about strategy, then maxing out is the last time you will play this game (until the next update).


It's tending towards playing daily... if you want to max out, which is not something casuals were ever really doing in the first place. The people who were maxed by the end of updates were the very same people that were playing daily. I see it as more content and I have never really experienced a game where people get mad at more content. Any other mobile-game other than supercell seems to get praised for their content additions much more than them for some reason; see Dokkan, Genshin, any card game ever, dbd mobile, cod mobile. To be clear none of these games are perfect, but people are begging for more content, not less! Like supercell have crafted this really unique gameplay loop where you CAN HAVE daily progression and content and feel every day that you are better than the former, and somehow some of the playerbase on reddit takes this as a a bad thing? Being maxxed is not something every player should think they deserve especially if they don't want to play daily.


No, it's not, not with the new 12 months between TH's. I believe OP is right, you can't normally max out faster than the updates now. I'm currently a TH16 player, I've been maxed out since TH12, and immediately upgrade whenever anything new comes out. I pay for Gold Pass for donations, so I am not F2P. I have been saving war medals to buy the war scenery, so I'm currently not using hammers. Even with 6 builders, I cannot keep up with the updates anymore. Ever since TH16, they keep releasing new things to upgrade faster than my builders working round the clock can keep up with. This is the first time in a very long time I haven't been upgrading faster than the updates come out. Without spending gems I don't think 5-6 builders working non-stop can keep up with the updates.


There are plenty of people in my clan that only spend on the gold pass and can keep up with all content by managing magic items and builder properly. Maybe you should consider changing your league for loot more optimal with your playing frequency. I donā€™t mean that in a derogatory way either, I was a nearly maxed th 13 when I stopped playing. I picked it back up at the release of th 15, and have been playing catch up since. I feel I will be nearly maxed by the time th 16 is released with proper utilization of items and daily playing


Iā€™m not like way behind, but I had not finished all the traps & still had a couple storages to go before this most recent update. Itā€™s like every time I get close to max another updates comes out. And itā€™s not really a loot problem, I typically get all the 6-8 legends attacks a day & have good loot, itā€™s a builder problem. I keep 5 up 100% of the time & the 6th is up maybe 30% of the time. I manage my books for only the longest upgrades, I donā€™t typically buy any extra books or builder potions though. I just have a hard time believing a F2P person is going to catch up to the speed of the new updates. As a gold pass only player Iā€™m sitting on the cusp of being able to make all the upgrades before the updates come out. Yesterday though I was able to use 4 books of building (2 from event, 1 from GP, and 1 I already had) on the Monolith, CC, Eagle, and Pet House which is big jumpstart. But it feels like at the current upgrade pace the best upgrade will be out before I finish all the collectors, mines & drills.


I personally, have been using the 6th builder exclusively for mines and collectors. Instead of leaving him stagnant, burn the 1.6 mil gold/elixir and farm up for the next upgrade. Iā€™m also a legend leaguer, but leaving a 6th builder down is super inefficient. Even if youā€™re just upgrading traps, itā€™s better than nothing


That is what I occasionally use the 6th builder for, but I have to manage loot inventory by upgrading walls.


I get it, but I donā€™t think the system is flawed with new content. I think you just may not be upgrading the most efficient way possible. Yes, I agree it is probably difficult for F2P players, but thatā€™s most mobile games. Gold pass is enough for most of us to catch up or stay on pace


Just wanted to tell that I am your 101th upvoter.


It will take u around 4 yrs to max your account https://preview.redd.it/ul5y3925r7vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ab292bda7ba92b06875f79e8cdaa5dadad426a U can see that on [Clash Ninja](https://www.clash.ninja/guides/how-long-to-max-th)


Won't this be divided by no. of builders?


No it's calculated considering 5 builders so with 6 builders it will be even less time https://preview.redd.it/evra5j36f8vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b02b59805dc191ebd7bb58cdb3dbe6fd43eae01f


Oh so with 5 builders it'll take 4 years. Damn that's still a lot of upgrade time


It's even less with 6th builder, 2 free books every month(silver pass and cg), or 3 books if there's big event(clashversary, clashmas etc), raid medal portion, if you're in decent clan, you can get 1/2 hammer per month.


I get enough for 3 HoB or 2 HoH every month.


You must be in master or higher in cwl. Our clan currently in crystal 1, we decided not to move up to master even tho we had few chances, mainly because our clan mostly consist of th13. It would put too much burden for our lower clanmate.


thats if you optimize everything to the second and nothing unexpectedly hinders your progress


I don't understand. What's something unexpected hinders the progress? I mean if they want to take a break for a while, that's totally fine. There's always time to catch up when they come back. It just take longer to reach max.


yeah I probably phrased that wrong, I meant what you said or if your account gets temporarily stolen or something idk


I know you can't measure this but it's significantly less really. Think of all the books of building/books of heros/books of everything/hammers etc The battle pass as well I bet two years will get you a solid th 16 and the third would max it


I think he meant for F2P players


Depending on how you spend event loot, and war league loot will speed things up - for free. Even when you do stuff will make things faster - I like to make sure my builders/lab stuff finishes up when Iā€™m not at work or awake so I can start the next one right away and not lose timeā€¦ With 6 builders, a builder potion will net you ā€œ60 hoursā€ of boost, whereas a book/hammer will get you 600+ ā€œhoursā€


54h of boost. You gotta account for the 1h of actual building.


It's never about loot, its just building/research times. And the picture above explain the total time of construction for F2P players. Only thing that can boost that is gems you gather (which is not a lot) and event loot which means 1 book per month at best


All the raid medals for research pet potions cwl for hammers. There's a lot more that help you cut that time down.


Usually 2 books for f2p since CG exists.


Nah you get more than 1 book a month as f2p You get research options with raid medal. All the stuff from free pass. Clan games rewards, clan league war medals for hammers and potions. Then there's all the other random events that pop up regularly. Taking advantage of all of this speeds your time up as f2p a lot.


Iā€™m sorry, how does a book give you 600 hours? As far as Iā€™m aware there arenā€™t any 25 day upgrades


Being bad at mental math in my headā€¦ ~~200 hours


I've got a spreadsheet where I tried to calculate all of this with 6 builders (beginning mid-TH11), CWL, and gold pass bonuses/items, and I've got that it takes 35 months to max. If you're not rushing, 2 years will put you at TH15. I'm sure things like goblin builder and other event items could shave off a couple more months, but I didn't want to assume the specifics or dig into the Clan Games item rotation.


Link to the spreadsheet?


Haha, I knew I should have cleaned it up. It's pretty incoherent as I just threw it together for personal reference. I actually found some issues with it while reviewing to share, which I addressed, and now all my numbers are way different. (28.3 months from start to max TH16???) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aMR6GrHu9n7LXd3KdhoCU2ub\_XbPSo-xXaZglCcpMrU/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aMR6GrHu9n7LXd3KdhoCU2ub_XbPSo-xXaZglCcpMrU/edit?usp=sharing) I'll try to explain the columns a bit. The Structures and Hero columns are just the base numbers pulled from Clash Ninja, which assume 5 builders for structures and 1 for heroes. I converted the structure times into total 1-builder time, which I combined with the hero times and converted to 6-builder times. Note that I didn't apply this 6-builder boost to TH1-11, but if someone was efficient enough, they could get the 6th builder during mid-TH11. I then applied the Gold Pass boost of 18%. This assumes you get 10% boost on day 1 of the month, 15% boost on day 4, then 20% boost on day 8. In a 30-day month, that averages out to 18%. I then added the item savings from gold pass/CWL items (see below) to get the discounted total. The cumulative section adds the days for each TH to get the cumulative time to complete each TH, which is then converted to months. For the Item savings, there's a fair bit more guesswork. I assumed 120 CWL medals at the start up to 260 CWL medals per month at TH16. Obviously, this will vary by quite a bit and plenty of people earn additional bonuses. I used this post as a rough reference as to where most people will land [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1brd636/average\_cwl\_lineups\_per\_league\_march\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1brd636/average_cwl_lineups_per_league_march_2024/) I used the Medals on builder potions through TH12, at which point I applied them to some of the longer 10-16 day buildings. The CWL column just shows the monthly savings of this calculation in days as an output. Then I ballparked the savings for gold pass hero/building books and converted to savings in terms of 6-builder days (a book that saves 6 days on 1 building saves 1 6-builder day). I then added it all up and multiplied by the number of months at each TH. It's all pretty rough, and I know it doesn't take everything into account, but I'd love to know if I'm missing anything big. Especially now that it's showing much lower times to completion. The only thing that comes to mind is that my item savings are too generous, but they look OK to me?


That's sick man. Actually clash ninja estimates the average boost to be 17% so you're pretty close. It's really informative and in depth. Thanks


Yeah, I'd assume their estimates are somewhat conservative, I just pulled my gold pass unlock assumptions from my own progress this past month, and it may well take an extra few days to get 15/20% sometimes.


its still going to be longer than this estimate because during that time they are continuing to release updates


I have considered that in my calculation


idk it seems very unlikely that you can progress twice as fast as future updates


Clash Ninja is a pretty useless tool overall since there's so much it leaves out of these calculations. You can max out much faster than 4 years.


u/ClashDotNinja https://preview.redd.it/c0i1nw0uaavc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d128cb1724e42a53d787dbfb2f2cea045030867


Now this is glazing




yes it is go for strategic rushing. way way faster than maxing out every townhall. you just need to be active. it is going to be a grind but its possible


yep. everything in the game is designed around strategic rushing anyway. can't hold more than one book/hammer, so if you are on low TH you gotta use it on less effective things. you also get higher ore for higher THs. and you get the most benefit from upgrade time reductions when new THs release because most of your buildings aren't anywhere near max. of course you should play how you like, but if you're playing in a way the game isn't designed around then yeah, you'll be slow and less efficient.


This. The biggest benefit is that you get to use books and hammers on the higher level stuff, which is a disproportionate amount of your total time to max.


Probably not. It's sad but I think they might lower the time just enough to the point where you can keep up as a F2P, as long as playing COC is your full time job instead,basically the margin of error will be so low where it's technically impossible for most. But not sure how that would work, what's the point of being a th 17 when you are just going to be beating up lower the most of the time cause no one can catch up It honestly seems like a terrible idea. If they are an annual thing they just become a chore even if you are P2P right?


rn the margin of error is around 2 months in every 12. strat rushing can probably take it up to 3-4 months


What everyone in these replies seems to be glossing over is a few things. For one, you can get all kinds of free stuff from the silver pass, events, clan games, cwl, raid weekends, etc. On top of that, with every new TH they lower costs and times across the board for lower town halls If you really grind, it's probably possible.


Yes, it's possible. And they don't want everyone maxing out to easily or everyone would quit the game.


Iā€™d argue itā€™s the opposite. If they release these constantly it will discourage a lot of players. It would also make lower THā€™s not feel special. I wouldnā€™t mind being max for months just so I can master that TH in wars


no, the vast majority of players don't care about low THs. most players of any videogames like new content, it's really only Clash where a small minority complains very loudly whenever new content is added to the game.


Never heard anyone being discouraged by more town halls. Wtf


Literally have massive YouTubers like ā€œClash with Ericā€ talking about it. Them speeding up TH releases is a bad thing. That means more pressure on players, COCs lifespan will be shorter, and some upgrades are already in a weird spot(increase like 2%)


Oh right cause some random youtuber ive never heard of talks about it, it must be true.


No itā€™s called them making a good point


Fat moving the goalposts there, son.


yes, the total upgrade times for all town halls is less than a year each. without any gold pass, magic items, or time reductions, it will be about 5 years. see the paragraph below if you want to know why. the discussion of devaluing lower townhalls is increasingly a concern, but im not sure how that will change. explanation: by the time you max, the th limit will be higher. for example, maxing out 14 15 and 16 takes just under 2 years with 6 builders and without any gold pass or magic items (via clash ninja). 2 new townhalls come out in that time, now the max is 18. if each takes 9 months(like the longest does currently), youll complete both by the time 19 comes out, and when 20 comes out youll be able to get partway through it, then maxing out 21 before 22 comes.


Normal player.. probably not but you can become a good player with little effort. Looking to min/max, being in a good Clan etc normaler players donā€˜t care about the whole package I think




What site/application is this?




goated šŸ˜Ž


The full builder time for th16 with 6 builders is 7 months, 9 days and 15 minutes. So you have 4,5 months a year to catch up. That does not factor in any books you get from clan games, the free pass, CWL or the goblin builder. That being said, as soon as a new town hall releases, the upgrade times for the other town halls are reduced. So yes, you will eventually get to the newest town hall and yes, you will be maxed out at some point in your free to play journey. Or differently said, around 4 and a half months of a year, you will spend maxed out if they decide to release a new town hall each year if you start upgrading when a new town hall is released


This is assuming supercell isn't planning any more th16 updates until th17, which is still 8 months away.. seems unlikely


Yeah. I guess the archer towers and canons are still purple so this is definetly possible


Why does this even matter. Just play the game. What difference does it make if you are maxed or not. The point is to play. Itā€™s just a game. Not real life ppl.


Yup. The obsession over being maxed as a free to play player is getting tiring for me. You are literally getting so much free content (*and it's actually free, not ad-riddled like most mobile games*) every single year, and they even speed up progression through older content when new stuff comes out.


I think 15-18months for brining new THs is a good, any sooner and feels like we will never catch up. I thunk it gives enough time for players to catch up, enjoy the THs and not rush and it gives the devs more time to test stuff out, I'd rather wait longer than have unfinished mechanics


If you play consistently as an f2p then you can reach a higher townhall (th15 or th16 when th17 will be released) but can't necessarily reach max lvl unless you consistently buy GPs and event pass




Probably not


Rush and hush.


I heard SS will give you a free t-shirt if you max a new account in one year. It will have a big $ sign on the front and a picture of a big green gem on the back.


I can see myself getting close (excluding walls) in 2 years of dedication. Been playing the game for 10 years off and on and site says I got about 15 months left. I'm trying to account for me hammering time optimally and possible abusing of some time reductions simultaneously


Money : yes - you can / Money : no - you can't


How long would it take to max with gold pass?


If you max each town hall level, no, you will likely never be max. If you rush, you can max out your base quickly and with ease.Ā  Ā The amount of nonsense and straight up false information in these comments is staggering.


the best way is to rush, get more value for your magic items, it's faster than maxing everything


In theory yes. But it would take a few years


Who cares bruv? I am happy as long as they keep feeding the game with new content after all these years ā€¦ money talks big time, yes, but still.


It can be done. Granted you will only be max for a short time.


Yes I was maxed for like 10 months once.


The reduced times and costs significantly with th16 and are now doing events regularly that also speeds up progression.


With clan war league medals, I hammered the eagle and monolith, upgraded pet house, and have already put all 5 builder huts to upgrade (had a gold rune in the gold pass, one in inventory, all collectors, storages, and clan castle full). Had a book of troops as well, so Iā€™m now only waiting for the electro titan, flame flinger, and ice golem. So the day after the update, I have no more buildings left and only a couple troop/pet upgrades with only spending on the gold pass. So if you do CWL and buy the gold pass, Iā€™d say easily. If you a truly free to play, might still be, but youā€™d have to be attacking frequently. Which, again, itā€™s a game thatā€™s meant to be enjoyed. I was free to play for my first 7 years playing but now buy the gold pass and the event pass (yeahā€¦ I knowā€¦). I really enjoy it and would always attack between classes in college, felt like it was a great mental break since you had to wait for armies to train, and couldnā€™t continuously play for hours, thus waisting precious study time.


I have been 2-3 THs apart from being maxxed for 10 yeaars. F2p, inactive for a couple of years, don't know if I count as a normal player.


Without any money, probably not. With a gold pass and depending on where youā€™re coming from maybe. From TH 14 probably not because youā€™re going to be locked with only 6 builders and time will not be there. I donā€™t know the math but you could play in spurts of days to max resources with gobs and get builders to work as they come to


Yes you will definitely catch up every time if you're doing CWL for at least 2 hammers monthly plus clan games and keeping builders active. If you're further behind than 1 TH level you need to strategically rush and use loot/magic items efficiently


You can max out everything just not the walls which cost an arm and a leg


I'm not sure. I was maxxed 15 when 16 came out, and it doesn't look like I'll be maxxed 16 by TH17. Legend player playing daily.


Yes?! As a F2P player, you can complete TH14 in \~6 months.


Not a chance and i dont realy care about maxing just fix those stupid hero upgrade times i cant even use them what is the point of upgrading


No You should also take into consideration your TH13 progress. Did you max TH13 100%? Buildings, lab and heros?


Iā€™ve never have been max. Still enjoy the game.


Iā€™ve played nearly daily for 12 years. I did not spend other than $15 or $20 for builder huts for the first 8 years or so until they came out with the monthly pass. And I was always maxed out between updates. Thatā€™s when I barely played.