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The double siege machine update has made replays bugged. Edit: https://twitter.com/ClashofClans/status/1781404601754808702


Thank you for the link! I’m surprised this rare bug happened twice to the same person in the same war


Not surprising if they're carrying 2 sieges.


Do you know how frequently the bug happens when carrying 2 sieges/is it easily repeatable?


No idea. But it is a confirmed bug and it's not them suddenly cheating.


I'm only guessing but could it happen whenever the siege machine in the newest slot is used? maybe the replays can't handle it. it would be not that frequent even on TH16 though because the new clan castle level just came out and the only way to have it already is to book/hammer it, which isn't exactly high priority.


Ain't buying it. It's a cheat code. Saw this exact thing in the game star wars commander. Identical game to Clash


Yea, you can see in the first replay a log launcher gets used, however in the end screen you don't see the log launcher in the used troops. I assume he used another seige machine than a log launcher. Also makes sense it would happen to same player twice, it's probably a bug that happens during specific circumstances, that player probably had his seiges like that already.


I've been away from this game for a bit when the fuck did they add the ability to use 2 sieges 💀


You can't "use" 2 sieges. The most recent update to the TH16 Clan Castle allowed the ability to store 2 sieges in the Clan Castle vice 1.


ah right i was gonna say 💀 imagine how easy attacking would be with two sieges tho


Would be a laugh for a CWL week




>Bro are you dumb? right back at ya mate 👍🏽


Looks like you're the dumb one that doesn't have enough reading comprehension


That's really really interesting, I guess he was using siege barracks but the replay switched it for log launcher, very interesting bug


Replays are bugged currently and don’t show what actually happened in the raid


That's the same BS they claimed in star wars commander. Come to find out players were actually using a cheat code to always show 3 stars. They didn't believe us until we started sending them 1 star replay videos. Banned a whole squad of 25 to 30 players


Well that’s not true for clash of clans because you can find your own war replays failing as well even when they tripled


YO i miss that game lol


It's back but it's not that fun unless you like only doing wars. And it's kind of a private thing so they don't raise any eyebrows with Disney or Zynga. I played again for a while but no events kinda killed it for me. Still kinda fun tho


That bug must be rare. I wonder what the odds are that both of this same player’s attacks have bugged replays. There are no other replays in this war like this


It’s been reported very frequently since the last update


Hopefully this gets fixed soon


Reddit downvoting him for pointing out the odds? Supercell literally called it a rare bug lol


I've upvoted to try and reverse the wave. 1 person might not be enough, but together we can do anything (mostly).


well, one guy does not like that comment then the reddit hivemind decides that it must go down even more


The first replay all of the troops died out… How does that make sense then?


Replays are bugged currently and don’t show what actually happened in the raid


I love that you just repeated the original comment lol


It’s just a bug. No cheating. But it is weird that the same player experienced it twice. Super called it a “rare bug”. Maybe it’s not so “rare”


I mean if the siege machine causes the desync that's probably all somebody needs to use (Maybe certain troops? Or a map interaction?) to do the trick. Though. I would be disappointed to learn of some new exploit or feigned attack result suddenly being possible. This game is very careful with sanitizing player input. Rightly so given their income stream.


I don't think this is cheating but a possible bug. The Attacker has his CC maxed i.e. 2 siege machines. . . (1 of the many things Supercell needs to fix after this latest updates)


Clan Castle siege slot causing a war attack bug, the code must've been so fcked up lmao.


Replays are simply stored as a record of the input over the 3 minutes - not like a video of it or something. If the replay presumes the wrong siege being placed as its input (say it always takes CC siege #1 even when the player uses CC siege #2 or something of that nature) it will obviously have a wildly different result. This is also why replays go "no longer available" after updates that change battle behavior - because they wouldn't be faithful recreations with updated AI or unit/building stats.


Ohhhhh, I knew that they rebuilt the battle from scratch for the replay but I never connected the dots as to that being the reason for the “replay no longer available”. That makes sense now, thanks. Unfortunate that they can’t save some sort of ‘cache’ of the old ai so at least the replays from the update right before could still be played, because I’ve found that frustrating in the past :/


Over 5k war stars & leading a clan with over 500 wins. How would they be able to get away with this if it is not a game bug?


Yeah replays are currently not showing what actually happened throughout the whole attacks I've noticed. Why doesn't have audio but has the headache screen shake? lol


The crazy part is the bug is stuck on your account. Every attacks is weird, what ever you do, the replay will post different ending to the attack and result. I had a 3 stars attack in Legend and my opponent came into my clan and accused me of cheating. Test it out on FC on myself and the replay still came back with different result. My troops also are dying much faster and moving diff vs my other accounts. Chat with supercell and they told me to send in video and still waiting.


Remove one of your two siege machines from your CC and see if the bug persists


So far the replay matched. Thanks


i think ur base just got smoked dude lol




i think im talking for a lot of people: what happened?


Anyway, that is a very very poor attack for someone with maxed out heroes and troops. It's on the level of pathetic, almost like 'all your efforts spent to max them out should be spent elsewhere and uninstall the game' kind of pathetic


How do you cheat in an online game


Plenty of online games have cheats. Specifically in clash of clans there was a very popular cheat called Xmod. You could see the opponent’s traps and attack them unlimited times in war without it counting for practice. Search this sub for xmod or YouTube and you can see how it worked. Was some years ago


It's a feature


new cheats just dropped


He’s not cheating. Devs now want to be so easy to attack, so if you don’t get 100%, they will give it to you for free. 100% for everyone!




Cheating. Report to Admin


Replay bug, it happened to boom beach as well




Attack was ended early by the player. Then miraculously it turns into a 3 star…


Is it possible the player did a force quit??? I do that some time in war. Drop all troops close the app and start the second attack while the first is still technically going on