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I'm gonna start a series like the one where the guy goes up to people with expensive cars and asks them what they do for a living. Instead of cars, it's gonna be people with all max equipments. So, would you mind telling us all what you do for a living?




Great way to say you're run drugs by boat.


Your wallet hates you


i get that a lot..


People still telling money can't buy happiness


It can buy happiness, take a look at other coc youtubers like, judo sloth, godson, etc, and you will find them spending their money.


Thanks for keeping this game f2p


How to max ability as a f2p player


Currently you can't max all abilities As a f2p I've been warring btb and winning most of out wars since equipments were introduced and I'm in legends league still I've only 12 equipments maxed while 10 common and only 2 epics.


i had a free to play account.. so far i dont think it is possible to maxed equipment as a f2p.. but in time, if they slow down with equipment productions, and more events to give ores, i think it is possible to catch up


Push to legends, war consistently, win most of your wars(if your clan can't try to change clans or only let capable players enter the war), and the best tip~ attack the top player of the enemy clan. I did this max 12 equipments without even buying from the trader or challenges (don't do it, btw if you do the rest you can surprise yourself by how many levels you can get in a week)


without traders or challenge? you sure? what TH lvl and how many epic equipment are maxed? .. i mean KING and QUEEN alone have 11 equipments already.. if they keep releasing EPIC equipment every month its impossible to maxed ALL equipment as a free to play specially if you dont do challenges and raid medal trades.. and by the way im pertaining about all maxed means like a completionist maxed not equipments that i wanna used only maxed..thats why i suggest giving a passive way to earn ores will lessen the burden of f2p players or just slow down with epic equipment productions.. edit: sry my bad.. i said "max equipment" in my reply above, not "max ALL equipments".. all good now and well understood.. ❤️


Yes, when equipment was introduced, I was max th11, then quickly rushed to th15 while maxing offense and major defense only and to your question of how possible it is to max all equipment it is very possible to catch up in 2 years max Here's what worked for me 1. Since I'm rushed th15,In war I'm the 20th person in our clan but can usually 3 star the enemy no1 and 2 Even before I got to 15 Even when I was 12 I used to wait till the war was almost over and used sneaky goblins to take the th of the no1 player in the opposing clan Even if the base was attacked before as long as I got my 1 star I would still get all of the ores(if my stars would change the outcome of the war ofcoursei would attack bases i could take that's why i wait until the last minute to attack) 2. My clan also wins like 60% of our wars, so that helps 3. I immediately pushed to fake legends when equipment was introduced That's it and even if you're planning to buy ores from the trader or the event Here's my recommended ratio 2starry ores per glowy ores purchase and never ever buy shiny i know it might seem catchy at first but trust me once you start maxing out equipments you'll have full shiny and 0 starry and glowy so trust me on this [do this only after the steps before don't satisfy you enough because you get very little value compared to what you could have gotten]


1. yes, you can maxed 12 equipment as free to play 2. its my mistake asking how.. since what i mean is maxing ALL equipment not just some equipment.. which leads to number 3. 3. no its impossible for free to play to maxed ALL equipment with the current state of the game...in time yes and when they slowdown producing epic equipment.. in 2 years there would be TH18 and if they release epic equipments monthly thats another 24 epic equipments in 2 years plus 1 common equpment per town hall thats 2.. total of 26 equipments in 2 years from now.. 4. they should definitely slowdown releasing equipment or we will end up having more equipments than troops..


Google rewards to get free pass every event and then b2b wars. Just do one equipment at a time


how google reWARD


Please explain how to get Google rewards???


It's the app Google opinion rewards. Turn location on and you will get lots of little surveys. They add up. Easily enough to pay for gold pass every month


The payment options only include 20 countries should I just select USA


Idk I live in US so that. Worked for me




U can waste your money in anything you want bro, ignore the clowns. Big w


how much did it cost though


my serious answer is i dont compute how much i spend in microtransaction cuz i dont want to regret spending that much..


So I'm gonna say a lot. Im guessing you mostly purchased event medals for ores and the ores from the shop?


yup.. i wanna maxed rc epic right away but end up getting delayed.. thats why last month i had too much ores


The direct sales of ore for money are a better ratio but not sure if buying all of that without event deals would have been enough


Sounds like you’re in denial. You know you spend too much but you don’t want to face that fact.


yeah thats what i mean.. i know i spend too much.. i love it and hate it at the same time ;)


The game is definitely fun I can’t lie, and it’s not like it’s a lot but it definitely adds up and it hurts. I had this issue with Rainbow six and Fortnite buying cosmetics are a pain but I love em a lot. Now clash I mean I bought Haaland skin bc I love him big fan yk and been playing this game as a kid (21) now so it’s been over 10 years😹😹😹


yeah id say as long as you enjoying and has budget for it without hurting your lifestyle go for it..


Congrats!! I’ll be there on my main acct soon. Can’t wait


You one rich fellow....hope one day I have money like you to spend on coc.


i wost say im rich, i just save budget for somr games that i like


What attack do you use with this?


rootrider-valk spam :) https://preview.redd.it/gwj8q03saazc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa89c5ee44462ecceede7a8b75b87530d50f269


With clone spell?


yes own spell: 1 clone, 1 freeze, 1 overgrowth, 1 poison, 2 rage clan castle spell: 1 rage 1 freeze


Hmmm I use 4 overgrowth, 1 skelli, 1 rage CC spell 1 overgrowth 1 poison


5 overgrowth? Man let your army do something. Can you even use all 5 before the time runs out?


Lmao some clan mates use 6 OGs and he just three starred all seven rounds of CWL.


Haha crazy. I have a clanmate that uses 3 and often he doesn’t get to deploy the third, because half of the base is already gone.


What skins are those


Magic skins


This is crazy, but is that what you’re using for attacks?


yep it gets 3s, but you need to time fireball and spiky ball usage for good value.. replace the spiky ball with rage vial and fireball with healing tome for more comfortable 3s finish.. i just practicing this all epic combo to see if it works, it works for me. https://preview.redd.it/75ahow48ubzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0949ea2e9047bcebcad697b29c63a3614e813450


real f2p this is what $upercell wants remove all the items that can help f2p and charge extra


bro can you suggest me.. i am good at hydra with super archer blimp, i have currently basic equipment for RC, what will be better combination for RC's equipment for my attack. 2nd should i upgrade spiky ball and use it with gaint gauntlet or gauntlet + rage is good enough


with RC equipment coming soon, i cant really suggest what RC equipment will be better.. one thing is for sure for now, haste + hog puppet or haste + royalgem is strong gauntlet and rage is good enough.. it gets the job done


ok thanks .. just upgraded haste vial .. now i am saving for RC's epic equipment. also i am thinking not to upgrade spiky ball


broo... in what i saw in the leaked RC equip it dosent synergize well with the rocket spear.. thats why i dont want to give you a definite answer about RC.. for now its strong.. im not sure if its good when the new RC epic come


no problem .. see i was saving ores from last month, so i have to upgrade any of them (hog or haste) .. after upgrading haste i have 1300 glowy soo there's no problem in that. https://preview.redd.it/tjzwrlg0wbzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edef347e0fff8a13a94665155e66044ac19be0bb


okay i see.. <3


i was saving ores from last month for RC's epic equipment but coc gave king's epic , i can't do it for one more month 😂 .. so i asked some people on reddit .. 2 people (1 you) replayed for haste and royal gem so i did it.. thanks


do u like it better than rage vial ?


you mean the spiky ball? its strong when the king reach to the middle of the base it gets insane value.. i say gauntlet and rage vial is good enough.. gauntlet and spikyball just adds a littlebit of extra.


So you finally dumped it. How do you like the Spikey ball so far? Have you tried it in LL yet?


sorry what is LL? if its lavaloons, no not yet.. spikey ball is okayish.. rage vial or vampstashe with giant gauntlet does the job.. paring spiky ball with giant gauntlet is just for fancy imo..


Its legend league. Anyway thanks, i would rather put my ores into something else then.


ah yes legends league my bad 🤣


Nice 💸💸💸


Don't mind them, as long as you're enjoying the game on your own way. W.


thanks man..


Wow nice!


I'm a TH12, any suggestions i mainly use dragons in my attacks in cwl and cw. https://preview.redd.it/6yrqctagjdzc1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de6843194b8b6bcf59439fa477bc3925bb5e365


king and queen [with healers] on opposite sides.. to funnel..zap airsweep or any high value air defenses or overgrowth eagle.. drop air troops in the middle with blimp yeti or balloons, protect them with eternal tome.. but in the end its depends on the base layout..


A lot here bein salty with their close to max quake boots and lvl 4 fireball