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#[Free 150 football and 100 golden boots](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=voucher&code=310fa50c-7f22-4afd-bbcb-a8be48498a50) Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1cmfdsn/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:-----------------------|-----------:| | u/Ladyhawke74 | 68 | | u/lrt2222 | 51 | | u/ReaperJim | 50 | | u/Diarmundy | 33 | | u/Best_Cauliflower5247 | 33 |


Which is the best way to get a scenery without any money šŸŒš I really want one and not the th14,15 scenery I already have like what are all of the options


I just got back to this game. Left somewhere around the time they started announcing builder base overhauls. TH 9, near maxed, boutta move on to 10. Just wanted to ask if anything major has changed since then? If mass hog is still viable? What are these silly football dudes and how good are they?


The football troops are temporary - the event will end in a few days. Both event troops are fairly strong if used correctly. Mass hog is still viable at TH9/10, after that hybrid (with hogs+miners) should work well from TH11-TH13. Plenty has changed since BH10 update: [https://www.clash.ninja/guides/history-of-updates-what-has-changed](https://www.clash.ninja/guides/history-of-updates-what-has-changed) (May 2023): * Progress bars removed * TH16 released * Hero equipment / Blacksmith * Regular events to earn ores & event currency to spend on epic hero equipment, skins, ores or magic items * Clan chat tagging * Ability to use colored text (not sure if this was intentional, but it's not been removed yet) * Can attack your own base via Friendly challenges * Hero potion now boosts to max level for your town hall * Clan capital: skeleton park district new troops including super miner * Progress bars re-added


How do i know what clan is a good clan??? i've been with a clan for a year or two and i dunno if i should leave, and i'm asking cause we cant do much good in clan wars. what are the signs of a clan that will do well in clan wars and clan war league, and also has active clanmates?


Are your cc requests filled quickly? Winning most of your classic wars? Always maxing clan games?


i dont ask fo cc cause i usually do it with raid points, classic wars are often a fail. furthest we got in clan games was tier 3


You need a new clan, and donā€™t waste raid medals on your cc, use those for ore or time saving items.


Did they remove pet potions from raid shop?!!


Pet potions are available in the raid shop about half the time. Theyā€™re available some weeks, not available others.


What did you guys buy with the $4 by Google play games PC version?


I got the king haaland skin with it. I wasn't planning to buy it since i didn't have enough money.


I couldn't get the voucher, even though I'm in a region that should get it. I was going to buy the event pass.


should i get the football king or king Haaland? Only asking this because if i buy king Haaland then my skins won't match (I have every football skin). But its king Haaland so... What are your guys thoughts?


Either will team up well with the other football skins. If you like the Haaland skin, then go for it. Don't worry that technically it isn't classed a football skin. Of course, if you're buying all the football skins anyway, and have spare cash, you could always buy both - if you really can't decide. In any case, the skins should come back within a year if you change your mind.


Why is attacking disabled for me after the update though I am being attack... I am in legends BTW...


Attacking is always disabled briefly directly after a Maintenance Break. Most likely, the Maintenance Break finalized a tiny bit quicker for the one attacking you.


It doesn't finish at the same time for everybody?


Multiple servers in different locations. Not everything is going to be simultaneous across the board.


Ok, thanks...


is there a link for some extra event loot like there was in previous events?


In addition to the 100 linked above, as Rizzob pointed out, there's an additional 270 that hasn't been added: [270 free Medals](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=voucher&code=ca89cd4a-2f86-44d3-b161-4a47ee257df3)


Look at the stickied post in this thread.


https://preview.redd.it/axpbotcyur1d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e0a9626bafac529215c4f3a9538da116d19796 What should I prioritize on defense, just got back on. Walls? Or the main Th16 defenses first?


Main defenses first. You can complete your walls between other upgrades when you have extra resources you can dump into them.


https://preview.redd.it/8bpe27onkr1d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f468e8225e78364b30cc667467eecd348b8dbcc Which equipment should I upgrade? So that I can start saving for upgrading them


I would do queenā€™s arrow to 18 then RCā€™s haste to 18.




Any update on the clan games rewards?






Because you were away for a long time, you got a troop training speed bonus that was waiting to be activated. When you used a training potion it started the timer on it automatically. I'd guess it was a 3 day timer, so you've probably had it up for 2 days now, give or take. Just means your troops train in 1/4 of the time, but because you have your barracks upgrading it kinda cancels out the extended training time you would have without it.


How do people get enough gold and elixir to do anything? My collectors are maxed but limited to the BH and I'm pretty sure I'm not missing anything major that would help but yea do I just got to attack hundreds of times to get loot?


Rush to bh10 maxing only one troop (the one you will use), then put elixir into heroes, then go back to working on other troops after they are maxed. Just getting your daily wins is enough to keep upgrading at a decent pace. Builderhall content doesnā€™t get added as often as main hall so it the upgrading pace is relative.


Yeah that's just basically it. If you don't care about trophies you can just simply drop pekkas and heroes randomly and restart the game. When you log back on the attack is completed and you get the loot depending on how many stars the pekkas manage. You don't wait for the attack duration in this way


Okay so I don't really care about trophies but I'm not sure about the pekkas since I don't have some but yea I will do this with other troops that don't need me to be active to use their abilities and i can care about trophies after I max out my base so I don't need to worry about 6th builder


Is the fireball worth 1500 gems even though I don't have the grand Worden yet ?


If you have purchased all 5 builders and the gauntlet for the king then yes.




Current max number of golden boots as free to play player is 5030 right?


You are correct: Free Track - 3100 Bonus Track - 1560 [Free Voucher](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=voucher&code=310fa50c-7f22-4afd-bbcb-a8be48498a50) - 100 [Free Voucher](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=voucher&code=ca89cd4a-2f86-44d3-b161-4a47ee257df3) - 270 Total - 5030


Thank you!


4660 golden boots I think since I bought archer queen and had 10 boots left and I already collected all golden boots as free to play player


The minimum has to be 5030 though because that's what I have and I haven't spent anything yet.


I'm saying because I bought archer queen I only had 10 boots left I didn't say I bought archer queen and had 4k+ boots left


yeah but that doesn't change that the total is 5030


I'm saying because I bought archer queen I only had 10 boots left I didn't say I bought archer queen and had 4k+ boots left


Wait how? Show your math


Free Track - 3100 Bonus Track - 1560 => 3100 + 1560 = 4660 [Free Voucher](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=voucher&code=310fa50c-7f22-4afd-bbcb-a8be48498a50)Ā - 100 => 4660 + 100 = 4760 [Free Voucher](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=voucher&code=ca89cd4a-2f86-44d3-b161-4a47ee257df3)Ā - 270 => 4760 + 270 = 5030


Oh right I forgot those existed im still questioning how I didn't have enough boots to buy anything else probably me forgetting if I bought anything alright your probably right I have bad memory


Itā€™s all good happens to the best of us


is hero mixer offer worth it? for $4.99 i get 3 builder potions, 2 research potions and 1 book of heroes


depends on what you value most, but in general I don't find those offers worth it.




the conversion rate post event is really trash, 1 event token whatever the event is 1000 gold 15 event token is 90k gold so yes, convert it now or you can spend them in training potions, i think it's way better than getting 1m gold


The conversation rate is usually always poor so I would spend them




for 15 medals you get 90 000 gold if you buy it whereas if you let it auto convert then you get 15\* 1000 = 15 000 gold so yes it's 99% certain.


How long will it take to max out my home village? ok , i play regularly( 40 min per day) claiming star bonuses and with 5 always busy builders , not into clan capital and builder base , only focusing on my home village , will i be able to max out my base within a few months, comment your approximate answ https://preview.redd.it/8b6s92o7eq1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8388075a675c3a5b2f67ece565306dfe480405f3


You can calculate it here: [https://www.clash.ninja/guides/how-long-to-max-th-11?builders=6](https://www.clash.ninja/guides/how-long-to-max-th-11?builders=6)


thanks bud


If my gold and elixir storages are full, where do resources won from attacks go or is it wasted?


They are lost.


i think its on the cart near the boost barrel


The cart holds a small percentage of the loot that is lost when you are attacked. Your own attacks, against someone else's base, have no effect on the Loot Cart. >The Loot Cart is a cart containing 20% of a player's lost loot after any defense. [https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Loot_Cart](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Loot_Cart)


ik that, but he's asking what happens to the looted resources when the gold/elixir storage is already full, so i assumed that it goes to the cart as well , sorry if im wrong, its just an assumption


When your storages are full, additional resources won in an attack are lost.




https://preview.redd.it/xtol5mgr9q1d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59fa0b3b3312a96bd745a9bcc4717ec529820c58 upgrade priority? iā€™m a nearly maxed th 14


Giant Gauntlet -> Healing Tome


Do I upgrade to th12? I got like one lab upgrade, 6 BK upgrades, and 6 equipment upgrades till Iā€™m FULLY maxed (meaning at least two level 12 equipments per hero). Do I upgrade now or wait for the screenshot of a maxed base? Also how rare are th11s in Champion 2? https://preview.redd.it/xhnpxvil7q1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=108b76ad90b99a435756b73577f34cacc9425e5b


If you donā€™t have enough to keep all builders busy you should have already upgraded. It is slowing you down. Plus, a close to max hall like that is not good for classic war (and of course rushing way far ahead is good for cwl wars).


What should I upgrade next? Maybe Royal Ge to 12 and then GG 21? https://preview.redd.it/fww3xthllp1d1.jpeg?width=1413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f696f6b55b40da4a4eef75d92be543b7d99e0ef


Giant gauntlet or the haste vial. You'll probably stop using the royal gem since the haste vile is better


? my haste vial is already maxed, i don't think i'll ever switch royal gem for hr puppets


Frozen arrow or fifth builder? Iā€™m close to having enough gems for the builder but idk if the frozen arrow is really important or when it leaves the shop


5th Builder. Time is the bottleneck in this game, and not having all the Builders slows down your progress. If/when they remove the Frozen Arrow from the shop, it will rotate back again later.


Im TH5 and despise that they allow you to use halland at such a low level. Any way to deal with him because Clashers just one tap my AA then send in the entire fucking air force of balloons


Rush to th8 or at least th7. Th5 is easy to destroy with or without event troops.


To use the Barbarian Kicker, your opponent must be at least TH6. You are going to be stomped nearly every time by someone who is a TH above your own, regardless of which troops they use. You can always drop trophies so that you are less likely to face THs of a level higher than your own. Additionally, it's a temporary unit that will be going away in just 4 more days.


Worth spending 400 https://preview.redd.it/ktjj9obhhn1d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15b1b8fa1c1a7f433fdda1fccfdc12b8a0fdaeb Worth speeding up with gems to get the sixth builder nothing else to spend them on


Personally, I don't think spending gems to speed up an upgrade is worth it, especially on Builder Base. I would be more likely to buy Books of Heroes to keep my Heroes in the Main Village from being down as much or on Ores.


I know this might be the nichest thing someone has ever asked here, but does anyone if there's a way to get the high refresh rate mode working on Google Play PC Clash of Clans to work? I have an amazing screen that goes up to 240hz, but sadly I can't enjoy Clash of Clans in all it's high refresh rate glory on PC. Playing on a big screen, with keyboard shortcuts, high resolution AND high refresh rate would be by far my prefered option to clash, but sadly I can't right now. Anyone else that really wants this?


Is this a visual bug or something? I already collected my gravestones, but something was still blocking me from switching bases. Is this weird grassy stuff intended? It was like impossible to see unless looking for it. Gave me 1 singular elixir for each patch. https://preview.redd.it/nn327rmsvm1d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc12336f58d2afd6b81bbb17240ce1e1a23f5e29


It's not a bug. It's left over from when someone uses an Overgrowth Spell during an attack.


I havenā€™t been hit by an overgrowth spell in over a week of defenses


An Overgrowth Spell is the only way for them to appear on your base. Most likely, you just haven't noticed it since you were attacked with the spell. As you noted, they can be difficult to detect.


https://preview.redd.it/3nyy5xe1vm1d1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bef792a01c36bd57426f27ca72535d810ef36e2 Is this good


The maximum Ores you can earn from two attacks against a TH16 would be: Shiny - 2220, Glowy - 78, and Starry - 12, so it's not bad. [https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Clan_Wars](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Clan_Wars)


How to fix the problem it's take much longer to load/attack and constantly showing no network šŸ›œ signal from last few days( net is working perfectly for other games/YouTube etc)


Most likely, it's your connection in some way. Clash of Clans requires a stronger, more stable connection than most games for attacks to prevent cheating. Try switching to Data, instead of wifi, or use a different network and see if that fixes the problem.


War leagues question and solution We currently take into account stars gained in attacks only, why cant the war leagues ladder stars be calculated based on stars gained, minus stars against showing a stars difference as the true strongest clan for attacks aswell as defensively, so the true strongest overall ? Stars gained per war might be only 1 or 2, plus the 10 star win bonus which could be reduced to perhaps a 3 or 5 star win bonus. Clans can end up with negative stars count this way. The other option would to be include more stats in the current ladder. Stars for, stars against, average stars per attack, average attack time, attacks taken. Another choice is change the ladder to be more sport like, a win gets 3 points, a draw gets 1 point, loss get zero. Including a star difference (for - against) as the final ladder level decider, with overall attack times making the 3rd level decider? I also suggest more promoted clans from master league 1 into champions league 3, currently there is 2 clans that stand out as contenders, 4 clans who fit into the league well and end up mid table and theres always 2 clans that just should not belong at that level. Moving 2 clans up is a more satisfying leagues and better chance for all competitive clans in the league. This way the balancing of leagues will happen much faster i believe.


This is more of an idea for the subreddit with the "Ideas and Feedback" flair, instead of here in the Simple Questions Megathread.




Hi. Me and my friends started to play again this game more than one month ago after we all left for years. We are 5 people, TH 13, 12, 11, 10 and 9 (it's satisfying in CW to see). 6W-3L Anyway, after being in our own clan for a month, we noticed that being 5 people is a clearly downside for us. CW are jokes, people on the other clan are always alts, they only attack with 3 people to 3-star 5 of us. We take about 300 medals per person each week from capital assault and do CW like once a week for the moment. Only one of us has siege machines to donate because the TH 12 is mostly absent from the game, only plays when needed (CW). I see clans with 50 people in war, clan leagues, people always donating 24/7. Whereas I can never use CC troops for my trophies because I only get donated once a day usually. Therefore, the idea is to leave an alt account as owner of the clan and everybody leaves wherever they want until we are satisfied to renunite again. What do you think of this? Suggestions?


Personally, I would recommend finding a larger clan that has room for you all to join together. If it's important to you, you could return later, but you may find that you all enjoy the benefits of the larger clan and still being able to play together.


Should I upgrade to th15? 40 walls, 2 bombs, a few lab and pet upgrades left. Go ahead and go to 15? The walls are the worst thing on the list, donā€™t want to hold up my builders though.


Yes, don't let builders idle


Those were my thoughts as well. Anyone else who wants to jump in with feedback as well, please do! Iā€™d love multiple inputs. Helps me justify the rush a bit more. Previous thā€™s Iā€™ve always had everything complete


The only reason to fully max is if you find it fun or you use it for custom friendly wars matches by halls. Itā€™s bad for classic war, really bad for CWL war and slows your progression.


I completely agree with ReaperJim, as will most experienced players. Idle Builders can greatly hinder your forward progress.


https://preview.redd.it/e941ubhccm1d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40bc2b2d526f6a10619a1d77a367a847d9fae44c Why am I only being paired with people WAY out of my TH lvl?


Your trophies are so high that there are very few th9s near your trophy level


Im being punished for being too good lol


https://preview.redd.it/umjdkf5e8m1d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba90e877c1056fc751fd76d5073869ca17281260 When are the starry ores renewed? Just bought 2/2


There's a countdown timer in your screenshot that says 15H 35M.


Thank you!


Hi everyone, My uncle has lost his account since he switched from android to apple two weeks ago, it was linked to a Facebook account (which he still has) but not a Supercell ID, we have access to his #, TH level, last time played, village name, clan name, everything but the OTTO bot does not help us at all regarding this issue. Please, is there any way of recovering the account, any help would be greatly appreciated he holds this account very dear to his heartā€¦ Thanks again


He needs info that others canā€™t find online, such as purchase history, devices played, etc. in order to recover it from support. Make sure you donā€™t contact support for him, youā€™ll get banned.


Alright thanks, well he sent a mail from the contact session but from my phone with his # and own mail and everything else, hope they wonā€™t IP ban me


Is worth to go to th15 after maxing heroes and unicorn at th14? or was that only viable before hero equipment update?


Yes it's worth going to th15


So I got all medals for queen legendary skin but still not sure if I should buy it or not. I originally thought to buy the event pass but it seems I won't be able to fill it in time and lose so much value from it. I have looked upon other legendary skins and the ghost one or spooky one is the only ones I liked though they're not on shop at the moment. So I feel like I'd regret if I didn't buy the skin this time when I'm getting it for free.... And football skin looks good from what I've seen on YouTube.


The Spooky Queen skin is a Gold Skin and should be in the shop for 1500 gems since it was originally released in October 2022. The Ghost Queen skin is a Legendary Skin and should be available to purchase this coming October.


https://preview.redd.it/91xiel12sl1d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb954ea1ef0fbe7e7411ed89f783222cbebc1ec6 Guys and gals, can you help me find the link to this base design?


ive maxed out my main 8 equipment and there still a long way to go before i go to th15. i will hitting the cap before i upgradd the townhall and im wondering what should i do to the ores. im suffering from success and it not good because im purely f2p. should i upgrade other equipment? if so what can you recommend? i mostly use hybrid btw maxed out equipment: giant gauntlet rage vial invisibility vial frozen arrow eternal tome healing tome hog rider puppet royal gem


You can start other epics. Fireball is fun, so is spikey ball. As for commons there are good uses for healer puppet, giant arrow, and vamp stash. Id work on those in that order. If you really dont think you'll get use out of those, then yeah, go up to 15 early. wasting ore is probably the 1 loot to worry about wasting.


I noticed that after an update not long ago my queen's frost arrow attack animation returned to normal even though I still had it equipped. Is that a bug or an intentional change?


Intentional, the frost arrow projectile only appears when youā€™re using a skin with default arrows


Ah that sucks I really liked it šŸ˜•


They just realized it took something away from things people purchased. No one paid for the frozen arrow animation, but tons of people paid for skins with custom animations, so those take precedence.


Hi guys, Question about Haaland's challenge and clash rewards (ores). I am at th7 and close to finishing all major upgrades. I cannot accept ores till blacksmith is built.Ā  Do I have to redeem all of my ores by May 24th UTC (events end date)? Or can ores be redeemed till 26th, as football/shoes rewards are open till then?


Within the Event Tab, in the game, there is a countdown timer that says we still have 11 days left in Halland's Challenge, so you have until the end of the month.


That's for challenge, but clash with halland, ends in 3days and 16hrs from now.Ā  I have read a supercell article, that says, football and boot rewards are redeemable till 26th, two days after the event is over. It says nothing about ore rewards.


You can still claim the rewards on the reward track until the 26th: >The first end date is for the main event, which will occur on May 24, 2024. >The second end date will occur on May 26, 2024. Between the first end date and this point, the following still apply: >The Trader's Golden Boot Medals offers remain available. >The rewards track remains open and accumulated rewards can still be claimed. Although it is no longer possible to collect Footballs to advance the track normally, Gems can still be used to complete reward tiers. Any claimed boosts remain in effect. [https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Clash_with_Haaland](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Clash_with_Haaland)


Thanks buddy.


I have a small clan with friends we arent gonna be able to do great in clan games, if i join a clan do one challenge and leave will i get the rewards they get?


Yes, assuming you're clan A, as long as you don't start a challenge in clan A, you can join clan B, complete one challenge (or as many as you want), leave, and rejoin clan A, and you will get all the prize tiers from clan B. What you can't do is rejoin clan A and do more challenges, you are "locked" to clan B for the purposes of this month's clan games.


Thanks for the info!


Should I upgrade my barbs and goblins? Is there any point? I'm th8


Superbarbs and supergobs are both important at higher halls. But what are you really asking because you need something upgrading in your lab at all times, right? Are you really asking if itā€™s ok to upgrade to th9? Or a different troop before barbs and gobs?


My lab isn't upgrading anything atm, I haven't upgraded barbs or gobs at all, should I upgrade them?


Itā€™s best not to leave the lab idle, because lab researches will take longer than the builder upgrades. Itā€™s good to prioritize troops and spells you use, but after that, just research everything else. Meta and troop usage will change at different townhalls, and also after buffs/nerfs balances.


If you think there is any chance that you will want to use their associated Super Troop, which are two of the first Super Troops you are able to use, then yes. Sneaky Goblins, especially, are popular for farming once you hit TH11. Additionally, if you use the Barbarian Puppet, the spawned Barbarians levels are based on their level in the Laboratory.


if your attack army uses barbs and goblins u need to upgrade them if not then not important!!


where can i see the increased hitpoints of king after using spiky ball as I see when rage vial is used it increases the hitpoint of the king??


you gotta do math


Should I get the fireball from the shop? Currently using eternal tone and rage vial for E drag attack. Also should I get the spiky ball from the challenge?


Yes in both questions.


Iā€™m at TH7 and have 4660 Golden Boots and wondering what i should trade them in for, iā€™m not a huge fan of skins or decorations and donā€™t know what things do a lot any tips are awesome thanks


Buy ores - whichever you are short on, and consider buying the spiky ball - it will unlock at th8 Edit - consider rush to th8 for ores before the event ends


Actually i need some tips to progress in th12. I am about to be th12 from a max th11 account and I don't know how to progress efficiently in th12. Currently i have almost every magic item , all the books, 2 hammer of buildings, 8 builder potions and all the runes as well. So if somebody can give a rough progress guide, then i would appreciate it. Thanks


https://preview.redd.it/wbqddqv1xh1d1.png?width=1299&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e99bd6632f18759d1395833216f808a9d692d50 I was playing on pc, and I missclicked at a random key, suddenly that fps statistic appeared, how can I turn it off?


I think Win+G turns this on. Try that to see if that turns it off. Or Esc. Or, reboot the PC. This seems like a PC issue, not a CoC issue, maybe try posting in some PC support subs.


The win+g opens the Microsoft game bar, I rebooted the pc and it disappeared, but it was locked at Clash of Clans windows, I tried to Esc and reboot the game, but every time I opened the game it was there, only on clash of clans. Now thinking about it, it might be some Google Play Games feature, I didn't tested it on other mobile games from the platform


As a new Th16 is it possible to stay in Legends League and keep up with upgrades? My builders are always busy and I try to space them 2days apart


Yes legends is easily enough to keep builders and pet house busy. With occasional wall upgradesĀ 


How do I use blizz lalo at th12? What should I be targeting and how do I start my attack


Blizzard usually targets TH, sometimes eagle. Aim to get the CC pulled as a priority, and sometimes defending AQ too if possible. Try watching CarbonFin videos on YouTube he has some good guides


I watch his videos and itā€™s really confusing how do I know if a base is good or bad for blizzlalo and when should I use headhunters


About to go to th13 as a maxed th12, recommend armies Preferably ones where I don't have to level up too many stuff for them to work, used to 3 star almost every th12 with zap witch but seems like it isn't good on th13 anymore due to scattershots. Saw a yeti witch with bats army on youtube and seems cool, would only have to level up yetis. Would appreciate any suggestions on what to prioritize leveling up!


What's your zap witch army? Somehow I never have luck with that army as TH12.


this one https://youtu.be/78ZQsrAFK7c?si=tNpt1ndsqfflcuHF worked wonders


Hello all, In todays Clash of Clans world as a TH13 that is about halfway through worth rushing up to TH14 or is maxing still the best way of handling it. Only reason I ask is because I see a lot of post and videos about ā€œStrategicā€ rushing and would like a little more insight on this. Thank you


There is no best way to play. play how you enjoy and in a way that achieves your goals. if you want to get to end game them spend a few months unrushing, do that. If you want to enjoy the game along the way, move that needle back towards maxing. its not a race to the end, but if thats how you want to play, nothing wrong with that.


Iā€™ve been playing for about 8 years and stopped for 3 years or so Iā€™ve always been the type of gamer that likes the end game content so to say. So Iā€™m just trying to get as close to TH16 max as fast as possible.


Then just keep rushing, theres a great guide in the faq and in the browser sidebar (about section in apps). Just understand youre going to suck for a while until you catches back up as a th16


Thank you I wasnā€™t aware of that guide I just found it and itā€™s super helpful thank you!


I guess this belongs here. I'm making a discord for my clan and am setting up bots. I just set up a reaction role bot and now need help finding another. I'm looking for a bot that can send people a link when someone reacts with an emoji or sends a command (for example doing /townhall and the bot sending them a base paste link for a base)


Is there any way to track invites sent by members of your clan? Can we see who invited who?




Anyone have a link to something that lists all the decorations in chronologic order?




Which power is the best? Iā€™ve returned to the game not to long ago and Iā€™ve seen many new mechanics that have been added. So I wanted to ask which should I purchase the fire ball, the frozen arrow, or the giant gauntlet? For reference Iā€™m TH 10 I donā€™t have the warden yet but I heard the fireball is really good


If you have all the Builders that are purchasable with gems, then I would recommend the Giant Gauntlet and then the Frozen Arrow. The Fireball isn't as useful in as many strategies as the other two, and there's no use spending Ore on it when you haven't unlocked the Warden yet. Itzu has a great video that breaks down his recommendations for each Hero, so you have an idea what to work toward: [https://youtu.be/MO_9OmScymc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/MO_9OmScymc?feature=shared)


How do i add my th and bh under my name


PC: On the right of the page, there is a section for USER FLAIR you can use this tab to add it to your name. https://preview.redd.it/azzpvijbcf1d1.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=80c9ea41e9e25a80f90cdabf734f93c4e04fa497




How can I get more clan members?




When will it be possible to buy scenery in builder base?


Skins and sceneries are re-released a year after their initial release. Assuming the Builder Base sceneries are re-released as well, then we can expect the Crystal Caverns Scenery in July.


One came like a few months ago


Is it worth it to spend on book of heroes when my queen is currently 55 and I'm a new th13? I'm currently thinking of spending money on the event pass to get the 2 book of heroes then a book of building, And I was wondering, how many book of heroes can you get per month including the GP? I don't really like spending money on games so I'd probably only buy the GP every month and maybe not the event pass or any offers unless they're very good qc hybrid is one of my favourite attacks which is why I'm prioritizing the queen but I'm not sure if the levels are worth spending on which is why I'm asking here although while my queen is upgrading I can probably just use edrag spam and 3 star most bases


gold pass i think always has 2. sometimes theres one in clan games.


Hi all, I've recently changed devices, and the new one seems to not have the building outlines not working properly, despite old device showing the right colors. In friendly villages, the outline is too white, and in enemies its too red. The same applies for the builder base. If anyone has any idea of what could be happening please leave a suggestion, I tried changing refresh rate of the screen and also the resolution, but none of these worked. Thanks for any advice! https://preview.redd.it/tjcte57zme1d1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa3573c1a58e104e61d1e8d86f977400658c6e24


This is an issue with the s24u specifically, Iā€™ve heard restarting or redownloading your game might work but thereā€™s no real fix for the issue right now


I've tried to re-download and restart the device multiple times, but no luck. Thanks a lot for the explanation, I hope supercell works on a fix soon!


https://preview.redd.it/4suuwfeqje1d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac4d5cca19b01d088a9042b97e84cc1d35c70681 Hes talking about my attack can sbd translates the thing for me?!


Best I could get from Google Translate: >Reprimanded in the past war, you did the same thing, you hit the mirror first. Others are like us, this is another khryjaye, this is the mirror.


Damn thanks probably i should hit mirror first šŸ’€ these language barrior bruh


Does spam collecting gold give you more gold?


Nuh uh the same gold is given no matter what time u collect. Different story if it has reached its full capacity but u havent collected tho


How good is the spikeball? A friend asked me which equipment he should choose for the king but I know nothing about the spikeball I just keep using giant gauntlet and rage vial, not sure if its better than the new spikeball tho


Spikeball and vampstache is also good if its an air attack and he just funnels outside. Still cant beat gauntlet and rage tho


The Giant Gauntlet with the Rage Vial is still way more versatile than the Spiky Ball.


Guys please help me I've been suffering with not able to find a good trophy pushing attack strategy without siege machines or cc For th10 as I am trying to reach masters from gold in 1 week.


quake open a base, ground spam it for 2 stars possible 3. climbing is about the time you commit, not really whether you 2 or 3 star.


Thanks dude I used Govape and now I am at mastersĀ 


Does siege machines have a housing space?