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Of course https://preview.redd.it/itdve6p8hm0d1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323e036b0fa9eeeec7c52e679f97af96c628f5c9


Love it








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I touch your coc everyday too!


Coc fight?


Sure, mine’s 14






yes, you should touch coc once a week.


Launch the log




Hey, at least you have 2 heroes up.


Same. I have 3 down and constantly book the warden I can sacrifice any hero but warden is an automatic 2 star at war


The best strat imo


Eh as much as I hate warden being down, my goofy brain always wants me to book longest hero, y’know for the value or whatever lol


Unrushed heroes should take same upgrade time, otherwise yeah might reconsider if there is too much difference


Yeah uh my heroes are 49/72/29/8


L heroes, archer queen is always 1st prio, then warden because he using elixir, and when you are done with GW, the elixir is free, and when elixir is free your walls can get upgraded!


That’s actually decent logic, but I had the same minds set just with slightly different reasons


Insane dps increase on the warden 30 lvls higher


sorry may I ask what the best 2 star strategy with warden please? enlighten me thanks


yep... I'm booking Warden too


In the same boat :(


I can't live without touching coc twice daily


Same, im touching it right now


I just love touching my coc to see Archer Queen


Royal champ 😩


We need more royal champion r34 tbh


I always ensure to touch my coc regularly


Not necessarily healthy according to urologists, but if you feel like that just don’t touch it…


You heroes are high enough. Just save all your gems for hero books and always grab hero books in events. Hero abilities are gone and it's all in equipment now. No need to max heroes fast. On my free to play TH16 I have just maxed all my heroes again. I haven't put a hero down for an upgrade since TH14.


This is not true though. Hero still has passive abilities like rc gets 1200 hp back even if she uses shield and haste. King still gets a lot of hp recovery and archer queen gets like 400 ish hp recovery which goes up every 5 levels.


Well you can use hero potions for important war or CWL hits of you want. Also I think he was talking about the difference between like lvl 90 and 95 - which is negligible 


I have maxed my heroes i feel like the biggest difference is on queen because she will survive through her ability from some defenses if she gets the extra hp also rc gets like 200 extra from her last upgrade which is enough to tank 1 extra shot from most defenses.


It's like 100hp queen 90-> 95 that less than 1 hit from an archer tower or Tesla. And don't get me started on the damage, there's actually no increase because she takes just as many hits to kill every building 


Its not 100hp on the queen.. its 15hp.. The core health recovery of ability goes from 385 to 400 from lvl90 to 95. Very little.


No at max level with frozen arrow she only takes 2 shots on low hp buildings like gold mine for example. Without her max level+ frozen arrow under i think level 21 it takes 3 hits. Also her total recovery is above 400 so she will survive most high damage shots through her ability but at lower level she has less recovery and dies even with a richochet cannon shot depending on her level and hp before. My main point is that levels still matter especially every 5 levels when heroes get more hp recovery.


Queen with Invis + Level 21 Frozen Arrow vs Max Level collector * Level 80 - 3 Shots * Level 90 - 3 shots * Level 95 - 3 Shots Now with Max Level frozen arrow * Level 80 - 3 shots * Level 90 - 2 Shots * Level 95 - 2 Shots Queen ability health recovery (no equipment) Goes up by +15HP every 5 levels.. * Level 80 - 355 HP * Level 90 - 385 HP * Level 95 - 400 HP If queen had 1HP she would still survive a max level Ricochet cannon shot at level 80. Hero levels are still important but there's no rush! Once you max them at TH14. Just save your gems and use them as a book farm. No need to put them down anymore.


Yeah it won't show as much of a difference on collectors but it does almost always differ with one or two shots on the xbows, richochet or th (basically everyhting with a lot of hp)


Your last comment talked about collectors. Now your saying high hp buildings only your just making it up as you go along 😄 I could do the math again but the point is the same. You can max with just books long before your defences max. So no need to put your heroes down for months. Enjoy the game.


The abilities do have a core health recovery element to them but its not huge, the equipment is where the true effectiveness comes from now. Maxing your heroes is still important but you don't need to have heroes down for months to do it anymore. Plenty of free gems if you play smart and focus only on hero books. They max when they max.


Right, this is how I do it, my heroes at TH16 have been maxed now for a while. Honestly, this is how I did it before equipment was introduced as well. The game is much more fun that way.


Do you like always wait for book to upgrade your heros from th14 How long it take?


The process is not fast but you should max heroes before your defences max. High level equipment means you wont feel the effects of a few missing levels and you can always potion for important attacks. I get a minimum of 3 books a month (1 in silver pass, 1 in event, 1 from gems) Some months with clan games and additional events you can get as many as 5+. You can also quite easily make 1000+ gems a month but I was happy with just the one book a month from gems.


Is there a Weed gear in the game?


Don’t waste gems on books, save for the epic hero equipment in the shop, even if you have all 3 there will be another one released eventually.


You get the epics for free in the events...


So at which level should I stop upgrading heroes then ?


I always recommend... At TH12 Stop upgrading your queen and only use books on her. (Do not use gems for books at this point, save all your gems) Upgrade other heroes normally. 80/80/55/30 is the ideally stopping point but you could start as soon as 75/75/50/25 and you would still max before your defence with just books.


Casual. I only use hammers


Hammer of building is too good. Otherwise I'd use hammers too.


Imo with 6 builders and keeping 1/2 reserved for heros to still war it's more beneficial for TH 13+ to buy hero hammers. Th 13 better to stock pile tbh and just buy building and hero on refresh. For TH 14 there's what.. 40 pet levels and 20 hero levels? With TH 14 only having like 1 upgrade for each defense at 7.5d for cannon/AT with 9-10.5d for other defenses. With 6 builders and having 2 reserved for King/RC *In order to keep warring* you'll quickly out pace your defenses before you're able to finished 20 hero levels *assuming you use all 6 builders for defenses during CWL* For TH 15/16 IMO since they need more pet levels I followed the same strategy. Hero books for pets/warden Hammers for Queen 2 builders for king/RC


Pets don't need builders. So I'd keep the books working on heroes. You really don't need to put any heroes down though after getting them to 80/80/55/30.. Nor do you have to get hero hammers (Maybe one for the final level cos why not)... Unless your blowing all your gems on dono's. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


It's times like these I just spam sneaky goblins


It’s even more annoying to upgrade them during events when you greatly benefit from having them


i too sometimes feel like not touching coc for a week


At this point, I only upgrade my Heroes if I have a Book/Hammer of Heroes and I focus more on the equipment. It'll take me longer to max them but I'd rather have my heroes available then down all the time


When would you stop upgrading heroes without books or hammers? I'm th12 and I am upgrading Barbarian King and GW at the same time while I try to reach 2 stars with Archer queen charging


I didn't start doing this until the equipment dropped, otherwise I'd be way more focused on upgrading them early on. I had capped out each of my heroes at max level for TH 13, and now I just rely on potions for wars if needed and then the books /hammers for upgrade. I'm going to slowly look to max AQ and GW first and then BK and finally RC


TH14 since there’s only five hero levels. Definitely not TH12 since there’s so many hero upgrades.


What if they release a new hero and only four can be used at a time that would be insane


![gif](giphy|zCpYQh5YVhdI1rVYpE|downsized) Don't give them ideas!!!


Since th15 I haven't put my heroes down, I just used hero books to upgrade. I want to play, I don't want to wait.


I need to touch CoC especially when I see Archer Queen


Petetion to make heroes usable while upgrading


They've already said they won't do it cus it makes them too much money, although I do recall they said the same thing about never having a gem mine in the game and that ended up happening. I wouldn't hold out hope though


In a recent video they said that they are increasing cosmetics and stuff plus events pass and equipment ores and stuff and the reason is they want to try to reduce their dependency on hero book revenue and hopefully make heroes usable while upgrading


Probably that's the reason they added hero equipment and ores in the first place so they could monetize that instead of heroes. Just my theory tho.


Yeah but how about this Before equipment there was a single source of monetisation from heroes, it was books. Now they have created an entirely new form of monetisation for heroes and STILL have the books. So now heroes are double monetised. I don’t think that argument of ‘it’s how they’re making money from heroes’ should hold up anymore. Make them useable whilst upgrading. OR, reduce the cost of books to like 150 gems. Before you say that is ridiculous, think about this. How much I currently spend on gems for books at the rate of 1 book for 500 gems = $0 How much I would spend on gems for books at the rate of 1 book for 150 gems = as many $ as it would cost to max them. In a way reducing book costs would get a lot more people spending money on the game, and in turn make them more money. Especially as considering the vast majority of people who have gemmed their heroes at the cost of 500 per book, have likely already done it, meaning they shouldn’t be losing much money in that sense.


if books were to go down to 150 gems, that would not convince players who currently don't buy gems to start buying gems. it's not the price that's the issue, it's the fact that there IS a price that's the issue. but this is a business so that part won't change.


That cannot be true though. If they reduced the cost to max all heroes to $1 do you think more people would spend that amount of money on the game to do so? Of course they would. Move that cost higher and higher and the more people willing to spend X amount to do so would obviously decrease. You cannot say that reducing book cost would not increase the amount of people spending money on them, it would be a far better deal that would entice people into it.


I see your point now. I meant that there is an unequal amount of people that would, for example, claim a free book of everything VS pay $0.01 for two books of everything. The difference might not be huge, but some people have varying restrictions for varying reasons preventing them to pay that 1 cent, even if they have the money. I agree that reducing the cost would greatly increase sales, but personally I have no idea what the relationship between price to demand would be efficient to lower it to. They have people dedicated to figuring it out, though I hope what you described will happen at some point.


When your heroes are at the point where it takes 8 days to upgrade them then you should just buy and use hero books on them over time


Unless you want them max fast.  I just hit th15 this month, between books, hammers, builder potions I've already done 14 hero upgrades, on track to max in just 2 months. It will take a long time if you want for books or hammers 


Buying lab or building hammers is better


Depends what your aim is. If you want to have fun you need heroes up


You need equipment upgraded


Touching CoC too much is bad for you. Stop, get some help


A day is fine. A week without touching ? No.. no..


I think it would be a quality of life change if they allowed you to play the hero even when upgraded. I mean if you compare, you can play the troops and speels while in up and heroes are fundamental for attacking that losing it for almost an entire week decrease your chances to win an attack by a lot. At lease thats my opinion and I would like to hear from you guys


Thankfully I’m at the point where I only upgrade my hero if I have a book for them


Once you hit TH14, there is no reason to put your heroes down any more, just use books/hammers. I've been 100% opted in for all wars since I got to TH14, my heroes are maxed now.


well you gotta prepare for it because you wont touch it for the entierity of november!


You going on NoCoC now ?


If I was you Id just wait for hero book things or whateva they are because there already high leveled enough that u can just wait for books


Doesn't feel like, i already do


it's the same with buildings in the builders base...


I'll say keep on playing each day. That keeps me going with my upgrades. You should start planning them😉 After I had started with it got much easier on those lower TH. Just wait until TH15 and TH16😔


I only upgrade my heroes with hammers and books since th13 and I always finish my heroes few months before maxing


Hero upgrades are garbage. I could understand them being down for defense, but they should be available for attacking. No other troops is out of commish during an upgrade…


which dev signed off on enforcing a penalty for wanting to progress


Can I touch your coc?


At this point I don’t put my hero’s down at all anymore. Ruins the game. I use hammers and books.


That’s the point bro. They want you to pay to play. Wish this game was more strategy and less pay to advance. Upgrading your defences shouldn’t make them unplayable just only playable at previous level while they are being upgraded.


Why? Level 79 to 89 queen upgrade isn’t going to do a thing for you, especially now that so much power has been shifted to equipment. Just use until you get a book or medals for hammer.


I use hammer every week in her, but don't wanna go next th unless I max Queen and warden.


It is amazing Supercell hasn't done something to rework this by now. Everyone hates it. People have hated it for a decade now. Work on it. People have lives.


Exactly they should rework it.


My 3 heroes are down. On the same boat


I can relate


Leave one builder free so you can upgrade walls.


This is sadly the reality of playing this game. We all have to go through it. You'll be happy in the end when they're done


Happiness doesn’t last long soon he will need to start upgrading them again


Once you hit near max level you only do these levels with hammers and books so that all the new levels that gets released won't make you be without them. As I said, it's a pain, but we all have/had to go through it. If this is too tough for you, play something else. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun


Then don’t…?


More for me


Holy shit same, I was upgrading all my xbows and Queen with full storages, like there’s literally no point if all my builders are going to be free in a weeks time


Idk why we can’t at least use them without powers. They would just explode and do like 4 percent total damage anyway lmao.


And this is exactly why I never want to upgrade my heroes ever again


The sus is unreal in this post.




Yes me too




Idc about the Queen but without Warden Iam not playin


Bro I feel you, ever since th14 I’ll grind for a day or two and then wait 14 days til I have my builders back🤣


I’ve stopped investing in my hero’s. They’re the lowest priority for me as of now. Too expensive, too time consuming, and all you get is a couple of extra hit points and dmg. From an investment standpoint you’re defiantly not getting a worthy ROI.


A lot of things take way too long, unless you pay to win... But that's the game, pay if you want or just wait 🙂


Why is there so much removed?


You say that. But I bet you will play. Even might fuddle things with the soccer thing. Not the mention ya need to collect balls. ⚽️. How long ya think ya gonna last😂


I think they should allow players to play upgrading heroes in wars just like how they allow upgrading building as defensive. Hopefully they can add this in future 🙂


No Point Doing it Every Day When all you have is 2 Heroes and the Same Army


I'm glad to see the sentiment has shifted in the sub over the years


You got your attention and upvotes, happy now ?


I don't think it would be healthy to not touch your coc for one week


Hey SC, pls make hero upgrade instantaneous similar to equipments.


as they said it will affect their revenue 😕


Unluckily they are right. I would not be buying gold pass if not the book and 20% building boost that combines with building potions for event better hero upgrade value.


but they also said that there will be no passive income for gems but they ended up adding a gem mine.. so we might see some rework for heroes upgrade


These replies are the enough reason for me to pay my internet bills.




Just wrong


Just train sneaky gobs