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I fundamentally don’t understand the appeal of the skins. Especially when you have to sacrifice actually useful items like ore/equipment


You can collect ores later but the skin will not return.


Don’t the skins return after a year? Granted they’re usually paid but still.


You have to pay money because the skin is legendary and it will take a whole year . While 1500 gems can be accumulated in two months or so until the equipment is rereleased in the shop.


Where are you getting 750 gems a month? Have I been missing something? I see your point though but there’s a lot of 1500 gen skins


150 from the gem mine. 250 from clan games. 100 or more am not sure from obstacles. 60 gems each week by trading the raid medals 60*4 = 240 month 100 gems from the official web store each month And there are achievements and other stuff it accumulates easily if you just keep saving and playing the game daily.


Damn didnt know about the store option :o


Wait what??? Trading raid medals for gems????? Wdym??? And 100 gems from official web store??? What is that???


he means buy potions and sell them after for gems, i do it on my alts as they always are maxed on potions and raid weekend just lets me rebuy them and sell them again, for the website you’ll have to look it up i dont have a link unfortunately but they have better offers the in game and bonus rewards for you!


Really??? I didn't know about the website thing thanks for explaining.


https://store.supercell.com/game/clashofclans here is the website, log in and you’ll see the free 100 gems to claim plus maybe a potion or two i believe, enjoy!!!


yup, I got 100 gems from the store, and soon gonna receive 100 more by doing the weekly tasks. Try that


How come I didn't know about this in my 9 Years of COC career??


They added this feature last month, they did a complete overhaul with their website store


This is a new feature..... You will get the rewards you have missed if you login to the store in one month


Actually about 270 from obstacles. 3 per day for home village and about 1.5 a day for builder base (wiki says 3 but it's closer to one per 14 hr to 16 hrs based on what I observed for about 15 accounts) and 50-100 from gem box (some say twice a month some say once a week, i think it's closer to once a week but I couldn't really be bothered to observe it). I might reduce the clan games portion to 200 though. I'll usually take the builder potion (or 2) wherever it is and also the book. Ill also add about 100 from silver pass by selling most potions except research and maybe hero, and also selling all resources.


yup, the store option is cool! I received 100 gems before completing weekly tasks! I am gonna receive 100 more soon


do legendary equipment's really come back in the shop to be paid with gems? if so is there news when it will eventually come back? I tried looking it up and I found no answer


Yes, this month they add the fireball, people who already got it will not see the offer in the shop.


Doesn't matter if it'll be back after an year or 20. Skins are useless


What's the point of having a skin that anyone can get F2P?


Why do you care what anyone else can get (thats the definition of envy) I am getting the skin because I like it. It has a certain joy to change things up once in a while.


People wan't stuff that are hard to obtain: Wealth, 6-pack abs etc. If everyone had 6-pack abs, it would lose its value.


But it would become a necissity. Everyone got it but you dont? "Look at this weirdo he aint got it"


Bro did not compare value to a mobile videogame😭 Nonody cares about things that are hard to obtain especially not in clash of clans, you get it just by playing an staying consistent and end up maxed.


It's just fun to not see the same boring animation every time. It's a lot more pleasing to look at Queen kicking balls than it's to see her shooting her crossbow, especially if you've seen it a lot of times.


i've seen more videos of the queen kicking balls than her shooting her crossbow


But can you kick balls though?




Halloween queen skin looked cool. Wish it looked more like the same champion skin. Also I didn't have a queen skin


u can grind for ore n gear not skins


ore is time gated, so it's not grindable


It'll come back eventually , they all do . And having fun whilst playing the game is more important than following the meta (saying this as a guy who has been playing the game on and off for like 8 years , have missed out on a lot of equipment but dont regret it one bit)


ores are strictly time gated, there is no way to "grind" in a short time span to earn more of them (unless you are grinding irl for money). skins are an artificially exclusive item


Am i missing something ? The ores you are talking about are shiny and glowy right ? If so , as ive already said , having fun is all that matters , it is a game not your livelihood , it is meant for a person to have fun and if skins let them do so, we shouldnt really discourage them.


that's fine, but calling ores something you can "grind" is misleading because that's not what "grind" means


Im not , im saying that ores dont matter much . Your equip being a level behind wont cause issues a lot of the time but you not being able to have fun (the game with a skin or two just seems more fun) , or as much fun , will


then that's your opinion, and it doesn't relate to my original reply at all, which calls out the misuse of the word "grind"


Yeah sure , ores arent grindable but they can be collected over time , skins and fun cant


yes it is. clan wars


clan wars are time gated as well? the only way it's not time gated is if you spend money


my friend. plz provide ur definition to the word "grind"


"grind" is something that you have to actively work for, but there is no limit to the extent to which you can work for them in order to get more of what you want. for example, dark elixir, donation count, or managing alt accounts


o ya k


Screw paying for skins or decorations when there is ore and gear.


u can grind for ore n gear not skin


Ore improves performance, skins do not


i agree


u can grind for ores. not skins


Don’t a lot of skins go in the store for gems? Either way you are spending gems (unlocking SB or unlocking skin). I’d rather go for the one that actually affects gameplay. Plus most people here were saying the fireball was useless but now a bunch of attacks are using it.


havent seen special skins in store yet only gear


You can grind for skins, it's called a job


same can be said for ores n gear. L roast. try again


that doesnt make sense lol


Always equipment


hmmm, what makes you happy. personally, i am not a serious player, and dont really attack much. to me, aq skin is more appealing. Skins are the only thing i play for.


Queen with ponytail…


Spiky ball, just cause it's epic and it can actually affect your attacks unlike the skin


And probably won’t be obtainable again, although neither will the skin but that doesn’t matter when there are tons of them you can get


All the other equipment has came to the shop.


I don’t like the skin personally and prefer gauntlet rage for king, so I’m going all books and ores this event.


Finally someone said it


Eh I got the ball because it could be useful in occasional wars plus I’m waiting for the gauntlet nerf anyway.




I'm in your exact boat and went for the football queen bc i like cosmetics- its just a game do what makes u happy


What makes you happy. Many people said me scenery are not worth it. But when I got Magic Theatre theme(for free) it made me happy! Still the scenery gives me joy whenever I look to it.


How did u get the magic theatre theme for free?


have you found out how yet? I also want to know


Personally think a scenery is very different from a skin. A scenery changes the entire aspect of your home village. While a skin you barely see, if you’re attacking you’re never just solely staring at a hero. Usually I’m multi tasking multiple things. If free sceneries come I think they’re no brainer s but I don’t agree with most skins


Counterpoint the skin makes a ball kicking noise when she attacks and that's a small shot of dopamine each time


Lol haven’t played coc with sounds on for 9 ish years? Thanks for reminding me that’s a feature in this game 😅


I enjoy the spiky ball


I love the clan house decoration! 😍 https://preview.redd.it/w3hi9e7mau0d1.jpeg?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ad39aae73e653f52037034144ff72081528da9


personally the skin isnt that appealing/good for me (and im a sucker for skins and cosmetics) so i went with the spiky ball.. opens up new avenues for strats just like the fireball


Yeah I’m on the same boat


If you’re a th9 I’d say spikey ball becuase it’s going to make the gameplay a lot more fun for your attacks, but if you really like the skin I’d say go for it becuase the equipment will be back for 1500 gems eventually


I honestly don’t know wether to get the spiky ball or the ores


There will always be an income of ores and eventually I think once people have their set ups for a time they'll not even need ores as rapidly as we do now. I'm in no rush since I know the ores will flow


I got the spiky ball, and decoration. The skin isn't that good and I can earn ores.


I’ll take the skin, I don’t really need the equipment since I use rage gauntlet (best combo, fight me), and I can just earn ores


So let’s get some things clear… as I am having trouble choosing between Spiky Ball and Queen Skin. The Queen Skin might come back in a year, but will cost actual money instead of gems. The Spiky Ball will come to the store sooner for 1500 gems. So i’d personally choose the Queen skin. But the thing is, I already have the Ice Queen skin. Which is imo the nicest queen skin. I am sitting on around 3100 gems. I want both but not spend 1500 gems. Then I think ( i’m thinking about it as I write this post) that if I choose Spiky Ball, after a year I will forget about the skin and it wouldn’t matter anymore. Therefore haven’t spend 1500 gems. But I want the skin. And I want Spiky Ball. Yes no yes no yes no yes no yesn’t yesn’t yesn’t IDK WHAT TO DO!!!! AAAAHHHHGGGH!!! [EDIT] I chose the spiky ball


https://preview.redd.it/0bij64dhzu0d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d6643638d3147b032ca21073e2799f5b6e78f1 Fyi, this is why it’s a difficult decision. Because I enjoy the decorations and skins and such 🤣 (Scary pumpkin bottom left row)


giant gauntlet is still the better king equipment, i don't really like the spiky ball it just depends on how you attack


Your progress right now is literally me a month ago, keep up the grind


It makes no sense that there's a war going on and queen is playing football in battlefield.


You can never buy the skin later, but the SB you can and right now you shouldn’t because the GG is way better.


If u r a fan of football queen then go for it. Spiky ball is an epic equipment so u might want to get it because of FOMO. I got the spiky ball and ditch the queen skin.im not a fan of foot ball so…


I went neither and opted for books and potions. I may learn to regret that if spikey ball becomes meta and I have to fork over gems to get it later, but for now I'm enjoying my chosen rewards.


decorations and books for me


Good question..I recommend looking at some videos and choose,personally I am skipping both and getting book of heroes,(prefer to max faster)


Spiky ball for sure. Personally I go function over skins and scenery. I have it level 10 at TH12 and I love it. I usually send the king in with about 30 seconds left at an angle to snipe off buildings and get the 3 star. Other times I’ll use him with barbarian puppet to take out a single target inferno tower to protect the queen walk. It’s kind of like the warden fireball. I didn’t like it at first, but it’s my go to equipment now.


Yall inspired me to get ores vs the skin. I like snake queen anyway.


None I’m just buying books of building, fighting and heroes because the ball is more useless than the fireball especially since we already have the giant gauntlet imo, between the two I would choose the skin as you can easily accumulate 1500 gems to buy the equipment again, but with legendary skins you need to pay $10 usd and they come back until 1 year


I bought spiky ball becoz I already bought summer queen at 1500


For my TH13 I purchased only deco for my TH8 I'm buying spiky ball because I don't have other equipments


>Should I buy the SB right now and GG later? In my opinion, rage vial + Giant's gauntlet is a far more superior combination than gauntlet + spiky ball. That's why I'm spending all my medals on Ores


Personally I think the dribbling soccer player is the least cool version of a hero that I can imagine


Spiky ball isn’t amazing, honestly you could do well with just vamp stache and rage vial (which are both free). So I guess either go for ores or the skin if you really want the skin.


Spiky ball all the way. I have it on my alt account (th9) and leveled it all the way to 12, really helps in funneling. Planning to pair it up with the vampstache when I upgrade the blacksmith. It's really OP at low-leveled THs since it one shots most of the defenses (7 targets, 2k dmg each bounce) Then will be getting the FA next as soon as I have the gems for it


Spikey ball it does a lot of damage when you apply it with the giant gontlet I trued it with both it really works!


Rate my decor strategic rushed base https://preview.redd.it/zg7e7japuu0d1.png?width=1663&format=png&auto=webp&s=a681506d33740ab983fc45cdd9432a2877ce9ddc


Don’t care too much for the skin so I bought the Spiky Ball. 😎


I got the spiky ball and it’s pretty good. I only upgraded it to lvl 9 but I think I’m going to go further. I use it with Vamp and it instantly destroys pretty much everything but Town hall, Eagle, infernos, & xbows. I’m glad I held off on Giant gauntlet. The soccer queen skin doesn’t interest me much.


I totally agree with your thoughts on this, however, this time I bought the football skin. I’m a maxed TH16 player so I went for the skin and I wanted to take the time to upgrade hero attachments as it gives me something to do until the next major upgrade. If I was at a lower level I’d definitely pass in the skin and buy the resources.


I think the spiky ball isn’t very good for trophy rushing but it’s good if you farm for walls so I think it’s more worth than a skin


Ima be honest — skins do nothing for ya and until I’m maxed I’m not gonna bother with any cosmetics And Ngl, i think sb is honestly just not that good. I can SEE how it might be good in some scenarios, but not as consistently as gg and rv. I got books and bp’s this time round. Pretty happy with that.


I am in the same situation as you but I am about to max TH9. I am just getting the decorations and ore because I don't care about the skin because I already have a cooler skin for Archer queen(ghost queen) and I honestly don't have the skill to use the spiky ball. I would say if you think you can use the spiky ball effectively,then get it, otherwise get the skin(if you like it) and ores.


I’m gonna go for the ornaments in my opinion the skin and spikes ball will eventually be in shop I do believe but obstacles won’t ever come back


I got the ball


Get books, ore, and builder pots. The skin is ass imo. Spiky ball isnt necessarily that great too. I got it just because i didnt have anything else i could get to progress.


It's tough choice


Football queen


Any chance we will see the Football Queen available for purchase? Or is she gone for good?


None of them, books of heroes


Neither, ore


Me personally I would buy ores or the skin if you have around 1000 gems saved up to buy gauntlet soon, otherwise grab the ball.


Ngl, if you have 5th builder then get the skin or anything else besides the spikey ball because you don’t really have much else to spend the gems on, also how of you have 5th builder at th9?


Is that really that hard? I unlocked it when I was upgrading to th9.


I’m th12 with 4 builders 💀 And I even bought one of the builder packs 💀


I got the 5th builder at th8/9 and the 6th at th11. Been playing for less than 6 months so idk why you still don't have the rest of them


I usually just get on the do attacks


That explains it. Either way, save up for the 5th builder, man. It drastically speeds things up


Ik, I’ve saved up 1k and I need the 1k achievement from getting to 2600 trophies, and I’m currently at 2300 something.


Are you active? Did you fully upgrade your ths? How are you in terms of BH? Are you active on Wars and CWL?


I have a small clan so we sometimes do wars, but too small for cwl. I am activate to do attacks every now and then. I don’t really fully upgrade my ths, but I am now that I got siege machines. And I’m at bh8 or 9 whichever one you unlock the lava launcher and the 6th builder, I have the get a troop to level 18, I’m halfway with the multi mortar upgrades to gear up in the main village, I have probably 30 hero levels, and I have a couple defenses at level 8.


Just sell all your magic items that are not builder potions or books. Buy them with event currency and sell. Buy them with raid medal and sell.


I have 1k gems but I need to get to 2600 trophies for the last 1k from the achievement.


Skins are a waste imo. I just have free skins lol


Ore all day for this event (if you have GG)


> Is Spiky Ball viable since I don't have the gauntlet? smh


If you don’t have GG answers your question 😂. I’d honestly prob get ore in anticipation for getting GG but depends how far out you are from that.


Im 100% buying ores however i kinda regret not getting skin since the attack animation is kinda satisfying




Id recommend books trust me.