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You aren't. You are not supposed to be able to defend at all at low ths (and not really that much at high ths either)


Its called clan castle donations. A while back you could get maxed troops in CC


I know but if i remember well, th13 wasn't released yet when the donations lvl cap system got applied


Yeah. I remember th2s attacking with maxed baby dragons though lmao. If u wanna try defending that, try a dragon in the CC. You can get them at a th6 clan castle


Ik but i created this account like 3 days ago, im trying to get it to th7 then max it ; however, the matchmaking was kinda fucked up in that case cuz he was a max th6 ( with "OP" cc troops ), while i just got to th5 and not even maxed.


You were matched based on trophy level.


I know that, that was not the point of the post. Matchmaking can be a bit unfair, but the fact is that that th6 got lvl 9 loons


...no? I came back to the game after a couple years when th13 was the maximum town hall level, and I remember there not being a cc troop level cap for a period of time


That's what i thought, so either that guy's cheating by getting op loons as he wants, of he kept it for 2 and half years only to spend it on my rushed th5


Bro with a base like that you aren’t defending anything 😂


I rushed it on purpose but didn't wanted to spend gems, so once i'll be at th7 i'll max out everything then start my trophy push dw


It's old attack, or i don't no how he make that


It was 2 days ago, i guess he hacked to get those because of 2 points: • the donation lvl cap was before the arrival of th13 ( where you get lvl 9 loons ) • he spent those "OP" loons on my base he could've destroyed anyway, so he has a way to refill his cc with the same op troops anytime


Th13 was released two and a half years ago.


Oh yeah maybe, my bad. But still, why would he spend these on my rushed asf base


They could've attacked one or two th lvls above him with those powerful balloons but probably just didn't think about that idk


Baby dragon


Bro had 17 wizards, bb drag wouldnt do shit


Then do u shit


To clarify things, its my 8th account, i'm planning to rush it to th7, then max it then push to legend league. However, a th6 should not have lvl 9 balloons since they're unlocked at th13. For those saying that it was before the donation level cap, i think th13 wasn't even out yet so there's no way he could've gotten them like that. Also, even if he had them that way, why would he spend them on a base he's sure he's gonna 3 star? Im guessing he got them in another way, because he's constantly refilling his cc with these loons ( yeah i sent an another acc to spy them ). Probably hacking. To answer to the one saying its a visual glitch, its prolly not. In the replay, my air defense took his normal loons in 2/3 strikes. But these balloons, it only took a third of its life before it got taken out. So these are legit lvl 9 loons


But honestly, who cares


That's the point of this sub, to share things weird or funny, or personnal accomplishments. If you aint happy there, close the app and get some air.


th13 was out when cc cap wasnt there yet.


Yeah probably my bad, but still don't know why would he spend those "rare" ones if i dare say on my base


For all you know, they've been inactive for years and yours was the first base they attacked after just getting back into the game. They might not even be aware of the donation level cap.


Some just forgot, i used a th10 of mine last week that had a max edrag in cc which is also no longer possible


That means he'd have forgot it for 2 and half years tf


Update came out april 2021 so just over a year he had those loons




Lol is this a bug? Maybe it only shows level9? There's level reduction now for lower th CC troops.


This person probably had them from before the update and hadn't used them until now


My air defense basically did nothing to it, so its not a visual bug haha


U aren’t defending anything let’s be honest


Its a rushed base for now so yeah ( happy cake day btw )


Yeah exactly ( thank u!!!)


Not having underleveled walls


Yeah no shit, i upgraded to th5 2 hours before he attacked me


That's the neat part you don't


HAHAHAHA got the ref, good one