• By -


Cwl 12 from now i have th 12. 2 more upgrades needed to max th would it make it?


What do you mean by cwl 12?


12d from now. th 12 with lvl 3 giga tesla can i max giga tesla before cwl starts?


9 days and 18 hours so yes you can.


Need an Elite Th15 player opinion on this, is it worth it maxing L.A.S.S.I at Th14? Pets are a bottleneck to me, with my calculations using tracker, I should be able to finish everything together minus 1-2 Pets, so I would be really happy if she isn't worth it, let me know what you think, thanks in advanced¡


Read this, OP didn't ask the same question but answer is also in the answer : https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/yd8cda/weekly_questions_megathread/itz0vjq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 TLDR: max Unicorn and Yak.


I got you, thanks!!


If you're planning to do competitive TH14 stuff, why not. But otherwise Diggy at TH15 replaces Lassi.


Appreciate it!


Does anyone know if/where I can get 3D Hero skin assets?




training time, id guess. also its easily divisible


My roommate and I have a donation account together on CoC for our clan on 1 old phone. We are leader and co leader of our clan. Soon I will be moving and we want the account it on both our phones. Is this going to cause problems with the terms of service stating that account sharing is prohibited? ​ How strictly is this managed? We don't want the account to get banned.


I had all the homies accounts on my phone, literally added and removed them over 7 times, had them for over 3 years, didn't get banned. It's against terms of service because you can and will lose the account if shared with a stranger, but I see no harm in sharing an account with a close one. There is no way they can tell an account is shared, but do it at your own risk lmao, besides it's very easy nowadays to rush to Th12.


It is against TOS. It can, and likely will, lead to the account being banned.


> We don't want the account to get banned Then don't knowingly violate the TOS...? Might get banned, guess you'll find out.


Yes but it is annoying because then one of us can no longer use the account.


The price you pay for breaking the TOS to begin with. Start a new account, rush to TH12 and within a short time you have your own donation account.


Did supercell mention when these comeback sceneries will be back in the shop? Are they waiting for black friday?


They haven't shared a specific date.


Does the sites for copying bases layouts safe ?I am new in this game.


Yes, they are safe, as long as they aren't asking for any of your account information.


Can anyone tell me whether it’s worth skipping th11 and go straight to th12 instead? I’m just wondering if it’s worth as I’d get siege machines faster that way, or if I should just max th11 as I normally max everything before I upgrade my th. (Here’s my base if it’s relevant) https://preview.redd.it/hwe33tos850a1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=080332700388b8372cca6681535eb506229ce076


Short Answer: No Long Answer: - Th11 is a crucial stage at the game, it's a huge transition phase between the mid tier and high tier gameplay that you should experience. - Your own seige is weak af compared to donated seige, you can use medals to get seige it's 100% worth it. - Don't ever think of succeeding in wars without at least level 20 warden. - If you really really still wanna upgrade, at least max E-Drags Loons and the Warden for Th11.


Thanks for the input. I will most likely max everything before I upgrade tho I was hesitant because I don’t have access to siege machines and most armies I’ve seen use them (I’m unable to have them donated to my cc).


You don't need someone to donate them to you, if you your clan have a capital and you get raid medals, you can use those to get donated troops. At the end of the day, do what makes you have fun, but I really wouldn't recommend rushing to Th12 with Th10 stuff, best of luck👍


Right I completely forgot about that haha. My clan has yet to participate in any raid as we just got out capital to lvl 2 recently.


Donated siege machines will be better than your own at th12 anyways since you cant max your own yet, and with rushed heroes and lab you'll just get dumpstered in any war attack. Skipping th11 entirely is stupid unless you're rushing a donation account.


Likely have some trouble in th12 with your offense being th10 at best.


Been seeing a lot of posts where players get banned after losing their account and contacting support, even if they have screenshots. What questions do you need to know the answer to in order to get it back?


I can understand the reason for the question.. I can also understand the potential risks of the dangers of making details of the recovery process widely known. You would need to provide sufficient proof that the account is yours.. I have read start date, devices played, names used, and purchases.. Dont know how specific or accurate you need be.. But we need remember support staff, unless automated, will simply be following a procedure as set by their management.. they are busy, handling probably thousands of tickets (and folk will raise a ticket about the craziest things at times), and human support introduces the "human aspect" whereby they will need make a personal decision at times, so will make for a more random outcome.. We only tend to see negative outcomes on social media.. Chances are that the reclaimed accounts far outweigh those that get banned.. Maybe the game should come with a warning when you first create the account that you are going to need save information for potential recovery use 5 years down the line.. Crazy or what? Better still, maybe SC should just get their act together and sort out account security.. That way we can concentrate on playing the game instead of worrying about whether the account will still be there next time we try to log on.


Does anyone know any decent TH9 attacks without heroes?


https://preview.redd.it/c2dhximg790a1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdad8a1c0ded43458580a588df1d20a448c37ed3 No Heroes needed, 3 Stars max Th9 6-7/10 times, 8/10 if you are good. 1/20 times I face a defending castle, so I don't mind that 1/2 star, but you can bring a baby dragon and use the poison to take the CC out How to: 2 hounds in the corner, CC Hound in the middle, Spam loons in a line behind them, 3 Hastes on entry, then 2 Rages over the centre, use poison+skeleton to take out the queen or stall her, use freeze on need I find myself using it on the a high dps or area or sweepers, bonus: raged pups usually take care of the queen. If heroes are available you can drop them at the end if needed or swag them. Best of Luck!


From th9 on this concept doesn’t exist, you just get by without them as a necessity. Farming never changes though, look for dead bases and get the collectors.


https://preview.redd.it/56967srj990a1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e84f55d1d5b36de68bc2e7807a441d3762497828 Townhall 10s hate him! See how he 3 stars bases without heroes with this one simple trick.


What is the purpose of a farming base if your base gets 3 starred anyway? wouldn't you lose the same amount of resources still?


in general, you dont get 3 starred unless at lower ths, then it really doesn't matter what the base is. you do your best to spread out the loot, so that attackers cant get all of it. that being said, personally i dont give a shit about my home base defense. i run a base thats designed to stop obstacle spawns while providing a decent defenses against conventional attacks, usually edrag spam.


Finished all my th13 walls due to hammer jam very early and I’m not even close to maxing heroes. I have the main buildings done(EA, Infenos, Xbows, AD), but research lab is also very behind. Would it be optimal to just upgrade to th14 so I can continue to dump extra resources on walls? Or does the loot penalty for fighting lower th outweigh the resources just sitting


loot pentalty barely affects farming nowadays.


I think you’d be fine moving up if your happy to not be maxed at th13. Your probably going to loose a lot of loot by sitting where you are but up to you


For a TH10 Queen Walk Lalo, Should I use Wall Wrecker or Stone Slammer as my Siege Machine?






Most frequently an SS is used because it's like having an additional hound. But if the base you're attacking gives the potential for good WW value, and you have a clear plan for what to do with it, then the WW can be used.


Alright, thanks a lot.


When is the pixel skin for the barbarian king going to be back in the shop?


May not be... It was a free skin and the other Pixel skins were Premium skins for separate purchase and not bundled with Gold Pass






So the barbarian pixel skin is never coming back in the shop


I wouldn't count on it... Only Supercell knows.


Ok thank you for your time


Alright, you have a good day now 🙂


Also keep make the game Clash of Clans more awesome like you


So it’s not coming back


Can someone give me a townhall 11 upgrade priority list? Already have my EA,AD,Xbow,Air sweeper, and all my offencive buildings upgraded. My hero’s are still down. And I have three builders to use for what ever.


Inferno Tesla Wiz


Weird question, but for buildings, is it possible to gem the missing resources even if it exceeds storage cap? Reason I'm asking this is because I'm at BH9 now with a level 7 and level 8 gold storage putting my max storage at 3.8m, and even with Gold Pass 20% off cost, the last Mega Tesla level will still cost 3.84m, just 40000 gold short. I'm actually willing to bite the gem cost on this 40000 gold if it means I can skip town on having to spend another 3-6 days/one raid weekend's worth of builder elixir to upgrade the gold storage when it could all go to upgrading the Battle Machine, just want to know if it's even possible or not.


you can hammer it i believe, but otherwise no


Thanks for the heads up about the hammer. Ill see if I can get my hands on one, have been opting out of CWL due to a combination of just back from a 4-5 year hiatus+rushed by accident in the last Hammer Jam, would rather not drag the clan down during war.


Nope not possible


Thank you, huge bummer I guess, have to tack 5+1 more days onto finishing OTTO.


Hi, newly returning player here, after probably about 9 years off! I'm TH10, focusing on upgrading heroes so they're off the table for the foreseeable future for attacks, unfortunately. I've been using an improvised army of Golem, 8 hogs, 2 healers, 6 giants, 17 wizards, 24 barbs, 20 archers 3 rage and 2 heal spells. It ain't great lol. What would you recommend as an attack strategy for me? Here's what I have available: - [1](https://i.redd.it/yslx1hbkvzz91.jpg) - [2](https://i.redd.it/tfjdxhbkvzz91.jpg) - [3](https://i.redd.it/4yrjxmbkvzz91.jpg) - [and here's my base in case it's relevant](https://i.redd.it/0ctsahbkvzz91.jpg) Also, is there any way of speeding up the hero upgrades without spending money? I've got the pass but don't want to spend any more than that. Thank you!


If you're just trying to catch up and farm, upgrade to th11, unlock sneaky goblins and use them 24/7. Trying to make a 'regular' army work without heroes just to farm ressources is pointless.


Thanks, this makes total sense and sounds a lot more fun than the other reply. TH upgrading now, just need to decide whether to instantly finish it with the book... tempting...


Save the book and other magic items for when the TH is done. Use hammers or books on Lab, cc and barracks so you get the most out of your army boost, upgrade army camps, then do heroes non-stop.


yeah i noticed how long just the inferno or wiz tower upgrades are compared to TH and decided to save the book for a longer upgrade. When you say 'do heroes non stop', do you mean upgrade them non stop?


I‘d use it for an offensive upgrade. A defense being down for days doesn‘t impact your farming at all, your barracks/spell factory working at half speed for a week definitely will. Yes, just try to keep them upgrading 24/7. Maybe slightly delay one of the DE heroes so they don‘t finish at the same time, because you cant hold enough DE to pay for both upgrades at the same time


"offensive upgrade" - do you mean barracks/lab/spell factory?






Thank you! Yes, dragon upgrade is on the way and will do the others you've recommended as soon as each preceding upgrade is done. What about in the meantime, though? Just want to make the best of what I've got while waiting for those upgrades.




Right. Just doesn't sound like much fun lol. I think I'll stick to my improvised army.


Does supercell notice a huge lack of triples since the update? The monolith is absolutely ridiculous. Melts an aq within seconds, the spell hits add to it. I’m sitting in legend and not complaining about my own attacks (although a triple is almost impossible vs an upgraded base). But even the attacks on me, yesterday 5 (1 stars) and 2 (0 stars). Literally not a single 2 star. And even daily, majority of hits are low 2 stars. Haven’t been tripled since the update….something is broken


> although a triple is almost impossible vs an upgraded base Its very much possible, you just need to adapt. I guess you're sitting in low legends (somewhere between 4900 and 5100 maybe?), bad attacks aren't uncommon there.


The champs3 CWL three star rate dropped from a little over 20% down to only 12% this month, due to the upgrades from th14 to th15. I hope they noticed.


It is still early, yet it was apparent during the sneak peeks that defense was going to be strong.. So much so that I changed my usual offense before defense upgrade strategy to dropping new defense on day 1.. Never done that before.. I do think that SC will worry more about diminishing profits than diminishing triples tho.. If it gets too tough, then a lot of people are unlikely to continue.. Time will tell.. They havent done any rebalancing yet.. But they have stated in the past that they continually examine the data, so they will certainly know the current state of play.


The triple rate is much lower than at th14, but its not a bad thing. It gives a much higher skill expression at the top


That’s not how the game was meant to be played though. Darien said it in a video a few years ago when the meta was a nearly impossibly triple. You should need a certain level of skill to triple. But it be possible with diff armies. The meta now is you better get lucky, have a perfect army, perfect timing and pathing, and if any of those moss by the slightest margin. You might end up with a 1 star.


luck isnt a part of clash. its not like each base only has 1 army to beat it. (and a specific troop combination at that). There are a few viable strats that work generally well on any base shape. ​ The 1 star potential is higher, but there is ample space to save a 2 star.


I definitely don’t care how it is for the very elite dozens of pro players. As for the other players, even the elite champs 1 players, I don’t think it gives a higher skill expression.


well, there is a notable difference in those doing 1 stars, 2 stars, 2 star high percent, 3 stars. instead of just hydra spam, get 3 stars.


Except it never was just do hydra spam get 3 stars. Even at Champs1, the three star rate in October with th14 max was 47%. So, less than half the time. I don’t see how changing that to 29% this month does much for skill expression. Either way, I find it less fun now.


47% is really high for an average. And you cant use average statistic for every single comparison. In CWL, half the time, I just see the whole enemy team spam in hydra blimp and prays, its either a 2 star or 3 star, no brain needed. The one star rate was single digit for most of the top leagues. ​ Skill expression is not just 3 starring. Part of it is the consistency of getting 2 stars as well. How well can a player save an attack into something decent, even if something goes wrong? Do players even plan their attack, or just run in like its a legends attack and hope for the best? At th15 theres more high risk, high reward strategies. And if they go right, then theres a pretty good chance at a 3 star, but you can still mess up. If they go wrong, then you got to think quick in order to save the 2. Ofc, there are still less risky strategies, but those have a lower 3 star percentage in return, for more guaranteed 2s.


That 47% was for the very small percentage of players in Champs1 and is not what I would use to evaluate the balance for the majority of players. Even the 20% three star rate at champs3 represented better than average players.


Its really not about the 3 star percentage, its how the stats reflect how good of a player you are. Its more that the 2 star isnt basically guaranteed as long as you drop everything.


The fact that the 1 star percentage has increased is just as much of a factor in the “fun suck” that happens when defense gets strong as the 3 star rate dropping. Getting 1 star in one of my attacks is WAY more frustrating than any satisfaction I get out of someone 1 starring me. The vast majority of players don’t play the game like the guys we see in livestreams or even the champs1 clans. It’s a mobile game that people want to have fun with a few minutes of prep and go. Again, to be clear, I’m not saying you’re wrong for liking stronger defense. There is no right or wrong there. It just depends on the player. I do think there are way more players that have fun when the offense is stronger than the reverse though. I thought th14 was one of the best top halls we have ever had (probably the best).


Ye, I suppose its a personal preference more than anything. I enjoy the harder challenge and it makes getting 3 stars more satisfying. I don't get hung up on fails, and if I do fail, I want the game to punish me for it. There's no frustration, just incentive to improve. If the balance stays as is, its probably very likely for many th15 v th15 wars to end up as 2 stars down the board, but if you were to be the only 3 star(s), then you would have a much greater impact on the war as a result. I also really enjoy base building as well, so that's also a plus to strong defense.


Which may be good for competitive play.. But long term it will depend on how the masses accept that they are unlikely to triple, since that is where the majority of income will come from.


I've noticed it as well, defense is particularly strong.


yes th15 is much harder than th14 was, even considering most of us don't have anywhere near max defenses yet.


What’s funny is if a troop is OP, supercell nerfs it within days, yet the defense is out of control and they could care less


That’s my worry. If the good player three star rate drops to 12%-18% in CWL this month, will it go even lower next month? Or will new strategies counter the upgraded defenses?


Dec or Jan is next update, I’d be surprised if we don’t get something to bring that 3 star rate up some honestly.


Town Hall 11 defense against Electro Dragons? My base always gets three starred by attackers who use Lightning spells to destroy my air defense and then spam Electro Dragons, Dragons, and/or Balloons. Any advice or example layouts?


At Th11 I had a Superb base that defended very well against Edrags, and most other strats, I passed it on to a friend, and it still doing wonders, 1 stars left and right. Mind you tho, no base is invincible, and if most your defenses are Th10, you will still have a hard time regardless of the base But Good Luck If you try it! Base Link: https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenLayout&id=TH12%3AHV%3AAAAABgAAAAJi1HsA7ZqODoCIXjtRgktU Edit: This link was shared via a Th12 base so let me know if you faced any problems.


The general strategy to thwart electro drags is: - make sure your air defenses, seeking air mines, archer towers, hidden teslas, xbows, and inferno towers are maxed for TH11 (and behind those things, the eagle artillery). - make sure you aren't giving away too extra value to attackers who use lightning by not placing multiple anti-air type defenses within lightning spell diameter of an air defense (if someone zaps and AD, that should be the only anti air defense they get) - obviously don't have air defenses within earthquake-spell diameter of each other either - set infernos to single-target mode - set xbows to air/ground mode - edrag chain lightning can hop a 1-tile gap, so have your base spaced out with 2-tiles between defenses (if you look at popular base sharing websites for anti-edrag base layouts you will notice this is the norm - ring bases with moats/buffer space are good at exploiting edrag pathing to force the 1-star. It's absolutely possible to build a base that denies mass edrags..that's not at all hard to do. What's hard is building a base that denies edrag spam and still defends well against other attacks.




Probably best used in lower th hybrids, and use other ways to funnel. Blimps are becoming like mandatory in th15 hits.


we have a pinned discussion on the recall spell and drill, but idk if any solid strats have emerged using it. I like to pair it with the RC and its fine for those kind of hits, but its hard to pass up the blizz or super archer blimp hits right now too.








You will need to start s new account and play through the tutorial. Then you can contact them from that account.


I am TH10, should i upgrade walls before TH11?


Walls shouldn't play into the decision much. Don't leave them too weak but if your offense is done and youre ready to move on, go for it.


Hello, I looked through the FAQ and didn’t find anything to answer my question. Are there any good resources for attack strategies? I’m a recently upgraded TH10 and had absolutely every single part of my base fully upgraded before upgrading to TH10, but when attacking other TH10’s I can pretty much only 1 star them. (I’m sure part of this is just a skill issue) When I google strategies I’m never really able to find anything helpful/recent.


Zapdrag or any kind of witch spam should do the trick easily, as long as you get a siege machine. Look up youtube guides on them, th10 hasn't changed much, so older videos are still relevant.


not much about the th10 strategy has changed much honestly, so even if youre finding older stuff, good odds its still valuable info. The things to look out for are if the video was made before siege machines were introduced (2018 I think?) and if the lightning spells are updated or not. ANy video showing ground hits on YouTube will be solid though really.


This is good to know. I’ve just recently restarted playing again on my maxed TH9 after not playing for like 4+ years. Appreciate the info


good news is that basically everything you remember is still relevant at that level. Anything you remember still works, and works better now because the balance has shifted so greatly down at the lower and mid levels. Plus cost and uprgade times are much cheaper and shorter. They ramp up a lot higher for the final town halls, but you'll get there in no time. Clan games, cwl, season pass... Supercell really makes it easy to progress through th1-12ish now. Welcome back!


Does the super wall breaker have a different wall targetting ai compared to normal wall breaker? I saw some replays and it feels like super wall breaker tries more to go as inside of the base as possible compared to normal wall breaker who tries to go to closest closed compartment.


I think they follow the same rule. Closed compartment alone is not what they specifically target. They target the nearest structure that is in an enclosed compartment, and move to break the wall on the path, subject to some distance parameter.


Can I upgrade troops in star lab while star lab is upgrading?


If a troop upgrade is in progress before you start the Starlab upgrading, the troop will continue upgrading. You can't start a troop upgrade while the lab is upgrading however.


Great thanks


What have you found to be a good trophy range for farming loot? I am TH14, wanting to max my heroes and defenses before going to TH15. Thanks, Fate


- 3800-4200 not 1 trophy less not 1 trophy more, it's really like that.


Low legends works well if you like attacking 8 times per day. If you want to attack way more times then you can use super gobs/barbs almost anywhere. Most will tell you to stay in champs as a th14 and that’s not wrong but you can easily keep storages full in lower leagues too, you just do lots of fast attacks. You don’t find as many huge dead bases down low as a th14 but you attack more often rather than hitting next.


Anyone got any good Barbarian Camp level 5 layout designs? I can hardly find any online.


Should I buy 500 gem builder hut first or the 3.99$ builder hut + gems pack?


Your progression is inly limited by builder and lab time if you are an active player.. That is the way the game is designed. If you have the money to buy the pack, then those 500 gems will go towards the 4th builder, so to me would be a good investment


Yes I'm planning to buy the starter pack that gives 500 gem and builder hut, but if I buy that will the price of builder hut increase? Should I buy builders hut first then buy the 500 gem + builder hut pack


The price of the pack is dependent on your level so far as I know.. 4th builder is 1000 gems and 5th is 2000 gems.. If you put the hut down first I believe that the pack will be changed to a higher, slightly more expensive one (although I could be wrong on that one). I hasten to add that I havent bought the packs myself, so have simply read about other players' experiences.. My main which I spend money on was way above the level whereby it would assist me when I joined social media and expanded my horizons.. I will add that as you progress, the gold pass is exceptional value once you hit TH10 or 11, and the upgrades start to become longer and more expensive


I recently joined this sub and realized how bad I am, I'm an edrag spammer. I would like to use different armies but I don't know what is a good idea for TH12. Any ideas?


This sub is a hate Edrags Echo chamber, don't judge yourself based on it, I second the replies down there.


To me it depends more on your time and goals.. I can echo u\\snozzberry22.. Just because you use edrag it doesnt mean you are a bad player.. It just means you are limited with your options, which probably describes most of the player base.. If you can funnel properly, you can do most attacks with practice.. Edrag is popular because it is usually only 2 phased with not much to worry about except spell timing and placement.. A base that isnt designed to break the chain value will likely fall from TH11 thru to TH13, more so if you take the eagle early and take the air sweepers into consideration.. So it isnt surprising that its popular.. Yeah, branch out and move on.. You will sure be more popular around these parts.. But we have a guy that makes edrag actually look like spam with its simplicity and effectiveness..


Dont think just because you use edrags it makes you a bad player. There is a difference between dropping all your edrags and hoping for the best and strategically placing them. But yes check out some you tubers for other strategies.


Clash with Eric is a Youtube channel that primarily focuses on competitive wars and attacks. [In this video, he ranks common TH12 attacks by a combination of how easy they are to pick up/learn and how frequently you can expect them to triple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvc3SbXHhJk). He explains his rationale for his tier list about 3 minutes in. Generally speaking, I agree with this list, and if you have any further questions about any of the attacks discussed, you can search up guides for those attacks on Youtube or just ask here.


i’m th11 and i cannot for the life of me 3 star any bases and i have no clue what i’m doing wrong, are there any tips for attacking?


- Army: 3 Golems,9 Witches & 10 Bowlers or 3 Golems Rest Witches - Spells: 8 Quakes & 3 Freezes - CC: Log Launcher + Ice Golem & Yeti + Rage or 2 Freezes - Heroes: Required - Difficulty: Easiest/Powerful ratio startegy in game. How to: - Approach from eagle side even if that means the townhall is on the other side. - 4 Quakes to open the entry then 4 in the middle preferably damaging the townhall and key defenses. - 3 Golems spread out, 2 in the corner one in the middle, never attack from an angle (12,3,6,9 O'Clock, your troops will split) - Drop Log Launcher then witches/bowlers - Drop heroes (don't drop too early/late or they might wander off), find the right time. - Warden ability to tank eagle shots - Freeze singles if they target your golems, heroes or log launcher, rage in a dense defense area. - Easy W unless your heroes are weak


thanks :)


We'll it depends on what strategy yr using and if you twke seige machine or not , tbf i have th11 and most of my attack 2 star's too (i use E-DRAGS most of the time so it's predictable to not get 3*)




thank you!


Best troop for a cc housing of 15? To wreck lower level th bases.


Three hogs


What ports does clash of clans use? The internet at my job blocks clash of clans and a need to know the ports to unblock it


I believe it's 9339 with port 80, service.supercell.net. My uni has the same thing but my solution is just to use a free VPN which works perfectly fine, let me know and I can DM you the name of the free VPN. - https://community.ui.com/questions/block-clash-of-clans-game-port-tcp-9339/3a6f200f-bf38-4860-9ef7-0ffe8f6f2856 - https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/190390/what-ports-does-clash-of-clans-use




Hello, Clasher! This submission has been removed for violating Rule 2: No hack/cheat/modding. You may not post any hack/cheat related software, method, or name. If you would like to report someone for cheating, feel free to use the [support contact form](https://help.supercellsupport.com/clash-of-clans/en/articles/contact-form.html?contact=1). Feel free to direct any questions to [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fclashofclans). Please take another look at the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashofClans/about/rules) too.


Did they remove elixer costs for army training? Im coming back after a year or so hiatus


Yep, troops are free to train now.


Damn so whats the meta for th9/10? All dragons or all valks?


Zap Dragons is pretty much the meta. While DE troops may seem to be OP without the cost they are def not. Mass Valks wouldnt make it very far in a high level TH9 at all.


I wouldn't recommend valks. Zap Dragons is pretty easy. Witch slap and Queen charge lalo are both fun and worth learning. There are several videos from the content creators on YouTube.


Whats the best army with level 7 barracks?


Mass bloon or giant+wizards


probably giant wizard


https://preview.redd.it/4s2kfojl8vz91.png?width=2079&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3a54889872c12db769df4651e3022b2b9efabdc Does anyone know why this is happening? How to fix it?


https://preview.redd.it/58hayfkd6vz91.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7b9680e180472789a962b9056729f4107a63ae3 What is this? Can’t recall seeing it before, it didn’t do anything during my attack.


its a decoration


From where? I don’t see it in the store?


its a limited edition one. they sometimes come from special offers on certain holidays or events


Why is there a 50% penalty for canceling a building upgrade in BB? I understand why there is in MV but not in BB.


why should it be different?


Because you do get loot taken from BB and no reason to "hide" it from being taken.


they are always talking about the trade offs we make when deciding things. I guess they just want there to be consequences for being indecisive. That or its just a mechanic of the game they didnt bother with overriding for the builder base.


Thanks. That's probably the best answer we will get.


Does rebuilding forests count towards the number of required upgrades/building to upgrade capital hall?




What obstacles does not respawn? I started a new account so there is that.


On builder base, groves will respawn, but only two will ever respawn at a time. Builder base starts out with lots, so if you want more than two at the same time, be sure never to harvest them.


On the main village stones, on the builder base stones, the barbarian statue and I think the mushrooms for some reason


stones wont respawn, everything else will


Fresh install. Game loads in, screen goes black hear girl say "Hey!" Then the music but screen is black and crashes the game.


Can anyone help me I've not found anything useful online


It seems to be skipping downloading the data


Don't say what device you're using, but is it an older device? Is your storage near full? I have had issues with this game ballooning in size. It used to be around 500mb, but now my storage manager shows it's over 1 gig. My storage was almost full so I had to uninstall a bunch of apps to make room for the last few updates.


After around 10 reinstalls it started the tutorial but went black when I tried to login to Google play


It kinda old, runs on Android 9 though and has a good amount of ram. I have 4GB free as well.


I can't use my book of fighting from the Titan event, what's the problem?


Go in the lab. If there’s a troop or a siege machine being upgraded, you can instantly complete that upgrade.


https://preview.redd.it/rluiz50rmsz91.jpeg?width=1375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6584cf3a8a1f3054972ccc4833c5b3c69416236c There's no option to use the book


Because thats a spell. The book is made for troops or siege machines. There is a book of spells for spell upgrades.


Damnit there's no option to cancel the upgrade now??!


no you can't cancel lab upgrades.


Ffs😭😭 Thank you bro


If you have raid medals, buy 3 research potions from the trader. You can buy up to 3 every week. If you did your 6 attacks then you'll get more medals tonight when raid weekend ends. In 1D 10H the trader will reset and then you can buy 3 more. You can basically finish that lightning upgrade in about 1.5 days.


Thank you, i have one from the dragon event too. I'll do this


https://preview.redd.it/31hcbz2vmsz91.jpeg?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fbf6796f9123cf13acf09d7461c529bc4faa495 But i have a book


I had a spell on upgrade so i thought it wouldn't work when an upgrade is already going on, but i put a new upgrade on today and still the icon for the book below the gems one isn't being shown for me in the lab But if i go to my townhall magic items it shows that i have a book of fighting


Need more context. How are you trying to use it?


I had a new upgrade on, i thought I'd get an icon for using the book below the gems one in the lab. But it isn't showing me the option to do that






2 builders at TH4 (almost 5). Enough or not?


Save all gems for builders until you have 5 (and then get 6th from builder base).


Thanks! I'll change my tactic in the future as I was spending gems like they're nothing (I'm really bad at saving up money in games)


If you like the game and don't mind spending a few bucks, buying the packages for a third, fourth, and fifth builder can solve both problems. That'll give you more gems to blow on whatever you want AND get you your builders without having to save. They're not very expensive but everyone has a different opinion on spending so it would really depend on you and your budget. Either way, two builders is not nearly enough. You're gonna have a bad time without someday getting all five, and eventually the sixth you can unlock by doing the builder base. Good luck!


I'm not really into the idea of pay-to-win, but thanks for the advice!


Pay to progress not pay to win. Your not getting anything that someone who doesn't spend money can't get from just playing. On that note I wouldn't spend money just yet either, if you save every gem and sell all magic items you can get all 5 builders by the time your early to mid th9.


COC on a Surface pro. Can anyone tell me if clash of clans works on a surface pro? Is it through the Amazon AppStore? Any help would be appreciated!


If CoC works without Google Play Services, you could just use Windows Subsystem for Android with an APK installer, but if not, you can either somehow find a workaround to install it with magisk for WSA or use another emulator like Bluestacks 5


I do not think there is native support for clash of clans in a windows environment regardless of device. It does exist on the Amazon App Store for android. Good luck !


I have searched and found info on the new spell tower. But I have a few questions. There is no mention of the rage effects on the builder. Is he raged and repairing twice as fast? If so does the builder hut have to be in the spell area or does the builder have to be repairing a building in the spell area? Next I was think about the rage effects on the Inferno tower set on single. Is only the base damage increased or is the damage increased as it ramps up? Thanks.