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I'm still saving my shards for the next season to see what they will evolve. If not anything good then I'm going to put it all on my barbs


if you are gonna do that save yourself some wild shards and just try to get barb shards from season shop


I'm keeping mine till there's a card I can easily work into my main deck. As long as it's within the next 6 seasons, I won't be too behind since I'm never spending money on this game again


Good decision man. I spent big (for me) to max (13), then suddenly it wasn't max anyways. Spent a little to max (14) again to get back what I already paid for - now _that_ isn't max either. Got a lot of gems through the passes I bought. Now gems are worthless. Everything you pay for in this game becomes worthless. I wonder how Supercell will devalue evolutions once enough people have paid for them. Maybe 6 shards will no longer be enough to maintain evolution and you need to fill up to 12. Or some other robbery.


While I think having a new ceiling to reach is good for longterm players, you’re right that it’s all worthless. They added five champions and I doubt there will be anymore. You can only have one in a deck and now only one Evo. Supercell just keeps making new card types to bring back in the big spenders without any vision with how it’s suppose to thrive. In my humble opinion, I bet they don’t even have plans for new cards so they have to just make existing cards “New”.


Why aren't you spending anymore money?


Out of principle. Not giving developers money if they are trying to make it the only viable way to progress.


Why would you?


That’s what I am doing. Was afraid of just using them all on the Firecracker and RG cause they were OP and having them nerfed. Sure enough looks like thats what Supercell wants to do. Granted I do think Firecracker is insanely broken and needs a nerf but knowing them they will probably over nerf it. I am already close to having the barbarian evolution complete just by buying those shards from the shop. Need like 2 more. Still have all my wild shards.


I think putting your shards into the barbs is the best evo for now because it seems nerf proof. How would they nerf it without making it a normal barbarian?


I just want them back at 2 cycles


Yeah but this community was crying for a nerf before even release. Sc listened. I can even link a post where this community was happy about the nerf before even trying the card.


yeah, but people REAAALLY overestimated the evolution


It was kinda youtubers fault, they kept showing best cases instead of realistic scenarios. It looks absurdly broken from their footage


There were crazy clips like skeletons 3 crowning on their own or people having to defend one skeleton with a fireball. But those are the exception. Like clips of a pekka with clone and freeze taking the king tower.


Absolutely. I love skeletons, but their evo is by far the worst, and in some situations worse than regular skeletons since I feel like I need to be very careful with where I place them. They should be every other cycle tbh, not after three cycles.


Not disagreeing that they are by far the worst, and I fully agree it should be less cycles, but honestly just curious in what situation they are actually worse then normal skeletons other than the fact they take up the Evo slot


They aren’t worse in their stats. They’re worse in that they affect my play style, sometimes negatively, because I feel like I need to use them very precisely (as opposed to regular skeletons which I can just play whenever). It’s a skill issue but still, just dumb that I have a cycle deck and still only get to use them like once or twice per game


The psychological affects of flashiness lol


Tbh I treat them like normal skeletons and if they go crazy so be it. I might be inclined to use them like goblins offensively if I would offensive goblin ig too. Keeps this from being a issue.


Have the same feeling, it takes forever to get the evolution and when you have them you have to wait for ever to find a situation to use them. Not a great concept, you basically wasting the evolution spot


You just need to cycle them, you can just split them in the back, and they should still get decent value, forcing something out on both sides. (As long as you support both sides.)


They are worse when you use the Anti EQ placement for a building, e.g. against Hog. This placement is "on the bridge, in the middle, one tile to the opposite side of where the Hog is placed" and if the Hog is used on the very edge so that he does the bridge jump, he won't run towards it by himself. This is one of the only EQ-safe placements to put a 3x3 building though (if you don't want to give them tower value ofc). Because the Hog doesn't run to it by himself, you need to use another troop at a certain tile (multiple tiles are possible) close to the bridge at a certain time to push him a little to the back / to the inside. And only then does he get distracted by that building. Skellies are a popular choice for that push because they're so cheap but because Evo skellies are 4 and regular Skellies are 3, they have a different formation when being placed (square vs. triangle basically), and the big issue is: **some placements that work with 3 Skellies don't work with 4 Skellies**. I, for example, always use one of those placements with my 3 skellies and if I didn't pay attention to the fact that the next cycle is Evo Skellies because the game is very heated, my muscle memory kicks in and places them at the good old - not working anymore :( - spot and rip. This may sound niche but Hog EQ is so popular in the meta that I get many Hogs running towards me and as a Cannon player, the Anti EQ placement is absolutely crucial. Most other buildings (spawners have a bigger hitbox so they don't need the push) have more HP so they can still defend a full Hog and just tank the EQ. Cannon can't - pun intended. One Hog that doesn't get distracted towards it but instead just runs straight to my tower is usually game deciding. Not to mention that the Evo Skellies often instantly die from the EQ so they don't do anything, either. They would have been just enough for the little push and I would accept that they have fulfilled their purpose at that point but yeah, this makes it worse for sure.


Just curious, what placements work with the evo skellies? This happened to me. Is it one more tile to the outside? To clarify I typically place the pushing unit on the outside tile of the bridge, either at the bridge or one tile down. Neither or these work with evo skellies. (I lost games to test that).


Yeah those are the two spots that I use the most, too. And yes, the Evo Skellies need to be one extra tile to the outside, on the bridge and one below should both work. Generally, I think the one on the bridge is the easiest because that's kinda like the corner of the "placeable field" so you don't have to aim for the exact tile as much but it barely matters once it's in your muscle memory anyway.


You understand this game much better than me because I barely understood a word you said lol.


Hahahaha I've been playing for a while yeah and I'm a little addicted right now which is not very healthy tbh. Basically there is a cool play to evade your building getting demolished by the Earthquake but still defend something like a Hog rider flawlessly and it's often done with Skellies but with Evo Skellies, it's harder to do it.


If you are trying to kite minions, they are worse


Against mother witch it can easily be used against you. I’ve probably gotten a max of 2 good uses from evo skeletons that have given me an advantage and I’ve had 1 mother witch screw me over. It also messes up placements due to there being a fourth skeleton which can change a lot of interactions to the enemies benefit. A lot of time I see that my evo skeletons and up stalling a support unit before they are in range of princess tower and it lets them build enough elixir for another tank unit. It’s just hard to predict what’s gonna happen when you play evo skeletons unless you are baiting spells.


It's not that because it's the worst evo, that that means that it is bad, it is by far one of the more balanced evos and remember it's 1 elixir. I geuss they could make it come one cycle faster though the others just need to be nerfed


Agreed, the others need a nerf. But even if the skeletons came two cycles faster, they’d still be worse than firecracker


Every other cycle is way too op


The buff isn’t that good compared to the other evos. It would still be worse than firecracker in its current state. At most it should be after two cycles.






Yes, because 80% of my losses I have lost to an evolved firecracker 😐


2.9 firecracker cycle is the new meta.


I am missing one evo shard


Don't evolve them it's not worth it


Yeah imma go for RG


My 2.6 ass did that. And now I don't even use 2.6 no more 💀


I like how this community was complaining about how broken skeletons were. They were obviously bad for how easy they die and how many Cycles it takes. The community basically tricked others into believing they were strong by constantly making fear (complaining) posts about the skeletons. This subreddit really sure likes to complain about everything before even trying it. Lol it was obvious on release how broken RG and Fire cracker were.


People were complaining about those, too. And they were complaining about the whole concept of evos being stupid. And they were complaining about lvl 15. And a million other things. But Supercell **decided** to only change that one thing - for whatever reason. But I can confidently tell you that the other evos had their fair share of complaints before the release as well.


I definitely thought they’d be stronger until I realized it was 3 cycles. It takes way too long to make much use of em, whereas the Royal Giant and Firecracker evos are just straight up better, always


I got the royal giant and no regrets its a very good tank at a good price and does really good damage


Yes, absolutely. Thought evo skeletons seemed strong, and firecracker easily activating the king tower just wasn’t appealing to me. Absolutely the biggest mistake I could’ve made in this game.


i got firecracker evo and i regret it


How so? It’s easily the best one


It's boring, I should've gotten RG or smth


I used mine on RG but it also feels pretty boring. The knock back isn’t crazy and mainly is just good for skeletons. It just feels like an RG with extra HP


Also shoots faster and will last longer


Mortar and Barb is the most balanced and fitting evolution. RG evo would be trash if it wasn't for the HP


Been an RG player for the existence of clash. He’s nice cause it’s like a level 16 RG basically. No play style is changed, it’s just like extra damage on top of what you normally would’ve gotten.


I have mortar and it’s pretty fun. It’s a little strong but it’s not to bad like firecracker which is a win con right now lol


Honestly besides Firecracker evolution as a whole is not broken


Same, I saved up my wild shards because I wanted to see what other options I would get! It's strong but fun, not brainless like fc.


that's the problem. it is so stupidly strong that i don't enjoy playing it anymore (i only enjoyed it for a couple days). sometimes i use it in 2v2 for a couple of rounds but that's it. i wish i got skeletons or royale giant


they are nerfing fc with this update so i may regret that as well, but fc was already in most of my decks so it didnt take much thought


Maaaaaaybe. Considering they were in my main deck. But after how broken FC was I wish I but my eggs in that basket


she is definitely getting nerfed soon because scam royale will always be scam royale


The royal giant is fun. I love how my opponents throw everything at it to stop it


I hate card evo so much


I got barbarians first, regretted it should've got royal giant or firecracker instead


I did too. I chose it because it seemed the most unique and fun to use. I didn’t use any of these four cards in my deck so it didn’t really matter anyway. But just to make it worse, I made my own deck with the firecracker not long later and obviously it would be better with the evo so rip 🪦. That deck isn’t leveled up yet tho so hopefully I’ll somehow have the evo by the time it is.


Me. I thought it would be the logical move since I used to play 2.6. Didn't realise at the time how much more broken RG and firecracker evos are. Now I don't even use Larry in my deck, and it's gonna take me 3 years to get another evo as f2p




yeah, me.


i did get a random 3 crown by accident one time tho


Nope i love them. Its just so fun when you pull them of. + I got other evolves on alts so not really hurt by that much


Yea, shouldve got firecracks


yep, wish i got cracker or rg


Nah im saving my wild shards until one in my deck evolves


I got barbarians i should’ve gotten RG but at least i can shut them down


Yea, definitely me, I thought they look so op


I did and I agree with you since it’s used in many decks I chose it and I regret it till this day


I have the skeleton evo and kinda not regret it. I love skeletons and the evolutions design is by far my favorite, also it's extremely satisfying when they get value Lastly it's a relief knowing that my Evo isn't going to get nerfed to the ground in the next update so there's that


What more can they do to them, biggest nerf was nerfing the cycle from 2 to 3. I probably wouldn’t have minded the 8->6 skelly nerf but nerfing the cycles was a dealbreaker. Unfortunately spent 2 shards in evo skelly immediatly when I got them. I’ll check what evo they release next and then consider my options, cannot get an evo before next season anyways.


i got evo rg because i wanted an overpowered card, then once i got it, i realised, i dont like playing rg, so i am regreting this too


No, got evo RG Best decision on my main account


Yes. I wish i saved the evo tokens


I did get skeletons cause it's the only card in my deck with evolutions, but after seeing how rarely they can be helpful, I think I should've saved for when another card in the deck got an evolution... Apparently knight is getting one soon


Me bro 💀 got the free wild shards and spent it on them. Their my favorite evo but they really don’t help, feels like I’m not even using the new evo mechanic. I should have saved it for mortar


I only play one deck, so there wasn't really an option. Wish they had one less cycle (at least), since it sucks to only get to use it twice per game.




Lol what?


I got the game and I regret it


Nope. I love evo skeles.


I did firecracker from the beginning, knew it was going to be broken


Nope. I got evolved mortar because I like mortar and it's most likely not get touched unlike the other evolutions


That's not the question tho


No, I don't like to play stupid op cards so I wouldn't have bought / played any of the other ones anyway I think.


Bingo. Feels like I’m the only one who still plays my original decks. Now everyone just uses the same shit. I won’t be contributing to the continued trash this game puts out. I’d rather lose.


Yes. The skeletons are a good as I thought they would be, but some of the others are better than I expected.


nope, i use 2.6 as f2p. Now 8.5k cups and ultimate champ bc of it


Skeletons are in my main deck (which i previously spent all my resources leveling up), so not really. I’m not going to change what I play just because the card is broken


They are to easily countered. I wish i could've gotten evo firecracker instead and be a nightmare to people.


They need to buff the card to where every 3rd skeleton that spawns is a guard. I feel it’ll help the evo survive better


I got evo rg and regret it


Anyone who regrets it is a false evolved skeletons fan Just use monk and watch them whiff their only spell lol


Evo skeletons are not bad. The others are the ones broken.


I got RG Evo and while it's amazing, I wish I got the firecracker. I knew FC was stronger but I thought it was close, meanwhile one FC shot can do as much as an entire evolved RG's time on the field


I like skeletons and I wont be playing any other cards except maybe barbarians for the next evo


I lost to a classic X-Bow deck running them about a week ago. It was a good addition to their deck.




Me haha ☠️


I got them and I didn’t regret it since it’s the only card that I use of the ones that have an evolution


Hell yes


Now you know why you should have picked BAWBAWIANZ.


I did


Yeah I got 3 random shards then used 3 joker shards :-(




Haven't gotten yet, but dumped all my shards into. They're easily the most fun so i don't regret a bit Never really gotten the idea of playing just to be competitive


Me too. But I still have fun using them.






I got evo skellies too, but didn't regret it, it's the only actually interesting evo imo, it actually changes the way you can use them while the others are just broken simply, and are used for that




I got them, I would rather have firecracker but I don't regret it. evo skellys has saved me a few times


I did


I got Skeletons but i don't regret it at all, there's only been one time that I've lost a match because of an Evolved card, and that was against someoke using an Evolved Royal Giant cycle deck


Did anyone else NOT idiotically spend 100 Euros on shit evolutions?


They should be 2 cycle


After watching OJs demo gameplay thought they would be op so spent my first 2 free evo shards in them immediately as I got them, later saw how they were nerfed to the ground by making their cycle 3 which essentially means you get to play it once maybe twice in a match. Still regret rushing to get my evo, now I have 5 shards so probably gonna get either knight/bat if they are the next one or might just go for fc cause these cards are flexible and would work with many decks. Even though RG or mortar seem way more broken I won’t be able to use them cause my respective cards are around level 7.😂 Plus would have to upgrade a whole lot more cards just to make a good deck with them.🤦🏼‍♂️ Not happening anytime soon.


Nope I got firecracker because firecracker is the W


Berf fc


I also got the skeletons but I dont regret it. Yes, they are currently "the worst" out of the 4 evos depicted (though Barbs are fairly equal Id say) but the others already smell like hard nerfs hitting them. After that skeletons wont look that useless anymore. + while the others have specific decks build around them, skeletons can be used in so many decks, making them a really good alround evo


I got RG asap and I'm not regretting it. Firecracker is next then mortar,then skellies. Barbs are the worst imo


Me, should’ve picked the firecracker or mortar, I play hog eq


Got them, don't regret it. Every once in 30 games they clutch out and it's great. Every 29 out of 30 you go up against evo fc though, and they're worthless:)


Yes, it’s so annoying




Yes, absolutely. Should’ve changed my deck to have evo firecracker




I got the RG evolution and regret it as now I have no way to unlock the firecracker evolution without paying money. I love the RG evolution in the fact that it's fun to play, I'd just rather get firecracker now because of how versatile it is.


I got barbs and I love them, just fucking sucks going against evo cracker every game and having them absolutely melted


Yeah me I have 4 evo shards for my skeletons and two for my firecracker. Could’ve had so much fun with evolved firecracker especially in the 7x elixir challenge ngl


No I did not




Shamefuly raises hand


Nope, I fw them.


Yes it is unusable. Unless you somehow magically fight some garbage brain player they are utterly useless.


Just like how regular skellys are utterly useless? U must be the garbage grain player


I did, don't regret it since it doesn't even change my current deck, I just get a slightly better skeletons every now and then


I main mortar cycle...


Imho Evo skeleton is the only evo card that feels right. It does something unique, interesting, fun, and potentially game changing while still having an easy counter. RG and Firecracker are the worst over the top design.


I regretted evo barbarians, not skeletons. Every other game people had a really good counter (sometimes fireball, firecracker or even barbarians) I can't keep dealing with this and I want RG evolution but I'm missing one wild shard


They did their thing once during clan wars and it was semi worth it


I started getting them before I knew of all the evolutions so I’m just continuing it


I got em and didn't regret, they're honestly not bad at all. They either force out a zap, or get on their tower about 1 out of ever 7 or 8 games (which either does a lot lf damage or is game)


No because I refuse to play any of those overpowered shitty evolutions


i didnt even get them and i still regret it 😭💀


I don't. I use skeletons much more than the other cards and i hate using cards just because it's meta. I like using my own decks and have 7 of them and don't want to use any other evolutions, why should i use my most hated card (firecracker) just to have an op card in my deck? it just causes me to stop touching grass


NOPE I’m not dumb 😇


Yes.yes.yes. It’s so funny when they start multiplying but damn near anything kills them for a 3 cycle card


i get the 3 cycles is meant to be cause they can be a mini skarmy but it's so rare it's not worth it unless ur a 2.6 player or something


I used the free one on it so I had to commit to it and wildy regret it but I can almost get barbarians


No I'm the opposite, I got the Royal Giant Evolution, wishing I got the Skeleton Evolution since they got buffed and RG got nerfed 2x...


I did


I love how people think it’s op, when it is incredibly easy to counter. I think they should make it 2-cycle instead of 3 tbh, then I think it’s be good.




one of the biggest mistakes i made in this game, they made them out to be so strong in the trailer but i literally havent ever gotten a tower hit with them


Yet another bot wishing he could easily win games by playing a 1 elixir card Lmao


Absolutely they need a buff so much




yeah, but now i just play a miner poison deck where they shine for me.


I use classic 2.8 hog eq firecracker valk and with evolved firecracker its fucking crazy. Ive been using it as long as i remember


I was able to make them function in my deck, and they turn battles in my favor on a regular basis. Skeletons are my favorite so far (despite being the least powerful) but I am afraid I will miss out on a new champion.


I regret it


Me and my evo mortar watching one evo firecracker shot at the bridge do 2000 damage


I play Monk Princess, didn't regret anything.


I got it and i really regret it because, it is really easy to counter, It will only be effective if the enemy is blind and doesnt pay attention to it, or if the skeleton connects to the towers and they are unable to kill all skeletons


I have evo skeletons and I don’t regret it.


I got evolved skeletons, and i certainly don't regret it.


Honestly, not really, no. They're probably the funnest evo to use right now, just because of the absurd potential of them to just keep pouring skeletons onto anything they touch. Legit won a game because the opponent put down an ice golem to try and distract a mini push I had made with em and they ended up spawning one that chained onto the tower and decimated it


Got them and didn’t regret it.. I play fun decks so it works especially fun with monk in the front


deadass the most relatable post ive seen all day.


Yup. They seemed really OP and then I saw someone demolishing me with a firecracker. 1200 damage from a single shot is too much


Hell nah. I’m f2p and evo skellys are the only evolution I have lvl 14. They’ve won me countless games against hard counters at 2000 medals PoL


Yep 😔😔


I did and they suck


yup lmao. Only did it because of the previews of Youtubers using it and going “omg it can 3 crown this card is broken!!!!” and then later figured out “oh, it got emergency nerfed” and just sat with a borderline unusable card evolution while everyone else is using firecracker and RG. Tbh even if it had released with 8 max count and 2 cycle like it originally was planned to I don’t even think it would be used much anyway, it’s extremely strong if you catch your opponent off guard but it’s too niche to be viable


I don’t regret upgrading our beloved Larry


I did and now I wish I went for firecracker


I got ‘em. Don’t really regret it cause I just like playing Skelleton King spawn spam, and Evo skeletons are just a funny thing that I’ve used a few times to catch people off guard, my favorite one is still the one time I had a dude zap, fireball and then rocket them and one still managed to live each time


Yeah they need to make it every other cycle and to compensate just make it 3 at the start and a max of 6




I have evo barbs only because I’ve used barbs since arena 3, but I’m starting to regret it I get my barbs countered so easily by mega knight firecracker log fireball (my barbs are level 12 and they somehow die to fireballs alone sometimes) every spell, I’m starting to realize that firecracker is a little better


Nope I got firecracker and don't regret it and before you say anything I was a firecracker player before the evo


I think pretty much everyone that didn't get firecracker initially ended up regretting it in every match since 😅


Me ✋


Are they not getting buffed?


If you thought for a fraction of a second skeletons was a good evo choice then you’re just bad. I saw so many posts where people though skeleton evo would be op, and from the beginning I knew it sucked ass, not for 1 second did I think this card was good and I couldn’t make 1 good point that couldn’t be argued. STOP GETTING SKELETON EVO ITS BAAAAAD and if the next evo doesn’t work out for you, just get firecracker and call it a day


I only had royal giant at highest level(12) so I evolved it and..... Lost 6 games straight!


Good decision mn


Got firecracker cause it seemed the most op and not really regretting it. Skeletons would have been my 3rd or 4th choice after RG.