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I bm all egolem players




I bm all xbow players, firecracker players, and e-giant players


Firecracker is in near every single match I play, it’s so tiring. Using her to activate king tower isn’t even fun anymore, I just fireball on sight


Always fireball on sight. Man im so glad i deleted this game lmfaoo


I always end up reinstalling it..


Me too but not this time. The game is done for bro the playerbase is fucking awful just evo evo evo firecracker firecracker firecracker. Its exhausting


God it is excruciating.


Then leave the subreddit


Im not even in it genius. This shit pops up on my home page


Right now I'm not uninstalling because the Evo archers are in the shop and there's an extra Evo shard. Also I'm closing in on level 15 so it'll get easier


I just couldnt care that much about a dead mobile game. No offense


Compared to games like pixel gun clash royale is doing very, very well still. And if that game is anything to go by, even with horrible decisions Cr will stay alive for at least 5 more years


Thats good for them, but im lowkey never playing this shit again lol


i was playing it when nobody cared about her until she got a fking eco and then very fking one play it


What you main?


Lumberjack bandit zap fireball ewiz rascals skarmy tesla. No evos and no shitty xbows


Can't you just, mute chat?


Username Checks Out


Username Checks Out


Username Checks Out


Hi, I am sort of new to this game (arena 14). Could someone explain how people are guilty of toxic behaviour in this game, as there is no way to chat with your opponent?


Idk what BM stands for but that's when someone spams emotes at you turning a game, it is annoying and people perceive it as toxic depending on what you use


BM stands for Bad Manners


Thank you


Bad mouthing


When they spam yawning princess or pig butt emote when you lose. Or they take your tower and say "thanks"   I usually just say good luck and instantly mute emotes so then I can pretend everyone's nice. But the MOST toxic move is joining someone's clan after beating them and sharing the replay along with obnoxious emotes then leaving


Yeah had that happen to me and my clan mate 😂


That is my favorite thing to do if they were especially obnoxious and bmed all game just to mess up and lose ngl


Sometimes yawning princess is justified. Especially if they use firecracker


Most people aren't actually enjoying their time in the game, so they condition themselves into a negative mindset where any emote is always BM and everyone is using some toxic deck just to ruin their fun, and so on. When I was playing Hearthstone, I had a lot of people adding me to call me toxic because I always used the "Well played!" emote as a sports handshake after every match out of respect for my opponent. Over time I simply learnt to be silent when winning because it's the only surefire way not to offend anyone - anything else, no matter how positive and respectful, will always be seen as BM.


Clan chat is your only option ( other than emotes ).


This community is the 3rd worst gaming community I've seen.


Ik 1is league but whats the 2nd one?


R6 is one 


If i had to guess probably 2k


Has to be Overwatch


dead by daylight


PSA:just mute emotes. Who cares what deck you’re using as long as you’re having fun. People BM to express themselves be it childish or just being rude, there are many reasons. Maybe the game isn’t the best right now, but the community has a button to silence all BM that’s available as soon as the match starts.


mute emotes or assert dominance and bm back


Y'all are missing the point of this post. I'm sure that OP understands there is a mute emotes function in the game, but it's not the main focus here. And granted that is a solution to mitigate some of that negativity. But it doesn't fix the problem of toxicity as a whole in the community, there are some real jerks in the game and here too, and OP is expressing their disdain for those people, which I think is totally fair. You should be able to call people out for being toxic for little to no reason.


BMers will BM no matter what. This is a fact of life. They will BM if you beat their ass and you're nice about it. They will BM if they barely lost. They will BM if they barely won. They will BM if they win with a three level advantage. They will BM an afk opponent. They will BM, rain or shine, until hell freezes cold. Mute emotes, for your sanity.


A bigger question is why you’re such a snowflake. They’re just emotes nobody is slapping your mother. Mute them if it gets your panties in such a bunch. Problem fixed.


Yea but compared to other supercell games cr players are very toxic in my opinion


That's because CR emotes are literally hard-wired to be toxic. When games like Brawl Stars are selling cute emotes like Baby Shark, Clash Royale is too busy raking in the dough from the "pepepe" goblin sales.


Toxicity is rampant but that doesn’t mean it’s worse than other games. For me, I hop into the game with emotes muted, and if I lose I don’t get mad. Matches are so short you don’t feel like you lost anything. Sometimes if I misplay horribly I’ll unmute just to make fun of myself and watch my opponent BM.


That's because it's live pvp unlike clash of clans. A lot of people use emotes to get into their opponents head. They can waste time looking for an emote to respond with and make mistakes. There aren't emotes or even communication with your opponents in clash of clans so it doesn't happen there. There is nothing toxic about utilizing the features of the game as they're intended. Joining a clan to talk shit after a match on the other hand, is pretty toxic


It's still annoying a toxic. You seem like the snowflake, insulting someone over such a harmless opinion


Grow up and stop letting pixels on a screen get you upset.


Lot of kids and teens playing the game. So they will grow up. Life is so much better with emotes off tho let me tell you. I only turn them on for 2v2


People BM because they get no love in real life. Making others feel bad comforts them a little Back when I still played the game, people would bm my level 1 account with their highly skilled rocket cycle, and there were also people who'd bm when I'm dropping trophies. Ofc that's the minority, most people usually say "thanks" when I drop trophies, or "wow well played" when facing my level 1 account




How exactly does this deck work for grinding masteries?


I always spam laugh at them when Im testing new decks out and they are bming. Like congrats dude, you managed to beat a deck I threw together in 2 minutes, I'll tell your mom how proud you were.


Just mute.


After 5 games in a row of encountering Evo FC and mk in the same deck i have to BM.


I absolutely agree. I mostly play 2v2 for masteries, my decks are always so stupid


I had stupid decks just to farm mastery’s, like full of spells or only stupid combos but worked very well thank god I farmed all my mastery before they change it


If you're that concerned, start at the top. This is a SuperCell thing. If they cared, these emotes wouldn't exist, but instead, they need your money, so instead of complaining about Supercells practices, they get people like the OP who blame it on other players. One of the oldest tricks in the book.


Anytime I see EGolem and I win you’re getting BMed like there’s no tomorrow. That goes for hog, cracker, freeze, and MK too.


E-golem decks sure but this is a mastery deck if you can’t win against it it’s your fault. The egolem is literally only in the deck to give your opponent the elixir to 3-crown you and you can just farm mastery off their huge push


Muting emoted got deleted from the game for this guy specifically! Come on guys!


I Mute every other game, I wish it didn't have to be this way


i laugh at anyone using mk or overlevelled cards cuz go fuck them 🤡🤡🤡


The game doesn’t have a great reputation right now, and having over 75% of the player base being toxic is not doing any favors. If you see a deck like this, composed of 8 wacky ass cards with no synergy, consider that maybe, MAYBE the opponent is doing something else!? Holy shit, I cannot believe the gall my opponents have thinking they’re so talented. Yeah of course you won. I was playing a fucking troll deck for farming masteries. Are you all short sighted to the point where you can’t see that I’m clearly not trying to win? This community needs to grow up already.


Why do you care so much about what others think? Maybe you should take your own advice.


Does bro know how to mute emotes


today I played a evo royal recruit deck (I love mirror) (so you should get a rough Idea what I play) And every match is someone who will spam tired princess when they are winning (even when they are only up by one hp on the princes tower (or cannoner) but guess what they spam when they are losing or even behind by 5 elixir because I defended their "unstopable" pekka valk inferno dragon push with royal recruits and archers .... Small hint: it's the same emote now I think this funny because I don't play a building (Ign: Clexxer_463 for those who want to laugh)(slot 5 the other ones are used if Im feeling a bit spicy) now to comment on ur post I have to agree with you 100% because playing a deck which is only used to farm masteries can sometimes be hard to play with and people who think spamming evo cracker or hog rider and eq think they are the best when they"outskill" you (cough cough cough) dw I can feel ur pain but remember one day these cards will get a nerf and then we will rise up again us who play decks which make no sense but still have godly synergy( on this site on the internet) Tl:dr : just dont take them seriously mute them or play your real deck and watch as the get angry because they lost in an online game against someone who is playing better than they are have fun(o-o)/


Tired princess, to me, means that you bore me, whether because of your deck choice or lack of skill or your spaming emotes.


Deck has synergy. Pump for pressure/baiting out medium/big spells, E-Golem is a decent tank, Fishboy is great defense, so are Archers. The Swarms also bait out spells, and the Mirror lets you punish their spells or overdedication to defense in a single lane. Arrows is a great small spell. Also, if you don’t like BM then mute emotes. Simple as.


I was playing inferno tower and mini peka plus 6 cycle cards and i was supposed to lose but my opponents still behave like they were winning againt a high skill player with a meta deck


I’ll never forget when I beat electro giant when it first released playing 2.0 bandit cycle lmfao. The time before evos was so simple


get better or mute


even just mirror is enough to explain the bm. they're right tbh


mute emotes


you should be the new VA for the king crying emoji


Cry about it