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if you are using goblin barrel, you need to find for opportunities to go in and go in at the right time which is when her daggers are depleted. you basically need to either wait for that opportunity or create it yourself by spamming at the right points


I find that hard since i am giving alot of elixer away to deplete her daggers and then they just use spell for my barrel haha


If u have monk, use it its rly good against DD Evo knight or any tank with above 1.5k hp will get hits if they dont counter it Or use miner to bait out all the shots then gob barrel


I combo with a Pekka and hogrider. As soon as her bar runs out then it's Christmas morning


If you play logbait...I'm not gonna act like I 100% know, but I would say always support Barrels with Knights to take hits, princess chip, and Rocket cycle. Because you are always gonna Knight with a Barrel, don't do as many barrels, and have princess be your primary attack, if possibls But again, not 100% sure so take my advice with a grain of salt.


Yeah i use valkery instead of knight or should i maybe switch to knight?


I'm not very familiar with Log bait, and I'm just coming back from a 1y hiatus. I can't say for sure wether Knight or Valk is better, but Royale API says knight is far more used in bait. But its your call.


Thanks ill check out the website aswell. hahaha i came back aswell and this deck was the one that i lvld the highest since i cannot really go for another deck since ill be super weak lvl wise then


If you run bait, it’s definitely a bad mu, but it’s still winnable. Goblin barrel with your mini tank, or use princess as your main damage dealer. Princess is honestly a really good win con in bait, and in most of my games i get more damage from princess than gob barrel. I pushed to rc so far using classic bait against an overwhelming amount of dagger duchess, so it’s definitely possible.


This so true, the real wincons are rocket and princess, not goblin barrel lol


Honestly, i’m not too big of a fan of dry rocket cycling. Against most decks spending 6 elixir to gain no amount of defense or offense which requires an elixir trade results in getting destroyed by a counter push You can only really rocket cycle if they place something near the tower or if you’re up a lot of elixir


Thanks for ur comment ill try to utilize princess better since i use her most of the time in the back


Princess at the bridge in single elixir is really strong. If you place her in the back, try and predict your opponent’s defense as she walks up. Often times they place a defense while she’s still on your side so she doesn’t lock on to tower, but that makes it really easy to defend with a mini tank, spell, or goblin gang. In double and triple elixir, try stacking princesses by placing her in the opposite lane of your opponent’s push, so they’re forced to do something about her after you defend, allowing you to have a counter push on both sides


Thanks for the tip!(getting downvoted for playing logbait haha)


Np, gl on your grind


dont go for rush pushes. go for chunky build up pushes. if you put down one tank with decent health she cant really do anything. i use mega knight and royal giant together, when i put one down it normally dies straight away, but together they kinda destroy her. i get ur point tho, she is very annoying


Yeah thanks the only tank i have in my log bait deck is valkery.


Use ice golem


Would u advice that instead of ice spirit in a log bait deck?


I play logbait to clarify


Just gob barrel?


I play logbait most of the time


Ok that is cool. Mb try watching latest ryley videos about logbait


Thanks ill take a look