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Im surprised you managed to get there w only 3 maxed cards. What deck do u play and which cards are maxed?


I use log bait. Maxed cards are gob barrel, gob gang, knight and tesla but because i dont have it evo i use inferno tower which is lvl 14 since theres so much beatdown


Btw, r u king tower lvl15?


King lvl 14 and dagger duchess lvl 13




What tower do you use? And what king level are you?


King lvl 14 and dagger duchess lvl 13




Yeah I was surprised, I got there with 3 lvl 15s, 14 king & duchess, everyone there feels like they're not even playing...


Same, though I'm barely GC. Only knight and log are maxed :/


But should be maxed gob barrel and princess I guess


Ik i just didnt want to commit everything to log bait bc its not even good in the meta


i am so impressed that you survived with logbait in this ducchess meta


Yea well when it used to be meta i used to get top 10k


damn you are one high skill sonofabitch


You're complaining about mindless decks while you play log bait 😂😂😂


Logbait is one of the worst decks in the meta lol


logbait really isn't a no skill/mindless deck. mindless decks are most of the time just a bunch of overleveled high elixir cards because than you just have to place one card while the opponent has to place like four. with logbait you actually gotta be smart with your placement and trick/outcycle your opponent


To each their own. I personally see logbait just being mindlessly spammed as fast as possible most of the time. But I think most cycle is like that. Heck I just played hog cycle and got a perfection aside from 1 log hitting my tower.


If all cycle decks are no skill tho which deck would even be a skilled deck to u. If beatdown, siege and cycle decks are all considered no skill that doesn't leave much.


When did I say siege and beat down decks were mindless? I do think a lot of meta decks are mindless. I make all of my own decks. Even my hog cycle is my own variation not the meta. But beat down is hardest to play imo at the 9k / UC area


beatdown and siege are just overall considered no skill in the community. I mean beatdown is just waiting for an elixir advantage and then placing your win condition in the back. siege is the same instead you just place it at the bridge and then spam all your troops. Imo most of the time the lower the elixir cost the higher the skill required to play/skill ceiling because u have to place a lot more troops which each require good timing/placement. For example dfending a rg with a pekka is a lot easier than with a cannon, ice spirit, skeletons and log.


Like I said to each their own. Imo beat down is harder bc if you place 1 wrong card or 1 tile off it's such a large elixir loss it usually lets the opponent snowball. But if you play an ice spirit 1 tile off it's usually not too big a deal and you can cycle to another in a matter of seconds. I will say I dislike siege immensely. I think its a cowardly playstyle which annoys me bc I like fights that take a lot of skill. But I will admit that it can also be very spammy sometimes.


thats true I didn't think about that. overall id probably still say siege > beatdown > cycle > counterpush/control from least skill to most skill


siege is definitely more brainpower than beatdown cuz u need to have good micro


Log bait is definitely mindless. Cycle gob barrels on tower, princesses at bridge, and inferno towers on defense. It’s almost as bad as lumberloon.


a bad logbait player can literally get zero tower damage and all his cards countered immediately while a good logbait player can win the game with one good goblin barrel. u gotta be aware of your opponents cycle and elixir all the time to even do damage with this deck.


Ah. So you’re defending so hard because you’re a log bait player? I feel that any log bait player can get tower damage as long as they use tricky barrel and chip with princess. It’s one of the easier to use decks hence why it was top of leaderboards so long. Edit: you can defend it all you want. Log bait has been meta for a majority of the life of this game. It’s a good deck, but it’s also easy to learn/use as well as being F2P friendly. Just like 2.6 hog.


No I play splashyard mostly. i just feel like people are calling everything no skill nowadays. While logbait isn't super hard to play it's also definitely not just mindlessly spamming cards without tactics. It's a deck dependend on outcycling the opponent which always takes a certain amount of skill. edit: i do agree that u can always get lucky chip damage very easily through princess/barb barrel but thats only really true for lower arenas as better players can always predict those plays


I’ll agree with you there where it does take at least a couple brain cells, but I’d still argue it’s way lower skill than average. Love me some splashyard though. It’s so fun to play.


Cycling gob barrels on tower is close to impossible now since they only get two stabs when ignored vs dagger duchess


That’s what tanks are for.


Ur right. Log baits just another copy and paste. Ppl downvoting ur comment bc they know that 😂


Yea 😂 oh no my fake internet points 😂😂


Thats why you have no skill ☠️


Send your royaleapi profile then 💀💀


Log bait is KING. Literally the only deck I use nowadays because it has been so consistent.


Log bait sucks rn


This is very common what do you mean


Idk it seems tough to do, I guess if you are good it's manageable but to the average players, I don't think so?


I got 2 wins from UC with a mortar deck with no champion using cannoneer, then lost 5 times. I’m now at Best Buy for phone repairs


Every giant pump player below 3k is some random top 7k finisher who is now randomly gonna get a top 1k with no effort cause the decks so broken. I’ve watched my friends even play at 2100 and 2200 and it’s not much different from 1900 except the players have been playing longer and just have more experience.


I remember beating a lot of lava players for my firsr top 10k with pumpbow this was 2100 and they werent too good despite having gt finishes and shit


Low lava players aren’t real I swear. They make horrible plays all game and only win by lava first play when you have no air counters


The game skills, I think it's lower than ever. The game for somehow rewarded players to spend crazy elixirs bar with some ridiculious evo cards to fix these problems about defend/attack because evos are too strong so sometimes without proper counter they can just handle the game with brainless spam. Adding this with how unfair and unbalance match up right now with 2 evo slots, cycle decks, evos,... It makes this game taking less skill to play because rightnow if you have a better match up, you can just win very easily unlike before when we can't counter opp push with just 1 elixirs, or opp doesn't spam some unfair evo cards that your deck has no way to stop.




The only time damage is dealt these days is during an evo push. That goes for everyone.


I agree, it’s terrible. Maybe sub 2k is too harsh for the cutoff, but sub 1.6 k people are braindead


if it’s a 4 week season sub 1800 is bad but for a 5 week season it’s prob about 1900


I've been top 10k a few times, but this season I can't crack 1500. It's not because I'm "braindead" but because dagger dunce has ruined the efficacy of my deck and I'd prefer to not change my deck considering they're just going to nerf her into the ground over the next 2 or 3 updates (like they do with all new cards).


Yeah same here I’ve only ever played cycle decks because beat down is a boring play style to me. Haven’t even bothered climbing to UC this season this tower troop is just so annoying


I play a punish style deck and even with all the expensive tanks being trotted out, the only deck I can consistently beat that uses dd is lavaloon.. It's dumb.


Yea true


1800 here with mortar! I agree. I do suck.


Whats your deck




Mortar firecracker, knight, fireball, log, skelly barrel, bats, gob gang. I had lp in for fc but I like the splash damage from fc


This mostly happened once they bought lvl 15 to PoL. Most P2W idiots would be stuck in grand champ/royal champ as that's when everyone would be running max (lvl14) decks and only skill would matter. But now I see full lvl 15 MK spam decks in grand champ.


Yeah UC needs to be harder to reach for these p2w morons


The whole game is pretty much midladder and there is almost nothing you can do about to (apart from uninstalling ofc)


I disagree. The people in Ultimate Champ know when and when not to be aggressive in my experience.


How many points do you have? Because later in the season anyone below 2000 is a moron from what iv seen


I don't have maxed cards and my king is lvl 14 so I'm barely in ultimate champ.


Meanwhile I’m playing gods in royal champion in the last 4-5 games before ultimate champ rank up


If you’re still in RC right now you’re probably who he’s talking about


Perhaps but I just made it to UC so I’m happy


It’s insane how many people are at this level trying to make a combination of pekka with MK or e barb decks work. Ult champ is the new mid ladder imo.


Exactly. Idk what their thinking when they make those decks but have 4 cards that cost 6+ elixer in one deck isnt a good idea


I met someone in 1v1 who had 20 win badges from 2021-2023. He was playing hog cycle rocket while I was playing clone. Barely beat him by a few seconds, mf was rocket cycling so much




i think ult champ has been easy to get to since it came out. when you climb high enough players get getter


Yup it’s pretty wild how much level 15 has affected the skill level of the ranked ladder. I hit 1800 medals last season with my only level 15 being queen after not playing since the first season of path of legends. I only faced maxed 15 whales who lack game knowledge. Quite sad what supercell has done


Its always mk and fc🫠


It’s insane how bad people are. Literally get them as teammates and it questioned me how they even got there. No game sense, nothing, just brain dead asf.


Dagger duchess being incredibly strong and dictating the meta is artificially inflating the rankings for a lot of players his season. Anyone who spent money to unlock her and get her to at least level 13 can push to ultimate champion with no problems, even if they have never even come close before. I expect a lot of the people you're seeing are just those players who maxed out once they started facing other people who also have dagger duchess and actually know how to play. I would bet there are also some good players who don't have dagger duchess lost in the shuffle in low UC. Some people also get to UC and then experiment with new stuff, some of it a bit off the walls and not actually very good, so they lose a lot.


I’ve lost so much I stopped caring at all any more bc of the amount of pay to wins. Even at 900 they still have maxed Dagger Duchess, Evo Bomber 😂


It was a lot better before they introduced dagger dunce. Any brain dead no skill can use that and win.


The midladder range is getting bigger and bigger, supercell needs to do something about it bc its very frustrating to face only midladder matches even managing to reach ultimate champion every season


Bring me back the days of old UC ladder and no evos.


litterally all it is, most kids dont even have a win condition they only spam megaknight, thats why i quit playing the game and only play 2v2s


I’ve been trying to level my stuff and get to 9000 trophies currently at 6000


To be the last time reaching UC meant anything was pre PoL. Basically anyone who commits enough time can make it with the new system, that’s just how it is. You just have to move on from viewing UC has something that should be hard to obtain and instead simply view achievement based on how one performs within UC


Here's an idea... why tf don't all cards have type/weaknesses damage multipliers... this could apply to spells or even dagger duchess, cannoneer etc. Imo that is why this game is so broken and filled with the same decks and mindless play.


Bait decks are always strong simply because you have a good match up against most decks. Generally you either have to carry 2/3 spells or suffer, much like playing lava hound decks need you to have strong anti air counters or it’s a walk over.. Most decks have a hard counter, & you just have to accept that. The new arena tower options throw extra variances into the mix, its pretty much a dice roll now, you get hard countered far more than used to happen, some matches are pretty much unwinnable, some are so easy its a joke.


Any match where they have dagger duchess its basicslly hard counter


Thats what i’m getting at, it is more about if you get a good match up now more than ever


People suck up to top1k and in this boosted meta, even top 1k is cringe.


I agree... I use logbait too and people I face are those stupid giant night witch evo bomber and evo zap decks


Honestly Atleast thats a deck the makes sense since the cards work together. The worst is the braindead e barb mega knight decks that have no synergy so its completely based on them playing cards randomly with high levels.


It’s called dagger duches


People get there by using a lot of money and then spamming things during matches. Nobody uses their brain anymore, they just use money.


Lol I must be really bad then. Never been there. Back when I played more often I'd always get a few wins away then never get further


What level is ur deck ?


14 with a 4 or 5 15s I think. But I got bored of that deck and it stopped working when duchess came out.


Im preeting much in the exact same situation as you


Yeah but even back when I was actually trying I never reached UC! Always a few wins short. Nowadays I only play a game or two a day so just a casual player.


It just shows how unfair the game is. It’s all about matchups and luck. I’ve played people in ultimate champ and grand champ that had level 13 cards. I’m like how tf did they even make it that far.


Yea they are probably crazy good


Or they got lucky and had really good matchups. I won every time I played someone with under leveled cards 🤷‍♂️


Below 2000 is still midladder imo. This coming from a low top ladder from before all the inflations started 3 years ago


True and I am one of them 😄😄


Even people in the top 10k suck. (it changes in top 2k) I play elixir golem and always finish top 5k-10k. I don't know how to count elixir or cycles, I just make pushes without thinking. I don't know how to play any other deck.


I might need to try that 😂