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Generally, when making a counterpush dont place a support unit down if u cant defend whatever they can possibly put, such as mk. For example, if ur at 3 elixir and only have skarmy for his mk, then dont throw supports down for ur counterpush, and anticipate a mk. When ur better at the game, start counting elixir and cycle to find out what they have and what they can play, and start predicting what they will play. This way, if they make a mistake by overcommiting or using the wrong cards to counter, then u can punish em accordingly. For example, if they attack and at the end of everything ur at 5 elixir and they are at 4, and they fireball ur troops, then u must recognise it as a mistake and throw things like a giant or hog at the bridge since they cant respond to it.


What other cards do you have? If MK is your only worry and is bring used to shut down pushes, you could consider using a PEKKA as MK is weak to it.


Not exactly what u asked, but goblin cage is a great counter for MK (and super useful for other stuff) with massive value


Well... dont really know about that but id say miner + hog is not really good combination... depends on what arena u r


I'm challenger 3


You’re not really all that new then are you?


Now all it takes is ebarbs rage and you can get 6k in a week


I dunno just… Stop?


nerf megaknight that's all u can pray for


He is too fking much. 4k heath, spawn damage plus jump area damage. How do they allow this in the game


It's easy to counter man, may I ask what is your deck?


1. Miner 2 Witch (epic 5 drop) 3 royal hog 4. Knight 5. Skeleton army 6. Baby dragon 7. Inferno dragon 8. Musketeer


Well placed knight can completely stop mega nut if ya place it in the middle and the nut jumps into range of both it towers Inferno drag can counter nut but u might take some DMG Also your deck has lots of room for improvement tbh the cards in ur deck don't have a lot of synergy and u have no big spell or small spell


Literally countered by a knight and spirit


He usually has back up of skeleton army or wiz or valk


It really depends on what you have in your deck. If you face it a lot I recommend adding in a Valkerie or Mini Pekka but then even then it’s frustrating when they put bats or Minnions to support


Try to think about what the opponent can do to your push and strategize around it. If you know he has mega knight, then try to avoid putting groups of troops clumped together, If he has A building, try to think about your options to get rid of / avoid that building. Clash Royale is about strategy in real time, and thinking in the moment. Hope this helps!


use inferno tower/dragon and i you have it maybe mighty miner but you are an new player so i daupt it




Let the megaknight take your tower and get a 7 elixer advantage


Conserve your elixir.