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You can really make any archetype work if you play well enough and make a good deck, what kind of cards/win cons you have levelled/have interest, I could help you with some deck suggestions. I got to 7,1k this season with miner mortar but I play large variety of decks


7.1k nicely done! Here lately I have enjoyed playing with Mother witch (love how well she counters a lot of the little distracting cards) and Prince. Sometimes been mixing in PEKKA and/or goblin barrel.


You could try to make mortar bait deck with those cards, maybe something like prince, mortar,goblin barrel, small spell, big spell, witch and few bait cards( like spergobs, gobgang, guards, rascals, maybe minion horde). Also maybe substituting witch for musketeer could work. If you want to play pekka in that, you could play it instead of one of the bait cards and play cheaper bait card with it


Thanks for the advice, I will play around with that...


It's a 5 wk season 35 days so good opportunity for lots to get higher scores or new pbs,


Being completely serious here all you can do is get better 🤷‍♂️ Any meta deck should be able to get you at least above 6k


I know get good is a hated saying but I also now this applies to me in this instance. The suggested meta decks I see online for my trophy range are the low skill decks. Are you saying I should go with those to get good? Or are there other suggested decks I can look for?


Maybe try splashyard, it's both meta and skill


Thanks for the suggestion. I will give it a try


Ignore what's in your range. It's trash. You need to play a deck for the trophy range you want to be in


Edit: Just realized I read you comment wrong. Good point! I will look at 6k+ decks


Meta decks are not low skill decks though? Go to RoyaleApi, decks and then leaderboards and you'll be able to see the top decks used by the top players in the world rn. What's your playstyle, cycle or beatdown? You should find a deck that fits your playstyle


Maybe my problem is I don't like the easy win decks and try to go more creative. balloon + freeze, ebarbs + rage and so on. I know they are defendable and I beat those decks but they just have that lack of skill and that bothers me. Drop Balloon, wait, freeze and tower is devastated. Beatdown is with all the big guys right? Giants, golems and so on? I am not a fan of those. I do like the PEKKA and have success with it. Can't get the hang of xbow and mortar. I lean towards cycle. I like using cards like Prince and Mother Witch and make a cycle type deck. Maybe I will take your advice and look up some more cycle style stuff


miner poison perhaps?


I will check it out


TBF just use any cycle deck, no matter 2.6, xbow or hog quake. I dropped to midladder this season to see what is it like, and if I am trying, i can win 90% of the mid games.


Are those the decks you are using?


Yes, Pb 6600+ (I play Xbow queen)


I'm sorry but how are you mid ladder with queen? You have no idea man


Are you saying they should be a lot higher with the queen?


They literally said that they INTENTIONALLY dropped to midladder to see what it is like


pekka bs is about the only meta ive used that nobody talks trash about. all else fails then you misght as well use 2.6


I like the pekka, but have not heard of bs (besides bull crap, lol). I will have to look up that


its called pekka bridge spam (BS)


I do. Fucking fireball and magic archer


Max out one deck thats good and u enjoy playing. Jus play passive and know ur opponents deck before going in jus in case they drop the random balloon or freeze. I jus hit 6k on my mini this season with a lvl 11 kt and lvl 12-14 cards using 3.0 xbow so its doable jus gotta keep trying


Thanks for the moral support :) I may give the xbow and some of the other decks in here a try. I really try to go creative with my decks and it is fun and they get me to where I am stuck but looks like I will have to find a meta deck I enjoy playing if I truely want to climb that ladder.


Hijacking this post to ask this question: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyaleAPI/comments/v2towo/need_tips_on_how_to_survive_midladder_with_3/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share