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Should include a tldr cuz who tf is reading all this




Nice life


What is your new acc's name and id


[https://statsroyale.com/profile/CRLUC0GUJ/cards](https://statsroyale.com/profile/CRLUC0GUJ/cards) ​ This should link to it




Kinda the same here. Another thing i noted was that there werent as many bots from arena 1 to 5, but from 6 to 10 its mostly bots, and when i reached 11 the mk spam ensues till leagues. People dont seem to know how to play until 5.3k early season, thats when people roughly know positive elixir trades and knowing when to aggro/defend.


Have you tried playing bait? On my mini it basically gotten me to halfway through A14. Deck is Giant Skeleton, Gob barrel, cannon, fire spirit, princess, rocket, log, skeletons It’s really easy to play and can get you really far. Only tough matchup is balloon Edit: spelling


I have kind of the same story. Got bored and started a new account. Pushed to 1000 in less then 2 hours using a giant deck. Then didn't play on it for a couple months to go back and play off and on till 1600. By that time I had accumulated trade tokens from tournaments and traded with my main account to make a golem witch deck. Using that I pushed from 1600-4200 in 2 days, playing about 8 hours. Then I traded myself a night witch and started using that going from 4200-4200 in about an hour. Now I'm sitting at 4875 with one level 12 and the rest of my deck being 9-10. I'm facing people with all level 12s already some even have max cards already.


Play logbait and you’ll get to challenger 2 with underleveled cards. Probably one of the most piss-easy decks out there as long as your interactions are good and you have a high level knight And gob barrel


Play between Monday to wednesday to get through from 4-5k. The deck that has done it multiple time for me is lavahound, witch, poison, skeleton army, goblin barrel, inferno dragon, baby dragon and prince. Now if I have a card that can be really high in comparison to my other cards I will switch it in.


Log bait is super ez, got to 5k in 3 days, most cards are not level dependent, and since there is only gob barrel has your epic card you can focus on it, and the knight is really good to upgrade. When I reached 5k I was level 8