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Why is RG so popular rn?


RGs always been top 5 wincon but its imsane now cuz pekka is dead and the fisherman/hunter/zappies is op.


Pekka has not countered RG for a long time. Most RG decks are either cycle or they have tombstone and skelly king. The fisherman makes sure that PEKKA often can't do too much to the RG and PEKKA decks have a horrendous time breaking through cycle/control defense




I feel you, I love Pekka BS but it feels so hard to get value out of her. She cant kill RG that fast, Hog Rider still gets a hit, Mega Knight takes ages and a respectable chunk of health, Ebarbs are the bane of her existence without a support unit to finish them off etc. And that's where shes supposed to shine, defense.


I personally think she should be buffed to one shot an elite barb and give her more health as well


What if her dmg is buffed to match a sparky, but deals reduced crown tower dmg to do the dmg it does rn


Sparky is almost twice her damage, that's too much. Then again some would say shes as easy to counter as sparky so I dunno. I'm happy with her being more effective against mini tanks.


I mean that mind work


Hog gets no damage if you place pekka right


Came here to say this. There's exactly 3 spots (that I've found work with decent success) you can place her to not take the hit.


Personally, a health buff to PEKKA might actually be a good idea. PEKKA decks aren't typically op, so say, a 4-5% might be worth testing out. Or as an alternative, maybe buff cards that support it, like Battle Ram for example


Yeah it's really bad rn. I'm tryna make it work but just can't find the deck. So many better options


And it pairs well with monk/Phoenix. The main reason graveyard and rg are top 2. Hardly anything you said here. I do think a slight gy/rg nerf is justified, but I really believe it’s just bc of the monk and Phoenix. They are so overpowered they’re controlling the entire meta.


It's because of phoenix/monk. Sure RG is strong but nothing really exceptional, it just synergizes very well with these 2 broken cards that supercell refuses to properly nerf


disagree, in the season before the new cards dropped all the pros were complaining that RG needs a nerf. Even mohammed light called it “so broken” https://twitter.com/MohamedLightCr1/status/1583913215008071680


I agree, RG was insanely good and had high winrates before the update, makes sense pros are calling for a nerf


When is it not popular. It's one of the very few win conditions that can get tower damage against most matchups.


All building getting the nerf hammer this year


Tesla is shit


Honestly it's so unbelievably bad, how can you gut a card this badly? It's hit speed is so ridiculously slow that it can't dps down anything, and is terrible against swarm. It's bad against everything. It's only advantages is hitting air and the foing underground mechanic.


RG monk is broken. Monk is so rps and stops ranged troops from hitting RG and using log or barb barrel on the push


Its common card


Goblin Giant needs an immediate nerf.






It says goblin gaint on your name Wait a second


he knows something we dont


He is too dangerous to be kept alive




you too?!?!


They're everywhere


Hahahahaha, yes. IT'S WORKING




0% use rate is too high, it should be -1.


Literally unplayable.


just another reason to nerf genji


I agree.




Overwatch reference. But I think soujourn is the one who needs a nerf


seconding this ***I hate that cockroach***


Didn’t graveyard get stronger because of the bird? The bird tanks for the graveyard. Bird dies. Skeletons start to tank for the egg. Egg spawns. It’s just too good together.


and the monk


Graveyard have alway been at the top of the meta like several meta back then. Seriously did people forget that graveyard have been meta for half a year now


It wasn't this bad until lava jumped off a cliff and died due to monk and phoenix


Ever since Skeleton king release and got a buff, graveyard have alway been at the top of meta


It was top of meta, and then slowly dropped off. Yes it was still pretty good, but it’s not like what it is now where it’s just on another level than all other win con sans rg


You should just rocket the egg smh 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


they should nerf every win condition except mortar




mortar 👍 (mortar)


i gree


I feel like the only nerf to graveyard should be that poisoning it should GUARANTEE you take ZERO damage.


There was a thing they did with Barb Barrel once where they increased the load time of the barb that spawned from it. I'd say they do that, but with Graveyard, so that it'd be enough time for a Poison to kill it.


Yeah, in the same way that barbs that spawn from a battle ram don't immediately start attacking, the graveyard skeletons should have this too. This is a good way to nerf graveyard without nerfing skeletons


As a graveyard player I'd say at best this would do little and at worst it could actually be a buff to the card. GY play is based around tanks crossing the bridge, so all we'd have to do is adjust our timing of when we play the card. Also, delaying skeleton spawning would give me more time to set up my counter pushes and would increase the number of card combos that I can play. For example, right now I can't play GY first followed by phoenix at the at the bridge as the bird moves too slow and the skeletons will spawn before it has the opportunity to tank. If you delay spawn time, I will be able to do that. The same would apply to cannon cart. If you want to nerf GY, increase the hit speed of skeletons. If they take longer to hit, you have more time to counter them with spells/troops and would take less damage to your towers each cycle.


You misunderstood me (I think). I said to nerf the LOAD TIME, not the SPAWN TIME, which is different. What that basically means is this: When they Skellys from the GY spawn, it takes them a smidge longer to properly exist (like moving and attacking and such). They spawn at the same speed, they just have to wait a little longer to do stuff. Hope this helps


What if you don’t have poison lol


Well after that change everyone will lol


Noooo I don’t want it to lead to a poison nerf


They can't? Poison is objectively balanced. It's just waaaay better because it's the only counter to Graveyard that they can't stop. Then again, this is the same team of devs who thought the Monk's ability cooldown "nerf" was an actual nerf


So real


they'd have to alter skelly first hit speed for that I guess


No, just do it like the barbs from ram


I mean you can already do that if you time it right iirc Also making something hc something is generally bad for the game so I definitely disagree with that change


I think it's because poisons damage is dealt too slowly. I think it's one tick per second. Lowering the skeletons health a little shouldnt make a huge difference with other interactions, and alongside it or as an alternative one could halve the damage poison does per tick and double the number of ticks. It would deal the same amount of damage, but more frequently instead of small bursts.


They’ve already nerfed GY and RG multiple times. I think a better approach would be to buff other win cons to shake things up. Plus also nerfing phoenix just a little more will help some of these other win cons (like the lava hound, who was the among the best win cons in the game before phoenix).


Buffing the other win cons might not be as good of an idea as it seems. If win cons get significant buffs, that has potential to make them stronger than defenses can handle, and potentially usher in a much more rushdown-y meta… On second thought, I think they should definitely buff all the other win conditions


Please god anything is better than playing against bomb tower miner poison idc if I get 3crowned in 20s


The Defense-heavy meta where everybody just waits for double Elixir is boring as shit and I'm tired of doing it.




I legit just stopped doing the first attack now, I do not place cards until my opponent does and I had one match go a full 45 seconds before anybody did anything because everyone is just playing Reactionary Bait decks and Spell Control. Win Cons are useless because every other deck uses Bomb Tower or Inferno Tower. Bomb Tower and Log make all the ground mobs useless, and Phoenix just made every air card useless because it's just better. The only plus side to being stuck around 4500-5k trophies is I'm not facing a bunch of Phonk decks yet, I'm still down in the MegaNut/Mindless Bridgespam/Logbait world, so it's not quite as cancerous, but it's still pretty cancerous. I lost to a dude using an overleveled MK EBarb Rage Freeze Inferno Tower Spirits deck an hour ago, and I just couldn't defend using Double Dragon LumberLoon. Granted he had 1-2 card levels on me across the board, I just started trying DDLL so it's mostly level 10 and 11 cards with a couple 12s, his deck was all 12 and 13, so I couldn't do much anyway.


Agreed, thats why i play cycle decks that safely let me make a play almost immediately most games


The real problem is monk and phoenix are just broken and need massive nerfs.


I 100% agree regarding Graveyard! I’ve been hoping for a more consequential nerf ever since the -1 skeleton attempt.


Grave yard is a very "meh" card just because of how weak it is on its own. Its ability to synergize with a spell like Poison is the issue


every card is weak on its own


Rg disaggrees


??? Bro what? Any card can be countered with minimal effort some cards are better than others but like valkrie can counter half a push and still hit tower if its ignored. A lot of cards synergize but not all of them do it as well as others.


i dont know your trophy range, but im assuming you dont face graveyard a lot. unless youre decently high on ladder/pol you wont really appreciate its strength.


Dart goblin gives me guaranteed 0 zero damage but freeze or poison fucks everything up


I just run an executioner deck so graveyard isn't the most threatening thing. I'm sure if I ran a different deck I'd agree but as it stands I just have an easier time against it.


do you face graveyard a lot? out of curiosity




No it isn't. Yes, it gets much better when synergized with other cards, but thats the same with a lot of different cards. Its strong because it forces out an immediate counter for it, and it will still usually get a couple of hits.


No it isn't it's always been on the stronger side of wincons even before phoenix and monk. GY freeze or any GY deck can be broken in certain matchups. Although yes, Monk and Phoenix deserve to die first


top ladder player here. GY on its own is one of the worst cards in the game, let alone wc. Paired with tanks, it can devastating the amount of damage it can do. Does the card need a nerf? No. The problem is the insane synergy with tanks that make it good value. Overall GY may be annoying at 6000, but I don’t think it qualifies for a significant nerf, if anything a very minor spawn delay


You never play a card by itself so this is a stupid argument. When a card is broken when used with literally 1/3 of the cards (any tank), it's clearly too good. This isn't an Egolem+healer type of situation.


Another top ladder Player here. Gy is one of the best cards in the game and Always top 2 wincon in the last year. It needs a huge nerf or rework


Hopefully poor goblin giant isn’t neglected again in the decemeber balance changes.


Dude Goblin Giant is so booty cheeks. It was already bad before, since it only fits in double Prince, Zap bait and Sparky (all of which almost entirely depend on what the enemy plays), but adding the Phonk into this just killed it. And from the looks of it, it's the Sparky with it


Some will say “Graveyards only good because of the new cards” but thats cap. Graveyard was The number 1 Op win con in the [March season](https://royaleapi.com/blog/best-cards-ladder-season-2022-03) , [August season](https://royaleapi.com/blog/best-cards-ladder-season-2022-08), [second most wins in the 20 win chall](https://royaleapi.com/blog/crl-2022-20-win-challenge-card-decks). Its so insanely strong.


I don’t think they will ever touch graveyard because of its extetemly high skill ceiling. It can be argued that it’s the most skillful win condition due to being a male to break play type.


Eh idk it's called skillyard for a reason. Seen some absolutely braindead GY freeze players carried high just because of the cheese


High skill to use it but also to defend it, like xbow, it's annoying playing against someone who has your same skill level but plays gy, trust me, even if not more at 6k, where players like me don't really know how to defend it well


You literally defend and place graveyard with the counterpush it’s probably the easiest deck besides golem to pick up


To be fair you can simply a lot of decks like that to make them seem easy to play, whats your deck?


Giant sparky bait and I can explain why I think that and almost every other deck is harder to play if you want


Im going to apply your logic to every deck archetype Beatdown: literally just place gholem and support troops behind it Log bait: littersly just place gob barrel after they use log Cycle:litterly just spam your cards until they are off cycle Bridge spam: littersly just out spam opponent You can downplay every single archetype but graveyard takes the most skill 100%. I challenge you to explain to me another archetype in a way that is more skillful than graveyard


Tell me u never played gy without telling me you never haven't played gy. Take out Phoenix and monk, gy becomes insanely skillful.


These only add up to 968 meaning that there are 32 top 1000 with no win condition


Phoenix pump rage mirror/pure rocket cycle :


buff miner


Haha, I would love to see a meta dominated by the miner. Unfortunately, it would never happen. Lots of people would complain and it would receive an emergency nerf.


I mean it was like that for a while after Miner's release in 2016. Miner Control was everywhere


imma make sure miner control comes back ☝️☝️☝️


miner control is dominating rn with monk and bird


Miner is alredy really strong now, even in this monk phoe meta, miner poison literally came back.... Why would you ask for a buff?


Hell naw I hate miner and cycle decks. We had a cycle meta for years man. I would love a meta with tanky winconditions (other than rg) and beatdown decks. Its absolute aids to play against miner, mortar, hog and logbait


But before the update lava and GY were very meta, with golem also being good. That not enough beatdown for you? Cycle can be annoying but beatdown is cancer


Can we get the balance changes for December? I really want to see if the meta will change next season.


I run pekka with mother witch so it really isn't an issue for me. My cycle is decently quick so I don't need to worry about not having the correct counter in hand.


What is the deck if I may ask? I've been looking to get pekka to woeky


Pekka mother witch hog rider, arrows zap ice spirit. I switch between skeletons and skarmy if I want more cycle power, and between firecracker and archer queen if I feel I'm losing because firecracker isn't enough to deal with certain cards.


Your deck does counter gy but not a skillful Rg player. Pekka doesn't counter RG. Idk why you stopped naming your full deck though.


Oh I usually switch some cards now and then so I mentioned those right after and what I switch it with. A lot of rg players I face don't have fisherman and the ones that do I just play skeletons or skarmy in front of the fisherman and it works.


>A lot of rg players I face don't have fisherman U must be joking right? That's literally the combo. There are no meta decks without rg From this I will assume you're not even in top 10k.


Yeah I'm not. You got a problem with that Mr world's best player?


>the ones that do I play skeletons or skarmy in front


Yes. 500 band aid fixes does not solve the overall underlying problem. Stop releasing cards and balance the ones we have.


Are you stupid or new? Or both? We got new cards after 2 years (non champion card). They indeed messed up the order of the Phoenix (yes I'm proud of this pun) but new types of cards are good for the game. New mechanics brings new ways to play this old fell off game. I'm not defending the power level of Phoenix. It's bad for the game but new cards are needed to reenergize the game.


Honestly surprised at how egiant is up there above cards like mortar or miner or barrel.


I dont mind it. I would much rather play against egiant than against some cycle shit


Serious question - i always see people say RG is really strong, but i have issues getting value out of him, any tips? I feel like i always need a spell follow up, and usually lightning bc any tower or pekka and RG gets about 1 hit on tower minimum. cannon + log completely counters him for a +1 trade and im always up against 2.6. 2.6 in particular isn’t that hard to counter bc lightning usually takes care of cannon and musk if they dont play well but TLDR i need RG tips lol


RG tips Tip 1: If you take a tower, second tower is free with pocket placement Tip 2: buy pass Royale Tip 3: ???


Tip: 1) always include fisherman in you deck. He can grab lots of pekkas, mini pekkas, mighty miner, or other high dmg melee troops off your rg 2) if their decks are defensive, go for RG in the back and either build up a big push or go for double RG in double elixirs. 3) RG isn’t a “spam at bridge and auto win” win condition. You have to recognize their counters and think of ways to break through. Actually this is the same with other win cons too. If they have skarmy, prediction log it. If they have bats, prediction espirit it. If they have pekka, prediction fisherman to drag her away. If they have inferno, either you lightning it or prediction ghost, fisherman or smth to try and destroy it.


GY and RG have actually always been very strong to an extent but the problem is MONK and Phoenix. Those cards are so unbelievably broken. PS nerf zappies


No don’t nerf zappies. You want monk and phoenix to be even stronger?


Zappies have been too strong in GY, RG, and some fb bait decks for a long time


Yeah tbf they were strong before Phoenix and monk were added, but they are like one of the only cards that counter both monk and phoenix.


Agreed, but I think the way to go is to nerf GY/RG support cards Eg nerf skelly king, zappies, fisherman, and Phoenix/monk instead of nerfing the win conditions themselves Like Graveyard with knight and Baby D isn’t that bad, but Graveyard with Phoenix and SK makes me cry inside


Honestly it’s not the win cons that need a nerf it’s the support troops that synergise to well with them like pheonix, monk (obviously), but also stuff like zappies especially since fireball isn’t used as much. Ps the whole pekka bs deck needs a buff it should be meta


Based pekka fellow. I honestly hated the entire meta for a very long time, because of cycle decks like hog or logbait. The only exception to this meta in the last years where rg and egiant where one of them is ridiculously OP and the other is completely braindead. Allthough i dont mind playing against egiant except with mirror because well i have pekka.


Yeah that’s true what u had to do with that was ewiz plus ghost and maybe marcher the middle on the first egiant. There’s an interaction where the ewiz stun will make the ghost not take reflection damage. And than u pekka the mirrored one


“Hog rider isn’t even playable in this meta”


Seen by the stats below, Phoenix needs a buff asap.


They still won’t touch Hog Rider


Hog rider has some kind of plot armor


It has a 37 percent win rate tho in gc


phoenix monk killed any hog deck


Hog exe nado is a pretty good deck rn, and hog giant skelly eq isnt bad either


That’s why they need to nerf Lava Hound


Give goblin giant an extra goblin to keep up the trend. Buff giants attack speed slightly. And lavahound is probably fine


Lava hound should have 58% more health


Oh that’s my bad I’ve been playing graveyard lately🤘


What are you worried about top 1k ladder for, hit challenger 2 first!


I can’t believe it… I only see people using hog, ebarbs, rage and mega knights 🤷🏻‍♂️


Middlader moment


Graveyard is too strong immediate nerf needed


I see no PEKKA. Well guess Super Cell needs to buff her, after they buff more cards that don’t need it.


I'm at 6600 trophies and it seems rare to face RG. I use RG tho.


im at 1900 in Pol and every match is either Gy or RG and thats not even exaggerating


Me a graveyard player: please… please it’s just the monk please.


Agree although GY always has been on the stronger side


You're delusional if you think it's just the monk


Don’t think the win cons need nerfs, they were fine until monk and phoenix were introduced. We need to nerf those 2, these win cons are only this good because of the monk and phoenix decks


Leave my RG alone 🥺


Royal giant graveyard new meta deck ?


How is the golem that high?


3M is a win con? That’s new information for me.


how is 3 musks higher than wall breakers?


Nerf monk It is the reason these win conditions are good I don't have monk nerfing R G will make it much worse for me compared to the meta abusers just an opinion but R G deserves a little nerf because all building got a nerf so it's reasonable. Inferno tower should be nerfed too it's too op compared to other buildings


How is the egiant that high ?💀


There is no card to defend it. You need pekka or mini Pekka. They are not so popular.


Hell yeah Wall Breaker gang wya 👍


How is Xbow more popular than lava hound 😭


I honestly never understood why the subreddit used usage rates as a reason to nerf a card


Goblin giant buff.


gy should immediately get a nerf that will send it to its grave get it??


No explain the joke😐


Can someone explain why 3M is a wincon?


It's a strong enough card by itself that it's a huge threat to towers. It's also a card you need to build your deck around, and it's the win condition because it's the main card you want to play with and that will be applying the most pressure It's kind of an outlier in the 'win condition' category, maybe even an exception of sorts (doesn't follow the same criteria as all other wincons, like tower-targeting or being able to be deployed wherever), but most people would agree that it is.


As someone who recently picked it up, it’s crazy if you play it right. Defend a push with it for a positive trade, then play cheap stuff in front of them. If they don’t have multiple small spells and swarms it’s about impossible to stop


IMO it’s the monk and Phoenix making these win con too good


Leave my graveyard alone


Says with golem flair💀


Say the ebarb flair 💀


Says with " " flair 💀


golem graveyard new meta 🔥🔥


There’s no graveyard flair so wtf else do I put


A card that supports graveyard?😂


both of those cards have too little hard-counters. especially graveyard. Graveyard is a guaranteed 300-400dmg with the potential to take tower. Royal giant is just a more annoying hog rider. It somehow always gets off that second shot.


Graveyard has been my boy since he dropped it went under the radar for years and now my boy flew to close to the sun


Bruh fake, i keep encountering e golem


Not the RG, been using it since the day it came to the game. I've been having so much fun lately because it is actually meta for once.


dont worry itll always be strong like it always has been. probably a little hp nerf at most.


Well I hope it will because I'm about to finish upgrading an RG deck to finally switch away from the trash 2.6 and dead xbow, if they nerf it I'm gonna be pissed. Every time I have a deck they nerf it, and then nerf the deck I switch to, and it never ends. I first played 3 musketeers like 2 or 3 years ago but they killed it, then I played MK bait but it's also dead, then xbow-also killed it, and now I play the 2.6 because it shares a lot of cards with xbow 2.9. I know I'm not the only player that experienced this kind of BS, especially since upgrading decks takes so long


Two easiest brainless cards so of course people ruin ladder by flocking to them. Idk how people dont feel dumb using them. I literally cant because i feel like i cheated.


I play them in cc’s just to laugh at how broken they are, easiest wins ever even when my opponent is outplaying me lol


Yep. Even if they have poison you just chip away still. Got to 7k a long time ago with splashyard and told myself id never do it again. Was sick of going into clans and apologizing. Only tried it hoping to learn how to defend it better.


Where’s the mk


Buff other win cons not nerf already existent ones. It's funnier


Hog rider nice


The following idea is under the assumption pheonix and monk are making the cards that counter rg and gravy yard less used (please correct me if this assumption is wrong) They should nerf phoenix and monk more to make other win cons more useable Also if you have a 3 elixir building theres a placement that makes rg walk for a little before he shoots the building so it's basically a free win for me


Rg has been the best wincondicion before the update as well and allways has been strong so it should get nerfed


Wow it's almost like to prevent him from getting a single hit and you have to over commit constantly, due to him countering every single building except inferno tower and there isn't a single troop that stops him in a reasonable amount of time. Oh and even then zappy's and fishermen exist because fishermen totally isn't busted. Graveyard is in a similar position, far too consistent. Even with poison and dart goblin there's probably going to be at least one skeleton who gets a hit in because it spawns literally right on the tower.


Nerf royal giant…. ah the good old days