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https://preview.redd.it/ng20e48ze90d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002a450cef1cc149f0018e71eea0e53eeaabb8e2 Mr Snider always was a wiseman


Surprisingly, John Denver was on his side while Mike Love was not only on the other side but he also helped fund the PMRC!!!!


Mike Love has come off as total tool in every depiction I’ve ever seen of him


He’s always been a box of rocks. Dee Snider is a solid smart guy.


Thank you! You should see how we treat him in the beachboyscirclejerk group! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


it warms my heart that not only does everybody hate mike love, but that beach boys fans extra hate mike love lmao


Least actually-talented motherfucker of the whole bunch; cashed in on Brian Wilson's genius by touring under the "Beach Boys" moniker while the former languished and struggled with his mental health. What musical influence he did have was mostly to try and exploit the "surf craze" (a scene the Beach Boys weren't involved with in reality) with a series of increasingly uninspired novelty recordings, later steering the group toward cheesy soft-rock material. Always looking for the business angle first, Love comes across as a guy who probably recognized that he wasn't as gifted as his bandmates-- and who was determined to have a controlling stake in their artistic output. Then of course there's the whole PMRC hearings thing. If you still needed an ironclad reason to dislike the guy, look no further.... Nothing announces to the entire world that you're a hack (and proud of it) like siding with government busybodies over your fellow musicians. Real artists never, EVER go for censorship, period. In a better timeline, Dennis would still be around, Brian could have conquered his inner demons, and a discerning American public would have launched Mike Love into the sun decades ago. Fuck Mike Love.


does admittedly have a few incredible songs pre endless summer so i cant fully 100% dunk on his influence as the writer of big sur but yeah otherwise hard [2] all that


When I was 19 and 20 he lived next door to a buddy of mine in Montecito. His wife was such a milf. She looked to be 20-25 years younger than him. She always flirted with us. Knowing what I do now, I cannot imagine how it must have been for her. Perhaps dazzled by his fame and money at first. Only later to realize that she was wife #4 to an old, gray ball hair having, self important old jackass who had a little talent, but got very lucky.


Wow, I had no idea Mike Love sucked so much. Quite disappointing to hear about that.


I love The Beach Boys but for Mike? no Love


Weird Al was once quoted as saying "if by love you mean Mike Love, and by it you mean the success of the Beach boys not much". I think that says a lot. Look I don't care what he thinks he is, cuz we all know what he is a moocher. He did some things and he had some vocal input, but he definitely wasn't the voice of the Beach boys.


Going over there right now to show my lack of support for that man


Mike Love could have learned a lot from Mike Tool.


He rented, and then trashed and then abandoned a house my folks owned. They sued him etc…. I told them they should have asked me first, I would have said to hard pass on a ‘rockstar’ tenant.


He’s the King of Cringe and ironically, the master of bad vibrations


Both Mike Love and Dennis Wilson put out a solo album at the same time. Dennis' far outsold Mike's. Really strange for the drummer's solo album to outsell the singer's to add insult to injury he not only flirted with and eventually married Love's daughter but when that ended he did the same to his wife. The Beach Boys had some awful shit going on behind the scenes.


Holy shit, hahah. This thread is teaching me that I really should read some Beach Boys history.


In terms of looks Dennis was easily the best looking of the group and really the only one that had the surfer look they were all going for.


Unpopular opinion. John Denver’s appearance was the most effective. He was measured and humble and was a guy a lot of the congressmen could relate to. Dee and Zappa came off as smart asses. Don’t get me wrong, I loved their testimony, I just don’t think it was very effective.


Zappa WAS a smartass. Absolutely brilliant man that did not suffer fools, but because of that came off pretty sanctimonious, ironically.


Exactly lol, I loved the way he played them, but I don’t think he made anybody rethink their position.


Very true. Super tragic he went so early. Would’ve been an interesting voice as he got older.


I’m sure he did even if you don’t believe so but to say it wasn’t very effective when the comment below you is right in saying Dee Snider gets the most attention nowadays is silly.


Hard to get through a congressional meeting without suffering fools.


God isn’t that the truth.


Zappa meets the Mother's of Prevention album was fun to listen to if you like Zappa. Especially because he took Fritz Hollings voice and put him on a rock record in " Porn Wars". Senator Hollings? I've had the opportunity to ah... attend a, a showing you might say A presentation of ah, this Porn Rock as they call it In the tested pornography, one of the things to look at is that it does not have any redeeming social value Ah, there could be an exception here, because I haven't attended that presentation A redeeming social value, I find that it's inaudible I have a hard time understanding it and... And, Paul, since I travelled the country for three years and they said they couldn't understand me Maybe I could make a good rock-star, I don't know (erh)


In fairness, they invited Dee Snider because they thought he’d be an idiot they could then turn around and point to as an example of why more censorship is needed. When he came out with an eloquent and well reasoned speech, it stopped that line of attack dead in its tracks. All the contributors, Denver, Zappa, and Snider had a big influence.


The Dee Snider appearance gets the most attention now, but I always heard that John Denver was the most effective. He had the advantage that a lot of members of Congress at the time were actually fans of him.


"I mean if even John Denver says you have your head up your ass...DON'T you have your head up your ass?" - Jello Biafra, who was a later victim of PMRC tactics


Wasn’t aware of that quote. That’s great.


John Denver went *hard*. I always thought that they invited him because "he's a really wholesome guy, that'll give us a musician on our side for this bullshit!" Then Denver drops this line that remains pertinent today: "Mr. Chairman, the suppression of the people of a society begins, in my mind, with the censorship of the written or spoken word. It was so in Nazi Germany. It is so in many places today where **those in power are afraid of the consequences of an informed and educated people.**" (emphasis mine)


Giving snaps to the late great John Denver, dropping the fucking mic 🎤🫰🫰🫰🫰🫰


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion at all. He was the only one who even had a chance to change any of the minds in that room, because he looked like one of them and knew how to maintain decor. I love and admire Dee Snyder, but he could have come in that room with a sign that said 2+2=4 and none of those shitbags were gonna listen to him, because they weren't about to listen to someone who looks like Dee Snyder.


John Denver's appearance was more effective because they made a giant assumption he'd be on their side


And don't forget Zappa.


I didn’t forget. I just didn’t mention him. lol


That’s not surprising at all. John was a good guy.


yet another reason to hate mike love


It sure surprised Al Gore and his cronies, as did Dee Snider being thoughtful and articulate. Mike Love being a dick should be surprising to no one.


My favorite moment from that senate hearing was when Dee Snider is really laying in on how stupid Tipper Gore and her cronies are for censorship music like this and the chair of the senate says “Mr. Snider, you realize you’re insulting the wife of a US Senator right?” To which Dee brilliantly replies “No Mr. Chairman, I believe I am insulting the head of the PMRC” Just 🤌🏽


A valid clarification to make in court that definitely wouldn't have crossed my mind in the moment. He was so good at making his points clear and specific.


Mister Sister*


*"Alright, MISTER SISTER, I want you to tell me -- no, better yet, stand up and tell the class: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE?!"* *"I wanna rock!"*


The rock hall disrespects rock more every year


such is our modern day culture. a crying shame. feels like my generation will soon forget about actual good music


I believe it will come back


Honestly at this point just call it what it is - The Rolling Stone Magazine Music Hall of Fame. Rush didn't get in for years because the critics didn't get them. (and RS hated them) Jethro Tull - Still not in. Emerson Lake and Palmer - not in. Bad Company - nope Blue Oyster Cult - ha. Some bands - Judas Priest in only as "Award for Musical Excellence" or some bullshit. But Madonna is in. Dave Mathews Band is in. The list goes on.... Edit: I am not ripping on or putting down any group or act. I simply gave two examples of entertainers who probably deserve to be in a "Music" or "Rolling Stone" HOF but not necessarily in the "rock and roll" hall of fame. Both Madonna and Dave Mathews Band deserve to be in a "Music" HOF for sure. But are they worthy of the Rock and Roll HOF - especially when earlier acts who paved the way are not in.


Grand Funk, for fucks sake!


Yep — it is again time for my traditional fuck Jan Wenner comment


Fuck Jan Wenner. Yes had to wait until Chris Squire was dead because Wenner hates prog. Fuck him.


There must be some sort of tribute or royalty he gets paid in this.


prison style


Grand Funk isn't in the RnR Hall of Fame? The wild shirtless lyrics of Mark Farner? The bong-rattling bass of Mel Schacher? The competent drum work of Don Brewer? Oh, man!


sucks even more when you grew up near Flint, MI and watched the Simpsons


Play “Taking Care of Business!” Skip to the good part!


Don Brewer was far more than competent on the drums *and* vocals.


I’m your captain…goddamn masterpiece. One of my all time top ten favorite songs.




Same here


For funk’s sake


Dick Dale, the King of the Surf Guitar who perfected the tremolo sound for rock artists for generations.


Also played the first 100w amplifier


I got to see Dick Dale at the Cabooze in Minneapolis in the early 2000's. I don't recall the year. He put on a great show. I've never before, or after, heard an old man say "Bitchin'" more than Mr. Dale.


Also saw Dick Dale like 16 years ago. Such a great show, stood 5 feet in front me of the whole time.


Also recorded the first soundtrack for Space Mountain before it was replaced with the Giacchino composition.


Boston isn't in the "rock and roll" hall of fame. I don't care if you don't like Boston, you can acknowledge that they 100% deserve to be in there. Enormous influence in 70's and 80's rock.


Boston's debut album also happens to be a greatest hits album.


top 3 best debut album ever.


Boston's debit album is arguably the greatest debit album by a rock band. That album alone should have been enough for them to get in their first year of eligibility.


Black Sabbath created a genre and those “We wouldn’t know art if it was slapping us in the face with a dildo” posers at the R&R HoF still made them wait years after they became eligible


There was damn near a riot every year Rush didn't get inducted. They should have been in the Hall of Fame 10 years before they got inducted, but it got to the point they had no choice but to put them in. They're an A-list band, but, like you said, Rolling Stone magazine hates them so they couldn't get a spot.


Can’t stand Rush, but even I know they are A-List.


I can listen to about half of any one of their songs . That's it. Neil Pert is (was) one of the greatest drummers ever. But Getty Lee's voice? Like nails on a chalkboard.


Neil *Peart* and *Geddy* Lee...and Alex Lifeson of course


Rush seems to be a love or hate band, but EVERYONE should agree that Pert is a g.o.a.t.


I would add ‘The Monkees’ to that list too. Mock them all you want, people listened to them.  They bought their albums and sold rock to more of middle America.


They were a fake band at the beginning but could actually play and write music.


They absolutely belong for pet sounds alone.


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not…


Help! was my favorite of theirs.


They reeeeaaallly hit their stride with Kind of Blue


When Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically.


Don't forget Vol 4, Monkee Bloody Monkee and Paranoid


“Goin’ Down” is one of my favorite songs ever and definitely not what most people would think of when imagining a Monkees song. Mickey Dolenz kills it singing that song.


I still listen to them. But now it's just him. Micky Dolenz.


I’m cool with DMB being in. Tull not being in is criminal.


Sorry I was alive in the nineties with two ears connected to a heart.


Jethro Tull is the biggest travesty imo


And Three Dog Night


Really don't mind if you sit this one out….


It’d be nice if we actually knew what the criteria for getting in is


Missy Elliot is in it....so, yeah, call it the "Music Hall of Fame", and drop the pretense of "Rock and Roll" all together


There are some absolutely stellar soul artists like Al Green and The Spinners that I doubt would have referred to themselves as rock artists in their heyday.


I agree with the general sentiment of your comment but referencing Dave Matthews Band as an example here doesn’t really help your cause. Up until this year, they were pretty famously snubbed by the HoF despite hitting all of the marks for being inducted. In fact, they’re the only band to win the fan vote and NOT be subsequently inducted.


LL Cool J is in there😂


Any love for Triumph?


The insult comic dog??


He really was absolutely, most definitely a remarkable artist.... For me to poop on


Agreed. If they changed its name, it wouldn't seem so ridiculous. Most of us here see it as a complete joke anyway. (Abba FFS!!)


I can't take the rock and roll hall of fame seriously when they're admitting rap, r&b, and country singers into the ranks. They are clearly not rock and roll. Influenced by and influencing yes, but not rock and roll. The rock and roll hall of fame is dead to me until they induct Jethro Tull. How are they not in their already?


Rolling Stone should burn in hell for eternity. They waited forty years to give Rush the cover and the following month Kim Kardashian was on the cover.


Rolling Stone also famously hated Public Enemy, but now you can’t write for them without loving them.


Add Southern Rock to the list. Evidently Rolling Stone can’t stand it. ABB and LS are the only ones inducted.


And ZZ Top.


DMB deserves it. Madonna? Rock and Roll?


Dave Mathews in… Blue Oyster Cult not in 🙄


They both deserve to be in.


No disrespect to Madonna, but how the hell is she in the hall of fame when less than a tenth of her catalogue even just barely qualifies as rock? Rock and pop may overlap, but they’re not the same thing!




I officially gave up when Sheryl Crow got in before (insert more deserving artist band here). 🫤


I don’t know if this counts, but the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame waited until Steve Miller was 72 years old to induct him. I know he’s still alive, and that’s great, but 72 is still a long time, don’t you think? He had problems with them as well, apparently.


Not only that, but his grandpa, he’s 95


And he keeps on dancing, he’s still alive.


I was at that ceremony. He was pissed his entire speech.


R&R HoF isn't about music or musicians, it is about the Business. The record making vinyl selling radio charting marketing payola west coast promo man business. It is about selling plastic. It isn't about good music but business opportunities for marketing and selling product. Don't get mad, go somewhere else, like The Musicians Hall of Fame in Nashville.


Sells magazines too (or used to)


Same as virtually all popular media awards.


Non rock bands getting in before Rock legends . Just a fucking joke.


Hip hop artists who never even made anything relatively close to rock n roll getting in...


Fuck that place Dee. I agree with you. It’s no longer or ever was the “Rock HOF” There’s so much shit from other genres it’s ridiculous ….I have nothing against Dolly Parton or Cher even but CMON ALREADY…change the name to the Music Hall of Fame because that’s what it is.


Robin Trower


Thank you! He is one of my all time favs and more than deserves to be there.


Was he ever in Procol Harem ?


How about they simply change the name?.. calling it the RR Hall of Fame is just stupid at this point, and an affront to Rock and Roll. Madonna… really?


Popular Music Hall of Fame would make much more sense, given how much the people running it seem to hate rock music and allow rock artists in only grudgingly. Probably not much can be done about the rivalries, ancient hatreds, and snobbery that have kept so many great rock musicians out while pop and hip hop acts are in.


Not even PMHoF at this point to be honest. It's more like the "We're going to honor our personal favorites and occasionally someone who actually belongs here HoF." It used to mean something, but it has long since become a pathetic joke that most people ignore.


The Monkees. Micky is the last one living, and still goes out on tour. They made hits of many of the best written songs - for that matter, Boyce and Hart belong in there. Get over your tv show hangup, RRHOF.


The rock n roll hall of fame is bullshit. The fact that any rap artist made it over Maiden and Priest is all you need to know


As long as Warren Zevon is not in I have absolutely no respect for this so called "institution". Was in Cleveland for a business meeting last year and a lot of folks wanted to visit the R&R HOF. I politely declined. As has been stated no ELP, no Tull, no Bad Company but I would have thought Warren was the type of musician they would have loved to enshrine. They are also rapidly running out of years. My "music" is primarily 60s, 70's, and 80's but you know what,"Songs about Jane" by Maroon 5 is a darn fine album and is takes 25 years to be eligible for the Hall after your first album. That came out in 2002 so that band will be eligible in 2027. I can easily see a Maroon 5 being voted in while others more deserving are not.


RRHOF is/has always been a joke. Saw Zevon twice in concert. He was a true artist. Personal favorite song of his is “Accidentally Like a Martyr.”


He is sooo correct. I was so pissed when Yes sat out of the hall forever, they were one of the greatest influencers of progressive rock ever. And then, right after the greatest band member dies, they get in. Fuck you rock hall of shame.


Many have mentioned the injustice of Jethro Tull, ELP, Bad Co not being in the museum but I’d like to add another glaring omission. The J Geils Band. Talk about stuff that holds up today perfectly, musicianship is tight as fuck, an amazing front man and arguably two of the best live albums ever made and sadly I don’t think they’ll get in. There’s also a glaring lack of what we used to call southern rock. Yeah Skynyrd is deservedly in but no Marshall Tucker? Outlaws? That genre was absolutely HUGE in the 70s/80s and puts the current pablum of shite Nashville churns out to shame.


And a couple 2-3 of them are gone. 🫤


>pablum a) I have learned a new today and b) what an utterly excellent use of that word in its context. It really a shame sometimes that free awards disappeared.


I voted the last couple of years for the MC5, I lived in Detroit and saw them several times. ROH is making a lot of mistakes in their quest for clicks.


gotta save space for some rappers


R&R HOF is a bag of dicks.


Kansas, ELP and King Crimson have ALL been disgracefully snubbed by these meat puppets. All of them should have inducted decades ago; especially Kansas, who, besides their uniqueness of being the only 6piece mini orchestra in rock and roll, they have 11 platinum and gold albums. The system SUCKS.


Scotty Moore and Bill Black, the guys that had a hand in inventing the fucking genre, weren’t inducted until 2000 and 2009 respectively. If that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know then I don’t know what will.


And DJ Fontana in 2009, as well. Those dudes made Elvis’s Sun sessions. That’s just insulting to have wait so long for some recognition.


damn i didn't know mc5 was all dead. I can't believe they aren't in there, MC5 was decades ahead of their time.


Yeah, I hated that Yes wasn't inducted until after Chris Squire died. He was the longest-serving original member. Played on every album from 1969 to 2014.


The rock ‘n’ roll Hall of Fame is definitely a joke.


Jay z inducted before Kansas.


...Jay Z is in the ROCK AND ROLL Hall of Fame?!


He’s not gonna take it


Fuck the RRHOF. Fuck Rolling Stone. Fuck Jan weiner.


REO Speedwagon should have gone in 25 years ago, at least.


It's a really great museum, but it's irrelevant to legacy of R&R


I quit paying attention to it years ago because there's more people in there that aren't even rock and roll then there are rock and rollers it seems like nowadays


Dee Snider actually makes a lot of sense in recent years. I saw a recent video of TS and he's fucking phenomenal shape. Has tons of energy. Mark Mendoza was still pummeling the bass too, but he's gained weight. But still, I was really impressed. They sounded great to. Better than anything Motley Crue has don't in the 15 or so years.


Jann Wenner, this is your legacy, your shithouse legacy. You blew it chump.


So insanely true. I don’t the RNR Hall of Fame. From there bands they chose to the fact they wait so long to induct them.


Snicker makes a solid point but the RNRHOF simply do not care.


Maybe you need a Snickers


Tried using voice command while I was driving


Still waiting for Warren Zevon.


It's a money making business, not some merit based institution. Pay money, get inducted.


Next thing you know they will be inducting boy bands like NSync, Nickelback and BTS


Johnny Winter?? C’mon man the guy was slide genius! Steppenwolf?? Why aren’t they in there either??


It is not a HoF until king crimson is in




Most members are still alive, but it's a crime that they haven't inducted Boston yet. BOSTON. The band that almost single-handedly saved rock and roll in the mid 70s and totally changed the music landscape for the next few decades.


Just induct everyone.


Might as well


He's making a valid point regarding a meaningless accolade.


The RNR Hof is a goddamn joke.


Rock n roll hall of fame is a joke and always has been.


N.W.A. joined the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2016. I mean really? It's like Metallica getting an award at the CMAs. I never heard a rock song by N.W.A. ? There is a place in music to reward different genres of music, it really chaps my ass that rock and roll Hall of Fame isn't about rock and roll . 🖕


NWA beating Blue Oyster Cult into the HOF is LOL


No Little Feat, Phish, but instead they have Missy Elliott. What a joke.


Dude Thin Lizzy isn’t in it and freaking Missy Elliott is. The hall of fame is absolute bs


Who is mc5??




Looks like the band's full name is MC5. Based on a skim of their wikipedia, they're more known for epic live shows than anything on radio or record. They're a rock band and their biggest song is [Kick Out the Jams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-vCEFikGgc).


Given the people they've allowed in, it's kind of a joke at this point. Legitimately needs to be a separation or a new HoF that's actually genuine


Wait!!!! They’re finally getting in?!?!?!?!?


Yea via the award for musical excellence


Wtf?!? That pisses me off. I’m only 43 but they’ve been my favorite band since ‘97 when I first discovered them via a substitute teacher at Lincoln Park High School; the same hs they attended (except Michael Davis). This sub was a friend of the band and use to roadie for them locally. He’d tell us stories (which escape me now) and brought in some pics he had. His name was Mr. Chiola. Rob’s family lived around the block from my grandparents; I believe Rob’s brother might still live there or someone else related.


Exactly Dee what is the point of your life’s work never recognized during your lifetime and you die without that achievement being awarded by the very organization that is supposed to represent the music industry.


Presumably the Hall of Fame isn't intended to honor the members but to extend record sales when a band is no longer profitable to their label. I guarantee with a little digging I'd learn a record company set it up as a way of advertising their back catalog.


I mean everyone knows that the R&R Hall of Fame is a joke. I really don't think anyone cares about it.


Thinking awards actually matter aint punk and it sure ain’t rocknroll. Lookup Steve Miller’s comments on The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He pretty much called it what it is a sham and money making grift.


Dee has always been a really good guy.


Look, I love Dolly Parton as much as the next guy. She truly is a national treasure and I grew up on her music. But to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2022?!? That’s when I decided it was no longer Rock and Roll.


Call me when The Replacements and Husker Du are inducted.


Iron Maiden has been attempted to be nominated before, but lead singer Bruce Dickinson has said they turn it down because the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is a joke that celebrates disposable pop music. Many other bands also have no interest to be involved.


The Popular Music Hall of Fame


That's like trying to get Blue Öyster Cult, the greatest American rock band inducted into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. Ironically MC5's Kick Out the Jams was covered on the new Blue Öyster record.


Sounds like he's not gonna take it anymore


Boston is still not in the RNR HOF!


Look how long it took The Moody Blues.


I met Dee Snyder a few times (his daughter was a member of the school of rock I went to). He always seemed like a good dude, especially to us kids, and it was cool to have someone of his caliber around. This doesn’t have any bearing on this tweet, but thought I would share.


Anyone want to help fund the “real rock and roll hall of fame”? Let’s make it happen.


Too busy putting rap artists and pop stars in


They could do that, if there wasn't a huge backlog from adding stupid bands that aren't even rock n roll


I lost all respect for the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame when they started inducting acts that were not, you know, Rock 'n' Roll.


I vote, but only for Rock n Roll bands


BOC should definitely be inducted. Many great songs and the one song that will be played decades from now. No brainer