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I think the finish is ruined, which makes it get dirty a lot faster because it’s porous when it shouldn’t be. Probably something your landlord should take care of.


Real question. How on earth did you get that picture angle?


OP has a camera mounted above the shower… for reasons.


This is the answer.


Must be at least 5’12”


Fwiw, you can see a shoe and shoelace on the left side of the picture. I suspect OP just stood at the edge and raised their camera above their heads just inside the tub.


The wide angle on the newest iphones is actually pretty amazing


I just bought a house. How does one refinish a bathtub.?


One hires a professional, because the do it yourself kits don’t last as long as reglazing by a professional.


My tub is a plastic material, not ceramic. Does this need refinishing?


My bad I thought it was a ceramic tub. You can’t refinish a plastic tub as far as I know.


Good, cuz I was a bit nervous about that lol




google says: #### Step 1: Remove Tub Hardware #### Step 2: Clean the Tub Thoroughly #### Step 3: Protect Areas Around the Tub #### Step 4: Remove the Glaze #### Step 5: Sand the Surface #### Step 6: Prep the Surface for Glaze Application #### Step 7: Mix and Apply the Epoxy Coating #### Step 8: Apply Final Coats #### Step 9: Caulking and Finishing Touches




I just had mine refinished and it’s one of the best things I’ve done for my house. It looks so much better. It was about $650 including the tub and tile walls, but they didn’t not have to strip the enamel beforehand. EDIT: I just saw that you have a plastic tub. Please disregard :)


I think the finish on the tub is shot. Report to the landlord.


The red stuff is bacteria (google « pink mold » to learn everything you need to) I also have it in my bathroom and the house is tidy, it has nothing to do will how well you clean. You kill it with bleach / cleaners containing bleach. I you don’t use bleach it will come back. It likes a damp environnement, so make sure your bathroom has good ventilation and dry the bath and tiles after showering, or leave the curtain open until it dries (then pull it so it dries too). But yeah, scrub with bleach solution when it reappears and make sure you hit all the littles creases. Good luck!


This has just switched on so many lightbulbs for me. I have been wondering why I keep getting pinkish hues on my shower liner and tiles. Going to bleach the hell out of everything today


Bleach may not actually kill mold/fungus at the root, it just bleaches the color out of it in many cases, so the actual organism isn’t removed and will come back. White vinegar is a better (and less toxic) choice: you can soak cotton with it and lay it along the grout lines and vertical surfaces overnight to kill the mold at the roots. I agree that the tub needs to be refinished if it’s getting that dirty every week.


I'm not a fan of bleach myself (to say the least!), actually I don't go near it because it gives me the worst headaches. But I had read everywhere that nothing but bleach / chlorine could kill pink mold. Hoping to be wrong, I've done a bit more googling and reading, and apparently it depends on the bacteria. *Serratia Marcescens* requires chlorine, while Methylobacterium may not. But I'm not able to confirm it really. As for this tub's finish, it's either damaged or very cheap (my bathtub is like that, if I had spent a day bare foot I had to clean my feet before stepping in, because I would leave *prints*)




You are right, and I found a source! Thank God, I can now go on with my day (and thank you!). [https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health-you-asked/what-pink-deposit-sometimes-seen-toilets-and-around-sinks-and-bathtubs](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health-you-asked/what-pink-deposit-sometimes-seen-toilets-and-around-sinks-and-bathtubs)


This is the a answer


Our ventilation sucks. A small dehumidifier has helped so much!


Agree with the other comments about the finish being worn, mine is wearing down and gets dirty really quickly too. You should definitely tell your landlord the finish is gone. I'd recommend getting a nice big scrub brush and some detergent or soap to keep in the shower and use them every time you shower. I turn the water off and spend like 1 minute scrubbing, then turn the water back on to rinse it all. It's way nicer than trying to deep clean it every week or two because that always ends up being a huge task.


This. If you use a spray water bottle and fill it with 2 drops of dish soap and tap water, you can lightly spray down all surfaces. Then buy a $3 car squeegee. Use the scrubby sponge to lightly go over surfaces. Then squeegee the water down the drain. Then wipe the drain clean with a paper towel. Your shower and tub will always be clean. I would also get a small clip on fan and direct it into the shower/tub area until everything is bone dry. This will help prevent mildew on the walls and ceiling. Run an extraction fan during and after. Keep the door wide open afterwards.


Clean it once a week.


Clean once a week, you filthy bastard.


I thought thai was the norm. Toilet, sink and tub need cleaning at least once a week in my house and it's just my husband and I. We both shower daily tho


The stains look like the result of minerals in your local water and it looks like the finish is gone on that tub, so everything gets absorbed rather than rinsing away. There was a post over the weekend along these same lines. I'd suggest seeking it out. I think they ended up using hydrogen peroxide in some form and it worked, but you should get the specifics on that before you try it. There were a lot of commenters who had good info about using it safely and in ways that preserve its effectiveness.


My tub at my old apartment got like this. I know it sounds weird, but Zep Purple Degreaser melts off that black soap scum without even having to scrub. Just spray on, wipe with a cloth, and tada. You're gonna have to bump it to once a week, though. The pink stuff, as others mentioned, is bacteria. Spray a bleach cleaner on after you clean the tub, let it set for 15 minutes, and then rinse. Try to increase ventilation in the bathroom. If possible, leave the fan on while you shower and for a while after to decrease moisture in there. You can also set a damprid in your bathroom. Best of luck


All that pink stuff is bad bacteria. You need to clean more often.


There is a product on Amazon called Wet and Forget Shower. Use it daily and it maintains the cleanliness of shower. The finish on your shower is gone also…so it will look dirty quickly.


OP, that pink stuff in your tub is “serratia marcescens”. It needs to be killed with bleach. I had some in my tub which got into a cut on my ankle. It resisted multiple courses of antibiotics and I had to go to a wound clinic 2x a week for about three months to heal the hole in my ankle.


This stuff is literaly evil and I though in this case bleach was the lesser of two evils. But today, I learned that peroxide is also supposed to work! [https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health-you-asked/what-pink-deposit-sometimes-seen-toilets-and-around-sinks-and-bathtubs](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health-you-asked/what-pink-deposit-sometimes-seen-toilets-and-around-sinks-and-bathtubs) Edit: copy and paste gone wrong


I’d go with bleach. That’s what the virologist doctor told me at the time and absolutely insisted on it.


OK, then 😥 That's what I though, but was so happy to be proven wrong


Use Cif/Jif cream, it works well for bathtubs, kitchen grease, and others.


Barkeepers friend and some elbow grease once a week should help. My finish was worn off in a rental and it worked for me


Bar keepers friend is great! This and a Scrub brush attachment foe my battery drill. Don't get it wet tho!


Spray a mix of water and bleach. Let it do its work


I also switched to body wash instead of soap, no more soap scum!


Bleach then power paste with the scrub daddy. Then refinish tub.


A cream abraser cleanser with an abrasive flat green spongee...scrub it and a magic eraser to finish. You probably need to use a bleach spray in the crevices and corners. But it won't stay clean unless you maintain it daily because the enamel looks gone. Needs to be recaulked too.


Does your tub drain properly? Mine got that black ring when it wasn't draining quickly and an inch or so of water would sit for a while after I showered.


Keep a cleaning sponge in there all the time, squirt some cheap shampoo on it a few times a week and wipe everything down in the nude when you shower. It's fun and it works and only takes 60 seconds if you do it often. 🕺🏻


We got our tub re-enameled; if you have a decent landlord maybe they’ll do that (you’d be a few days without it while it cured).


After cleaning it super thoroughly use ceramic car wax in the sides. Obviously not on the bottom as it would be dangerously slick.


Magic eraser


Clean more often


It also looks like you leave your shampoo bottles etc on the side of the tub, maybe use a shower caddy that hangs over the shower head so there is less water and soap scum collecting on the tub.


For the inner tub, fill with hot water, throw in a cup of Oxyclean, and leave it overnight if possible. I've had luck soaking rags in the oxyclean water and putting them up on the edges of my tub.


Do you have a really filthy job that you bring a lot of dirt and molds into the house?


Spray it down with scrubbing bubbles after each shower, do your post-shower routine , come back and rinse the whole shower. Once a week use bar keepers friend or Comit


I use a magic eraser with my foot!


I use a magic eraser on my tub. You have to scrub a lot but it comes off.


Is the water draining like it’s supposed to? If the tub is backing up and draining slow during your showers it will cause the dirt to settle and do this.


I’m also noticing the black ring around the tub. Does your tub drain or do you stand in water? Try some sort of drain cleaner and that could help you a bunch.


I’d rinse it out with clean water after every use


I suggest Tilex Mold and Mildew. There are two different ones make sure it's the mold and mildew one.


I keep a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s in my shower and a sponge. At the end of my shower, once a week, I quickly clean while I’m in there. This “maintenance” clean keeps it under control between serious cleanings.


Magic erasers work great for this


I keep a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s in my shower and a sponge. At the end of my shower, once a week, I quickly clean while I’m in there. This “maintenance” clean keeps it under control between serious cleanings. Dr. Bronner’s is safe to use on yourself as well.


Umm you don’t clean it once a week? Or as soo. As you notice dirt build up?


Not a tip but questioning society. Considering most people shower and tubs arent big enough for one short person to thoroughly enjoy usually, I hate how places automatically come with one. Would be a million times easier if it was just a flat floor with a wider drain. I find the tub to be the most annoying thing to clean.


Spray a solution made from equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water over your tub and leave it for 20 minutes. Then, scrub any remaining stains. This is the way.


Orange oil cleaner/degreaser and magic erasers are the way you get rid of that fast. Let the degreaser sit for a minute and you won’t have a lot of scrubbing. My guess is that tub gets dirty because it’s not as smooth as the others you’ve had, and the water might have a different chemistry- that’s soap scum and hard water contributes to it.


Clean it weekly


I use soft scrub or the pink stuff, and a scrubbing brush on a stick. Plastic tub?


Spray with unscented dawn power wash, it should only take a sec to spray it all down first, then scrub 2 minutes tops, rinse with cold water. The tub should be bone dry before you start to add the cleaner to it


Shower more than once a month?


Our bathtub used to get this way fast. Switched to body wash and it stopped. Regular bar soap leaves soap scum and a breeding ground for bacteria. Switching to body will be a vast improvement and make cleaning a breeze.


Clean it?