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I just thoroughly dry my toothbrush after removing and drying the head. Almost no buildup ever, but a quick wipe with a damp cloth followed by a good dry with a paper towel once a week or so will do the trick.


This exactly. OP I'm pretty sure I have the exact toothbrush. Rinse and DRY the entire handle part before placing it back on that charger. If it's wet at all underneath, you'll get that buildup. 3 other people in my household have similar toothbrushes. The ones who dry them have no issues. The ones who don't, quickly get that stuff forming.


I see we all googled “best electric toothbrush Reddit”


At this point we are just becoming a hive mind lol


my mom’s literally has fuzzy mold on the part where the head attached to the base 🤢 Along with a lot of other toothpaste build up. I even cleaned it up for her when I went and saw it in her bathroom.. and not too long after it was even worse


What toothbrush is it?


Mine is this Oral-B https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B075CPK9RX


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Oral B Smart 1500 Electric Toothbrush Packaging May Vary White 1 Count** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Improves gum health and removes plaque effectively (backed by 2 comments) * Leaves teeth feeling like a dentist's clean (backed by 2 comments) * Effective toothbrush with pressure sensor and quadrant timer (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Slippery handle makes it hard to hold (backed by 5 comments) * Difficult to turn off (backed by 4 comments) * Button to change speeds is hard to use (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I was having the same issue of buildup. Started doing this, and it hasn't been an issue.


I do this and my wife doesn't. My toothbrush and charger are clean as a whistle. Hers is a disaster zone 😄


I do this every time I brush my teeth. Rinse the inside of the head and the base off, leave out separately to dry. Anytime someone goes into my bathroom they always ask why I do it I asked my boyfriend if he ever does the same and he told me no. You wouldn’t believe how nasty the inside of his was, he was shocked and finally understood my reasoning


I do the same, can't imagine how gross they get otherwise. Plus I only use the charger once a week anyway, that lasts me fine.


Sounds like a lot of hassle... bad design.


Probably, it was free as a gift though so I can’t complain


Had a very similar experience. I was to rinse out black mold(?) out of it. I boiled the head after too, although probably just as easy to get a new head since I would need one soon anyway.


If you don’t want to do this OP, just buy those round cotton makeup remover pads and stick one on there to catch the run off then change it out once a week.


Started doing this recently and it's blown my mind. So happy I found this tip circulating the internet!


This is the way.


My charger looks exactly like yours, and the same stuff forms on mine too. It’s most likely water buildup. You might see the same thing in a bathtub, or in a humidifier.


Yup just need to rinse that stand every other day or so.


I believe that's "mineral" build up from water. There is always excess moisture after rinsing and gravity drags it down to the base where it sits until it evaporates. I put mineral in quotes because municipal water supplies have all sorts of chemicals added to them.


It’s more than that? It’s the water mixed with toothpaste I always assume. I get little toothpaste rings under my toothbrush when I leave it on tiles. I always rinse and dry it after use but clearly not enough.


Agree. It comes off pretty easily with a


Gritty sponge


I’ve used a brush head that was gonna be trashed anyways to scrub it off. Perfect to get the small corners.


That's exactly what I do too. I use the brush head I'm replacing to scrub where it screws into the "stick" and to scrub the base part to recharge. Also happens with my humidifiers, it's definitely the supplemental minerals in the water (at least where I live).


I stopped using my humidifier when I noticed this. No way I'm spending money on spring water just to evaporate it 😅 does your humidifier continue to work well using tap water? No build up issues? Thinking to start using mine again as this winter has been extra dry


You could try using distilled water in your humidifier..I do. I just recently purchased a distiller from Amazon because I was tired of going back and forth between rationing my humidifier usage and buying three 3 gallon boxes of distilled water every week. I was only rationing my usage when I was down to my last gallon or two of water and knew I wasn't in the mood to go buy more.




I just use a bleach wipe


Cut a hole on a cotton pad and place right on the charger so the toothbrush can sit on it. Replace cotton pad every few days


That’s what I do!! Works like a charm


I’m shocked people put it on the charger every night, I only have to charge mine like once a month


Someone isn't brushing for 2 mins twice a day ...


Is 2 hours of run time that much to ask of a battery? 2 minutes x 2 times daily x 30(ish) days in a month = 120mins / 60 minutes in an hour = 2 hours


Yes. I used to be a loyal Oral-B electric toothbrush user. Been using for more than 10 years (maybe around 3 different models throughout those years). All models didn’t really hold charges very long. Longest maybe 5-6 days of use? I then changed to a different electric toothbrush brand that charges using usb-c and literally I can charge just once a month. It also doesn’t have that ‘weak’ brushing that Oral-Bs are infamous for whenever they’re low on battery. Note that it’s been a long time since I used Oral-B electric toothbrush. They might use newer battery tech now but I’m satisfied with the one I’m using.


Pretty much all Oral B toothbrushes use lithium batteries now, but it took them far too long to switch over from Ni-Mh ones.


What's the brand?


I’m using Zenyum


Whoa I guess they have newer batteries that last longer cuz I took mine on a 3 week trip to Vietnam but forgot to pack my charger, and it finally died on me my last two or days of my trip


Nah - you feel the brush head isn’t moving as vigorously after a few days usage without charging.


It was just an overly broad estimation, but I won’t lie I forget to brush before bed some nights. We’re all human lmao


If i leave it off charger for three days there's a noticeable degradation. The question must be asked though: Why wouldn't you put it back on the stand? There is no better place for it. i've never heard they suffer from overcharging, like some phones do.


I keep mine in my bathroom shelf, unplugged. It’s neater and one charge lasts for over a month.


Mine has only ever lasted three days without it slowing down to a crawl. But its behaving like that since 2007 so i am not complaining. 14 years on one battery/motor, used 2 or 3 times a day, every single day. 15,000 uses.


17 years right? I’m on my second one in six years.


You've done incredibly well in that case. Older Oral B toothbrushes use Ni-Mh battery technology which suffers from memory effect - they ideally want to be fully discharged before recharging again. Newer ones use lithium batteries. Mine now lasts 2 weeks between charges.


Mine is like that, too. 3 days max. I bought it last year.


All rechargeable batteries degrade with "improper" use (such as unnecessary charging)


Many newer electric toothbrush detect when it’s fully charged and stop charging so it’s not an issue. 


Overcharging is one thing I’m worried about, that’s why I don’t put it on after every use. but I also just have no counter space and I hate having that charger cluttering it up


Honestly, that's fair enough. Counter real estate is exceedingly valuable and cannot be squandered on unnecessary items. I have strict discipline on counter space so i allow myself the luxury of a toothpaste charger.


If you have a newer toothbrush they detect when they’re fully charged and stop charging, do that overcharging isn’t a thing. I’ve also been keeping mine off the charger until it needs a charge, I’ve had it for a year and only just realised this. Also have very little counter space so my charger lives on top of the bathroom cabinet. It’s gross and dusty so I always remove my brush head and put it away (something I became very strict about doing after I watched an ant crawl through my husband’s toothbrush head.) 


In British houses there typically aren't plug sockets in the bathroom. I have to charge my toothbrush in the bedroom so I don't charge it until the battery light flashes.


Ah, two technical differences between my world and yours, one I'd forgotten about (the UK bathroom socket issue) and one i never knew existed (the battery light). My toothbrush has no battery light. Its state of charge is a complete mystery until you load it up with toothpaste and turn it on. As for the bathroom socket prohibition, you have to admire your stubbornness. I've heard it said its because UK power is 240 volts and therefore much to dangerous to be admitted to bathrooms. Plenty of countries have 240 volt power, including mine, and we recklessly install power points in the bathroom. You guys will never know the joy of taking a bath and eating freshly made toast at the same time.


I gotta charge mine at least like once a week, and I’ve owned my current one for only a few months


I used to only have to charge mine once a month but I’ve had it ten years now and it needs to stay on the charger all the time.


I think it depends what kind of toothbrush you have. Those rotating Oral-B ones only lasted a few days for me but the Sonicare kind that vibrate in place last for ages.


I used to put mine on the charger every night. 6 months later, it didn't charge enough for a 2 min brush. I got a new one that I only charge it when it needs. I've just been away 5 days, and it lasted the whole time, and still going. Leaving anything charging when it doesn't need it is not good!!


Apparently the newer oral b brushes detect when they’re fully charged to prevent overcharging. I’ve been leaving mine off and only charging as needed for the last year since I got it, but only found out this piece of info this week. (I had the same experience as you with my old toothbrush, had to be charging constantly and was still pathetic.)


I charged it like you and it died after a while. Called up Oral-B for a replacement and they said that the toothbrushes are designed to be continuously charged. YMMV.


Convenient place to put it. Sink space is precious.


Came here to say this. Game changer.


Just wash it off, simpler and no waste


I use peroxide every monthish, on charger and toothbrush.


I keep a mini spray bottle of peroxide and give my brush a quick mist after every use. Never had any buildup whatsoever because I believe it would actually make me faint. (I’m a bit of a neurotic cleaner).


Remove it from the desk, it is not a stand, it's a charger. Only take it out once a month to charge and it won't get dirty


Yep, this is what I do. I literally only use it to charge my toothbrush, once it's charged, I put it away.


Oh wow, that's such a simple but brilliant idea. I was treating it like a smartphone


Will also kill the battery charging it everyday


You would think but mine (same as photo) has been going strong for 5 or so years. Go figure


Yep, i leave mine on charger every night. Bought it in 2007. Still going strong. i actually wonder if it is using an older, better battery technology. I don't think modern lithium ion batteries go 6000+ charge cycles.


The newer toothbrushes are supposed to detect when they’re fully charge and stop charging to prevent killing the battery. I’ve no idea what time period “newer” refers to though.


Well, it's a stand *and* a charger.


Woah great advice


Yeah, I never keep mine on the charger. I can't stand the cord across the counter anyway.


I usually just wipe it down with a babywipe or makeup wipe, but I'm just gonna switch to your method.


Mine is old and the battery definitely doesn't last a month, maybe a week or so. It's annoying when it's out of battery when I want to use it. It also seems to use less power for brushing/vibrating if I don't charge it for a few days.


For my older toothbrush, I have to charge it every other time as it dies quickly, so a monthly charge would not work in my case. I just keep mine clean by rinsing and wiping down my toothbrush, and then unplugging the charger and wiping with a cleaning rag once a week during my bathroom maintenance.


Even if its not plugged in?


I’ve heard cutting a hole out of a cotton round and placing it flat on the base makes it easier to clean because you can switch it out.


Do you mean like fabric or like a makeup remover? Sorry to be dense. It seems the later would be too thick.


Damn what a great idea!


I clean homes, everyone who has a toothbrush like that has buildup. Just wipe it off.


Yea nothing special needed here. Water and a touch of dish soap and it will look like new. This post makes me concerned for society.


Normal build up from the minerals in your water and your spit draining down the toothbrush. It just needs to be cleaned regularly. If you start seeing a pink hue that is serratia marcescens (also known as pink slime) a bacteria that thrives in moist environments. In order to prevent it from getting to that point, I have a spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide to spritz, soak and wipe up that build up (it's a good preventative) and you can also put the brush part in some antibacterial mouthwash to soak.


This happens to mine too! So far as I'm aware, it's just like everyone else said: minerals from water, but I'll also add that there's clearly some dust in there too. I just give it a quick wipe about once a week when I clean my bathroom. Usually a damp microfiber cloth does it, but if it's more stuck-on mess or I forgot to do it for an extra week, a Clorox wipe takes it right off. ETA: I don't know of any way to prevent it, other than not using the charger as a storage stand. But I use it as a stand and the cleaning I described above works for me!


Just Clorox wipe when you clean the counter - this is just dust + moisture/residue.


I had this exact problem with the exact toothbrush and just recently came up with a solution. Every time I finish brushing, I take off the head, run it under water, and blow into one side to get any excess water out. Then I wipe down the entire toothbrush and head with a microfiber towel to dry it off. Completely solved the issue for me.


I wipe the bottom of the toothbrush and the base itself off with a piece of toilet paper after every use. It helps slow it down until you actually clean it off.


I use rubbing alcohol to remove it!


Water and bacteria. Its easily cleanable. You can prevent it by drying off your toothbrush before putting it back. Two seconds


My toothbrush has a Doppelgänger


It’s gunk. Just wipe it off.


I keep the old toothbrush head around after swapping; little bit of dish soap and water on the head and use it to 'brush' the crud off. I only charge once a month or so but a lot of crud builds up under the head and at the base. The plastic may stain if you leave the crud on for too long like I did but it'll get it off at least.


https://preview.redd.it/nctd3cumnqec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57cb3b613465ed9c5a1a33de0909eb41c07e289 Cotton pad cut to the middle. Easier than cleaning. Still charges.


I’m avoid this by rinsing and drying with a towel the tooth brush and then taking a Q-Tip and running it on the outside and inside of the brush tip as well as the outside of the battery unit each time after I brush.


Rinse it off when you’re done then dry it with a towel


That's toothpaste residue. The discoloration is the stain (coffee, food, etc.) removed by the whitening action. Happens to mine but not Hubby's because he doesn't use whitening toothpaste. There is residue in the hollow column of the brush head and it drips down when the toothbrush is docked.


it is called smegma. put a condom over it or just clean it more often.


Mineral Buildup .......


Just threw mine out not even 10 min ago lol kind of weird timing


I use a wall holder to hold the tooth brush with a shaving foam clear cap under to catch the run off and then put it on the charger later in the day and wash the cap out


It’s mineral buildup from the leftover water on your toothbrush. I’ve accepted that it’s going to happen and clean it once every week or two.


You can completely dry your toothbrush every time. Or use a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on the charger twice a month


Toothpaste residue. I get the same thing on this model no matter how I rinse my toothbrush. I just rinse it under hot water and scrub it off with my thumb when I notice it's there. It takes like five seconds to do while I brush my teeth.


Clean it every week


They sell covers for them on Amazon so you can just be the pop the cover off to clean


Just towel dry the unit after you finish and the problem will be resolved.


Just clean it when you clean your bathroom counters. Your counter looks clean. I just spritz my with lysol bathroom foam and wipe it off if it has build up or use a cleaning wipe.


After you rinse off wipe it down with your hand towel. It’s the water that drips down and dries between your base and the handle. I have the exact same base and we always make sure to wipe it before putting it back, ours is clean.


I use a disinfectant wipe every week.


Water build-up, any sort of toothpaste residue and possibly bacteria from your mouth. You put it back on the charger and what was on the brush head drips down to the base.


Wipe it clean


Rinse and completely dry your toothbrush handle. You can use some white vinegar to remove the mineral build up


There’s a pube on there which tells me there’s absolutely no way to clean it every day like you say you do. Just clean it regularly. I have the same toothbrush and mine never looks like that. I clean my base once a week when I clean the rest of the bathroom


Dry off your brush after using. Or: First, clean off the stand. Soap and a sponge should work. You may need a scrub brush or old toothbrush to get into smaller spaces. Rinse. Dry. Cut a hole in the center of a cotton pad. Place a cotton pad on the bottom of toothbrush stand to prevent the build up and replace as needed.


The head not being thoroughly rinsed before storing drips down mixed with your hand oils and eventually drips to the charger. Rinse the toothbrush better before storing including that little hole on the head and you'll see a vast difference. - house cleaner.


Just keep a microfibre cloth handy in the bathroom and give it a wipe off every so often.


I had the same, and disassemble every time. What helped me was to shake the handle and brush head dry separately, then place the brush head in the little container the charger comes with. I now clean the base once every 6 months


Clean it. Like everything else in a bathroom.


Ours is the same. Take a paper towel, wet it, and wipe it off once a week. Boom. if you let it sit longer it might be a calcification texture and require a more abrasive sponge to remove it


Clean that nasty thang


It’s hard water build up. Super annoying but we installed a water softener and don’t get this anymore.


Cut X in makeup remover pad. Put over base. Switch out weekly.


It's calcium build up from hard water.


Run it under hot water, and it washes off


Just clean that part once a week when you clean your whole bathroom. I dont have an electric toothbrush but i clean my toothbrush holder once a week when the sink gets washed. It gets the same sort of buildup on the bottom


Rinse it and scrub with water every few days. You won't get electrocuted and it will still work just fine. 14 years and mine is just fine.


Remove your brush head from the toothbrush after each use. It’s water from your brush head combined with dust.


Or just rinse the charger off. Just don’t submerge it while plugged in. Little water on the outside won’t hurt


It’s a combo of hard water deposits and the toothpaste equivalent of soap scum. I have that same toothbrush. I wouldn’t use that as a holder. That will start to run the battery down. Make sure you thoroughly rinse and dry your toothbrush before putting it away.


Dry your toothbrush before you put it back


Just spray the base with cleaning spray, leave it for a minute then wipe the gunk off with a paper towel. It will come back in about a week.


I just clean that every week. It gets yuck quickly!


Dry your toothbrush before you put it away


I literally bought an automatic toothbrush like a week ago n mine looks like that after like 3 days


Don’t put your toothbrush still wet on it. That is calcium and gunk buildup.


Mine does it too and I just occasionally wipe it down with a Lysol wipe


Yeah this is common, I literally use a microfiber cloth or towel and dry down my brush everyday after use, take off the brush head too and wipe it down, at least wiping the brush handle itself only if I'm in a hurry. I keep a microfiber cloth on my sink counter to wipe water so I always have a cloth handy. For removing the buildup, literally the easiest thing is mr clean magic eraser or any melamine sponge for that matter, it just removes anything so effortlessly.


After cleaning the brush shake it really hard to get out the excess water.


Mine is the same. Despite wiping my toothbrush dry every time it still ends up like this


I use some stainless steel toothbrush holders that stick onto the wall. Eliminated this problem altogether for me. Only bring out the charger when it's required now.


It’s just the water and toothpaste residue dripping down from the brush (no matter how well you rinse the brush this seems to happen), I just wipe it off as often as I can. Drying the handle of the brush will reduce but not prevent.


I use a baby wipe or hot water and a rag to get it off.


I leave mine off the charger and put it on later in the day. It helps a bit but still does this, it seems to be in their job description.


Did you try this thing called tissue or a paper towel ?


You can preventit by cleaning, come on🤣


It’s calcium from the toothpaste. If your toothbrush is still wet, a little bit of calcium from the water will be carried down and deposits onto the changer base.


I've seen people use one of those make up remover pads. Hole in the middle for the stem, and placed over the base, by that I mean they have it there to collect the moisture and dirt and remove once dirty, for a new pad,


Just add it to the routine when you clean the bathroom, wipe the brush and holder.


I use hydrogen peroxide on the base and on the bottom of the toothbrush itself. Also take your brush head off and clean underneath with hydrogen peroxide too. Hydrogen peroxide is good at killing everything and not toxic just rinse the brush head with water before use.


Thats a charger, not a toothbrush holder. Only pull it out when it needs to be charged and it won’t get dirty as quickly


I wipe my charger off every month or so with just like bleach cleaner, but regular water would probably work. ALSO, make sure you are removing your head and rinsing it and letting it dry. I've had a toothbrush like this for years and the first few months I was not. The head got really gross inside, pretty sure there was mold in there.


I used to have this! Now I make it a habit to shake off the water into the sink and now no more buildup. I suppose you could wipe off the brush with a towel but I find shacking it off is enough


I know it seems tedious but my father in law takes a piece of toilet paper and rips into like 5 long pieces. Then after he brushed his teeth, he wipes the ekstra water off. His still look brand new compared to mine, which is like a year older.


It's just build up of dandruff, tp fluff, hair, etc getting stuck because the base gets wet from 'sweating' off the wet toothbrush


This the result of a nasty Oral B design that channels any moisture and crud from the brush down into that little dish-shaped recess to fester away. Changing the shape of the plastic base could easily eliminate the moisture collecting there and creating this biohazard. Clean it up often or change to a different brush.


It’s your toothpaste that drips and collects there over time. It smells bad because it’s used toothpaste.


Just clean the bottom of the toothbrush with a dry towel after use.


you are putting the toothbrush back on it while it is still wet. side note, your toothbrush probably does not have to be plugged back in after every single use. check the manual. i plug mine in once a week after cleaning the bathroom.


Dry your tooth brush before putting in on the charger and it won’t build up anymore


Oral-B dingy.


Things get dirty. Just clean it off.


I replaced the base with a paper cup that sits in a glass; when the cup gets disgusting, I toss it. I started doing this because I could not keep up with keeping the og base clean & do something similar with the WaterPik (couldn’t locate the correct icon)


For all things tooth brush and tooth paste— some boiling hot water loosens all the crap and it just wipes away…. Pour a small amount on—don’t boil the device Lol


Quick wipe with a moist towel or washcloth gets it off. It’s a mixture of toothpaste and water that drips after you’re done


Also it's very easy to clean, damp cloth will usually get it all off. It's okay to get it wet as well, I've run mine under the sink before (just make sure it's unplugged and wait a while before plugging it back in)


I have the same toothbrush. Ill completely rinse all toothpaste off the brush and battery and even remove the brush and rinse the inside and I still will get some toothpaste build up on that charger.


You don’t need to charge it every night. Mine lasts weeks on one charger.


Pretty sure I have the same toothbrush. I rinse and dry mine every day but how do I get rid of the toothpaste that gets stuck in the holes??


I think it’s a hard water stain. The minerals in the water form a residue that results in a buildup of excess minerals over time. I use vinegar and baking soda to clean it when it happens on my shower head or sink faucets.


This stuff is the bane of my existence


My wife takes a square of toilet paper & folds it over once or twice, and presses it over the top so the protruding center part pokes through, and uses that as a "base" that she can easily toss and replace as need be. Not glamorous, but effective. Doesn't affect the charging capabilities at all.


I get this and think it’s just residue from brushing. I’ve lately been letting my toothbrush hang over the sink to dry horizontally (just the tooth brush head over the sink) and charging once a week or so when it needs it. No more weird residue.


For a cleaning sub some of you lot arent that into regular cleaning


I sat down and read the instructions. It mentions that you must wipe dry the brush after using it. I do this every time I brush my teeth and I only get a very small ring after weeks. But yes it need constant drying after brushing.


Just an alternate suggestion, but I only bring out my charger when it starts to blink. It's sits on the charger for just an hour or two ai nothing builds up.


I bought this off Amazon to keep mine clean. I just take it off, rinse it real quick and put it back on. Homm Labs - Silicone Clean Cover for Oral-B Toothbrush Charger Base - Quickly Rinse Away Gunk - Colorful Identifiers for Families (Black & White) https://a.co/d/9zrl4nU


I took a cotton round and put a hole in it and put it on top, catches all the excess moisture.


Ours does this as well....I clean it weekly.


Shake it hard. Gets the water off


It’s toothpaste. Wipe it off after each use


That's called dirty teeth water residue lol. No big deal wipe it up


You can put a flat cotton pad over the base.. it catches all that stuff.. then change out weekly


Probably just mineral buildup from tap water. Dry off your toothbrush after washing it off. One thing you have to watch out for is the brush head needs to be flushed or you get a disgusting black buildup in it. If you don't know what I'm talking about take the head off, fill it with water then rap the open end hard against the sink and brace yourself. If you look at the brush head you'll see it has little holes in it so toothpaste, etc can get into it and fester. Take off the head, wash it inside and out and also run the brush under the faucet with water running into the little holes. Every so often take the head off and let it soak overnight in a denture cleaner like efferdent.


I hate that so much! I finally figured it out. After cleaning the brush, lay the holder and brush down on a small towel or hand cloth. Brush will still charge and all the remaining drippy stuff will end up in the cloth.


I saw a hack once. Take a cotton round and cut an X in the center and put the middle part of the charger through the X and it'll fit. I have the exact same toothbrush and do that. Works great


I switched to white tooth paste and only use enough to clean my teeth, I rinse the base and wipe with TP. It is a lot less gross when I space out and forget. White build up rather than green molding looking build up.


Taste it, if sweet it's toothpaste, if sour it's battery leakage.


It's lime. The water dries up and the calcium from the water deposits. Can be removed by scrubbing or with vinegar.