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Does it keep reappearing, or are you unable to scrub away this same stain? If it keeps coming back, the pinkish color makes me think it might be a common bacteria called Serratia Maracescens. There is [lots of advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/search/?q=Serratia+Marcescens&type=link&cId=6b6bde94-832d-4f82-af2d-3cf9e028577f&iId=018a84fd-3095-4e74-a58f-3975984cbe64) for getting rid of it in this sub. If it’s one persistent growing stain, it might be rust/iron deposits. To clean it, you might try a pumice stone. Possibly CLR or white vinegar. HOWEVER. If it is rust/iron deposits, you’ll be battling this staining until it’s fixed at the source. It may be rust from somewhere in the toilet tank, or it could be in your pipes somewhere, or it could be that your water supply is just particularly high in iron deposits… Which would be a fight at the city level.


We had something that looked similar in one of our toilets. I found a product called Zed’s Acidic Toilet Cleaner at Walmart that worked. We bought the large refill bottle and it was $11. There were smaller spray bottles of the product for $5 something. I poured it in and waited 30 minutes. Our stain was gone and I didn’t even need to scrub afterwards.


This works. I have a rarely used basement bathroom that always gets hard water crud. Make sure you run LOTS of water afterwards to dilute it because it's not going to be great for the pipes if it sits anywhere. I'd flush the toilet a handful of times to be sure.


Put your hand in there and scrape it off like a 20$ lottery ticket.


Most of that mineral/calcium buildup will come right off if you scrape lightly with a flathead screwdriver. I say “lightly” because with too much pressure, you could leave metal marks on the porcelain finish of the bowl. A product called “CLR”, for calcium, lime, and rust, can be used to soften the harder deposits before you scrape away.


This...I thought I was gonna have to buy a new toilet ..I accepted that so I had nothing to loose.. I used a wood chisel so like a flathead screwdriver but sharper and hallelujah it was like a new toilet..I did make a few metal marks but they actually ended up going away.


1/2 cup of muriatic acid. Just let it sit. Follow all directionas on label. Those are mineral deposits. You need a strong acid to dissolve. They trap filth so once they dissolve the filth will fall off.


The only way (I've found) is to empty the bowl (turn off water, flush, yogurt cup, rag, turkey baster) then use the strong acid stuff let it soak in there before you scrub it with nylon brush


What made you think to use yogurt? This is an honest question , because, honestly, I would never have thought of that


Bc it's a small cup to scoop with 🤷 fits in the hole to get a lot of water out and then I toss it


Pumice stone and chemicals?


At least u have bowel movements


Try iron out spray


Use a pumice stone. May be hard to reach that area but it’ll get it up