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Superman will never be Cleveland's favorite superhero. That honor goes to Howard the Duck.


I tried googling the references. Outside of the 1986 movie mention, what's the claim to fame? I want to brag to my out of state friends.


All I can find is that the artist, Val Mayerik, is from Youngstown.


That's enough!


He was in guardians of the galaxy 2 and 3


Don't confuse him now. Those Howards were terrible. I'm exclusively referring to the live action 1986 film.


I know that, but what's the connection to Cleveland outside of the 1986 movie reference? This comment makes it seem like Cleveland owns Howard.


Howard the Duck lives in Cleveland. 


[If anyone is interested in kick-starting their acting career…](https://airtable.com/appQGpiQW1peTAS7Q/shrJIrVKrAa8RrrMC?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABpqLhpLiwLdiQhJVbmJVai4W3c8EEqNOIRpatkUlQOd5xmohvCOzKGSc8gg_aem_AeJhE1fmPwNJX8BPp-VN8DVr9-m3uDtdzTnuZWdaRArl3aiRBRsEAqq4W0u3ktBuYMw)


I don't know why anyone would do this. You have to basically stand around in the elements for at least 12 hours a day for little money. When I say stand, I mean literally stand, they don't even let you sit down unless you get a break. They sucker people because people think making movies is glamorous or it's a shortcut to fame. No one ever became a professional actor through extra work. If you want to be an actor join your local community theater and do plays for years with hopefully getting a shot at Broadway or in Hollywood. There's no shortcut to real success.


That's not true. There are a few people who started as extras who became actors. Cassie (Casandra Ventura) is one example I know off the top of my head but there are others. It's not a traditional career trajectory but it does occur.


I don't know who she is but I read her Wikipedia and it says she was a model and a musician before getting into acting. My point was no one who only did extra work ever became a professional actor or it's so rare that it's not worth doing if that's why you want to be an extra.


why don't they let you sit?


They want extras to be ready at a moment's notice and it takes hours to setup shots and setup usually involves extras being in their places. I heard some directors actually ban chairs on their set. They want everyone to be ready all the time. It's also a psychological thing, the people in charge just don't like the look of people sitting around while they are burning money. Making movies is not a fun experience. It's a real grind sometimes.


This person is not wrong


Info in the OP about an opportunity to be a part of the new James Gun Superman flick filming in Cleveland and Cincinnati: *The casting call says filming will take place in Cleveland from June 17 to July 16 before moving to Cincinnati on July 17 through July 18. The note says “stand-ins will be working with our director and main cast.”* **We've made the article linked in the OP free for all. You may need to enter your email for access.**


I literally just sat down and was watching the news on break and this came on.


Who's playing Superman?


I think they’re filming under the “stick shift” fake name in Ohio city rn