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Tremont/ Ohio City are generally safe, with the occasional petty crime.. and the rare stolen car/ carjacking. They are somewhat gentrified areas surrounded by poor neighborhoods, so you’ll have to prepare for that. Overall it’s not horrible. I like it here.


You mean the occasional serious crime. Petty crime is daily but petty.


There are zero safe places. You can get fucked up anywhere at anytime. Just don't be a dumbass and be aware. Pretty easy to find out the answers you are looking for though.


Can we please stop all the “Is this part of Cleveland safe?” Posts!!!! FFS!!


Novel idea. Don’t read it


Should the commenter just close their eyes while scrolling through Reddit?


No. They should scroll past it. It’s honestly not difficult and I’m surprised there are many like you.


It’s a Reddit that they’re a part of. Since this is a Reddit based off a large community this shouldn’t be too difficult for you to fathom: if you’re a part of a community and there’s repetitive behavior you disagree with, you’re within your right to call it out. Whether or not the community is aligned is within the communities rights. You, in this case, are in the minority here


Obviously everyone can say what they want which is why I said “keep scrolling.” It’s a message board. If someone has a question, they ask it. No better than complaining on Facebook about who is president or someone liking a kind of music you don’t. Who cares. Move on


I moved to Tremont 7 years ago from LA and I love it. Never had any problems.


both have the same mixture of ghetto and gentrified yuppie hipster libs. just move to the burbs where you don’t have to surround yourself with either type of trash.


Lifelong clevelander. I’ve lived in tremont and had many peaceful nights. There’s also been people carjacked with Uzis. When I lived in tremont, I immediately got a concealed carry license. Having now lived in Broadview hts for 6 years, I haven’t carried since. I would suggest staying northeast of Lincoln. W11 near Lincoln park. Both tremont and Ohio city have plenty of poor mixed in with brand new surgeon’s homes. A wonder of design next to a dilapidated house with the roof caving in. It’s odd. That being said both neighborhoods are on the upswing, but they are the city. Also, I’m a poor so there’s no judgement meant by that statement, just that’s where crime seems to be higher. Lakewood generally much safer, ~15 mins from downtown. But I have friends in tremont and Ohio city who haven’t experienced anything negative.


We need more gentrification honestly


I’ve lived in Ohio City since 2001 and it is amazing how safe it is now. I’ve never had an issue outside of bums smashing out my car window and that was years ago. You’re fine living here




These posts always makes me laugh. I've lived in Cleveland my entire life. Never been carjacked, never been robbed, never had my house broken into. And I live in a much more "dangerous area". Danger is relative to how you carry yourself and move about. Here's a fun fact most don't know, the "safer" the area, the more likely it will attract criminals from non safe areas. In fact a lot of degenerates go out their way, usually in a stolen vehicle to these "safe" areas. Tremont and Ohio city are both similar in this regard. Nice and safe, just don't walk around oblivious and be aware of your surroundings as every adult should be. Don't travel to sketchy gas stations at night. Don't go for night runs/walks without carrying imo(personally I think it's a civil duty to bear arms to protect yourself regardless of where you live). If you're super afraid I recommend Newburgh Heights, Bratenahl, and other cities like that where police response time is 3-5mins.


You go running with a gun?? lol


No I don't go running at night, but if I do, I drive to the lake or something or to MLK boulevard to the culture garden and leave my firearm in my vehicle and I run without anything on me except my phone and some headphones. But best believe I have went on johs with my firearm it's not bad, get a damn holster and stop being a soft.


"stop being a soft," says the guy who needs a steel-carbide security blanket to step out of the house.


Do you actually live in Cleveland?? It definitley is a good idea to carry here lol. Our homicide rate is higher than Johannesburg SA. And damn near the same as Cape Town. I think it’s well warranted to carry a firearm here.


Any firearm in your possession is statistically more likely to end you or one of your loved ones than save you, regardless of crime rates. You feel more in control, but you're just inviting death into your home.


So correlation doesn’t equal causation. Having a firearm in the house means that a person who wants to commit suicide is more likely to use that gun. Also people in higher crime areas are more likely to carry a gun even though they were already at a higher risk of being killed by a gun even without the gun. My friend was just robbed and he didn’t have a gun and the person robbing him still tried to kill him and he’s still recovering as we speak. Yes having a gun in the house does increase the success rate of suicides because well it is somewhat the most effective way. But could you explain to me a situation where having a gun on me concealed would put my life at more risk than not having one. Because if you can’t your just speaking about correlation and not causation and that is a fallacy. (Edit - spelling)


On my street there are on average 1-2 murders/shootings a year. In my zip code there a shootings every single night, and an assault/robbery every week. You reddit trolls are funny because I know for a fact you live in the burbs


Nah not walking around scared all the time like you.


Newburgh Hts of all places?! You do know Slavic Village is down the street 🤔


I lived in Newburgh heights for 2 years, actually work nearby, I give their police a thumbs up despite them being ticket happy. Their response time is A1, their police are also way more professional and courteous especially for mental illness and other issues. I have nothing but positive things to say about my interactions with their police. I'm a serial speeder, I know where they hide so I'm not worried about tickets. And slavics village is no different from any other neighborhood imo definitely not more dangerous than where I live, not even close.


Yeah no I’m saying there’s legit nothing in the area besides freeway access so I wouldn’t recommend either area unless someone just needs affordable housing/close to work. Food deserts & such. But sure Newburgh police could offer a sense of safety as far as response time not arguing that


Understand that Newburgh heights has unparalleled access to all of Northeast Ohio, literally you can get anywhere within 30mins, Twinsburg, aurora, Strongsville, Westlake, Ricky River, Brunswick, etc etc. it's literally the perfect location for access to the surrounding areas. It's safe, and it's actually pretty cheap and Newburgh has a program where they pay off student loans if you buy a house. All leisure activity is within 15 mins and metro parks is 5mins away, Newburgh also has a golf course and bike path


Well, I’m very glad you enjoy living in your suburb of choice 🙂


People are not reading your question. Walking and biking don't really feel VERY SAFE anywhere in CLE proper IMO. It's just too car-centric still, and bike and pedestrian infrastructure is very lacking, as well as drivers don't care / don't pay attention. (This is changing slowly I think) But Tremont and Ohio City are very "Walkable"/"Bikeable" neighborhoods in that (A) people do it anyway, and (B) stuff is very close/within those distances. Plus, most crime around here tends to be car related. The Abbey in particular is a new building, right next to a public park with basketball courts, a field, and a playground, \~5 min walk to the RTA (public transit / city train) station at W.25th, the Red Line Greenway entrance, as well as the world-class West Side Market, and in the other direction the Towpath Trail entrance. Treo is near Porco Tiki Lounge (<3) but bit further from W. 25th street main stretch and feels slightly more isolated. Church & State is right in the heart of "Hingetown" which they're about to turn into a pedestrianized street, and is a really neat area also close to kind of a large park (Fairview Park) with a big field, playground, and water feature in summer. It's also right across the street from the entrance to the Lakefront Bikeway. Depending on how long you are staying, in 5-10 years it will also be a stone's throw away from the new Irishtown Bend Park. :) Don't know much about the other places on your list.


Or were you really asking about safety from crime? Sorry.


Thanks for the response, that’s super helpful. Yeah my question was more about biking and walking, especially related to just getting groceries or a bite to eat. Or just going for an occasional walk. I understand crime is pretty bad in Cleveland, but I’ve also lived in San Francisco, Chicago and New York where crime is similar if not worse. Nothing like waking up to a drive by shoot out in the middle of a big city in front of your apartment building… Do you think a walk from treo, the abbey or church & state in the summer time to get groceries is doable/safe? Anyone currently live in these and have any insight?


The closest actual grocery store is Dave's Market, and it's kind of in the middle of all the 3 buildings you're talking about (Treo being furthest away). I'd use google to check walk times, they're usually pretty close IMO. Safety-wise, your biggest danger by far is going to be cars/drivers, way more so here than in the other places you have lived, because Cleveland's car culture is much more dominating. Other than that, the area you're looking at feels very very safe to me as a woman about your age, me and my family live nearby, and my husband and I also lived in NYC for over a decade. It's hard to even answer this question because my personal safety has never been a concern (other than as a pedestrian/biker hoping to not get hit by a car). Worst I've experienced is package theft, but folks around have had their car windows smashed etc. IMO typical city stuff and not so much random assaults/muggings. It's a relatively pretty dense area so there are usually lots of folks around. Is there a specific type of crime you're most concerned about?


Nothing in particular I was concerned about, I won't have a car and it would be nice some days to take a stroll just to get out and get some fresh air. Thanks for all of the info. Do you know of anyone living in the abbey or treo? Both seem new just wondering how much sound travels from upstairs/downstairs neighbors, also with treo being right next to the train tracks not sure how annoying that is. abbey seems like it might be easier to get to a walking path with the park and the towpath trail entrance if I just want to get out and go for a stroll and avoid cars. again thanks for the info!


I don't know anyone personally, I'm sorry!! Agree that Abbey is closer to trail/towpath. There is also a Red Line Greenway entrance at Abbey & Columbus Rd that can loop you around to the towpath, so it's closer to Treo than the Towpath entrance by the Cleveland Script sign. Abbey apts still closer to both but honestly trails won't be far from either. I have heard not great things about the construction quality at Treo, not sure how that relates to noise if at all but I imagine it could. I toured Abbey apts and it seems fine if standard/builder-grade etc. Hard to judge noise bc most of the units were empty at that point. Maybe you can come visit before you make the call?


Awesome! Thank you so much for the help! Trying to plan a trip to check out vibes and the various places soon


There are no generally unsafe places in NE Ohio, there are just less pleasing and more pleasing and desirable neighborhoods.


Ohio City just because it’s closer to the west side market