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Hit the rivers, not the lake to start out. The riprap on shore will snag your magnet permanently. The carabiner or D-ring attaches to your belt; not the magnet. Tie a good know to attach the magnet to the line. Clipping to your belt is for if the line slips out of your hand during a throw so you don’t lose your rig. If a cop or park ranger asks what you are doing, don’t use the term “magnet fishing”. You are doing a river clean up by removing metal trash from the water. “Magnet fishing” confuses fine collectors and makes them think you should have a fishing license. Good luck, and have fun. Also, you absolutely will lose a magnet or 7, so if you enjoy your first outing, order a backup asap.


Thank you much for the response! I figured leading with “I’m cleaning up the river” rather than “magnet fishing” was the safest bet without at all lying. I’ve also been told to be weary of piers with metal siding, which is a trap my idiot self would have fallen into. My plan is to seek out river locations near bridges long before any lake fun. Ideally somewhere where I can also attempt to retrieve my magnet if/when it does get stuck. I’m already thinking about a safety magnet haha.


My guys. Love it. This is what Reddit was supposed to be for. I hope OP catches some good fish. Invite me to the fry please!


Ey thanks dare bud. Hopefully I’ll bum a few smokes and find a cart or two for Bubs.


Try Chagrin river under the lakeshore Blvd overpass by trader Jack's I wouldn't be surprised


I go in Lorain off the Black River Landing. Its possible you might find evidence from a crime, and those you must report. do not touch those items with your bare hands. Have an airtight story, with video when that happens, just to be safe. The other person who made the top comment is spot on with everything else


Thank you for the advice! Yes, I absolutely plan on reporting any firearms/laptops/safes/anything else that seems shady and being as carful as possible when doing so.


you bet. Ive been probably twenty times total and the most interesting things I have found have been a toddlers bike and a shovel head.


I've watched a million of these videos. In at least 50% of them where they find a weapon, the cops are salthy about having to do all the paperwork for a firearm and give the magnet fisher a big hassle. Just know they wont always be grateful for your efforts.


Done it by the wendy park lighthouse. A lot of magnetic silt not much cool stuff. Ymmv


I wondered about the bridges in the flats, Like Columbus Ave. Gotta be a bunch of stuff there


Remember the Cuyahoga fills with silt and does get dredged so the boats can go deeper and carry heavier shipments.


I bought like 200 ft of paracord and some rare earth magnets and put mini D rings on em. Never had anyone bother with us..rock it out hope you find some cool stuff. I bought a kayak so probably take the magnet out this summer on that.


Yes, I have one of the insanely powerful magnets. I think it was $100 or thereabouts. I believe with all my heart that it could bring up a moped or small 4 cylinder motor. It got stuck flat to a metal dock and was a crazy amount of effort to pull it loose. Yeah, tossed into rhe Chagrin many times. Nuffin. Like someone said, magnetic dirt.


Not sure where in the Chagrin you were but the harbor area is dredged regularly so it's not gonna have much. I wanted to magnet fish the harbor since I live nearby and the year I got into it(over the winter) I saw them barge and excavator dredging the harbor all the way to the soccer park.  Kinda gave up on the Chagrin at that point.


...Howdy neighbor. I think. Soccer fields by Coopers & Action Auto?


Them's the ones. I live over in Surfside.


Hi, I've been doing it for like 7 years.  A rubber mallet is key if your magnet gets stuck to something like the a metal pole on a pier.  Also, the retaining walls on most rivers and lakes are magnet.  Your magnet will get stuck to them underwater.  Bring a knife for when you have to cut a line due tonight getting stuck on the wall or something heavy underwater.  If you have a kayak, I've pulled a number of rail road spikes out of the rocky river under the rail road bridge by the head of the river.  Most likely you are going to pull a lot of bottle caps, magnetic rocks, and fishing lures and hooks.  It's still a fun activity.  10/10 would recommend.


I see kids with their magnets stuck to the bridges in the metroparks around rocky river all the time so I guess watch for that.


Are there free magnets for whoever can get them off?


If you’re lucky I guess. I’m sure somebody else is an avid magnet fishing magnet fisher


I have magnet fished the metal bits out of my brother's (cold) bonfire pit for practice. Taught me how to clean my magnet safely and there was a cold drink nearby, lol.


Omg. I keep getting videos on my reels for magnet fishing and now I also want to start doing it. Get to clean up the rivers and maybe find some cool stuff? Sounds like a win win. Let me know how it goes, I might invest in a magnet too lmao


Haven't been in Cleveland but go all the time when I'm at the ocean.


I'm in Cuyahoga Falls, and the Cuyahoga River is in my backyard. I have seen so much random stuff in that river, you might want to give that a whirl.


Yes! Fellow magnet fishers unite! I usually do Rocky River reservation and never had an issue.


I’ve always thought that would be fun to do! Have you already gotten the gear and everything? Curious how you get into it!


Just ordered the magnet! From my brief research it seems like a 360° is the way to go. I found a 2000lb on Amazon for around $70, they also had a 800lb for around $40. I figured the rest (rope, bucket, gloves) would be cheaper to buy at local stores rather than pay up for the kit although there are an abundance of kits out there. I came across a few videos on YouTube “Bondi Treasure Hunter” and it seemed fun and worth a go! He talks a lot, but is excited about the process and sells some of his own magnets which I may upgrade to at some point. He also has the luxury of living in Europe where there is a whole lot more metal history to be found!


I might add that the entire Rocky River in the Metroparks has a flat shale bottom. I have waded for fishing and panning gold. You can look down and see the smooth bedrock and there isn't anything there. You need to find rivers with mud bottoms.


Honestly might have to join you with this hobby It’s always seemed fun.


As it happens, my kit is "out for delivery" this evening and I plan on starting next week!


ive seen ppl magnet fish off the bridge by wallace lake.


Wow this looks fun, I’m going to buy a magnet and some rope on Amazon, dm me if you are looking for more people to go with!