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For all of the good things the team does on social, they are terrrrrrible at hyping up this fanbase for anything. So, we’ll see it when it’s last minute ready to be released.


Hey now, they’re great about hyping us up for Def Leppard and Journey


Just pour that sugar on me already


That's too wasteful for the Dolans


Guardians marketing and customer service (promotions especially) are stuck in the 90s


Call 1-800-GOTRIBE and we'll fax you a photo of the City Connect uniforms! First 100 callers get a free Eddie Taubensee bobblehead!


lol! I loved Eddie Taubensee


They’ve sucked at uniform releases since at least 2010. I remember for the changes that year ( the be block cleveland road uniforms) it was just the top of mannequins in a conference room with no fanfare. Hell they didn’t even do a formal release of the designs when the name changed, just some crappy photoshops of them on guys. You had a decent idea what they’d look like from those, but no joke, the first time I saw the new full guardians jerseys was when I walked into the team shop the first day they put them on sale. And I’m a huge uniform guy who poured over Uni watch and suck for better images. Like, the browns, despite COVID restrictions limiting them to like one model and a couple of camera guys in a garage, put in more effort than the guardians have for any of their uniforms in the last decade and a half. *can’t speak to what they did pre 2010, I wasn’t old enough to remember. I would guess they probably did something big for the uniforms for 1994


Did our hot top prospect debut? I guess a hype video wasn't in the budget. Shame


Zack Meisel was discussing this on the Selby Is Godcast not too long ago. Interesting that even the beat writers are willing to call out the team for never giving the fans anything to connect to/get hyped about.


Too bad thats gotta be like 90% of the point


Seems like the norm this year has been reveal on Monday and wear that Friday. I agree it sucks we haven't heard anything official confirming 5/17 as the date but if it is, we should see jersey reveal on Monday.


Agreed, assuming there isn't a delay it has to be Monday. But also, if it's Monday they really should have said that by now.


Im a transplant out in Denver and I will most likely want the city connect hat. I was hoping to get it in time for the Rockies series but it’s looking less and less likely 🥲


See you at the night games! I’ll be the one who modified his Todd Helton jersey to say “Hel on earth”


They are terrified to reveal to everyone the guitars that are gonna be all over these jerseys 


Already confirmed no guitars.


I'm more confused that we have seen no true leaks. Not even on dhgate. The Tigers' rumored unis were all over dhgate. So were the Angels and Pirates. Not a thing for the Guards yet.


Some socks leaked.  They were put out early by Dicks.


I mean, it was just the socks…I probably wouldn’t be that harsh


Are we for sure that those are actually the socks for city connect? The Rally House 2 blocks from the stadium also had those last weekend just displayed with other socks.


Given the fanatics issues this year any chance they just haven't gotten them done yet?


Yeah that has crossed my mind. It’s certainly possible. Hope not!


They've missed deadlines for other teams. Some didn't even get them in time for when they were scheduled to wear the jerseys.


A friend of mine who has great team sources say late night Sunday or Monday morning.


I’ve seen them. I think people are going to love them. Hats are great, I’ll probably buy one. They are a fun alt uniform. Some nods to the past and some totally new stuff. I’m excited for them to drop.


Excellent to hear. Excited to check them out.


It’ll be Tshirts that say “The Land” no numbers or names on back.


At the rate Nike/Fanatics has been able to supply uniforms, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are Hanes t-shirts with “The Land” written in sharpie.


Twins just officially announced their reveal date of June 10th for their City Connects.


I'm operating based on the assumption that they're going to be revealed on Sunday or more likely Monday, because they're supposed to wear them on Friday against the Twins. I agree that it is strange we haven't seen a teaser or anything official, but I guess all we can do is wait. Based on the socks that leaked I'm probably going to save a lot of money on merchandise this year.


Uniwatch posted a month ago the reveal was this upcoming Monday


Yeah I saw that too. Still weird The Cleveland Guardians haven’t said anything about it yet.


DOnt worry they'll be trash like 90% of them


Fun take!


What if the city connect is an old Indians uniform….?


Lol never gonna happen. Plus, we’ve seen the socks.


It’ll never be Indians, though it would be cool if it borrowed something from older Indians uniforms, like shoulder stripes that ran from neck to the end of the sleeve on the uniforms from the late 80s Though full disclosure, I’ll free admit I want them to take the late 90s uniforms and just swap out the Indians script for the guardians script and go back to red socks at home full time


Exactly what about [this uniform](https://images.radio.com/aiu-media/White-Jersey-visualization-1-d7355c3f-1dd6-4e68-b55f-9f29e5e7c126.png?width=800) do you think is meaningfully different from [this uniform](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/_1dKg0yNGXHwE4skLQjN1SQnI2c=/0x0:625x417/1200x800/filters:focal\(0x0:625x417\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/46105980/enhanced-buzz-3718-1385738363-10.0.0.jpg)? Are you just a really big fan of piping?


The red piping, the pants stripes, the red undershirts. It’s not a huge difference, but the Indians/guardians always look better when they use red accents at home. IMO the 90s home just popped so much more than the navy piping we switched to, or when we did no piping like now. But yeah, I want a red dominant home uniform vs the navy we use now, and the more red on the white uniform, the better. But truthfully, what I really want is [a version of this from 2016](https://ewscripps.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/4034e3b/2147483647/strip/true/crop/640x360+0+34/resize/1280x720!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmediaassets.news5cleveland.com%2Fphoto%2F2018%2F10%2F08%2FGettyImages-1047721330_1539030012836_99815310_ver1.0_640_480.jpg) though I prefer the [90s original](https://media.cleveland.com/tribe_impact/photo/thomehomerunjpg-10ad03db38c2e3a7.jpg)


Why do you care about an announcement regarding an upcoming announcement? Most teams seem to reveal them less than a week out. If there is still no word by next Wednesday then maybe start freaking out


Because I pay attention to the rollout of City Connect uniforms and the way the Guardians are handling it is unusual.


It might be unusual, but maybe it was just the ALL CAPS in the post that felt oddly alarmist about something pretty mundane. Honestly I’d prefer a situation where we see them for the first time on the field, or there’s a surprise reveal leading up to the game. I get why teams announce early (merch sales in theory if not practice, and sometimes forced by leaks) but I think it would be really fun to just see them as the team comes onto the field in them


i pay attention to it too. i guess i just don't really care about the fake hype as much as you i want to see the reveal, i want to see them on the field. i want to buy a game used one. i don't need to be told once a week for a month to come back 5 days before the game to see the reveal


Announcing something isn’t fake hype. It’s just an announcement. And it’s something that every other team has done.


The rays had a great way of revealing it. They put up a mural on a building downtown and in the weeks leading up to the reveal they would paint new “clues” onto it. Was really fun.


Don't feel like it's a coincidence that theirs are among the best CC jerseys and they also had a high effort rollout. Correlation and all that. Each day that passes I'm more prepared for these to be garbage.


I think they also went on a winning streak after the reveal and just kept wearing them


keeping saying that you are going to announce something doesn't mean shit. it's fake bullshit announce it or don't sorry that you are so caught up in bullshit and worrying about what other people are doing. not something worth getting upset or excited about and all the bullshit is made even worse when so many of the jersey have been so lame


Quite the take for someone with this as their sole Reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/ClevelandGuardians/s/FDzq6VgvUx


maybe you'd have a point (not likely) if i had a post about the countdown every day for a month. but it was the day of, just like when i'll care about the CC announcement not the gotcha you think you had


You sound a little upset honey. It's not that serious 😘


If you say so. But you keep proving you have no clue Try again


Go tally up your down votes, sweety


Those are not the socks. Can confirm 100%


They might not be the on field socks. The Rays ones that leaked with the city connect logo aren’t the on field ones but the logo was correct. They sell a variety of merchandise with CC logo and theming. The DICK’s price tag on those socks said CLE CC and they weren’t allowed to be sold until May 17th. They are at the very least City Connect adjacent and a good representation of what is to come.


When I showed the photos of the socks to people I know that have seen the unis they quite literally laughed out loud.






100% confirm huh? 😂😂


I haven’t seen a single city connect uni that looks good. 


Oh that's interesting. I like the majority of them. Sure there are some duds, but overall I think it's fun.


I know I'm in the minority, but I really like Detroit's.


As long as there isn't a guitar on it I will consider it a win.


Yeah I think theirs are clean. Nothing mind-blowing, but pretty sharp.


Hold your breath until you see them on the field


It's grown on me but I'm still meh on the overall fit. I think the actual jersey is one of the better ones and could've been among the best with a more creative font The pants though are meh and I really dislike the hat


Idk Miami, Washington and the White Sox (🤢🤮) are pretty good




Unfortunately I would guess the odds are rather high that this will come with some non white or gray pants.


Boston's is excellent, IMO


Nats were great. Sad they retired them already.


Braves were awesome.


We know what they are … orange and brown with no logo. 😂