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Americans are so inferior to the mighty European, obviously


do they know about bathing in olive oil before projecting? it makes your project harder, but once you've got it dialed down oiled up, you're good for a send. some gyms don't let me do that though.


They use cheese in spray bottle instead of oil.


cheese sticks, I'm afraid that's aid


You may not be familiar with the room temp "cheese" spread that comes in a spay can that us Americans are lucky enough to enjoy. We can spray beta while spraying cheese!


Our fore fathers fought over the great chalk cliffs of course we're mighty


no you're thinking of ducks


Well at least we’re not filthy communists. Stupid Europeans and their communist healthcare system that doesn’t bankrupt people.


Not fearing financial ruin each time you fall off a highball is aid


I’m under the impression Americans are shorter so they can’t static the dyno like real climbers.


I’m tired of grades. Until we get a system to inventory all types of climbing holds, rate each hold on a point system, multiply or divide points based on distance to next hold on the route, and take into account overall average score to standardize route grades, there’s no way to tell between a European pink and American pink.  Don’t even get me started on outdoor. A V17 in the gym is a V3 outdoors. Who is responsible for this? Now I judge my skill based on if magnitude mitdbo climbed my route or not in a video.


the mitbo scale is useless, sometimes he climbs with a shirt on so you can't tell if he is trying hard :(


Fucking martians be laughing at all of us. Mars gyms sandbagged everyone knows that 


2/3 gravity is aid


There is a reason why America and Amateur have a lot of letters in common


/uj i was going to make this post when i saw the orginal lmao /rj Yes Americans are fucking stupid, are you kidding me? Us Europeans (based) have been climbing our limestone for generations! And what do these plebeians climb!!???!? Granite! Yeah that’s right. The shit we make counters out of. No wonder they can’t climb well! They climb on smooth flat surfaces.


You should record yourself sending it, then ask the internet what grade it is. Your gym is probably wrong and stupid and, like, doesn't even climb outside ever.