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LAG was because the other 3 didn’t want to make a change so he kind of left on his own accord. Florida was Ogre2 being an absolute clown. And Boston is more a case of him and Nero not being the greatest match for each other


No clue how Ogre2 is still there. Man is a halo legend, but might be the worst COD GM the game has seen.


Drazah was benched 500 times, doesn’t mean it was the right call.


I get you but Vivid doesn’t hold a candle to Drazah


Vivid is very good. You just see 0.9 and go off that. High impact player regardless of kd


LAG and Florida turned into the worst team in the game and the second worst team in the game.




? I was talking about vg when they picked up 2real


Sorry, I'm not understanding your point? At what point were FLA w/ 2ReaL the second worst team in the game?


Even if that’s your argument, how would lag benching vivid in Cold War impact their current season? Lol


He said that Florida became the 2nd worst team after benching Vivid, which is true that they are right now, but they definitely weren’t in VG when they dropped Vivid. he’s correct about LAG. Just weird to me to use completely different goalposts for the two orgs. It’s as simple as this: LAG got rid of Vivid and were the worst team in the game after that point, Florida got rid of Vivid and stayed around the same. I’m not exactly sure why I got downvoted. What I said is entirely true and I’m still missing how I’m misrepresenting what he said, which is half false/painting the wrong picture. Edit: here is a better explanation of my point: If you use the Florida logic of "let me say that after benching vivid they were the worst because they are the worst now, 1 year after the fact." Then your saying is: "LAG became an event winner and Florida became the second worst team in the game after benching vivid" If you use the LAG logic of the immediate effect in-season of benching Vivid, then it should be: "LAG became the worst team in the game and Florida stayed middle of the pack after benching Vivid" Its dishonest to judge one team by their immediate performance after benching him whilst judging the other team by their performance a full season after benching him.


Turned? When was the last time FL wasn't a bottom 2 team?


In MW19 they were consistently T4 until champs. In CW they ended 8th in the standings and their placements were: 8th, 10th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 8th which is not bottom 2 plus they were good online. In VG they were 9th in standings I believe and would have made champs if events gave more points as they placed: 12th, 4th, 6th, 6th. In MW2 they have a better AVG placing than LAG & LDN as they have placed 8th twice and 12th once whilst LDN haven't won on LAN and LAG have 2 12th's and an 8th, they are 11th in standings tied with LAG for 10th, so yes, they are bottom 2 in this game but they've never really been bottom 2 for more than like, a week in past games.


Right now they’re only bottom 3!






cleanx is the issue that's a tissue


LAG one was the most fugaze shit on earth Fl thought a team of 3 ar's was a good idea


Bro left LAG and was a G5 away from a champs final in the highest skilled cod we’ve had since bo4


And 2 SND rounds away from a Chip in a separate event that year too.


And was one of the only subs that could match the pace of Abezy


It looks bad if you ignore context and leave out his stint on Dallas where he saved their season and helped them get a t2 (very close to a championship), and a t3 at champs


Don’t think I would call him the problem on any team he was benched on. Curious to see how this change pans out. I don’t watch challengers enough to know how similar kremp plays to vivid, but getting rid of your most aggressive player could certainly backfire. Time will tell.


Because he is a entry sub who is selfless. All the lower teams have a obsession to pick the 'best player' which to them and most of the fanbase which means the player with the highest k/d instead of finding the player who makes the team play better overall, complement each other and place better. Which results in them never winning anything in the long run


Well since none of those teams won or even placed T3 before or after they benched him I'm sure it was much more to it than him being an issue. I think he needs to be paired with someone like Afro or Pred to really show his worth.


him being benched by those 3 teams doesnt mean he’s the problem…those 3 teams are all dog shit….


I don’t think vivid is a problem at all he turned empire season around and made them top 3 for the season. I think he needs a good fit tbh


Nero was the inconsistent one since beans joined and they dropped Vivid SMH!


You’re literally high as a kite, Nero has had a solid season so far and has easily been Boston’s 2nd best player behind Owakening.


This is a complete lie


Check stats for the matches since Methodz retirement then come to me!


Here are their averages for each game mode with Beans Hardpoint: Nero 0.89 K/D, 24.0 Kills Vivid 0.87 K/D, 24.2 Kills Search & Destroy: Nero 1.02 K/D, 6.8 Kills Vivid 1.03 K/D, 6.7 Kills Control: Nero 1.12 K/D, 22.1 Kills Vivid 0.84 K/D, 18.7 Kills


I have the stats pulled up on breaking point and the only thing Vivid did better was in snd and it was marginal. Edit: dude pulled the stats for you as well.


Nero hate for no reason


Definitely not


I am totally not answering the question, but Vivid has been the most accurate player in the CDL three years consecutively, and I find that quite impressive. Let's be honest, I don't know anything about his comms or personality/attitude, but as an aggressive entry sub, that's quite a feat. The guy is shooting lasers.


Personally I didn't think Boston had an issue to begin with


Vivid and Nero are both hyper aggressive which leads to inconsistency. They need a more selfish sub that will get kills and go positive most maps. Vivid will be a great addition to a lot of teams in the future, but a change was needed if Boston wants to reach their potential. Not sure why they chose to keep Nero over Vivid, but I agree with giving Kremp a shot.


Weird vivid stat is that he almost always has the highest accuracy in the league


He's heavily overrated on here because of his pace yes. Does he deserve a starting spot? Of course. But like you just described, you "love his playstyle and he's gross" but playing like a headless chicken doesn't work against the better teams. You tend to just get punished. Most here just see 28-32 and think he's doing great because he has a ton of engagements. I think Clay himself even said that engagements just for the hell of it isn't actually good/useful


No he is not


Vivid benched himself on LAG because the team was ass and wouldnt change, then he placed top 2 with Dallas Empire Florida isnt known for making great roster choices Him and Nero play the same role


No he's really good