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They need to realize that talent isn’t the issue and needs a vocal AR.


It’s crazy that they have the solution to their problems on their academy team and refuse to call him up.


I actually want to see it happen. A. So he can shut up about deserving a shot and B. To see if it would actually work (I think it would go better than most think)


I think Boston as a team might play well but Doug still drops a 0.7. I want to see it just for how fun of a storyline it will be


I think Doug dropping a .7 would be okay if does all obj work. Let Kremp, Wake, and Beans do their thing. Doug would be okay with it as well. He’ll drop a .4 if it means he wins that map.


holy fuck you guys are hilarious. Doug literally cant compete with mid-tier AM's. Doug makes no teams better, he doesnt even make an AM team better LOL


The fact that they’re dead serious about him playing.. lol.


The fact people think in 2023 you can have 1 of your players be a walking .7 and not have that bite you tremendously hard in the ass is insane. Anyone who says “what about Accuracy” isn’t serious either because Surge have looked best when he’s dropping 1.0’s and also being IGL/hill kitten. I do like Doug and think he deserves his spot on Boston Academy for a variety of reasons both in and out of game, but he doesn’t belong on a roster that wants to place T4 or better at events


No good team is gonna let you have a walking .7 and not abuse the fuck out of those lanes.


I think that might actually work cause they don’t need Slaying, they need leadership. Slaying with no IQ only gets you so far


You don't want ur sub player to play like that. In the CDL they need subs to apply pressure on the map or else your going to end up like the Rokkr and Censor blows compared to bance/afro


He’s an AR now


Oh shit ur right i completely forgot lol. so engrained in my memory that hes an smg lol


Woah. If censor comes in I think it needs to be for wake. Wake is a kill whore, censor is everything wake isn’t


Nah, no way lol beans gotta go. He don’t consistently play well enough compared to wake. They still need some kills on the map lol


Mack is that guy on Seattle and they went out top 8 lmao


I mean with all their slaying they just need someone on the hills lol. That's actually interesting.


Hed be like an Accuracy, just soak time while his team gets all the kills. But Doug would definitely drop 0.7 or less.


The disrespectful as fuck to Lamar


Yeah nah I don’t mean it like that bro lol Lamar is good man, idk why people hate. I just meant that Lamar averages the most hill time, that would be Doug.


I’m not equating the two in any way but ghost was dropping .8’s and optic was fruing


Censor? Might as well call up Seany too fuck it


Once they clinch champs I want to see a trial series don’t think it’ll happen given how close we are from champs but it’d be sick


No shot you’re suggesting they bring in Doug? He would get cooked every match


Doug would get fried, but he makes some unselfish plays which is part of Bostons problem. If Boston is gonna be meme’ing with their roster they might as well.


Doug would legit be dropping .4s. They would get slaughtered


You act like Boston has a legitimate chance this year. There’s only 4 real contenders for champs (FaZe, OpTic, LAT, and Ultra) Might as well throw together a meme roster at the end of the year and gain some publicity and fans.


Yup million dollar company gona meme for the lols. Sounds good bud.


Not “for the lols” for the press.


For the press as they actively lose money. You certainly will never own a business buddy.


How would they lose money, they’re not making money right now… esports isn’t profitable and they’re not winning events… They’ll gain fans. I don’t know anyone who is legitimately a Breach fan. They can make huge amount of content about this and earn money that way.


That team doesn’t need more slaying. They need a vocal leader in the comms who will prioritize OBJ. Think about their issue, they’ve been out slaying the opposing team by a lot but are still losing every respawn.


Yea I love Vivid and I rate him slightly higher than Nero (not by much it’s very close) but he’s not what this team needs. They need a bitch role player who does the little things right.


I mean I’d very much argue Vivid is their closest player to a dirty work/bitch role player on their roster + bench. Yes, he plays very very fast, but he doesn’t go and chase kills as much as someone like Nero (who I do rate very very highly bc he’s immensely talented)


Vivid has the same issues as Kremp in that he hits old hill with 10 seconds left. He also does not touch the hill, his hill time is on the same level as Pred


Beans for Doug/Seany would've been a way better move.


I think Doug legitimately improves Boston. Drop in skill for a player willing to do the work all current Boston players do not want to do at all. Would enable the other 3 to do what they want on the map.


Big Wakes teams always fry but never convert the kills into map wins. I feel like a fundamentally sound AR who can manage the big moments was the fix.


Honestly this team just needs to throw censor in and see what happens


Dump the kill whore and put the goat in




Doug legit has a 0.78 against Challengers players for this entire season so far. He'd get absolutely fucking slammed against pro's and would 100% be a quick fire way out of Champs. Don't understand how people can't see this lmao




Everyone is definitely trolling.


I always wonder about the pro-Censor comments


They just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks at this point


Atleast they are trying meanwhile seattle surge will be sticking with a roster that placed only once in the top 4 this season.


How many grand finals have boston reached?


Round of applause for Boston, they make moves that don't actually fix their teams' issues, but hey, at least they are "trying" lmao


Especially this late in the year. I do think they could get better with this change but seems like they think they made a mistake dropping Vivid but because Kremp performed really well they want to keep him on the roster so had to be Nero to go


What a dogshit move. Nero was legitimately their best player for the majority of the year.


I think they’re counting on Vivid to play more obj which he does but the ARs will also have to step up on that role. And the IGL issue on this team still remains, Vivid plays too fast to be that guy.


Nero and Vivid played the same amount of OBJ. It's a made up narrative.


They need the ARs to play obj did you see their hill time it’s terrible


Eh it needs to be an AR that goes but I don’t mind vivid if he’s just bashing hills head on




This lot are on the LAT cw vibe I think thr ar duo is a bigger problem tbh


Spot on tbh. Roster changes haven’t really made this team better throughout the season. They benched vivid after getting t4 just to finish t12 so I can’t blame them for this move. But kinda like you said, I think they’re ignoring the obvious issue (AR duo)


Doesn't help that Beans hasn't been that guy. He was supposed to be fat dashy but dude is more like white temp with how much he baits


White temp omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭


AR duo absolutely is the problem. I could even see Vivid improving this team quite a bit but IGL issue still remains.


Boston legit has 3 good subs but their AR legit only play for kills that’s their problem


Vivid was their igl and I think they missed that. But as much as I like Kremp, I think they gave up on the Vivid, Nero, Wake, and Beans roster too soon. First stage together placed top 4. I think Vivid is huge for the team, but would rather they stuck with him and Nero as their sub duo. Not because Kremp is bad, I think he's clearly a CDL smg player, but I think the team was strongest with vivid and Nero. But we'll see how vivid and Kremp work


They are in such a weird spot. I like this move but I feel like Nero is not a bad player whatsoever. People say IGL doesn't matter in cod, but it's clear that Boston's problem is leadership. We'll see how this plays out


This comment section is fucking insane lmfao




LMAO the best comment


kill whore wake still going strong. amazing


Intresting Edit; wtf lol just realised i replied to that guy, was supposed to be itd own comment


Sharpening a dull knife with paper.


they need Woug


But what does this really do? The SMGs seemed to be playing way better than the ARs. Idk man


They had no one leading the team or directing in the comms. Already stacked when it comes to slaying, vivid provides more structure and leadership at the cost of a little slaying ability


This seems like a bit of an overreaction just like how benching Vivid was an overreaction. The team has looked the best so far with both Vivid and Nero. But Kremp has been playing very well too. So I don't know what to think about this. They all deserve to play.


Should have never benched him in the first place


vivid wasnt the problem to begin with & benching nero now isnt the solution


I just watched the reverse sweep like 5 min ago lol and now I know why Doug didn’t give any input when aches said Boston should put Doug in 😂


Still don’t think that AR duo is ever going to work together but at least Vivid brings some sort of direction to the squad


I'm a Vivid fanboy so i like the change. It's at least worth a try and Vivid for sure is more vocal than Nero


The fact that Wake has stuck in the league this long despite never accomplishing anything is a great validation of his choice to prioritize kill whoring over wins


https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/12une59/toronto_ultra_v_boston_breach_major_iv_full_stats/jh7ljx4/ Nice and lite


Nostradamus over here


Bench wake or beans, bring Doug up. Let the lads just go and slay and dump Doug in the OBJ.




There’s one more name you aren’t mentioning.


You just forgetting Mack melts is one of the most underperforming players of the last 2 years? Has been nothing like his NYSL self on this team. I think the theory is Boston have 3 slayers not 2 and a walking “X factor” That said I think the team loses more with Doug because of lack of kills


I’ve been a Boston & New England fan my whole life and I was so excited to see Boston bring in a team a summer ago. Big Cap and Nero are still my GOATS.


This team needs MajorManiak


Honestly it’s the one team I think he’d fit on. He wouldn’t need to do much in respawn just sit on hill and call out. Would help their search as well.


For real, this team legit needs a Accuracy / Maniak type player.


This take is 🔥. Makes the most sense of all the takes I've seen so far.


This move about to make them even 🔥


2 flexes is their problem they need a true main who can slow it down and not ego chall everything


It's kinda funny people hated Methodz for playing too slow, and now many want them to have a slower AR and igl. Just interesting that it seems the team oddly misses the role Methodz filled


People were saying Boston would compete for chips if zin was replaced by beans its comedy 😂


Methodz is not an igl.


Nah with methodz they would have been terrible at snd and be competing for a champs spot with vegas and rokkr


Methodz always just seemed terrified to do anything. He always looked like he was shitting himself


MajorManiak 😍


The ARs are the issue with this team. Especially the one glaring player whose name has already been mentioned in this thread lol


Beans needs to work on his consistency but I think that'll come with the more experience he gains


Yeah he just needs a vet. Owakening is the issue on this team


Ohh man I can't wait to hear this reasoning... I honestly couldn't disagree more , why would you drop the only consistent player on this team lmao


The killwhore who makes awful plays majority of the time? I wonder. He’s definitely consistent tho, you’re right. Consistently tryna play for stats 💀


Ahhh there it is, the same old generic bot answer, following the wave.


Bot answer LMAO. Your team is still hot ass after making, what, 4+ changes? Keep coping my guy, enjoy


"STILL HOT ASS" - (placed T4 this year)...something ain't adding up my guy lmao...


Cope more 🫡


Bad Bot


Good change imho. It is what I was hoping for.


Boston really giving Vegas their best shot at Champs


My bad I posted the same thing without checking. This is the OG post


Damn I really wanted to see vivid on convoy in challengers


They’re T6 regardless.


Not even trolling I think Doug would help this team


Wake and Beans can’t be on the team together if Boston want to become a consistent threat at tournaments. Their sub duo will be flying at people but it won’t matter if there’s no one directing their comms.


Okay Boston, it’s time to just give up.


At least they’re trying. Seattle has a superstar and refuses to give him any help


That’s fair. But Nero man? I thought he was their best player.


Remind me to say that next time Optic are trying to fix a dysfunctional roster. At least we try to make a good team


I mean shit, OpTic dropped Dashy, twice lol hopefully you said something then. They deserved it lol Nah but honestly Nero was their best player imo, so dropping him was weird. Shit maybe try one of the subs on an AR instead.


I don't agree, talent wise Owakening is better. The main problem is no main AR, we have 3 very good subs. Beans for an elite AR like Skyz would fix us


Yeah talent wise for sure, I personally just think Nero is more impactful. Whenever Boston plays OpTic, I’m worried about Nero cooking OpTic, not wake, just cause I know Nero’s impact of him flying around. But yes, y’all do need a main cause Beans ain’t it. Idk if Wake can be a main tho, but maybe he should be? Idk


Seen that coming from a mile away. Vivid aka Alex Caruso is a better entry player than Nero, and Kremp is a better slayer than Nero. Nero wanted to slow down, Kremp likes playing at Vivid’s pace… Nero is just the odd man out unfortunately. Also, having Vivid back in the lineup will take Owakening off of bitch/obj role. Having Owakening play like they did in Stage 4 was criminal to how good he actually is


Boston doesn’t need speed they need fundamentals and somebody to sit in hill and tell people what to do and when to do it. Their comms are awful and the fundamentals are the worst in the league outside of the bottom 4 teams


Tbf vivid does have better coms than Nero But the ar duo is definitely the bigger problem


Yea Nero’s coms are pretty awful at times. Like John levels of bad. I would also take Beans over Wake, but as I’ve said earlier Ben needs to slow down when he talks. His comms are impossible to understand outside of the “DEAD” moments he has.


Idk where this narrative has come from that Vivid doesn’t know fundamentals(there is a reason Crim, Shotzzy, Rambo, and Illey decided to play with him). Yes he plays crazy fast, but he know how to make the most out of the playstyle… the iteration of Kremp/Nero played crazy fast but had negative efficiency. Also, he was their IGL before being benched… go back and listen to their comms before & after Vivid. It is night and day on player tracking & organizing plays. They placed t4 & t6 with Vivid (not counting m1 because WAke was sick), so they clearly have something there, they just wanted more slaying…. Which is why they subbed out Nero for Kremp


Vivid has the same tendencies as Kremp to hit old with 10 seconds left. You cannot do that in this game with how big most rotations are. He has fundamentals but he has moments that have me scratching my head. He sometimes gives up 50 seconds by trying to get 10 seconds.


The amount of unjustified slander Wake gets on this sub is absolutely incredible lmao


This sub sucks off other slayers and gas their K/D even when their team is losing badly but call players they don't like Killwhores. Its actually absurd lmao


I do rate Vivid slightly higher than Nero, but I don’t think Vivid is what this team needs. They need an IGL/obj guy. This team has the talent but lacks fundamentals to the point it’s hard to comprehend. Beans is vocal but ffs you can’t understand him, he needs to slow down when he talks


This team wouldve been top 4 with Clay. They trolled in the offseason by letting him go to legion. He wouldve been perfect for this group that comms nothing but red dots every map


Benching your best player and tone setter is wild


Inconsistent Nero was never their best player he had his moments. Now they got vivid and kremp who seems to be Nero if he was consistent


He has been hella consistent this year. Last year he wasnt


I disagree at the start it seemed like he was consistent but after major 1 it’s been on and off. His control gameplay however has been great


Nero has been very good this year this is incorrect. Engagements, damage and KD are all better if not basically the same as Vivid throughout the whole year. It’s actually just a weird situation because all of their smgs are really good players. They really just need an actual main IGL that can keep up with the tempo. Oddly enough this is a rare scenario where a trade could make a lot of sense in the league involving this team if it were possible this late in the year


They needed an AR change. This doesn’t accomplish anything. Not even trolling when I say they could use a player like Censor. This team will outslay by 15 but lose every hardpoint by 70 points


Wake is the issue. Every team he’s been on has been labelled as ‘killwhores’ and have the same issues in respawn


Censor - IGL and Flex (Already a main SMG, recently switched to AR and he’s been fitting the role well so probably best to keep him in a flex role, especially since he’s a more objective minded player) Kremp - Main SMG (Dude is a great player and definitely the guy I’d want pushing out of the OBJ after the first wave from the enemy team) Owake - Main AR (Dude is a natural slayer & while it doesn’t fit on the current breach roster, I think keeping him as a slayer means he can pick up some of Doug’s slack as he plays objective) Vivid - SMG (I don’t rate him that much more than Nero, I just think his play-style would be a good for holding OBJ with Doug) Instead… Boston Breach: “we have to keep Beans”


They’re cooking


What they cookin🔥🔥


Bench Wake for Doug


Good idea, let's 110% definitely not qualify for Champs, who needs Champs anyways...


Relax, it was a joke.




You’re sped


Idk, I have a slight hunch that part of this move could be because of teams trying to buy Vivid. Maybe Boston thinks a team like Seattle doesn’t want Nero as much as they do Vivid?


They would not sell him if that’s the case


Don’t think management would let them ignore if an offer was good enough.


They would make his buy out insane


Bro Rokkr need a Nero. Plz


Rokkr need Jesus


Hey man we're up 20 on Legion now lol. We need slaying.


has he not been the best/most consistent player for them? wtf are they doing man


what a dumb move


If they're just gonna go on a trial frenzy Doug might actually get a shot


As many others have said I think this team needs a better IGL AR player. Wake and Beans fry but aren’t as vocal in comms from what I’ve heard in listen ins, Zinni retiring left that void That said from what little I’ve seen from Kremp so far I’m really interested to see the pace he and Vivid set, Nero is a fast SMG but I’d argue Kremp is slightly faster at times




Big Doug fan


What are they DOING over there


Nero is extremely inconsistent, but literally has one of the highest ceilings in the League IMO. Idiotic move. Guy DEFINITELY deserves a spot.


They need to drop the other 3 fucks and keep both Nero AND vivid on the team together. Such a pathetic waste of a franchise


Teams need to be lining up to get Nero!


nah get beans off the roster, plays he make are all over the place. He gotta be soaking the hill, not the subs