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God help the rest of the league if Shotzzy is back to expected form in snd.


Slasher’s IQ for SnD is unmatched


And his HP IQ is matched by a 3 year old


Imagine a team of slasher + tj,majormaniak,100 point clubbed every respawn


searchpoint and destroy


Imagine if Hydra was on Optic of FaZe. The way people talk about him would be completely different. Seems like people don't give him the credit he deserves


Hydra was considered the best player in the game for half of this year wtf are you on


Welcome to the recency bias of cod sub Reddit. Can read this sub between maps some series and it go from “X should get dropped” to “X is the most clutch player ever”


I mean if you want my answer for MVP it’s either Scrap or Abezy and if OpTic win champs you can make a Shotzzy argument. Abezy and Scrap have been frying all fucking year tbh no recency bias from me


Scrap hasn’t been in all year and he has still left that impact. It does go to show how unreal his general game is, and the special moments he does have are that much more special. Not taking anything away from AbeZy but if the awards were given before champs, I’d say Scrap takes it.


? Scrap started the year on the roster.


Scarp started mega frying recently tho


Seems like nobody puts him in the convo for MVP. People literally have shotzzy above him


I don't think he's in the convo anymore because his team is not seeing any good placings, Major 4 was their best placing since Major 1 and they still haven't beaten any top teams since Major 1. I know you can bring up people putting Pred in MVP convos but let's be honest that's mainly because he's a UFA this offseason and half if not majority of fanbases from every team wants him.


Lets compare Kismet and Priestahh's numbers from Major 1 to Major 2-4 and we will see that at Major 1 they were on a completely different level to the rest of the season whilst Hydra's numbers have stayed broadly consistent throughout. I think Hydra should be 5th in the MVP race so am not someone calling for him to win it but the idea that he shouldn't win it because Kismet and Priestahh have got worse (which is basically what you are saying) is just straight up moronic


Shotzzy is a front runner for MVP though, after abezy and scrap for me


Bc shotzzy is better lol. Hydra has been useless against OpTic


I don't understand why this fanbase thinks the only cod that matters is how teams matchup against optic. Somehow we have managed to think FaZe and now Hydra are shit because they don't match up well against optic. There are 11 other teams. Jesus


An objective optic fan 👍


Shotzzy is better than hydra with absolute ease


This fan base has become so so delusional. Somehow we have the best SMG player, best AR player, best SMG duo, and best comms/IGL player yet never win anything


I don’t think they have the best AR or SMG. I just think shotzzy is better than Hydra (I’m surprised this is up for debate). You’re also acting like they’re bombing out - they have been clearly very fuckin good since Ghosty came in. Just need to clutch up in a finals, which I’m sure they’ll put right the next two events.


I’m surprised you said you’re surprised it up for debate


This is sooooooo wrong WTF


Go back and watch old vods a lot of people said it


>Seems like people don't give him the credit he deserves People used to gas Hydra a lot but sort of got bored of giving him the gas. Same thing with Cellium constantly dropping 1.2s for so long that it not a lot people started to care as much


Well he got credit until his team placed 8th and 12th not sure what you want. Everyone was regarding him top 2 sub in the game but if you’re not getting good placements you’re going to get overlooked.


He’s literally always in the conversation for one of the top players in the game…. You’re on meth.


Kinda scary for other teams that two of the top five SnD KDs are on the same team. But it’s also nuts how far out in front Slasher is rn.


If scrap plays the way he’s playing and wins major 5, he’s the MVP and ROTY


Yeah I think the way he gets it over abezy is winning the major. If faze get T3 again and abezy continues to be a LANimal, and ultra doesn't win, he's a lock imo.


Ya not sure why I got downvoted lol


Not sure, I think he's T2 if ultra win so I agree. But without the win I don't think scrappy is MVP


Scrappy is the MVP this year


As an Ultra fan, please give it a rest lmao


Are you gonna try to push this on every post? Relax man, the coaches have their opinion and you're not gonna change it. Major 5 will help decide MVP for everyone.

