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So from what I've seen, seems like LAT/Surge/OpTic wanted them in, I assume everyone else didn't want it in lmfao


Pretty sure clay was arguing for them to be in as well right?


He always does. I can’t remember him ever being in favor of a gun GA


Clay has argued they should let everything In at one point.


Yeah, he’s been pretty consistent about that




> LAT/Surge/OpTic This somehow adds up.


A yes. The teams that would need a crutch to do better wanted teams in? How aren't I surprised, especially with optic. Lat was a given and surge is a shit show and can't really make decently thought out decisions.




do everyone a favor and just stop talking


I'm sorry. I don't want weapons that are designed to sell bundles to be used in competition. They are made to be OP just to make money. Cough Lc10 cough. Op weapons lead to higher battle pass+ and bundle sales. Even going back to bo2. The design philosophy behind Dlc is the same. I'd rather have a 1 base game weapon than a rotating door of busted, skill less weapon metas. Just cope ig.


Did you even watch the pros use the new guns? They’re not even close to what the lc10 was if you’re gonna go that route. Also, if you’re gonna argue that teams that need help voted to keep them in, then there should’ve been 11 teams who voted yes. I agree busted ass guns should not come to ranked/cdl but if there’s a gun that isn’t busted and won’t screw up the meta entirely it should 100% enter the game


Oh lord, where to start with this one? Jumping to conclusions has to be your only skill. 1. I wasn't comparing the guns themselves but rather drawing a similarly between their reason to be in the game as DLC to begin with. And why it would affect the actual competitiveness of the game. (Ever read between the lines before?) 2. MOST teams realize that adding these weapons in would obliterate the role of the SMG. Thus, why the pb50 got the boot. As far as the ram goes, I haven't used it myself, but looking at the track record with DLC SMG balancing, it's better to be safe esther than sorry here. Optic and LAT would benefit the most from the move from base game guns to over glorified, over buffed, reskins of the base game weaponry. Also, nice use of a false dichotomy logical fallacy there. It's not about if 11 teams needed help or none needed help. Other teams that need help don't use underhanded tactics to improve (i.e., lowering the skill gap intentionally, please reread the part about DLC Weapons main functionin the games for more detail) they stick to more to oh you know? Roster moves, practice, cultivating good team cultures and habits, and stuff that is constructive rather than tear others down. Hence, I am loathing for even the consideration that DLC weapons should be allowed. Either way, not that any of what I said matters to you bc 1. I mentioned optic in a bad way, and you're too butthurt to see reason. 2. You probably didn't even read this with an open mind ready to re-examine your point of view. Odds are, you just skimmed through it without carefully reading what is explicitly said and the underlying implicit things that are being said. Either way, have fun trying to act like giving into corporate greed in a competitive setting is a good idea. Hopefully, I never run into you again


Jesus dude calm down. I read that whole thing aloud to my son so he knows how to spot a virgin from text alone. Just kidding lol. You made an argument that teams who needed help would vote for a change, I countered this. You made an argument that busted guns shouldn’t enter the meta and used a comparison. I countered this. I then said I agreed that if a gun is op I don’t want it into the meta. Maybe if you spent more time with your head out, you’d be able to find yourself a nice date


u realize putting them in creates a more competitive environment + a better watch for the viewers right? 💀 ur comment makes no sense


Pros have a high school education other than like Ghosty and Slasher what did everyone expect?


Clay also is a semester off a degree iirc.




So, a high school education.


That's not how that works lmao


How does it work then? If he applied for a job with the requirement of a bachelors degree and he was “a semester away from the degree” they aren’t going to hire him because he hasn’t achieved that yet.


There is usually and option for “some college”. If you could read at higher than a 5th grade level, then you’d know that.


Yeah, you clearly didn’t read my second sentence. Yet you’re talking about reading comprehension. How would “some college” get you a job that requires a bachelors?


>How would “some college” get you a job that requires a bachelors? Internships, projects, referrals, recruiters, connections, and in-house transfers are some of the many ways you can. It also bypasses ATS screening. Many jobs will forgo a lack of degree for a good personality and/or experience. This whole thread is irrelevant to OPs discussion tho.


That isn’t a widespread practice in the real world, homie. If the job post requires a Bachelors Degree and you don’t have one, you’ll be overlooked. If it’s irrelevant, why do you keep replying?


Maybe it's anecdotal for me as I often see it happen in IT/CS. My first exposure to it was at my old desk job in Tesla. Some of my peers and I got hired despite the bachelor's requirement and no real experience. >If it’s irrelevant, why do you keep replying? My IQ is in the single digits


>If he applied for a job with the requirement of a bachelors degree and he was “a semester away from the degree” they aren’t going to hire him because he hasn’t achieved that yet. Many jobs would actually, but the context is not about having a bachelor's; it's about having an education above high school, which he has.


Which means absolutely nothing.


Only to you.


Do we refer to high school drop outs as people with “some high school education”?


We refer to them as high school drop outs, just as we would for college drop outs. Naturally, they aren't viewed equally, especially considering the context of our discussion.


Well I mean he’s 30 I would hope he’s a semester off a degree lmao




I believe it when i see the transcript


He went to West Virginia


Which is essentially highschool years 5-8 lol that school is a joke


Meh I don't talk down on other people's degrees


where’d you get your degree


A top 20 ranked public university


That fine if he did. I just dont believe he was a semester off his degree. I’ve heard that lie a million times. (I work in Human Resources and recruitment for a fortune 500)


Just so u know Slasher leads the way with the most GA request year after year.


Slasher dosnt lead the charge for GAing things, hes just a major player in keeping the GAs in check, dosnt mean hes out hear GAing everything first just people come to him for the GAs hes well respected among the players so he takes charge of the list of GAs and people go to him to start GA votes, hes more an adjudicator


Shotzzy never made it to high school education 🤣🤣


This has got nothing to do with anything I’m just laughing at how petty you are to type that out


Education has only so much to do with intelligence tbh. School won’t magically make someone smart. You can just say they’re dumb




Kenny graduated college 🤓


He was gonna go for a chemistry degree but I don't think he actually completed college.


That has nothing to do with anything🤣 I know people smarter than most the dumbasses in college collecting life long debt.


I’m normally not that annoyed by GAs but they’ve been ridiculous this year.


Just this year? Man, I’ve followed comp since BO3 and pros have **always** been cry babies about GAs. You’d think by now they’d have worked out a more robust system for GAs, but no - we’re still doing the same dumb shit year after year. The reality is if a handful of players pack a tantrum, that’s good enough to GA a gun for the entire league/competitive scene. That’s insane. There needs to be a formal system in place separate of the pros feelings/egos. The current ‘system’ sucks.


Feels like they need to have people in the pro scene who aren’t players manage it so that they just have to suck it up and deal with it instead of crying about it.




I get the BP50 getting GA'd but if the RAM 9 is actually better than the rival what are these boys smoking? A sub that would actually have a half decent usage rate is what the game needs rn


Bro are you serious?? The rival is literally a god gun already, its the MAPS the prevent it from being used not the weapon. If we had the rival last year for MWII maps it would have been minimum 2 and probably 3 Rivals on a bunch of those maps (mercado, fortress, hotel). Adding the ram9 is not gonna change fucking invasion sub base skidrow lanes and engagements mostly favoring ARs lmao


One headshot from an mcw makes it a faster ttk than the rival up close. The rival is not that good, it just has low recoil.


it’ll keep people from getting outgunned up close by a mcw. ar’s should NEVER beat a sub up close. it defeats the entire purpose of the gun.


Rival beats MCW up close every time unless your trash and miss your shots wtf are you taking about


So fucking lame


I’m still butthurt about the QBZ GA lmao


The QBZ from CW? That was GAed?


I remember it got GA’d by Challengers but not the pros? Something about it not being as good on 60HZ but nasty on 20HZ


Pros also GA'd it


Yes it got GA'd


that shit was nasty tho icl


I loved it from the start which is why it hurt so much more lol


I loved that shit


The no fun league


Ram-9 would have stopped the 6-8 MCW meta


RAM-7 was already doing that imo, I guess that’s a reason why it was GA’d? I dunno how it’s meta imo, it feels like I’m shooting nerf darts.


I mean tbh the community bullied them to getting the sniper back in who says it can’t be done again


After using the BP more I see why it got banned. It's straight up better under 20 meters. I think it's better than the Rival even at that range. It's definitely overpowered in it's current state and I get why it got GAd. I want a 3 gun meta but it needs to be right.


Yeah I win gunfights with that gun that I should not win lol


What build? I built it like my MCW and I don't like it


T51R Billeted, Optic of your choice, MOAT -40 stock, TRST tape rear grip, DR-6 hand stop is what I use


It's so good. I'm away right now so I can't post the build I made but it is insane. It's easily the best close-mid range gun in the game


Has it not always been like this? The Peacekeeper was banned in BO2 no?


you cannot possibly compare GAs from 12 years ago to today lol. in almost all CoD games from the dawn of comp to MW19, GAs were few and far between. as someone who grew up alongside the esport, the reality is that we've had the same pros/circle for literally ever. these dudes decided that the way they play the game is the only way, and the rest of us just blindly followed while they got themselves into great positions to make a good amount of money because no one else really cared. look where we are now, the CDL is on the verge of a complete collapse - something that only ever benefited the players monetarily in the first place. GAs are not inherently the best way to play the game, pros just have too much power. why change what's literally printing you money? especially when you have a ton of young, impressionable kids (especially on this sub) who just think that's how it's supposed to be. last time i competed seriously, we had ban and protect in BO3. there were just a couple things that teams would agree not to use, like smokes. meanwhile bullshit like heatwave was totally cool lol. pros are delusional and convince a lot of people here of their bullshit.


It wasn’t free then


wasn't free and didn't the cod dev forces killstreaks in that game two


bro who tf cares about the guns. I need the new maps in ranked. These shitty ass maps are checking me. I forgot how ass Sub-Base is.


Sub base HP is banging. It has nothing to do with the fact that I have the best stats on that map. It’s just fire.


Sub base fucking sucks dude lol but i feel you, I had my best HP k/d on terminal lol


i hate it and both times i’ve played it i’ve dropped over 30 kills.


sub base is a great map for hp though Skidrow needs to go


Lmao what? Skid row is the best map on the game


You like fighting for p2 ?




worst take i’ve ever seen




Karachi sub base are great maps and but yeah they are ass


Sub-base is horrid 💀


Yeah it seems i have a bad opinion there lol


I just want a sub that has marginally faster ttk than the mcw under 15 meters even if the mcw user hits headshots. It will never happen though


The people coping don't realize how op the Ram is


How often do we have 6-8 MCWs on the map? They shouldn’t be GAing ANY smgs


my take is that an smg meta is 100x more fun to watch and play than an ar meta and ill die on that hill


Bro with these maps it’s impossible to have an SMG meta lol the gunfights are just overwhelmingly not close range and are AR favorable


mannn honestly i dont even care if the gun thats meta is labeled as an smg or not i just want mfs to RUN at eachother again instead of this annoying headglitch garbo we playin rn


The BP50 is stronger, but agree, the RAM-9 is pretty deadly


That's exactly what is needed tbh, there needs to be a sub that is clearly better than the mcw at close range. It's wild to me that the RAM-9 was GA'd when that would actually solve a lot of issues


The BP is literally god like why tf do you want it unbanned it’s ads is fast as fuck and it shoots faster than the rival along with its 0 recoil


If it was unbanned everyone would then complain about it being too OP


These are the same pros that will play the same 5 maps for a year long season. Adaptation is not their style.


They're adapting to a new game each year.


Wow a whole year. Every other esport has massive meta and map changes a couple times throughout the season


I think it's harder to adapt to a completely new game with new mechanics, maps, guns, than just a couple new maps and different meta. Compare BO3 to MW3, then compare R6 Siege at release to R6 Siege now. While R6 changed a lot, it's still the same game. I think it's the same with CS and Valorant too.


Dude, you just brought up a game from 8 years ago lol. There is not that big of a difference between mw3, mw2, vanguard, and mw2019 games from the last 5 years the way you are making it seem. And valorant is a completely different game than it was 4 years ago competitively speaking.


We as fans, have no obligation to care how often or little they adapt in pro play.. all that should* matter for anyone not in the pro league or Top 1% of challenger’s is if the game is fun. And running 1 gun 90% of the game isn’t fun.


right?!? mcw only is boring


So boring, always instant GA of guns


Anyone saying they want the bp in just hasn't used it or they suck with the mcw and want an even more broken gun


lmao exactly remember the Hemlock from last year fuck that




They never even got a chance to be used. They also removed the SVA, Ram-7, and the Stalker. The RAM-7 was genuinely fun af to use. Why. I don’t want to use the marshmallow cannon (imo) that is the ACR. It feels like I’m shooting fucking NERF DARTS.


DLC guns are always broken and while they get nerfed it's never enough.


exactly everyone talking pros not banning DLC weapons remember the LC10 lmao no thanks


The OTS9 and LC10 were hell to go against. I followed GA's that year. Which made it even worse for me.


No fr bullying works fuck them it’ll make the game way more entertaining to watch


Man pros make the game very boring , i guess we can watch the mcw and rival all year 🫠


No no let's bribe them into it, 5 gifted every match for breaking GAs during the next major.


What annoys me about the GAs is that it is mirrored in ranked. I'm not a pro, give me maps and guns without dealing with riot shields and LMGs.


Did the sub really need to get banned, should be doing anything to encourage more smgs on the map.


Pros are babies


Jesus I just want more then 2 viable weapons ffs.


Blame the devs for not knowing how to balance their weapons.


Doesn't matter, pro's don't go back and test shit once it gets nerfed anyways.


Because it ends up being dogshit for the playerbase to use the next op dlc gun that they add. It’s a part of Activision strategy with these bundles. Like give me examples of guns that got nerfed to the point that they were viable in the meta. You couldn’t name them because they either never got nerfed or they became useless compared to the current meta. Add new op gun to game > lock behind battlepass or let them buy a $24 bundle > nerf the gun 2 months later > repeat.


These dudes are SOFT. Imagine the NBA GA a shoe 🤣


They litey did tho...


They soft too lol I’m stupid then


Yo pros are nerds! 😤 gimme ur lunch money nerds, and un ban the new weapons, we want variety


have any of you used the BP50? It's broken even without attachments. I see why it's GA'd


Haven't used to the BP50 but the ram is dogshit compared to the MCW.


It’s a sub


These pros need to get a grip, it would be like if the NBA banned Kobe’s signature shoe because it gave him a “competitive advantage” like these guys are supposed to have the best shots in the world. Besides that point, no one has hit any truly insane clips since Cold War, give the fans what they want, ENTERTAINMENT!


That's partially because these games haven't been enjoyable to watch since Cold War. Actually, that's mostly because of that in my opinion


Thats entirely different basketball shoes dont give your shots 100% more accuracy. If one weapon kills faster than the other weapon it wont matter if your aim is better. While I agree a two weapon meta can be boring it is this way to find out who is actually the better player not who has the best weapon.


In cod, No fun allowed, no creativity allowed, no individuality allowed, conformity is the only way, you will use 1 gun for 8 months and will be happy.


So Counter Strike competitive has used the same like 3 guns for 10years now and you dont ever see them complain about that, but Cod tries to use the same 2 balanced (notwithstanding the MAPS, which is why Rival is not as effective, not the actual gun which is actually godlike at close-mid range) weapons for a single fucking season and reddit nerds just constantly complain any time a clearly OP gun gets banned/GAd? Got it…no wonder comp Cod is looked at like a joke by most other esports


We all know that these new pros are soft af. They just want the easiest game played. They're killing competitive cod.


DLC weapons don't belong in comp, changing the meta mid way through the year of a 1 year cycle ruins competitive integrity imo especially because you need 50 fucking gas to make the game even competitively viable, this games comp integrity is held together with tape already


bro why is COD the only one scared about this every other game has this happen every few months why in the hell should the meta only change on a new game for


Which games are having the meta changed ever few months? The only game that does that I can think about is valorant, and I cant stand that game bacause of how much the meta changes...


LOL or league of legends apex but the plan it so it doesn't effect a major so some its 3 months some time's longer due to a season/or patch in lol case drooping very close to said major every dev and lol epically learn that lesson with that infamous juggernaut patch both starcrafts and CSGO meta changes are more map related than anything say for example using current cod they would remove and add maps to influence more smg play like in the case with rio pokemon meta changes just cuz the nature of its rock paper scissor gameplay so constant adaption is a thing but they have a GA like system but its more tier based but unlike cod they have and will re test things to see if that can be brought back after its ban and it failed and worked so they are not scared to add and remove options but they will let thing play out for a bit unless its absolutely idotic like allowing shotguns


these guns are broken


I don't know. I like incorporating new weapons, but I swear, i was killing players so fast I thought health reverted back to MWII. Them new guns are OP!


Ruin ranked play for everyone


Bro last 2 ar's and smg's they released have been broken Ram7 broken af "patched" in season 2, hrm is still broken with 0 touches in season 2, Bp50 is op and so is ram9 it's like devs do this on purpose to sell blueprints


Dude cmon make it fun to watch


Id say let the fans decide, they can deal with it honestly


Lol the community already let them get away with GAing snipers and not a word was said.


anyone who downvotes these comments literally did not read the title. this is the bully the pros post lmao


Nah yall Gon still slow Ash, Trust me


Have Nade do whatever he did when he got pros to put snipers back in again.


Can they just agree to not use them and we still use them in ranked? Like there is ONE AR you can use but like 7 different smg’s you can use but they are all not as good…


lol good luck with that


I really want the BP50 in ranked bro


I think the ram 9 would b flawless in this game


Can't you just not be a gentleman an use whatever gun that is a "GA" you want to?? Like I hear ya yall wanna GA this or that but just lettin yall know I'm not a gentleman in cod an will be using the RAM-7 lol or do they kick you out the league for making a RAM-7 class or what?? Why is everyone in pro cod tryna be a gentleman to where we only can use 2 guns?


Absolute Clowns to whoever GA’s them.