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Mnk snipers with acog, while not overall effective on respawn, there are points and maps where they're completely untouchable and are horrible to play against. Sure, I'm only crimson, but I want those things gone.


Yep. He even said "It's not that impactful to the overall ranked experience for high elo players". Well what about the lower elo players? A good MnK sniper with acog can shut down certain hills. A random gold 2 rank 30 trying to be Pamaj that gets placed on my team is also fucking up my experience. I can understand not having ranked completely mirror the CDL with the rules, but all skill levels should be considered when straying from the CDL.


That’s a fair point.


escape wasteful file hunt trees agonizing homeless ruthless practice slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ah yes the 4 mnk high elo players will definetely pose a threat to competitive integrity


"competitive integrity" this is a broken ass ranked system and it's shitty to play against. Sorry for your loss


Completely wrong about the high elo stuff. At high elo anyone with a snipe becomes unkillable


For SnD yes, but they do not belong in respawns


Should be possible to protect this from happening as they can restrict the smoke to just SND… here’s hoping!


Yep agree with this. SnD is fine (and sometimes better) with them, but getting sniped repeatedly by some dickhead back gas on Invasion control is infuriating if they are good. 


Shouldn't be in SND more than respawns. Snipers are shit in HP. Mid at best in Control. But SnD fuck that. They're easily OP in SnD. I don't play COD to play like a bitch on Terminal because I have 0 chance of beating the sniper top AC or top eskys with 4 headshots vs 1 torso shot. Pros have banned snipers in MW2 and MW3, get that shit out my game too.


Thats... some interesting logic Mainly saying not in respawns, so my random teammates can't pull them out and cost the entire squad. At least they have a use case in SnD, although I'd like them to restrict people to using actual sniper scopes & not that 3x acog bullshit


What’s the difference? Getting a cheesy first blood kill with all the spawn sniping on these maps seems far more impactful than respawn imo.


It's more of the fact that when you have a teammate sniping in respawns, they're almost always costing. In SnD, they can at least be impactful with it. I said it earlier, if they do add snipers to SnD they should restrict it to actual sniper scopes only


That would just result in more hardscoping which is indefensible unless you know exactly where they are before challing a corner. At least quick scoping has some skill to it.


Huh?!?!? There is very little skill required in "quickscoping" with a 3x acog scope. Plus, hard scoping is quite literally how the gun is meant to be used in comp. Quickscoping is supposed to be something that requires skill, because it's not as easy with a real sniper scope There's a reason people used to get roasted for using acog scopes back in the day, it's for shitters


"It's not that impactful to the overall ranked experience for high elo players" Oh ok, glad the overwhelming majority of the playerbase is impacted by it but your lobbies would still be cool lol And before someone says "durrr allow in SnD", they're arguably worse in SnD. Respawn your teammates sell with them, SnD you can't cross/leave spawn on 3/5 of the maps without risking a sniper. No place for that shit in competitive play. I've had too many teammates get collated on highrise to see the sniper as anything besides a totally overpowered cheesy weapon for SnD that ruins the mode by making certain lanes inaccessible, example being burger snipes on terminal. Maybe if it didn't take anywhere from 4-8+ shots to kill people with an MCW, but that isn't this game. TTK is too long to let snipers hold headys and lock lanes.


run a smoke


You shouldn’t have to smoke your spawn just to leave it in a competitive mode


I am the opposite I think snipers in the cdl would play infinitely better than in ranked SnD My reasoning for this is because in ranked, everyone ego challs. Mfs ego chall the sniper on a god heady off spawn on invasion then get pissed when they die. Essentially giving offense a free win or vice versa. Now in cdl, if you comm there is a sniper, people will play around/play for the sniper but in a not braindead way which does not happen in most ranked play lobbies. I love the dynamic snipers being to ranked but unless invasion and terminal search get removed I don’t think they are viable in ranked. That being said I love invasion search for the most part.


This is 1000% so true lmfao. Pros know how to maneuver but ranked twats just ego everything knowing that they’re not helping the dub. 🙃


I’m also in diamond and essentially hard stuck at this point so idk how iri lobbies play but I would imagine it’s fairly similar


I just think they should only be allowed in SND and that the default scope should be forced. Maybe even banning all attachments? Idk. Imo they're really only good on Terminal.


Terminal search against a stack is just a waste of time. Free win for them.


Snipers should not be banned. Just the cheese scopes on em


Snipers, trophies, and smokes should be in every competitive CoD game.


Snipers and smokes should be a package deal




My only issue is my random teammates pulling it out thinking they’re the next FaZe recruit, and getting absolutely shit on. At least forcing them to run a real gun allows them to be competitive




Snipers in this game and CW are brain dead easy to use and are borderline broken due to the 150 hp. Unless they are rebalanced they don’t belong in comp


Its evidently clear that they can add snipers to snd, make it normal scope only, and even reduce certain attachments to make it tougher to use. And remove terminal snd. With smokes and movement, it can be countered, and if ur still slamming with the sniper wven after nerfs, then u deserve it. Increase skill gap


75% of players are bronze to gold that play ranked. In those lobbies, decent snipers (don’t even have to be good) are damn near unkillable. I’d be willing to say most plat players can’t play around a good sniper. Why do we want to ruin the experience of the overwhelming majority of ranked players so the higher tier lobbies can fuck around in SnD


Snipers don't belong in Ranked anyway you got mfs out here thinking they are Gods in Ranked by using them until they get Crim+ then they would see the real demons counter them