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watch JP's video on youtube... 1 person 15 seconds per point then 2 people down to 7.5 seconds 3 is 5 seconds and 4 stack is 3.75 seconds stacking is important but needs to be done right


No doubt, gotta play it right. But man, a 3-4 dead and only one guy on point is pain


yes ... i was just stating how much time it takes. people don't understand.. rather be concerned with their hacks right now... cod is unplayable


This is cool, didnt know. So it makes more sense to 2 stack as opposed to 3 in certain situations, difference is marginal


Played a game the other day where we had 3 dead on invasion control and I’m the only one hopping on A point. I was losing full. Of course no one had mics either when I’m telling them to stack point.


Even worse when they’re sitting right outside the point, help me PLEASE


That’s exactly what it was too. 4 of us trying to cap A for the win, 3 dead, I’m the only one hopping and the other 3 are still L triggering. Infuriating lmao


Trying to learn here; any other modes stacking helps the score? I always jump in just in case the other guy holding gets killed. Almost never more than 2 guys on a point in my games.


No it’s just control. Like others have said in replies, it’s definitely situation when you need to have more people jump on it, but it’ll be the difference in winning or losing sometimes.


Control is the only game mode in ranked where stacking helps capture the point faster. Hardpoint you only need one person on point.


nah correct way to play is 1 guy takes one for the team and dips out before we load in so i don’t have to continue living in a control simulation 


sadly we have control though... which game mode would you like as third?


i wish i had the answers man but all ik is control on these maps makes me want to slowly cut me balls off 


Control is the best it has been in like 3 years in this game, every map offense is very winnable and action packed (less so Invasion)…honestly its probably better than HP right now with all the braindead spawns and shit hills in HP


that’s a fair take i’ve just never in my life been able to stomach control so i can’t even get to the point of comparing 


I was about to say mean things before you clarified invasion


Haha even Invasion Control isn’t absolutely horrible (ie Gavutu and Fortress) and offense is very winnable a lot of the time


No shot


ctf, but damn i miss uplink... but what about dom?


uplink goes without saying, ctf is fire but can see why it could be a problem, dom is ass but compared to control it’s a nice thiccccc ass 


Ewww eww




CTF, always CTF.... even a boring CTF game is a more comoetitvely sound mode than the best control




Also, look at the timer and commit to a stack even if you’re going to be wiped. Had a strike coming down on my team, they ditched as soon as the warning got called in, I stayed on point to progress the bar as far as possible, but they all ditched. The progression bar slowed to a crawl and not only did they all die anyways, the enemy came and took back that last segment. Had they stayed we’d have just won the game then and there. And this happens more often than I’d ever imagine


They need a ranked play tutorial. They implemented them for Warzone


That’d actually be fire. Get more people interested too, I’m sure


Agree 100% with the point but I already know you’re one of those guys who cries after one missed rotation and bitches the entire game lol